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- About SF
- Accreditation
- Contact Santa Fe College
- Equal Access and Equal Opportunity (EAEO)
- Mission, Values and Goals
- SF Named Top Community College in the Nation
- Operations and Services
- Title IX
- Consumer Information
- Baccalaureate Retention and Success - Consumer Information
- CARES Act - Consumer Information
- Copyright Law - Consumer Information
- Drug And Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program - Consumer Information
- Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) - Consumer Information
- (G) Academic Programs - Consumer Information
- Professional Licensure and Certification Information - Consumer Information
- State Vocational Program Placement - Consumer Information
- Retention Success - Consumer Information
- (V) Institutional Policies Regarding Vaccinations - Consumer Information
- SF History Timeline
- Academic Affairs
- Advisory Committees - Academic Affairs
- Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence
- Faculty Support - Academic Affairs
- Final Exam Schedule - Academic Affairs
- General Education
- Professional Development - Academic Affairs
- Syllabi Checklist - Academic Affairs
- Textbook Affordability Guidelines - Academic Affairs
- Title III - Academic Affairs
- About Academic Affairs
- Faculty Credentialing Manual
- Academics
- Career and Technical Education
- Career and Technical Education Scholarships
- Business Programs
- Construction and Technical Programs
- Education Programs
- Department of Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology
- Advisory Committees for Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology
- Contact - Department of Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology
- Faculty - Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology
- Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology Advising
- Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology Current Students
- Dance, Associate in Arts Degree
- Health Sciences
- Institute of Public Safety
- Advisory Committees for Institute of Public Safety
- Train and Work in Bradford County
- Contact Institute of Public Safety
- Institute of Public Safety Equivalency of Training
- Institute of Public Safety Faculty
- Licensure and Certification - Institute of Public Safety
- Institute of Public Safety Veterans
- Institute of Public Safety - Advanced and Specialized Training
- Advanced Field Training Officer Course
- Advanced Report Writing And Review
- Basic Detective Investigations Course
- BLS/CPR Instructor
- De-Escalation Techniques for Criminal Justice Officers
- First Aid Instructor Course
- Florida General Instructor Techniques
- General Instructor Refresher Course
- Interviews and Interrogations
- School Resource Officer
- Supervisor Report Review
- Vehicle Operations Instructor Course
- Institute of Public Safety Advising
- Current Students
- Information Technology Education
- TEAM Careers
- Emerging Technologies
- Degree Options - Programs of Study
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Department of English
- Department of Humanities, Communications and Languages
- Mathematics Department
- Department of Natural Sciences
- Contact - Department of Natural Sciences
- SF2UF Bridge to Baccalaureate - Department of Natural Sciences
- Science Resource Areas - Department of Natural Sciences
- Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Programs of Study
- Automotive Service Management Technology, A.A.S.
- Zoo Animal Technology, A.S.
- Business Administration - Management, A.S.
- Business Administration – Insurance & Risk Management, A.S.
- Applied Business Analytics, A.S.
- Office Administration, A.S.
- Accounting, A.S.
- Nursing A.S. (Evenings and Weekends)
- Nursing, A.S.
- Radiography, A.S.
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography, A.S.
- Invasive Cardiovascular Technology, A.S.
- Cardiovascular Sonography, A.S.
- Respiratory Care, A.S.
- Dental Hygiene, A.S.
- Nursing Bridge LPN, A.S.
- Nuclear Medicine Technology, A.S.
- Physical Therapist Assistant, A.S.
- Surgical Services, A.S.
- Dental Hygiene Bridge, A.S.
- Health Services Management, A.S.
- Emergency Medical Services, A.S.
- Early Childhood Education, A.S.
- Computer Information Technology, A.S.
- Health Information Technology, A.S.
- Theatre and Entertainment Technology, A.S.
- Construction Management Technology, A.S.
- Graphic Design Technology, A.S.
- Digital Media Technology, A.S.
- Biotechnology Laboratory Technology, A.S.
- Programming and Analysis, A.S.
- Chemical Technology, A.S.
- Networking Systems Technology, A.S.
- Criminal Justice Technology, A.S.
- Paralegal Studies, A.S.
- Biomedical Equipment Technician, A.S.
- IT Security, A.S.
- Health Services Administration, B.A.S.
- Health Service Administration, B.A.S. - Clinical Documentation Integrity concentration
- Clinical Laboratory Science, B.A.S.
- Industrial Biotechnology, B.A.S.
- Early Childhood Education, B.S.
- Nursing, B.S.N.
- Organizational Management - Management, B.A.S.
- Organizational Management, B.A.S. – Human Resource Management concentration
- Organizational Management, B.A.S. - Public Safety Management concentration
- Organizational Management, B.A.S. - Applied Business Analytics concentration
- Organizational Management, B.A.S. – Zoo and Aquarium Management concentration
- Organizational Management, B.A.S. – Digital Marketing concentration
- Accounting, B.S.
- Multimedia and Video Production Technology, B.A.S.
- Information Systems Technology, B.A.S. - Network concentration
- Information Systems Technology, B.A.S. - Programming concentration
- Information Systems Technology, B.A.S. - Security concentration
- Computed Tomography, A.T.C.
- Sterile Processing Technology, C.C.C.
- Polysomnography, A.T.C.
- Mobile Gaming Entrepreneurship, Certificate
- Risk Management and Insurance Operations, Certificate
- Data Management Analytics Specialist, Certificate
- Allied Healthcare Business Specialist, Certificate
- Office Specialist, Certificate
- Revenue Cycle Management Medical Coder Biller, A.T.D.
- Information Technology Support Specialist, Certificate
- Computer Programmer, Certificate
- Computer Programming Specialist, Certificate
- Help Desk Support Technician, C.C.C.
- Network Server Administration, Certificate
- Network Infrastructure, Certificate
- Network Security, Certificate
- Paramedic, C.C.C.
- Emergency Medical Technician, C.C.C.
- Dental Assisting, C.T.C.
- Practical Nursing, C.T.C.
- Nursing Assistant, C.T.C.
- Surgical Technology, Certificate
- Phlebotomy, Certificate
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Technology, C.T.C.
- Automotive Service Technology, C.T.C.
- Welding Technology, C.T.C.
- Advanced Welding Technology, C.T.C.
- Heating and Air Conditioning Apprenticeship, C.T.C.
- Plumbing Apprenticeship, C.T.C.
- Building Maintenance and Management, C.T.C.
- Carpentry Apprenticeship, C.T.C.
- Electrical Construction Apprenticeship, C.T.C.
- Law Enforcement Officer, C.T.C.
- Correctional Officer, C.T.C.
- Crossover From Law Enforcement Officer to Correctional Officer, C.T.C.
- Crossover From Correctional Officer to Law Enforcement Officer, C.T.C.
- Career and Technical Education
- Academy of Science and Technology
- Accessibility @ SF
- Accessibility Resources
- Physical Accessibility
- Visitor / Guests Accommodations
- Electronic Accessibility
- Quick Tips for Digital Content Accessibility
- Canvas Design Guidelines - Accessibility
- Use Videos with Accurate Captioning - Accessibility
- Media and Copyright Law - Accessibility
- Ensure Documents are Accessible - Accessibility
- Describe Essential Elements of Images - Accessibility
- Include DRC Statement in Syllabus - Accessibility
- Use Accessible Text - Accessibility
- Make Web Links Accessible - Accessibility
- Admissions
- Contact Admissions
- Florida Residency for Discounted Tuition
- Additional Information and Forms
- Virtual Admissions Lobby
- Priority Admissions Dates
- Thank You
- Waivers and Exemptions
- Admissions Events
- Get Started - Admissions
- How To Apply - Admissions
- Adult Education - Admissions
- Career Pathways - Admissions
- First Generation Students
- First Time in College Students - Admissions
- International Students - Admissions
- Returning Students - Admissions
- Transfer Students - Admissions
- Transient Students - Admissions
- DACA/Undocumented - Admissions
- Yo Hablo Español
- Next Steps
- Office for Advancement
- Advisement - Academic Advisement Center
- Association of Florida Colleges (AFC)
- Student Ambassador Program
- Andrews Center
- Blount Center
- Brand Guide
- Guidelines - Brand Guide
- Support - Brand Guide
- Toolkit - Brand Guide
- Colors - Brand Guide
- Compliance Statements - Brand Guide
- Consent Forms - Brand Guide
- For President Email Signature Only
- Email Signature - Brand Guide
- Fonts - Brand Guide
- Logos and Letterhead - Brand Guide
- Official Publications - Brand Guide
- Photo Gallery - Brand Guide
- Print Portal - Brand Guide
- Templates - Brand Guide
- Writing Style Guide - Brand Guide
- Web Widgets - Brand Guide
- Santa Fe College Camps
- Career Pathways
- Career and Job Placement
- Center for Academic Technologies
- Career Exploration Center
- College for Kids
- Community Education
- Continuing Education
- Counseling and Wellness Center
- Alcohol, Drug and Addiction Support - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Community Resources - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Contact - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Emergency Assistance - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Frequently Asked Questions - Counseling and Wellness Center
- For Faculty - Counseling and Wellness Center
- For Parents - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Intern Program - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Scope of Practice - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Services for Online Students - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Suicide Prevention - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Sexual Violence Awareness and Prevention
- Worried About a Friend? - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Meditation and Mindfulness - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Resources - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Adjustment Issues - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Anxiety and Stress - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Apps - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Communication Skills - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Coping With Loss - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Depression - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Life Skills - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Racism, Coping and Mental Health Support - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Self-esteem - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Test Anxiety - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Time Management and Procrastination - Counseling and Wellness Center
- Career Service Council
- Davis Center
- Displaced Homemaker Program
- Disabilities Resource Center
- Accommodations for Events
- Contact Disabilities Resource Center
- Frequently Asked Questions - Disabilities Resource Center
- Grievance / Appeals - Disabilities Resource Center
- Service Animals - Disabilities Resource Center
- Adaptive Technologies - Disabilities Resource Center
- Spectrum of Success - Disabilities Resource Center
- Students - Disabilities Resource Center
- /error/
- Executive Leadership
- Financial Aid
- Contact Financial Aid
- Financial Aid TV
- Financial Aid Handbook
- FAFSA Updates - Financial Aid
- Get Your Aid
- Apply - Financial Aid
- Cost of Attendance - Financial Aid
- Dates and Deadlines - Financial Aid
- Eligibility - Financial Aid
- FAFSA Resources
- Federal Work-Study Handbook
- Net Price Calculator - Financial Aid
- Net Price Calculator - Financial Aid
- Special Situations - Financial Aid
- Verification - Financial Aid
- Keep Your Aid - Financial Aid
- Financial Aid Scholarships
- Use Your Aid - Financial Aid
- Ways To Pay - Financial Aid
- Facilities Services
- Office for Finance
- /floridaheritagefoods/
- European Collection
- About Us
- /floridaheritagefoods/biblical-collection/
- Heritage Foods
- Biblical Collection
- African- American Recipes
- African Collection
- Asian Collection
- /floridaheritagefoods/collections/european/
- Latin American Collection
- Events
- /floridaheritagefoods/plant-cards/
- Aloe – Spanish
- Aloe
- Bay Leaf
- Bitter Melon
- Black Eyed Peas
- Bok Choy
- Cassava – Spanish
- Cassava
- Celosia
- Chaya
- Chayote – Spanish
- Chayote
- Collards
- Colorful Potatoes
- Daikon Radish
- Fig
- Garlic Chives
- Ginger
- Gumbo
- Hoppin' John
- Jambalaya
- Juneteenth Drink
- Kiwano
- Lavender
- Malabar
- Mexican Tarragon – Spanish
- Mint
- Mizuna
- Molokhiya
- Muscadine Grape
- Mustard
- Nopal – Spanish
- Nopal
- Okra
- Olive
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Pigeon Peas – Spanish
- Pigeon Peas
- Pomegranates
- Fried Okra
- Potatoes – Spanish
- Roselle – Spanish
- Roselle
- Rosemary
- Shiitake Mushroom
- Sweet Potato – Spanish
- Sweet Potato
- Tarragon
- Thyme
- Tomatillo – Spanish
- Tomatillo
- Turmeric
- All Recipes
- Bok choy with lime dressing
- Candied Sweet Potato
- Cazuela (Pumpkin, Sweet Potato and Coconut Milk Custard)
- Ceviche Peru-Puerto
- Chayote Au Gratin
- Chayote Squash Hash
- Chayotes Rellenos (Chayote Squash Stuffed with Picadillo)
- Christmas Pea Salad
- Coconut Braised Collards
- Collard Greens
- Culantro Chimichurri
- End of Summer fruit salad
- Ensalada de Chayote y Habichuelas Tiernas (Chayote and Green Bean Salad)
- Gandules con Bolitas de Platano (Pigeon Peas with Plantain Dumplings)
- Ginger Pear Preserves Recipe
- Gingery Quiona
- Gumbo
- Hoppin' John
- Indian Pudding
- Kate's House Italian Dressing
- Lemon Okra
- Lemon Parsley Potato Salad
- Maharani Curry
- Mixed Greens with Peaches, Grilled Endive, Seared Shrimp and Pomegranate-Soy Vinaigrette
- Mint Mojito Mocktail
- Mommo's Sweet Potato Pudding
- Mushrooms Al Ajillo
- Peach, Moringa, and Mint Smoothie
- Pot Liquor
- Parsley-Oregano Baking Sauce
- Red Snapper and Smashin' Tomatillo Salsa
- Rosella Muffins
- Roselle-Ginger Punch
- Roselle Relish
- Roselle Sauce
- Sazon
- Scalloped Sweet Potatoes with Apples Recipe
- Shepherd's Pie
- Shrimp with Parsley Ajillo
- Sofrito
- Southern Pea Soup
- Southwest Sheet Pan Veggie Hash
- Spanish Olive Salad
- Summer fruit salad with fresh mint dressing
- Sweet Potato Biscuits Recipe
- Sweet Potato Boats
- Sweet Potato Bread Recipe
- Sweet Potato Cakes
- Sweet Potato Chips Recipe
- Sweet potato pie
- Sweet Potato Pie
- Sweet Potato Pone
- Tangy Tarragon Dressing
- Olive Tapenade Deviled Eggs
- Umatilla Smash
- Watermelon Rind Preserves Recipe
- Yuca with Garlic Sauce / Yuca Con Mojo Criollo
- Resources
- Educator Resources – Classroom Resources
- Educator Resources – Cooking Resources
- Educator resources – Event Planning Resources
- Educator Resources – Games
- Educator Resources – Food and Culture Instructional Tools
- Educator Resources – Planning Chart
- Educator Resources – Recipe Cards
- Educator Resources – Spanish Recipe Cards
- Toolkit
- Educator Resources – Videos
- Educator Resources – Gardening Resources
- Santa Fe College Foundation
- Fine Arts
- Office of the General Counsel
- GRRATE Summer Institutes
- Honors Program
- Human Resources
- High School Dual Enrollment
- Business Incubators - CIED
- International Center
- Contact International Center
- International Opportunities - International Education
- International Education
- International Student Support and Advising
- Institutional Research
- International Student Services
- Contact International Student Services
- Health Insurance - International Student Services
- International Center Lobby Check-In
- Meet Our Staff - International Student Services
- Non-F1 Students - International Student Services
- Current F-1 Students - International Student Services
- Curricular Practical Training (CPT) - International Student Services
- I-20 Extension - International Student Services
- Optional Practical Training (OPT) - International Student Services
- Plans After Graduation - International Student Services
- Reduced Course Load (RCL) - International Student Services
- Transfer-Out - International Student Services
- New F-1 Students - International Student Services
- Information Technology Services
- About - Information Technology Services
- Hardware - Information Technology Services
- Frequently Asked Questions - Information Technology Services
- Basic Troubleshooting For Document Locator - Information Technology Services
- Email Client Information - Information Technology Services
- Fax Server - Information Technology Services
- How to add an email address as a Safe Sender - Information Technology Services
- How to change your name with SF - Information Technology Services
- How to change your password - Information Technology Services
- How to change your picture in Office 365 - Information Technology Services
- How to contact the ITS Help Desk - Information Technology Services
- How to Create a Strong Password - Information Technology Services
- How to identify a phishing email - Information Technology Services
- How to install Office 2016 from Office 365 (webmail) - Information Technology Services
- How to login to Office 365 - Information Technology Services
- How to Use the Classroom Lectern Equipment - Information Technology Services
- Multi-factor Authentication - Information Technology Services
- What is ransomware? - Information Technology Services
- Student Migration to Office 365 - Information Technology Services
- Update Your Online Directory and Outlook - Information Technology Services
- Updating employee emergency contact information - Information Technology Services
- Voicemail - Information Technology Services
- Wifi Assistance - Information Technology Services
- Zoom - Information Technology Services
- Policies - Information Technology Services
- Training - Information Technology Services
- Cybersecurity Training - Information Technology Services
- FERPA Training - Information Technology Services
- Microsoft Windows - Information Technology Services
- Microsoft Office - Information Technology Services
- Phone Information - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Models 4018 and 4019 - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Models 4028 and 4029 - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Models 4038, 4039 and 4068 - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Model 8018 - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Model 8038 - Information Technology Services
- IP Touch Model 8082 - Information Technology Services
- Kirkpatrick Center
- Labs
- Learning Commons
- Lawrence W. Tyree Library
- Laptop Loan Program
- New Materials
- Research Tools
- Technology - Library
- About the Library
- Contact The Library Team
- Library Reservation Kiosk
- Little School
- Marketing & Communications
- newSFeed
- AFC Winter Social Brings Holiday Cheer to SF Employees
- Amended Legal Notice – Meeting 11/19/24 – Updated Location
- Annual Open Enrollment Underway at Santa Fe College
- Applications for SF High School Dual Enrollment Open Feb. 1 for Fall 2025
- Applications Open for Adopt-a-Family Holiday Assistance Until Dec. 2
- Aspiring Student Entrepreneurs Make Their Pitch
- Attention: Open Enrollment Has Begun at Santa Fe College
- Benefits Fair on Oct. 30 to Aid Santa Fe College Employees with Open Enrollment
- Blount Hall Hosts SF Employees for UF Homecoming Parade and Festivities
- Brain Bowl Ends Season, Prepares for January Nationals
- Career Service Employees: Celebrate the Holidays Together on Dec. 12
- Central Utility Plant Outage Planned for Winter Break
- Changes in Financial Aid Status Being Addressed as Top Priority
- Colleague Do Something Special? Nominate Them for a High Five!
- College Senate Agenda for November 12, 2024
- College Senate Agenda for November 26, 2024
- College Senate Agenda for October 29, 2024
- College Senate Agenda for October 8, 2024
- College Senate Agenda for September 24, 2024
- CTLE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Ann Thebaut – Enhancing Ethics Education
- CTLE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. David Pfahler – Bridging Chemistry and the Outdoors
- CTLE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Sarah Cervone – Enhancing Global Perspectives
- David Shlafer Retires After 30 Years at SF
- Departmental (S:\) Drives Migrating to SharePoint Document Libraries
- Don't Forget: Open Enrollment is Happening at Santa Fe College
- Don't Miss the Fall 2024 Surplus Sale at Santa Fe College Nov. 13-14
- Dr. Claudia Cornejo Happel to Lead Fall Faculty Symposium on Nov. 8
- Drop Off Toys for Tots Donations by Dec. 13
- Emerging Leaders Applications Now Open! Fall 2024
- Employees Enjoyed Best Seats on UF Homecoming Parade Route
- Executive Committee to Vote on Changes to LAS Curriculum Committee
- Experience the Magic of "Holiday at Santa Fe" on Dec. 7
- Experience UF Homecoming at the SF Chili and Soup Cook-Off on Oct. 18
- Explore Faculty Creativity at SF Gallery from Nov. 8 to Jan. 31
- Explore Learning Mindsets at the Student Affairs Symposium on Nov. 1
- Fall Commencement is Dec. 12 and 13
- Finalists for VP for Advancement to be on Campus
- Financial Aid Disbursements Underway at Santa Fe College
- First Gen Day at Santa Fe College Celebrates Resilience and Community
- Food Court Closing Early on Friday for Maintenance
- Former Dollar General CEO Shares Story, Life Lessons with SF Students
- Get Green for Halloween: Special Plant and Art Sale on Oct. 16
- Get Moving with "Run with the Cops" at Santa Fe College on Nov. 14
- Get Ready: Open Enrollment is Open at Santa Fe College
- Heads Up: It's Time for Open Enrollment at Santa Fe College
- Help Keep Our Community Safe: Prescription Drug Take Back Event, Oct. 24-27
- Help Santa Fe College Measure Campus Waste Nov. 19
- Horticulture Agriculture and Artist Sale on Nov. 20
- Hurricane Milton Expected to Impact Florida's West Coast Wednesday
- Hurricane Milton to Make Landfall Tonight
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Nov. 1-8
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Nov. 16-22
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Nov. 23-29
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Nov. 30-Dec. 6
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Nov. 9-15
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Oct. 12-18
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Oct. 19-25
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Oct. 26-Nov. 1
- ICYMI: SF Week in Review for Sept. 28-Oct. 4
- Important Notice: Open Enrollment at Santa Fe College Is Underway
- Important Traffic Updates for SF Graduation
- Input Sessions Scheduled to Guide Academic Roadmap
- Internal Job Openings Updated
- Last Chance for Open Enrollment: November 1 Deadline
- Learn About Blackthorn: First Workshop for New Events Platform on Dec. 4
- Legal Notice – Meeting 09/17/24
- Legal Notice – Meetings 09/17/24, 10/15/24, and 11/19/24
- Mark Your Calendars: Teri McClellan's Retirement Celebration
- Mental Health First Aid Training Rescheduled
- Milton Expected to Make Landfall as a Major Hurricane
- Milton Now a Major Hurricane, Landfall Expected Wednesday Evening
- New Park and Ride Location at Santa Fe College Enhances Gator Game Day Experience
- Nominate and Celebrate: Veterans Appreciation Awards Event Announced
- Nominations Open for Part-Time Faculty Excellence Award
- Notice of Amendment Rule 7.8
- Notice of Development Rule 4.2
- Notice of Rule Amendment: Rule 4.2
- Notice Of Rule Amendment
- Notice of Rule Development 7.28
- One Stop Planning Needs Student Input
- Open Enrollment at Santa Fe College is Currently Available
- Open Enrollment at Santa Fe College is Now in Effect
- Open Enrollment Deadline Approaches
- Open Enrollment is in Progress at Santa Fe College
- Open Enrollment is Now Open at Santa Fe College
- Power BI Training for Faculty and Staff on Jan. 21, 2025
- Prepare for Open Enrollment: Key Updates for Santa Fe College Employees
- Professional Development Scholarship Fund Now Open Until Dec. 2
- Public Notice – Advancement VP Search Committee Meeting 6/24/24
- Public Notice – Advancement VP Search Committee Meeting 7/9/24
- Public Notice – Advancement VP Search Committee Meeting 8/14/24
- Public Notice – Advancement VP Search Committee Meetings 8/1/24, 8/6/24, and 8/8/24
- Public Notice – Advancement VP Search Committee Meetings Aug. 12, 2024
- Public Notice – Meetings 07/31/24, 08/05/24, and 08/07/24
- Reminder: Open Enrollment at Santa Fe College
- Saints Food Share Eases Student Hunger During the Holidays and Beyond
- Santa Fe and University of Limoges finalize cultural exchange partnership
- Santa Fe College Awarded Grant for College Knowledge Program
- Santa Fe College Awarded Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) Grant
- Santa Fe College Celebrates Campus Sustainability Month on Oct. 16
- Santa Fe College Celebrates First Gen Day on Nov. 6
- Santa Fe College Celebrates Jazz Heritage with Nov. 15 Concert
- Santa Fe College Closed Nov. 11 for Veterans Day
- Santa Fe College Closed Nov. 27-30 for Thanksgiving
- Santa Fe College Closed Oct. 18 and 19
- Santa Fe College Hosts Career Fair for Job Seekers and Employers
- Santa Fe College Hosts Free Symposium for Justice-Impacted Individuals
- Santa Fe College Hosts Sigue Soñando on Oct. 24 at Blount Hall
- Santa Fe College is Monitoring Potential Tropical Storm Nine
- Santa Fe College is Monitoring Tropical Storm Milton
- Santa Fe College Launches Supply Drive to Support Hurricane Helene Relief
- Santa Fe College Launches Tree Canopy Assessment to Enhance Campus Sustainability
- Santa Fe College Offers Free Heart Health Screenings for All on October 25
- Santa Fe College Offers Professional Development Workshops for Fall 2024
- Santa Fe College OPEN Friday, October 11
- Santa Fe College plays role in storm recovery efforts
- Santa Fe College Releases Updated Salary Schedule
- Santa Fe College's Free "Winds & Classics" Concert Features Patriotic Hits
- Santa Fe College's High School Dual Enrollment Celebrates 50 Years
- Santa Fe College Secures Grant to Modernize Automotive Training Programs
- Santa Fe College Study Abroad 2025: Explore New Cultures, Expand Your Skills
- Santa Fe College to Host Fall 2024 Surplus Sale on Nov. 13-14
- Santa Fe College to Host Fall Invitational Tournament Following Successful Opener
- Santa Fe Saints Basketball Seasons Begin Nov. 1
- Save Big at $5 Fill-a-Bag Event on Nov. 20
- Save the Date: David Shlafer's Retirement Celebration
- November 2024 SF Academy of Science and Technology Newsletter
- December 2024 SF Academy of Science and Technology Newsletter
- SF Athletics This Week: Volleyball Team Send-Off and More
- SF Basketball: Saints Battle Through a Week of Ups and Downs
- SF Closed Oct. 9-10 – Employee Instructions Before Leaving Campus
- SF CLOSED October 9-10
- SF Dental Hygiene Students Showcase Research on Nov. 26
- SF Employees Invited to Enter for iMac Surplus Sale
- SF Foundation Notice of Public Meeting – August 22, 2024
- SF Foundation Notice of Public Meeting – December 5, 2024
- SF Foundation Scholarship Applications Due June 15
- SF Honors First-Generation Students and Graduates on Nov. 6
- SF Hosts Indoor Pickleball Challenge for Hurricane Relief
- SF Invites Students to Explore Wide-Ranging Healthcare Programs
- SF Marketing & Communications Earns Four NCMPR Medallion Awards
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Claim First Home Win of Season
- SF Men’s Basketball: Saints Fall Short at Florida Gateway College
- SF Men’s Basketball: Saints Fall to #9 FSCJ in Nonconference Match
- SF Men’s Basketball: Saints Fall to Palm Beach State on the Road
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Push Tallahassee State College, Lose 90-66
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Ready for Next Challenge After Florida Gateway Contest
- SF Men’s Basketball: Saints Secure Second Straight Victory
- SF Men’s Basketball: Saints Surge Past Mid Florida Academy
- SF Men's Basketball: Santa Fe Saints Look to Build on Season Opener Performances
- SF Men's Basketball: Second-Half Surge Lifts Saints to 76-64 Win
- SF Midweek Review: Academic Roadmap Sessions and More
- SF Midweek Review: Career Fair, Food Share and More
- SF Midweek Review: Fall Commencement and More
- SF Midweek Review: Grants, Central Utility Plant Maintenance and More
- SF Midweek Review: Internal Job Postings, Open Enrollment and More
- SF Midweek Review: Student Affairs Symposium, Open Enrollment and More
- SF Midweek Review: UF Homecoming, Open Enrollment and More
- SF Midweek Review: Waste Audit, Surplus Sale and More
- SF Volleyball: Saints Aim for Comeback After Loss to Buccaneers
- SF Volleyball: Saints Battle Hard Against NJCAA's Best, Ready for Next Challenge
- SF Volleyball: Saints Celebrate Victories in Alabama and Face Tough Loss in Daytona
- SF Volleyball: Saints Face Tough Competition After Successful Vs. Cancer Match
- SF Volleyball: Saints on the Rise with Back-to-Back Sweeps
- SF Volleyball: Saints Secure Fifth Straight Win, Head into FCSAA Tournament
- SF Volleyball: Saints Triumph in Back-to-Back Five-Set Victories
- SF Volleyball: Santa Fe Saints Fall to Daytona State in FCSAA Tournament Quarterfinals
- SF Volleyball: Santa Fe Saints Set Sights on First Citrus Conference Victory
- SF Women’s Basketball: Fourth Quarter Surge Lifts Saints to Victory Over Falcons
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Fall in Close Contest with FSCJ
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Overcome Tough Weekend, Win on Veterans Day
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Push No. 5 Gulf Coast to the Brink
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Secure Road Victory Against FSCJ
- SF Women’s Basketball: Saints Secure Victory Over Tallahassee State
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Split Opening Weekend with a Comeback Win
- Show Off Your Halloween Spirit at the Tyree Library Costume Contest
- Sigue Sonañdo Welcomes Large Crowd for Open House Event
- "Songs of the Season" Brings Holiday Cheer to Santa Fe College on Nov. 22
- Spread Halloween Cheer with the AFC Candygram Fundraiser
- Student Affairs Symposium and Awards Ceremony to Be Rescheduled
- Student arrested following anonymous gun tip; no threat found
- Submit Your Proposal for 2025 Professional Development Day
- Teri McClellan to Retire After Nearly 30 Years at Santa Fe College
- This Week at Santa Fe College: Boo at the Zoo, Young Dancer Showcase and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: Fall Commencement and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: First Gen Day, Saints Basketball and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: President's Coffee Chat, Sigue Soñando and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: "Songs of the Season" and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: Thanksgiving, Table Clinics and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: The Student Affairs Symposium, "Winds & Classics" and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: Veterans Day Closing, Concerts and More
- This Week at Santa Fe College: Women’s Basketball and “Holiday at Santa Fe”
- TimelyCare Partnership Provides Vital Mental Health Support for Students
- “Topping Out” Marks Milestone in Cellon Institute Construction
- Tyree Library Offering Extended Hours for Finals Prep
- Upcoming SF College Recital to Feature Guitar Ensemble and Pop Arrangements
- UPDATE: Rescheduling of Public Notice from 08/05/24 to 08/12/24
- UPDATE: Rescheduling of Public Notice from 08/06/24 to 08/13/24
- Visiting Artists Doug Varone and Dancers to Perform in the Fine Arts Hall Nov. 1
- Volunteers Needed for Nov. 19 Waste Audit
- Volunteers Needed for Santa Fe College Waste Audit on November 19
- VP Advancement Search Committee Meeting – July 18-19, 2024
- Walls Lifted into Place at Cellon Institute on Northwest Campus
- Winds and Classics Concert Rescheduled for Oct. 17
- Workday Rollout Introduces Jobs Hub for Internal Postings
- Young Dancer Workshop and Related Performances are Nov. 1 and 2 in Fine Arts Hall
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- AASHE's Sustainability Resources Available to the SFC Community
- Carole Marquis Scholarship
- Checklist for Dealing with Domain and Email Change
- Discounted Student Bus Passes Available for Students
- Free Summer Living and Learning Workshops
- Saints ShareWare Open Wednesdays this Summer
- Summer Advising Council to Meet June 23
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- Fall Advising Council Meeting
- Heart Disease!
- SFC Hosts Professional Development Expo at the CIED Sept. 30
- Santa Fe College Hosting Cardiovascular Preview Sept. 22
- SFC's East Gainesville Initiative Hosts Annual Community Forum
- Surgical Technology Week
- Tie-Dye for Thailand
- Women of Distinction Award and Women of Promise Award
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- /news/2009/10/08/
- Boucher Recognized as a Top Nursing Professional
- Dodge Ball Tournament
- Happy Hour
- Health Sciences Day
- Public Notice of Upcoming Accreditation Review Visit by NLNAC - Announcement
- Saints Fastpitch Takes on Florida Gators Oct. 14 at 6 p.m.
- Santa Fe College Boots 'n BBQ Cook-off Super BBQ, Serious Prizes
- Santa Fe College's Enrollment Tops 17,000
- Learn About Santa Fe College at Santa Fe Showcase
- Student Life Summer Honor Roll 2009
- "Wild Things" Wildlife Art Exhibit
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- A Message from the SFC Nursing Programs Director
- Author Signing at Coffee 101 in the Library!
- Big Band Blowout
- Cardiovascular Technology Friday Educational Clinic Accepting Appointments for 2010
- Jazz in the Grove
- Madrigal Concert
- Professional Development Scholarship Fund
- Santa Fe College brings "The Nutcracker" to Starke for Encore
- Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo Closed for Tours Friday and Saturday in Preparation for Boo at the Zoo
- Student Ambassador Requests
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- Bartley and the NJCAA # 17 Saints Host Indian River Nov. 20 at 6 p.m.
- Darwin Joins the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo!
- Harn Museum's Susan Cooksey to Discuss African Art on Campus Dec. 1
- "Meteors!" - New Planetarium Show Debut
- Visual Arts Faculty Show in the Santa Fe Gallery
- SF College Relations Wins a First Place at State FACC Awards
- SF Ambassadors Collecting Donations for SHANDS Streetlight Program
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- Continuing Education Classes for Spring 2011
- First 2011 Greedy Reader Meeting Set for Jan. 25
- Get Information on SF Study Abroad Trips, Jan. 11
- Ghana Study Abroad Meeting Jan. 12
- Guest Chef Randal White Coming to Santa Fe College Boots 'n BBQ Cook-Off
- Library Instruction Requests
- P Building Floor Tiles to be Replaced
- Provost Candidate Forums Scheduled for Jan. 11-18
- SLA Study Abroad Grant: Application Deadline Extended
- Social Security Tax Break for 2011
- Tyler's Inspiration
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- Engagement in Undergraduate Research, March 4-5
- King's Double Double Leads SF Past FSC-J, 62-57
- Mozilla Offering Free Online Classes
- Applications Accepted Now for PRO and PRAT Awards
- RUE Research and Creative Projects Festival
- Tholen Inducted into ABCA Hall of Fame
- Wiseman, Clyburn Lead Saints to Road Victory, 76-60
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- /news/2011/03/26/
- /news/2011/03/28/
- Bookstore/Coffee 101 Cleans Up for the March of Dimes
- Doty's Ninth Inning Homer Propels Saints to 5-4 Victory
- Food Court Patio Near Completion
- Kudos to Professors Fred Hart and Joe Daudelin!
- SF Faculty Honored by Athletics Department
- SF Student Leaders and Student Government Recognized in Tallahassee
- /news/2011/03/29/
- /news/2011/03/30/
- /news/2011/03/31/
- /news/2011/04/01/
- /news/2011/04/02/
- /news/2011/04/04/
- /news/2011/04/05/
- Announcements from the PC Shop
- Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation 5K Walk/Run, May 14
- Dan Rodkin Advocates for SF Students Regarding CHOICES
- Scholarship Opportunity: Edward K. Roberts Fund
- SF's EMS Program: Perfect Compliance and Pass Rate
- UPDATE: SF Watson Center to Reopen, Resume Classes at Noon
- Shipping Help Needed for Blankets, Toys, Clothing for Children in African Orphanage
- Today's Fastpitch Games Against Lake Sumter Postponed
- Update on Extension of Campus Wireless Service
- /news/2011/04/06/
- /news/2011/04/07/
- /news/2011/04/08/
- /news/2011/04/09/
- /news/2011/04/11/
- American Cancer Society Relay for Life T-Shirt Names
- An Exciting Week at Santa Fe College
- Greedy Reader Book Club Meeting, April 26
- Prepare: Fire Safety Inspections Thursday and Friday, April 14 and 15
- Relay for Life of Gainesville Information Fest, April 13 in the Oak Grove
- Saints Rout FSC-J 10-4, Clinch Berth in FCSAA State Tournament
- Santa Fe College Moving Newly Constructed Habitat House April 13
- Reserve a Study Room at the Library
- /news/2011/04/13/
- /news/2011/04/14/
- Chin Up!
- Gator Women's Football Clinic
- March of Dimes Silent Auction
- Senior Night 2011, April 14
- SF Delegation Traveled to Seattle for National Phi Theta Kappa Convention
- UF Sustainable Products Trade Show, April 19
- "University Student Launch" Initiative Seeks Faculty Advisor
- Web Design & Development: Open House, April 14
- /news/2011/04/15/
- /news/2011/04/16/
- /news/2011/04/18/
- /news/2011/04/19/
- /news/2011/04/20/
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- /news/2011/04/26/
- /news/2011/04/27/
- /news/2011/04/28/
- 4th Annual College Award Ceremony Honorees
- Altrusa Read-In - Thanks to All Our SF Volunteers!
- CHOICES Eligibility Criteria Changed to Accept Alachua County Citizens Studying at SF
- Lazar named All-State and All-MFC, 11 Others Named All-MFC
- Nine Baseball players Named to All-MFC Teams
- Want to Keep Up with Local Gardening Events and Happenings?
- Watch the Fastpitch State Tournament Live April 29 - May 1
- /news/2011/04/29/
- /news/2011/04/30/
- /news/2011/05/02/
- /news/2011/05/03/
- /news/2011/05/04/
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- /news/2011/07/12/
- /news/2011/07/14/
- /news/2011/07/15/
- Call For Photos for "Exposure.Focus."
- Copy Codes Required Starting July 18
- Fall SF Bus Routes
- Farm-to-Restaurant Workshop & Culinary Fair, Aug. 1
- Kudos to Dr. Dan Rodkin!
- Professor Naima Brown Travels in Jordan
- Saucy BBQ Documentary Set to Make Splash on the Big Screen, Aug. 4
- SF Alum Returns to Exhibit Photography
- "Urban Agriculture, the Comp Plan, and What You Should Know"
- /news/2011/07/16/
- /news/2011/07/18/
- /news/2011/07/19/
- /news/2011/07/26/
- /news/2011/08/01/
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- /news/2011/10/10/
- /news/2011/10/11/
- /news/2011/10/12/
- A Message from Patti Locascio
- College Night 2011 - Thank You!
- First Annual STEM Fest, Nov. 14-17
- Gallery Talk with Judy Rushin, Today
- Make a Difference for Wildlife this Halloween!
- Santa Fe Showcase for Eighth Graders, Oct. 13
- Steve DeCubellis' Retirement Celebration
- Time to Order Your Graduation Regalia
- /news/2011/10/13/
- /news/2011/10/14/
- Call for Items for Student Life's Spring Calendar
- Claudio-Rivera Set to Participate in Pan Am Games for Puerto Rico
- Passings: SF Student Jared Shilling
- Respiratory Care Breakfast, Oct. 15
- SF Students Awarded "Outstanding Delegate" at Model UN Conference
- Theatre Santa Fe Presents "Laundry and Bourbon" and "Lone Star," Oct. 12-15
- /news/2011/10/17/
- Health Career Opportunities, Nov. 2
- FORUM: Healthcare Career Opportunities for African American Men, Oct. 18
- Make a difference for wildlife this Halloween
- Professor Rodney Brown Choreographs for Dayton Contemporary Dance Company
- SF Fastpitch Player in Pan American Games
- Trashformations Recycled Art Competition
- /news/2011/10/18/
- /news/2011/10/19/
- "A Family Needs a Home in Which to Live and Prosper"
- Graphic Design Opportunities, Oct. 20
- Homecoming 2011 Talent Night, 7 p.m.
- Honors Program Recruitment for Spring 2012
- Professional Development Scholarship Deadline
- Professor Naima Brown to Receive Faculty Award, Oct. 20
- SF Professor in the Running to Snap Up State Teacher of the Year Award
- Spotlight on Chamber Music, Nov. 22
- Ugandan Doctor to Speak at Santa Fe College on Eye Care Issues in Africa
- "Winds & Classics" Concert, Oct. 20
- /news/2011/10/20/
- /news/2011/10/21/
- /news/2011/10/24/
- /news/2011/10/25/
- /news/2011/10/26/
- /news/2011/10/27/
- Found An Item? Please Take it to the Police Department, Pronto
- Horror Film Making Class
- Performance Based on Wrongly-Convicted Death Row Inmates' Stories Comes to Campus Nov. 8
- Stellar Madrigals Concert, Nov. 21
- Student Ambassadors of a Different Sort
- Teaching Zoo Needs Candy Donations for Boo at the Zoo
- Theatre Students From Across the Southeast Converge at SF for the 55th Annual Florida Theatre Conference Festival, Oct. 27-29
- /news/2011/10/28/
- Baseball and Fastpitch at Home October 29 and 30
- Claudio Rivera Shines on National Stage at Pan Am Games
- Claudio-Rivera Shines on the National Stage at Pan Am Games
- SF Brain Bowl, Nov. 21
- Leadership Seminar Series, Nov. 2
- Relay for Life Zumba Party, Dec. 10
- Renewals Required Annually for United Way Donations
- Respiratory Care Application Deadline
- /news/2011/10/30/
- /news/2011/10/31/
- /news/2011/11/01/
- /news/2011/11/02/
- /news/2011/11/03/
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- /news/2011/11/23/
- /news/2011/11/26/
- /news/2011/11/28/
- /news/2011/11/30/
- Edwards and Couch Lead Saints Past Brevard, 71-60
- Faculty Exchange with Beijing Union University
- Florida's Minimum Wage Increasing to $7.67
- Information Session: NEW Plant Science Major at UF
- International Taste Fest for Haiti, Dec. 10
- Men's Basketball Florida College Shootout December 10 and 11
- New BookScan Machine at the Library
- SF Bookstore Selling NOOK Products
- Southern Regional Model UN Conference
- Toxicologist Bruce Goldberger to Speak at Santa Fe, Dec. 7
- Transitions: Charles Schultz Retiring From ITE
- Winter Break Food Basket Drive for Local Schoolkids
- Women's Florida College Shootout December 2 and 3
- /news/2011/12/02/
- /news/2011/12/03/
- /news/2011/12/05/
- /news/2011/12/06/
- /news/2011/12/07/
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- /news/2011/12/13/
- /news/2011/12/14/
- /news/2011/12/15/
- /news/2011/12/16/
- /news/2011/12/18/
- /news/2011/12/29/
- /news/2011/12/30/
- /news/2012/01/02/
- /news/2012/01/03/
- /news/2012/01/05/
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- /news/2012/01/08/
- /news/2012/01/10/
- /news/2012/01/11/
- /news/2012/01/12/
- 2012 Hall of Fame Applications Now Being Accepted
- Balanced Attack Leads Saints Past Daytona, 88-69
- Baseball #12 in Collegiate Baseball Newspaper Pre-Season Poll
- Update: Missing Person
- Saints Struggle Offensively in Loss to Daytona, 44-40
- What You Need to Know to Vote in the Jan. 31 Election
- "YouTube for Business" Offered at the CIED, Jan. 26
- /news/2012/01/13/
- /news/2012/01/14/
- /news/2012/01/15/
- /news/2012/01/17/
- /news/2012/01/18/
- /news/2012/01/19/
- /news/2012/01/20/
- /news/2012/01/23/
- Faculty Music Recital Tonight
- Gainesville City Commission Candidates Debate on Campus Today
- Grants Available from the International Education Office
- Hillsborough Hands Santa Fe 65-54 Loss
- Quick Hits for the week of Jan. 30 - What's Coming Up at Santa Fe
- Williams and the Saints Rout St. John's River, 103-75
- /news/2012/01/24/
- /news/2012/01/25/
- ANGEL Party
- Become an Adviser
- CCF Sends Saints to Fourth Straight Loss, 54-52
- Do You Sing? Dance? Step? Rap? Show Your Stuff Today!
- Early Voting Ends Saturday
- Guest Lecturer: UF Law Professor Dr. Winston Nagan, Jan. 26
- Harden and the Saints Edge Central Florida, 68-64
- "YouTube for Business" Offered at the CIED Today
- Zumba Fundraiser
- /news/2012/01/26/
- /news/2012/01/27/
- Ambassadors Collect Food
- C-SPAN Bus at Black History Month Kickoff
- Construction Information Session Tuesday, Feb. 7
- Fastpitch Opens Season at JuCo Kickoff Classic on January 28
- Health Tip Jan. 30
- Job Talk Radio
- Today is National Wear Red Day
- Textbook Affordability Survey for Faculty and Administrators
- Two SF Students Chosen Nationwide
- Voting News
- /news/2012/01/29/
- /news/2012/01/30/
- /news/2012/01/31/
- /news/2012/02/01/
- A Message from the President: Students Involved in Recent Tragedy and Announcement of Vice President for Student Affairs
- Alachua County Releases Annual Report
- CIED Offers Classes on Grant Writing
- Country Rockers! Bradford Fest Talent Showdown Needs You!
- News from SF's International Education Office
- SF Amateur Talent Night Launches Black History Month on Campus
- Simpson Stifles Polk State, Saints Blast Four HR in 10-1 Victory
- Cardiovascular Technology Educational Clinic Accepting Appointments
- Sustainability Summit at UF
- Using Skype in Cross-Cultural Exchanges
- /news/2012/02/02/
- Carter and the Saints Nail 15 Threes in 83-58 Win Over IMG
- CVT Studies Begin Today
- Holmes and the Saints Improve to 20-3 with Win Over FSC-J, 52-46
- Inneractive: Digital Media Faculty Show
- Saints Fall in the Final Minute to FSC-J, 77-72
- Saints Fall in the Final Minute to FSC-J, 77-72
- Santa Fe College in the News
- SF Baseball Season in Full Swing
- Sylvia Reddish: Lifelong Love Affair with Bradford County
- The New York Times Honors Democracy Commitment
- Want to publicize your program, organization or event to students?
- Monday Zumba
- /news/2012/02/03/
- Career Fair at Davis Center Today
- Free Printer Supplies
- Fulbright Scholar Program is Now Open; Webinar Offered Feb. 29
- Miller and the Saints Take Two From Hillsborough CC
- Financial Support Opportunities for Santa Fe Achievements
- Outdoor Concert Raises Awareness for Local Charity
- Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) Program
- /news/2012/02/04/
- /news/2012/02/06/
- /news/2012/02/07/
- #1 Tallahassee Sweeps Santa Fe Fastpitch, 3-2 and 5-1
- Food for Your Soul
- "I Rest in the Grace of the World and Am Free"
- "Like" SF's AFC Chapter on Facebook
- Outcrop of Honor at UF
- Pardo Pitches Saints to 6-3 Victory Over Hillsborough CC
- Save the Date - Feb. 17
- Senate Constitution Change
- Submit Senate Agenda Items
- Webinar Today, 2 p.m.
- /news/2012/02/08/
- Annual SF Inventory Announcement
- Citizen Scientists Needed for "FrogWatch" Training, Feb. 11
- Dr. Portia Taylor Leaves Santa Fe College After 35 Years of Service
- Harden Goes for 27 as Saints Run Past St. John's 82-69
- Saints Hold On Against Polk State, 6-5
- Skate Station Night Feb. 9
- Transfer Day - Today in R-01
- Women's Basketball falls Just Short Against Hillsborough, 50-47
- Yarbrough and Ramos Honored by FCSAA; Baseball Jumps to #1
- /news/2012/02/09/
- /news/2012/02/10/
- Advisor Needed for Alternative Spring Break Trip
- Annual Inventory Process; Due Date March 31
- Biking = Wellness
- Black History Month Educational Tour, Feb. 24
- Graduate Degree Information Session Today
- President's Hall Art Exhibit
- Quick Hits for Feb. 13
- Senate Agenda
- SF Sports Summary
- Yarbrough Continues Scoreless Streak As Saints Shutout Indian River 8-0
- /news/2012/02/11/
- /news/2012/02/12/
- /news/2012/02/13/
- Doty, Simpson Lead #1 Saints Past St. Pete, 9-3
- Jazz Clinic - 3:30 p.m. in E-Auditorium
- Nominate a Professor of the Year
- "Perspectives on Cuba" - International Lecture Series
- Quick Hits for the Week of Feb. 13
- Quick Hits for the Week of Feb. 20
- SF Brain Bowl Team Wins 3rd at Regionals
- SF Saints Athletics
- Student Ambassador Program Open for Applicants
- Student Government Election Results
- Date Night - Tonight!
- Volunteers Needed for FAH Event
- /news/2012/02/14/
- /news/2012/02/15/
- AFC News Briefs
- Baseball Defeats Hillsborough 3-1; Yarbrough Improves to 4-0
- Daytona Hangs on Against Santa Fe, 44-42
- Early Voting Begins Monday for Gainesville Run-Off
- "Just for Juniors" at Santa Fe College Feb. 21
- Roberts Buzzer Beater Lifts Saints Over Daytona 74-73
- SBA Celebrates "Topping Out" with BBQ Party
- UF Hosts Engineering Fair
- /news/2012/02/16/
- /news/2012/02/17/
- /news/2012/02/20/
- Be On the Look Out
- BHM Pathways to Freedom Exhibit
- Call for Applications for UF Prairie Project
- Celebrating Career and Technical Education Month
- Child Soldiers, Children Accused of Witchcraft and Street Children, by Haydee Britton
- College Senate Info
- Edwards and Coney Lead Saints Past FSC-J in Final Home Game
- Harden's Double Double Leads Saints Past FSC-J, 83-74
- It's Your Democracy
- Know B4 U Go Event
- Leadership Conference
- Pardo and the Saints Split Double Header with Indian River
- Saints Struggle in 5-4 Loss to Pasco-Hernando
- /news/2012/02/21/
- 2nd Annual Santa Fe College 48 Hour Film Competition, Feb. 24-26
- A Message from the President
- Dance Theatre of Santa Fe Presents Elements of Style, Feb. 24 and 25
- League for Innovation Announces Call for Proposals
- Model UN Team Earns Honorable Mention
- Santa Fe College Offers Convenient New Path to BSN
- Santa Fe's Respiratory Care Program Lends Support to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- State College of Florida Takes Two from Santa Fe, 1-0 and 3-1
- Student Chats with the President
- Surgical Technology Open House
- /news/2012/02/22/
- Award Application Deadline Approaching
- Business Career Preparation: Retail Marketing & Management Programs at UF
- Campus Watch!
- Holmes Named FCSAA Player of the Week - Feb. 13-19
- Jenna Stafford: Expressing Love and Acceptance
- Kennedy and the Saints Win in Extras Against St. Pete, 6-4
- Men's Basketball Jumps to #12 in the NJCAA Poll
- Musical Entertainment
- Provost Awards
- Student Ambassador Program Seeks Applicants
- /news/2012/02/23/
- /news/2012/02/24/
- /news/2012/02/25/
- /news/2012/02/26/
- /news/2012/02/27/
- A Report from the Annual Florida Collegiate Honors Council Conference
- Acclaimed Cuban-American artist at SF
- Call for Applications for UF Prairie Project
- Coney Goes for 20 as Saints Defeat Hillsborough 64-53
- Explore Healthcare Career Opportunities for African-American Men
- Lincoln, the Constitution, and the Civil War
- Quick Hits for the Week of Feb. 27
- The Economics of Happiness
- Upcoming Webinars
- /news/2012/02/28/
- Webinar offered During Spring Break
- Asian Heritage Month Posters Up Through Friday
- Baseball Drops 6-5 Decision to Pasco Hernando
- Campus Yard Sale Needs Sellers
- Healthcare Opportunities for African-American Men
- Leadership Institute Seminar
- Saints Athletics Weekly Wrap-up
- SF Social Media Users Group: TODAY
- Surgical Technology Program Application Deadline
- /news/2012/02/29/
- Call for Judges
- Dr. Paul Hutchins Announced as New President of SCC
- Faces, Voices and Hearts: The Haiti Project
- "IN TEN" Festival, April 21
- Safe Spring Break
- Santa Fe College Holds "Safe Spring Break" Event, March 1
- UF College of Education Recruitment and Information Session
- UF Study Abroad Opportunities for Business Students
- Unplug and Be Safe
- /news/2012/03/01/
- Career Services Special Meeting: March 13
- DeeJay Hellrung: Champion for Children
- Fastpitch Hosts Hillsborough Friday, Polk State Saturday
- Free Dental X-rays
- Jazz Up Spring Today
- Room to Dance, June 1
- RUE Spring Festival Applications
- Santa Fe in the News
- March for Babies
- Spring is for Singing, April 26
- Upcoming Art Shows
- /news/2012/03/02/
- /news/2012/03/03/
- /news/2012/03/05/
- /news/2012/03/06/
- /news/2012/03/07/
- /news/2012/03/08/
- /news/2012/03/10/
- /news/2012/03/12/
- Alena King Lawson: Dedicated Public Servant
- Baseball Ends Two Game Skid, Pounds Lake Sumter 17-3
- Bennye Alligood: "Santa Fe is My Life"
- Did You Know?
- Film Competition Screening and Awards
- Here's what’s Happening Today. . .
- Saints Fastpitch Host Daytona State Today
- Santa Fe College Dedicating 'Freedom Eagle' Sculpture to Veterans
- Save the Date!
- SF's Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Receives Awards
- Spotlight on Chamber Music
- Spring Fling
- Spring Fling
- UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Advising
- Linda McGurn: Award-Winning Redeveloper
- "Women of Distinction" Tickets
- /news/2012/03/13/
- /news/2012/03/14/
- 2012 Women of Distinction and Woman of Promise
- AFC News
- Book Donations Needed
- Club Advisor Needed
- Guide to Campus Memorials Updated
- Here's What’s Happening Today
- Hollywood Comes to Santa Fe
- Humanities Study Trip: Salvador Dali and the St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts
- In early talks, city commissioners back current property tax revenues
- International Speakers Series Update
- Mary Wise: 'Winningest' Coach at the University of Florida
- Santa Fe Celebrates 25 Years of Honoring Women of Distinction, March 15
- SF Spring Arts Festival
- Spring Community Ed
- The Global Dish
- Fight the Fight
- /news/2012/03/15/
- BBQ Lunch to Benefit The Arc
- Call for Career & Technical Student Scholarship Nominations
- Food Drive in Progress
- Larson and the Saints Pull Out 4-3 Victory Over Lake Sumter
- Mentors Needed
- Ronald McDonald House Cookie Baking: March 31
- Saints Athletics
- Santa Fe College Honors Local Women of Distinction, March 15
- Santa Fe College Spring Arts Festival: Art & Jazz, Green & Blues
- Seminar on Addiction and Eating Disorders
- Update on FRS Legal Action
- Volunteers Needed for Hands on Santa Fe: March 23
- /news/2012/03/16/
- /news/2012/03/19/
- CLAS Info Session: 35 Majors in Two Hours
- Ashleigh Bennett Named 2012 Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team Silver Scholar
- Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Female Entrepreneurs in the Community
- Coney Named All State, Six Other Saints All-Conference
- Holton Homers Twice, Paces Saints to Sweep of Georgia Military 5-2 and 6-1
- Keeping in Touch
- Leadership Seminar
- MOD Bake Sale
- Next in SF's International Lecture Series
- Saints Walk Off Against St. John's on Kennedy Blast
- Santa Fe College 2012 Spring Arts Festival Poster to be Unveiled
- High School Seniors Invited to 'Senior Night'
- SF Model UN Participates in World Conference
- Webinar Today
- WUFT Reports on Women of Distinction
- /news/2012/03/20/
- /news/2012/03/21/
- Advising Council Meeting
- Enjoy a short stack for a tall cause: Saturday
- COLON CANCER: Should you be concerned?
- Health IT Roundtable at Santa Fe College March 23
- Party for the Planet
- Saints Weekly Wrap-up: March 12-18
- SF Networking Program Certified by NSA
- Spring Honors Celebration
- Study Abroad Program Proposals for 2013 Due Friday
- Teaching Zoo Celebrates Opening of New Play Area
- Fire Safety Inspections Continue Today
- /news/2012/03/22/
- 2nd Annual Florida Statewide Undergraduate Research Symposium
- American Cancer Society's Relay for Life of Gainesville
- Parks Survey for Gainesville Residents
- Easter Egg Moon 2012
- Don't forget to Pick Up Your Dinner!
- Laptop Demo Sale
- Miller and the Saints Split Double Header with FSC-J
- Santa Fe in the News
- STAR Recognition Nominations
- Volunteer for Babies
- Webinar Today
- /news/2012/03/23/
- /news/2012/03/24/
- /news/2012/03/26/
- An Invitation to Tuesday's Advising Council Meeting
- Baseball Cruises Past Seminole 8-2, Move into MFC First Place Tie
- Call for College Senate Agenda Items
- Fastpitch Sweeps Past Mount Mercy University 3-2 and 4-2
- Quick Hits for the Week of March 26
- Ramos Drives in Three, Leads Baseball Past Seminole 10-4
- RUE Application Deadline Today
- Safety Orientation
- Ukrainians tour SF College's police academy
- Women In Healthcare Panel
- /news/2012/03/27/
- Blood Sugar Screening Today
- Blount Center Downtown Block Party
- Calendar Correction
- Kana Handel's Spring Arts Festival Poster Image Features Paynes Prairie
- Marchu and the Saints Move into First Place with Sweep of CF
- Need Publicity?
- Reminder: QEP Early Alert System Survey
- Sharewear Open Today
- Solar Energy & Efficiency Expo
- Spring Arts Festival Poster Unveiling
- Global Roundtable Conversation About Justice
- Young Entrepreneurs Club at the CIED
- /news/2012/03/28/
- /news/2012/03/29/
- Campus Tours
- DTSF Production of Hour Time
- Earth Wind Fire Water Summer Camp
- Legal Notice
- Message from the College Senate
- Relay for Life Fundraisers
- Respiratory Care Open House
- SF College Implements New Campus Watch Program
- Sharewear Open Saturday: March 31
- Spotlight on Creativity
- The Democracy Commitment
- Viva Europe!
- Watch Saints Sports Live
- Zumba for D'Aisha: March 31
- /news/2012/03/30/
- Fulbright Scholar Awards 2013-14
- Free Lunch at Subway
- Last Day for Personal Health Risk Assessment
- Hanging Out
- Saints Fastpitch Sweep SJRSC, Tighten Grip on First Place
- Saints Fastpitch Sweep SJRSC, Tighten Grip on First Place
- Summer Financial Aid
- Thirteen Former Saints Enshrined at March 24 Hall of Fame Ceremony
- /news/2012/04/01/
- /news/2012/04/02/
- FAFSA Assistance for Students
- Learn How to "Fight Slime Crime"
- Quick Hits for the Week of April 2
- Saints Weekly Wrap-up: April 2-6
- Saints Roll Past Seminole 11-6, Denmark Knocks in Six
- Saints Weekly Wrap-up: March 26 - April 1
- Services for Pat Whaley
- Songwriting Workshop at SF
- Spring Leadership Seminar Series
- Wheelchair Basketball Exhibition
- /news/2012/04/03/
- /news/2012/04/04/
- Access Local Government: Alachua County
- AFC News
- Fastpitch Splits with Daytona
- Forest Resources & Conservation Degrees Information Session
- Saints Eleven Game Win Streak Snapped by Lake Sumter 7-3
- SF Monthly
- Student Life Art Gallery Opening Mixer - Photography Exhibit
- The Big Open Lab (BOL) is transitioning into a full-time testing facility
- /news/2012/04/05/
- /news/2012/04/06/
- /news/2012/04/08/
- /news/2012/04/09/
- /news/2012/04/10/
- AFC News - It's Not to Late!
- Fastpitch Takes Two From Lake Sumter 4-1 and 8-2
- Pell Grant Lifetime Maximum Set to 600%
- Planetarium Shows
- Retirement Strategies for Women: April 17
- SF Ecuador Study Abroad
- SF Spring Arts Festival Saturday and Sunday
- STEM Day Institute
- Transitions: Dr. Paul Hutchins
- Volunteers Needed for Spring Arts
- Wiseman Inks with NAIA II National Champions Oregon Tech
- /news/2012/04/11/
- /news/2012/04/12/
- /news/2012/04/13/
- /news/2012/04/14/
- /news/2012/04/15/
- /news/2012/04/16/
- Claudio, Holton Lead Saints to Sweep Of Central Florida 3-2 and 9-2
- Coney and Edwards Sign with NCAA Schools
- Markey Stifles St. John's, Saints Clinch Spot in FCSAA State Tournament
- Mazzurco and Greenwell Power Saints Past Seminole 8-
- National Day of Silence
- 'Party for the Planet' Draws Hundreds to Santa Fe Zoo
- /news/2012/04/17/
- /news/2012/04/18/
- Welcome to the NEW Daily
- Baseball Moves Closer to MFC Title with 8-3 Win Over Lake Sumter
- Chancellor Rod Duckworth Visits Santa Fe
- Fastpitch State Tournament Information
- IN TEN 10-Minute Play Festival Features Student Works
- Mile A Day Kickoff Rescheduled for April 25
- SF Fine Arts Hall Receives Beautification Award
- The Democracy Commitment @ Santa Fe
- Webinar Discusses How Digital Technology Impacts Higher Ed
- /news/2012/04/19/
- /news/2012/04/20/
- 5th Avenue Arts; April 21 and 22
- Annual Santa Fe Festival Draws Crowd of Local Art-lovers
- Baseball Defeats Central Florida 6-3 to Claim Fourth Straight MFC Crown
- Faculty Grant to Develop Study Abroad Program
- Retirement Gathering for Betty Reaves; April 27
- Santa Fe College One of Ten Schools Nationally Selected for NEH-Funded Program
- Santa Fe Offers New "Sleep Studies" Certificate Program
- SF Club Competing In NASA Student Rocket Launch
- Summer Classes Offered at UF's Seahorse Key Marine Lab
- /news/2012/04/22/
- /news/2012/04/23/
- /news/2012/04/24/
- SF Relay for Life Raises $7,750 in the Fight Against Cancer
- A Message from the President
- Claudio Leads Group of Eight Saints Honored by MFC
- Summer Flex Program Begins May 7
- Get Your "Grüv" On
- Krista Froiseth Named Office Supervisor
- Retirement Planning Made Easy
- SF College Boots 'n BBQ; May 18-19
- Sing Into Spring; April 26
- /news/2012/04/25/
- College For Kids Registration Open
- Media Relations Has a New Face
- Digital Media Technology Student Showcase: May 3
- Fitness Center Hours April 30 – May 11
- More Transitions
- Reactions to Dr. Naima Brown's Appointment to Student Affairs
- The Ice House Program Redefines Entrepreneurship Education
- Transitions: Dr. Naima Brown
- /news/2012/04/26/
- /news/2012/04/27/
- /news/2012/04/28/
- /news/2012/04/29/
- /news/2012/04/30/
- Career Service Carnival: May 10
- Santa Fe Celebrates Dedicated Faculty
- Did You Miss the Democracy Commitment Forum?
- Kanapaha Gardens Offers SF Student Discount
- Mayhill and the Saints Defeat Seminole 7-5
- Michelle Houdek: Outstanding Volunteer
- Saints Run Comes to an End at FCSAA State Tournament
- Southern rock music + hot fresh BBQ = Florida's most fun weekend!
- This Week's Graduation Ceremonies
- /news/2012/05/01/
- /news/2012/05/02/
- /news/2012/05/03/
- /news/2012/05/04/
- /news/2012/05/05/
- /news/2012/05/06/
- /news/2012/05/07/
- /news/2012/05/08/
- /news/2012/05/09/
- /news/2012/05/10/
- /news/2012/05/11/
- /news/2012/05/14/
- /news/2012/05/15/
- /news/2012/05/17/
- /news/2012/05/21/
- /news/2012/05/22/
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- /news/2012/06/11/
- /news/2012/06/12/
- /news/2012/06/14/
- /news/2012/06/19/
- Highlights from the 2012-13 Budget Meeting
- Celebrate Betsy Albury's Retirement June 27
- Dual Enrollment Program Immerses High School Students in the College Experience
- Lost and Found on Campus
- Political Candidate's Forum Today
- Santa Fe College Honored For Supporting Public Education
- Santa Fe College Places 16th in NASA Competition; Presentation Today
- /news/2012/06/20/
- /news/2012/06/21/
- 2012-13 Budget Approved by Board
- Highlights from the BCC County Candidate Debate Tuesday at SF
- Advising Council Meeting Today; Agenda Included
- Brown Signs with NCAA Division II Barton College
- Fine Arts Hall Booked for 2012-13
- Mayhill Inks with Thomas University
- The Countdown is on - AFC News
- Up, Up and Away: Santa Fe Rocket Team Soars
- /news/2012/06/26/
- /news/2012/06/27/
- /news/2012/06/28/
- Djekovic Inks with Palm Beach Atlantic University
- Honors Profile: Ann Laffey
- National Achievers Program at Santa Fe College Collaborates on STEM Forum
- Saints Baseball Players Make it to the Big League
- SF Theater Student Stars in Insomniac Production
- Volunteer Opportunities Through the Office of Civic Engagement and Service
- Volunteers Needed for March for Babies
- AVP for Academic Affairs Candidate Presentations Continue Today and Friday
- /news/2012/07/02/
- /news/2012/07/03/
- First Bachelor's Degree Graduation Held for Early Childhood Education
- Heath Risk Assessment Reward Card Available
- July 10 Webinar: Integrity in Online Assessment
- What Are Your Kids Doing This Summer?
- Musical Me Theater Presents Seussical Jr.
- Planting the Seeds for the Future
- Please Send College Senate Agenda Items to David Price
- Relax, Relate, Renew
- Respiratory Care Graduating Class 2012
- /news/2012/07/05/
- /news/2012/07/06/
- /news/2012/07/07/
- /news/2012/07/10/
- /news/2012/07/12/
- /news/2012/07/13/
- /news/2012/07/17/
- AFC Brown Bag Meeting Today
- Attention Fulbright Scholar Applicants
- College Travel Guide Updated
- Help Plan Upcoming AFC Events
- Home Dedication for the Santa Fe II; July 19
- Santa Fe College Welcomes New Police Officers
- Star Gazers This Week
- Santa Fe College Celebrates National Zoo Keeper Week; July 15-21
- /news/2012/07/18/
- /news/2012/07/19/
- Reminder: College-wide Meeting at 2:30 p.m. Today
- College for Kids a Success at Andrews Center
- Dr. Steve Bingham Sends a Message from Music Conference in Greece
- Dunked for a Good Cause
- La Fortuna Closed for Remainder of the Summer
- Local Family Has a New Place to Call Home
- Want something yummy delivered to your office this Tuesday?
- What do Santa Fe Faculty do During the Summer?
- /news/2012/07/23/
- /news/2012/07/24/
- /news/2012/07/26/
- /news/2012/07/30/
- /news/2012/07/31/
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- /news/2012/08/22/
- /news/2012/08/23/
- /news/2012/08/26/
- /news/2012/08/27/
- Update on Tropical Storm Isaac
- Community Ed Fall A Classes Begin Now
- Dual enrollment: Not for the faint of heart
- International Education Office has Moved
- Saints Add Local Flavor to Coaching Staffs
- Santa Fe in the News: "Fine Arts Hall packed for SF College Convocation"
- SF Athletics: Saints Add Familiar Faces to Assistant Coaching Staffs
- /news/2012/08/28/
- /news/2012/08/29/
- /news/2012/08/30/
- /news/2012/08/31/
- /news/2012/09/03/
- /news/2012/09/04/
- /news/2012/09/06/
- /news/2012/09/07/
- /news/2012/09/10/
- AFC Member Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 11
- Habitat for Humanity Hosts Car Show on Campus Sept. 15
- CVT Program Offers Free Cardiac and Carotid Ultrasounds
- Executive Council Agenda for Sept. 11
- Fla. Supreme Court Taking up State Pension Lawsuit
- Sept. 11 Webinar on National Policy Initiatives and Federal Distance Education Legislation
- /news/2012/09/11/
- "In Ten" Call for Student Writers
- AFC's 2012 Community Service Project
- AFC's Career & Professional Employees Commission Wants To Give You Money!
- Baseball Opens "Fall Ball" at Home Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 3:00 PM
- SF American Flag Retired in Honor of 9/11
- SF International Film Festival Begins Sept. 11
- /news/2012/09/12/
- /news/2012/09/13/
- /news/2012/09/14/
- Baseball Slips Past St. John's 5-4 in Fall Ball Opener
- Fastpitch Opens Fall Ball Sunday, Sept. 16 at 10:00 AM Against Osceola Overdrive
- Gallereans Meet on Wednesday
- Santa Fe College Presents Healthcare Career Opportunities for African-American Men
- John Cowart Celebration Photo Gallery
- Obama Rally Tickets Available Today
- Santa Fe College in the News: "Dr. Steven Bingham: Spirit of Gainesville nominee"
- SF Baseball: Saints Defeat St. John's 5-4 in Scheduled 12-inning Game
- /news/2012/09/17/
- /news/2012/09/18/
- /news/2012/09/19/
- /news/2012/09/20/
- /news/2012/09/24/
- /news/2012/09/25/
- /news/2012/09/26/
- /news/2012/09/27/
- /news/2012/09/28/
- /news/2012/09/29/
- /news/2012/10/01/
- /news/2012/10/02/
- /news/2012/10/03/
- /news/2012/10/04/
- /news/2012/10/05/
- /news/2012/10/08/
- /news/2012/10/09/
- /news/2012/10/10/
- Ambos Mundos : Works by Raul Villarreal
- Gator Day @ Santa Fe Allows SF Students to Connect with UF Advisers Oct.10
- Grounds Crew Works Hard to Keep Campus Looking its Best
- Next Up in SF's International Film Festival: Sin Nombre, Oct. 10 in E Auditorium
- Benefits Open Enrollment Deadline is Oct. 19
- The Democracy Commitment Takes a Closer Look at Proposed Amendments Oct. 15
- /news/2012/10/11/
- /news/2012/10/12/
- /news/2012/10/16/
- 2013 Open Enrollment ends this week
- Exploring College Helps Future Students Access a Wealth of Knowledge
- Get Your Fall Gear at Saints Sharewear Oct. 20
- Leadership Institute Seminar Series Continues Oct. 17
- Letter Opener Collection Donated to SF is in the Running for Guinness World Record
- New Beginnings Incorporates 5th Grade Participants and Introduces New Dance Pieces Oct. 19
- Request for College Senate Agenda Items
- Surplus Items Available - Schedule a Viewing Today
- Webinar Discusses Offering Comprehensive Student Services Online Oct. 23
- Wreath Sale Supports CTE Scholarships - Deadline to Order Nov. 5
- /news/2012/10/17/
- Baseball Game Against St. John's on Wednesday, Oct. 17 Moved to 3:00 PM
- College Republicans Club Rejuvenated
- Next Up in SF's international Film Festival: Moolaade, Oct. 23
- Surplus Shredder Available
- Student Aid Position Available in Communications and Creative Services
- Wednesday Message From Ed Bonahue
- /news/2012/10/18/
- /news/2012/10/19/
- /news/2012/10/22/
- /news/2012/10/23/
- /news/2012/10/24/
- /news/2012/10/25/
- /news/2012/10/26/
- /news/2012/10/29/
- /news/2012/10/30/
- College Senate Takes Final Vote to Amend By-laws at Nov. 6 Meeting
- UF @ Santa Fe Center Holds MSM Info Session Nov. 7
- Jerry Cutler Exhibit in the President's Hall Gallery Through Nov. 2
- SF's International Film Festival Shows "Hero" Nov. 1
- QEP Wallpaper PDF is Available
- Santa Fe in the News
- Tune in to ESPN Radio 850AM Tuesday and Wednesday and TV20 WCJB Wednesday for Basketball Interviews
- Webinar Highlights Compliance with Copyright and Ownership Issues Nov. 6
- /news/2012/10/31/
- Thanks for Your Help in Making the SACS Visit Successful
- Basketball Season Opener Nov. 1 and 2
- Jerry Cutler Lectures on His Paintings Nov. 1
- Happy Halloween! Andrews Center Announces Pumpkin Contest Winners
- Visiting Scholar Lectures on "Films and the Construction of Chineseness"
- Visiting Scholar Lectures on "Films and the Construction of Chineseness" Nov. 5
- /news/2012/11/01/
- /news/2012/11/02/
- /news/2012/11/05/
- Public Invited to View Live Election Results
- Introductory PC Class offered at the Blount Center this Spring
- Come Cheer at the Math Buzz Challenge Nov. 7
- Visiting Professor Enjoys Lunch with the DMT Crew Friday, Lectures Today
- Faculty Jazz Octet Needs a Drummer
- Get Ready for STEM Fest 2012, Nov. 26 - 28
- /news/2012/11/06/
- /news/2012/11/07/
- Dodgeball Registration Deadline Extended to Nov. 14
- Help Limit Commercial Activity at Santa Fe College
- Increase in Electronic Thefts on Campus
- Campus Maps Available Online
- Minimum Wage Set to Increase Jan. 1
- PTK Induction Ceremony Nov. 16
- Terra Blight Screenings
- Wish Upon a Star to Help Needy Children This Holiday Season
- /news/2012/11/08/
- Baseball vs. Gatorball Cancelled on November 11
- Annual Faculty Art Show Opening Mixer Nov. 16
- Student Resume Critique Nov. 27
- Professional Development Scholarship Fund Now Accepting Applications
- SF Library Wins AFC Library Research Award
- "Soul of Syria" Promotes Humanitarian Aid Nov. 19
- Tallahassee Outlasts Santa Fe 69-60
- Women's Basketball Slides Past Brevard 88-83
- /news/2012/11/09/
- /news/2012/11/12/
- /news/2012/11/13/
- /news/2012/11/14/
- Baseball and Fastpitch Wrap up Fall Ball, Look Towards Regular Season
- "A Children's Holiday at Santa Fe" Kicks Off Winter Fun Events Dec. 1
- Flash Mob! Gangnam Style in the Oak Grove
- Men's Basketball Pulls Away From Southwest Academy for 90-62 Win
- Saints Basketball Player Bobby Hunter Can Dunk!
- World Humanities Expo Continues Through Nov. 16
- /news/2012/11/15/
- /news/2012/11/16/
- Barrow Inks with the Gators; Two Others Sign With NCAA Schools
- Blount Center Celebrates the Holidays Dec. 4
- Welcome Dr. Bea Awoniyi, Assistant VP of Student Affairs
- Winter Break Food Basket Drive Needs Your Help
- Congrats to iPad Winner Jennifer Weeks
- Sharewear will be Closed No. 21
- Pre-Health Transfer Info Sessions Nov. 20 and 27
- /news/2012/11/17/
- /news/2012/11/18/
- /news/2012/11/19/
- /news/2012/11/20/
- Bobby Hunter and the #6 Saints Host Polk Nov. 20 at 7:00 PM
- "Paint Your Way Into Business" Helps Nine Students Succeed
- Claudio Signs with 2012 College World Series Participant USF Bulls
- Lisa Davis of Health Sciences Walks to Help Heart Patients
- Santa Fe College in the News
- Do you know a student with a great voice?
- Star Gazers "Perseus and the Pleiades"
- Webinar Discussed Using Open Textbooks With Flat World Knowledge Nov. 27
- /news/2012/11/21/
- /news/2012/11/26/
- #1 Northwest FL State Pulls Away from Saints, 81-64
- AFC Convention Highlights
- AFC Teleconference 3 p.m. Today
- Big Second Half Leads Chipola Past Santa Fe, 81-57
- Davis Center Hosts Fall Cram Jam Dec. 3
- Email Disclaimer Update Effective Nov. 29
- Local Artist Lennie Kesl Dies at 86
- Men's Basketball Loses Shootout to SCF, 107-97
- Spotlight on Chamber Music Nov. 26
- STEM Fest Kicks Off Tonight!
- SwampCon Needs SF Volunteers
- Vehicle Auction Continues Through Nov. 27
- /news/2012/11/27/
- /news/2012/11/28/
- /news/2012/11/29/
- /news/2012/11/30/
- Alachua County Legislative Delegation Hearing Dec. 11
- NOOK HD and NOOK HD+ Now Available at Bookstore
- Starry Night 2012 Returns to the Florida Museum of Natural History Tonight
- Student Affairs Professional Development Workshops Continues Dec. 3
- Tables Up for Grabs
- Volunteers Needed for Spring Term Welcome Stations
- /news/2012/12/01/
- /news/2012/12/03/
- /news/2012/12/04/
- /news/2012/12/05/
- Choral Holiday Concert on Dec. 6
- Community Ed Registration Begins Jan. 3
- Final Daily Publication of The Year is Dec.7
- Don't Miss Spring Convocation Jan. 4
- Fall Cram Jam Full of Fun
- Keep SF Safe During Winter Break
- New Web Portal Puts Florida Metro on the Map
- Help Celebrate Susan Crosson's Retirement Dec. 6
- Special Piece to Air Tonight on Paulina Zaveckaite at 6:00 PM on TV20; Saints Host The Rock School at 7:00 PM
- Women's Basketball Cruises Past The Rock, 89-39
- /news/2012/12/06/
- /news/2012/12/07/
- /news/2012/12/08/
- /news/2012/12/09/
- /news/2012/12/10/
- /news/2012/12/12/
- /news/2012/12/14/
- /news/2012/12/17/
- /news/2012/12/19/
- /news/2012/12/26/
- /news/2012/12/29/
- /news/2012/12/30/
- /news/2012/12/31/
- /news/2013/01/03/
- /news/2013/01/04/
- /news/2013/01/05/
- /news/2013/01/06/
- /news/2013/01/07/
- Dual Enrolled Student Earns Shopping Spree for Her Efforts
- Around the World in 30 Minutes: Using Skype to Engage Students in Cross-Cultural Exchanges
- Christmas "Adoptions" Were a Huge Success - Thank You to Health Sciences Staff
- Convocation Updates from David Price and Marie Thomas
- eSantaFe Mobile Gets Students Connected
- Santa Fe College in the News
- Spring Advising Sessions Packed with SF-To-UF Information
- The Library is Here to Help
- /news/2013/01/08/
- A Message from President Jackson Sasser
- Hunter Named FCSAA Basketball Player of the Week - Jan. 2-6
- Legal Notice
- Legal Notice
- Legal Notice
- New Online Alcohol Education Program: Alcohol e-CheckUpToGo
- Passings
- Police Volunteers Help Keep Campus Safe
- Saints Shareware Reopens Jan. 9 at New Location
- Saints Weekly Wrap-up: Dec. 31 - Jan. 6
- SF Police Offer Safety and Service this Spring
- Women's Basketball Hosts Daytona January 9 at 7:30 PM
- /news/2013/01/09/
- Celebrate Florida Arbor Day Jan. 17
- Dates of Next Smarthinking Information Sessions Announced
- Up-cycling Craft Collective Needs Donations
- International Education Committee Meetings Resume Friday
- "Kenyan Idol" Voice Coach Gives Music Education Lecture Jan. 10
- Legal Notice
- Lennie Kesl : By Friends - A Memorial Portrait Exhibit
- /news/2013/01/10/
- Community Education Registration is Underway
- Milliken and Hunter Lead Saints Past Hillsborough 95-82
- Safety Tips from the SF College Police Department
- SF Welding Team Wins First Place in National Contest
- World Renowned Peace Activist to Speak at Santa Fe College Jan. 18
- Zaveckaite Sets NJCAA Div. I Single Game Rebounding Record in 84-80 Overtime Loss to Daytona
- Zumba and Yoga Classes Offered Tuesday and Thursday
- /news/2013/01/11/
- Alachua County School Board Volunteer Program on Campus Jan. 15
- College Senate Meeting Jan. 15
- From the Gainesville Sun: New Santa Fe grand piano showcased at Friday concert
- Free Tax Help through VITA Offered at CIED
- Men and Women at Home on Saturday, January 12 at 2:00 and 4:00 PM
- Student Patients Needed for Dental Clinic
- SF Athletics Announces 2013 Hall of Fame Class; Enshrinement Ceremony March 2
- Star Gazers - "Don't Worry About Winter, It’s The Shortest Season"
- Sustainable Santa Fe January Events
- /news/2013/01/14/
- /news/2013/01/15/
- 2013 Payroll Tax Changes Effective Jan. 1
- Alternative Spring Break 2013 Opportunity in Selma, Ala.
- Catch Special piece on Bobby Hunter Tonight at 6:00 PM on TV20; Saints Battle SCF at 7:00 PM at SF Gym
- Davis Center Hosted Jordan Glen Students for a Day
- State College of FL Defeats Santa Fe 97-80, End Saints Five Game Winning Streak
- /news/2013/01/16/
- /news/2013/01/17/
- /news/2013/01/18/
- /news/2013/01/22/
- Electronic W-2's Now Available
- Central Florida Defeats Saints 93-79 Despite Hunter's 37
- Feed People, Not Garbage Cans
- Legal Notice
- New Student Club Focuses on Business Etiquette
- Santa Fe College in the News: World-renowned peace activist speaks at SF College
- Student Art Competition Hosted by Sustainable Santa Fe
- Women's Basketball Rallies Past Hillsborough 90-85
- /news/2013/01/23/
- 27th Annual Women of Distinction Ceremony March 14
- College Senate Meeting Jan. 29, Agenda Additions Due Jan. 25
- Construction in Building P Displaces CAT and CCS
- Display Case and Banner Posts Available for Use
- Faculty Art Exhibit Closing Reception Jan. 25
- May the Moo Be With You: SF Professor Hosts art Show Jan. 25
- News and Updates from your local AFC chapter:
- SF Basketball Tonight (1/23) at 6 and 8 PM; Nation's Leading Scorer and Rebounder in Action for Santa Fe
- Upcoming SF Student Organization Activities and Fundraisers
- /news/2013/01/24/
- /news/2013/01/25/
- AFC Community Service Project
- Apply for Alternative Spring Break 2013 Trip to Selma, Ala.
- Fastpitch Opens Season at JUCO Kickoff Classic January 26
- Health Sciences Programs Tour and Open House Feb. 11
- Student Affairs AVP search Wraps Up with final Meet-and-Greet Today
- Saints Baseball Opens Season in Tampa on Friday, January 25; At Home January 26 at Noon
- SF Baseball Opens Jan. 25 in Tampa; At Home Jan. 26 at Noon
- SF Students Join MLK Day of Service and Commemorative Walk Jan. 21
- Zumba Fundraiser Benefits Relay for Life Jan. 26
- /news/2013/01/27/
- /news/2013/01/28/
- Claudio Honored as Puerto Rican Olympic Softball Athlete of the Year
- Fastpitch Wins Three of Four at Kickoff Classic (From 1/26/2013)
- Hunter Scores 40 in Saints Win Over TAAG Academy, 85-75
- In Memory of Suzon Peterson
- President's Note to Faculty and Staff about CCSSE Project
- Records Lab Temporarily Relocated
- /news/2013/01/29/
- Baseball Hosts Polk State College on Wednesday, January 30 at 3:00 PM
- Federal Work Study Position Available - Student Assistant in Student Life, Office of Civic Engagement & Service
- Legal Notice
- Legal Notice
- Personal Statement Presentation and Critiquing Event
- Professor Marc Shahboz Featured on "American Ninja Warrior"
- Santa Fe College in the News: Keeping wild things wild
- Star Gazers - "Jumpin' Jupiter!"
- Sustainability Film Series Begins at 6 p.m. Today
- Winter Symposium Showcases Talented SF Music Students
- /news/2013/01/30/
- Perspectives on the Superfund Site in Gainesville Feb. 5
- Archer Elementary Students Spent Day at Davis Center
- Location Change for Feb. 19 BOT Meeting
- Shouppe and the Saints Crush #1 Polk State 23-9
- Student Ambassador Program Information Session Feb. 19
- Tax Season is Upon Us - VITA Can Help
- Congrats to the Saleha Huuda Cheerleader Scholarship Recipients
- /news/2013/01/31/
- /news/2013/02/01/
- /news/2013/02/02/
- /news/2013/02/04/
- Become a Friend of Career Service and Support Career Service Council
- Dr. Mark Taylor Speaks on How to Reach Students Through Technology Feb. 8
- "Eight Weeks to a Better You" starts Friday!
- Panel discussion on the history and politics of the Cabot/Koppers Superfund Site
- Saints Stay Perfect with 9-2 Win Over PHCC; Wiggs Wins 400th Career Game
- Spring Job Fair at the Davis Center Feb. 27
- Surplus Sale at Kirkpatrick Center Feb 4 and 5
- Valentine's Swing Dance Featuring the SF Big Band Feb. 14
- Young Americans for Liberty Hold Empty Holster Event in the Oak Grove
- /news/2013/02/05/
- /news/2013/02/06/
- Fastpitch Splits Double Header with Tallahassee CC
- In Memory of Stuart McRae
- Lunch Is On Us!
- SF BSU Pathways to Freedom Exhibit Ends Thursday
- SF Paramedic Students Invited by Fla. Fire Chiefs to be Start Team
- Students Can Apply for the 2013 Santa Fe College Hall of Fame
- Tours of Leveda Brown Transfer Station Begin Feb. 21
- Valentine's Day Goodie Basket Raffle This Week to Benefit American Cancer Society
- Volunteer Service Award Nominations Needed
- Women's Basketball at Home Tonight at 6:00 PM, Men’s Basketball and Baseball on the Road
- /news/2013/02/07/
- 2bU Vending Offers Healthier Snack Options
- 5th Annual Valentine's Day Swing Dance Feb. 14
- Santa Fe College Bookstore Supports March of Dimes
- Busy Weekend on Tap for Santa Fe Athletics
- Hunter and Saint-Germain Lead Saints Past FSC-J, 65-49
- It's Colored Pencil!
- Polk State Hands Baseball First Loss of the Season, 2-1
- Student Opportunity through OCES at The Repurpose Project Center Feb. 14
- Thompson and the Saints Get Much Needed Win Over Hillsborough, 78-56
- /news/2013/02/08/
- /news/2013/02/10/
- /news/2013/02/11/
- /news/2013/02/12/
- Building K Roof Construction Timeline
- Fall 2012 Student Life Honor Roll List Released
- "Florida Skies: Love Among the Stars" Friday, Feb. 15
- FSC-J Tightens Grip on MFC Lead with 91-80 Win Over Santa Fe
- Guest Lecture on Music and Dance in Ghana Feb. 12
- March 18 Deadline to Apply for Supervisors of Elections Scholarship
- Reserve Your Free Crispers Lunch Today
- Respiratory Care Program Open House March 19 and 20
- Santa Fe Athletics Hall of Fame Enshrinement Ceremony March 2
- Surgical Technology Open House Feb. 20
- Surplus Office Supplies Available
- Medical Imagery Inspires Late Painter's Work
- Zaveckaite Chases SF Rebounding Record When Saints Host Daytona Wednesday, Feb. 13 at 7:00 PM
- /news/2013/02/13/
- AFC Carnation Sale Deadline Extended!
- Community Ed Registration Continues Throughout Spring Term
- February Registration Dates for Smarthinking Webinars
- Region 4: Transformation Through Imagination Superfund Art Project
- Saints Run Past Daytona, 71-64; Zaveckaite Sets Single Season Rebounding Record
- Santa Fe College Nights - Florida Baseball and Gymnastics
- /news/2013/02/14/
- Valentine's Day Basket Winners Announced
- African American and Dalit Literature Lecture Feb. 19
- Animal Appreciation Day Focuses on Pet Adoption and Responsible Ownership
- Celebration of Life for Stuart McRae Feb. 24
- City of Gainesville Election Voter Registration Deadline Feb. 19
- Dr. Mark Taylor Presentation Video Online
- It's Not too Late to Get a Carnation - Help Support AFC
- SF Athletics Weekly Wrap-Up
- Student Ambassadors Information Sesson Feb. 19, Applications Due March 1
- /news/2013/02/15/
- /news/2013/02/17/
- /news/2013/02/18/
- AFC 2013 Call for Nominations
- No AC During Spring Break on Northwest Campus
- President Chat at the Blount Center Feb. 21
- President's Dinner Features Country Music Artist Lee Greenwood Feb. 22
- SF Direct Pay for Airline Ticket Purchase Reminder
- Student Affairs Professional Development Workshop Today
- Sustainability Film Series - Thursday, Feb. 21
- /news/2013/02/19/
- AFC Chili/Soup Cook-off Feb. 28
- AFC SDC Conference Registration Information
- African American and Dalit Literature Lecture speaks at Santa Fe College
- ANGEL to Canvas Transition Updates
- Avoid Spring Break Traffic With FDOT's 511 System
- Fall Higher Ed Admin Gainesville Cohort Application Deadline March 15
- Fastpitch Rained Out at Tallahassee
- Healthcare Career Opportunities Forum for African-American Men March 14
- Hillsborough Rallies in the Ninth for a 3-1 Victory over SF Baseball
- Saints Sharewear Open Feb. 23
- SF Bookstore Sale Extended
- Swedish Students on Campus This Week
- Title VIA Task Force Guest Lecturer Dr. David Sammons to Speak Feb. 28
- /news/2013/02/20/
- "Communication, Conflict Resolution and Leadership" - Themed Spring Seminar Series Continues
- February is National CTE Month
- FSC-J Upsets Men's Basketball, 71-67
- Get Involved in Career Service
- Hunter and the Saints Host FSC-J on Wednesday, February 20 at 7:00 PM
- Student Participants Needed for Florida Model Legislature Trip May 29-31
- Zumba Fundraiser Benefits American Cancer Society March 9
- /news/2013/02/21/
- /news/2013/02/22/
- /news/2013/02/23/
- /news/2013/02/24/
- /news/2013/02/25/
- Get Involved with SF's March of Dimes Campaign
- Honors Students Attend Conference
- International Education Speaker Feb 28
- Mederos Leads Saints Past the University of Tampa JV
- Men's Basketball Hosts MFC Tournament Championship Tuesday, Feb. 26 at 7 p.m.
- Santa Fe College in the News
- Sustainability Film Series – "Taking Root" March 20
- /news/2013/02/26/
- /news/2013/02/27/
- /news/2013/02/28/
- Update on AFC Chili Cook-Off/Wellness Event
- College Senate Officer Nominations Due March 12
- Earth Day Writing Event April 22
- Excellent Turnout for Davis Center Job Fair
- International Ed Speaker Rescheduled to April 4
- Plus 50 Students Healthcare Career Opportunities Tour March 21
- Regalia Orders Due April 5 for May Commencement
- Sustainability Studies Awards Available; Deadline March 22
- Tallahassee Defeats Santa Fe, 11-4
- /news/2013/03/01/
- /news/2013/03/02/
- /news/2013/03/06/
- /news/2013/03/08/
- /news/2013/03/09/
- /news/2013/03/10/
- /news/2013/03/11/
- Bradford Fest Events Raise SF Scholarship Funds
- "Dirt! The Movie" Is Showing March 14
- Dr. Mark Taylor Speaks on How to Reach Students Through Technology
- International Photography Competition; Deadline March 15
- Lake Sumter Rallies Past Santa Fe, 13-12
- Lennie Kesl - Hello World
- SF Alumnus Jason Macdonald Performs in Florida March 20-23
- SF Hosts Mayoral Candidates' Forum March 13
- Week 5 of "Eight Weeks to a Better You"
- /news/2013/03/12/
- /news/2013/03/13/
- 2013 Women of Distinction Will Be Honored March 14
- Asian Religion and Studies Lecture March 21
- "Empowering Women in the African Entrepreneurial Landscape" March 14
- Irish Bake and Drink Sale March 14
- Lake Sumter Defeats Santa Fe in Extra Innings, 4-3
- Pick Up Today - Jamaican Food Fundraiser March 18
- Saints Open MFC Play With Sweep of FSC-J, 9-0 and 2-1
- Women Entrepreneurs in Africa Lecture March 14
- /news/2013/03/14/
- /news/2013/03/15/
- /news/2013/03/16/
- /news/2013/03/18/
- /news/2013/03/19/
- Fears and the Saints Power Past Daytona 21-5
- AFC Legislative Newsletter PERCEPTION
- Apply by April 8 for RUE Festival, April 15-18
- Classroom Thefts - A Safe Santa Fe Message
- Claudio Named FCSAA Pitcher of the Week - March 11-17
- Financial Assistance Awareness Week March 25-29
- Lennie Kesl & John Tilton: 32 Years of Collaboration
- Santa Fe College Remains One of Aspen's Top Ten, Driving Force in the Local Economy
- Sustainability Lectures March 25 & 26 by Dr. Alcides Leao
- /news/2013/03/20/
- /news/2013/03/21/
- Asian Religion and Studies Lecture
- Saints Pick Up Two Wins Against South Florida, 4-0 and 9-0 (March 19)
- High Schoolers Meet College at Senior Night, April 2
- Sustainability Film Series – "Cane Toads: The Conquest" April 22
- Working With Student Veterans, March 28 & 29 Professional Development Workshop
- /news/2013/03/22/
- /news/2013/03/23/
- /news/2013/03/25/
- /news/2013/03/26/
- /news/2013/03/27/
- Saints Power Past Daytona State, 11-4
- Admissions 101 Workshop April 5
- New Works Will Round out This Diverse Dance Gala
- International Education Lecture April 4
- Join the Great American Cleanup March 30
- SF Andrews Center in Top Three at Bradford County Fair
- Surplus Furniture Available
- Week 7 of "Eight Weeks to a Better You"
- /news/2013/03/28/
- /news/2013/03/29/
- /news/2013/03/30/
- /news/2013/04/01/
- /news/2013/04/02/
- AFC Conference Call Highlights Legislative Issues April 3
- Andrews Center Hosts Jr. College for Kids
- Annual Fire Alarm Inspection April 8 - 12
- Fastpitch Takes One of Two against FSC-J
- Join the Conference Call with Mike Brawer, CEO of AFC
- Party for the Planet
- Remote Proctoring Service Presentation April 3
- SF Student Wins Newman Civic Fellows Award
- Scoggins and the Saints Rally Past FSC-J, 8-5
- Social Media Workshop April 2
- /news/2013/04/03/
- Party for the Planet All Weekend Long
- Accounting Tutor Available for Students
- Attendance Encouraged at International Education Lecture April 4
- Book & Bake Sale at the Library Today
- "Eight Weeks to a Better You" Awards Presentation April 5
- Food, Music and Prizes at Adaptive Learning Event April 4
- Professional Development Scholarship Application Deadline Today
- SF Bands Perform at Spring Arts Festival April 6
- St. John's River Slips Past Saints, 3-2
- Wednesday's Baseball Game Against St. John’s River Moved to 2:00 PM
- /news/2013/04/04/
- College for Kids Summer Camp registration is underway
- Film Takes a Comical Look at an Environmental Blunder April 22
- Planetarium Hosts "Bôa Noite" CD Release Event April 6
- April 22 Workshop Highlights Civic Engagement and Citizenship
- Support Career Service Council Through Friends of Career Service
- Granny B's Fudge and Two Others Join CIED’s Entrepreneur Incubator
- Today's Fastpitch Games Postponed Until Next Thursday
- /news/2013/04/05/
- Celebrate Earth Day with Award-Winning Writers April 22
- Help the SF Adult Education Program Win $25,000
- Attention: Exchange being moved to Office 365 in March
- Schedule Your Annual Personal Retirement Assessment April 10 or 11
- SF Student Government Spring General Election Results
- St. John's River Rallies for Second Straight Victory Over Santa Fe, 4-3
- /news/2013/04/06/
- /news/2013/04/08/
- /news/2013/04/09/
- AFC Legislative Newsletter PERCEPTION Available Online
- Blount Center Hosts "Sing Into Spring" April 9
- Claudio Homers Twice, Earns Win and Save as Saints Sweep Lake Sumter 7-1, 2-1
- Fifteen Students Named to 2013 SF Hall of Fame
- New Personal Finance Course Based on Academic Research
- SF Professors Featured in Art Show, Opening Reception April 12
- Student Resume-Critiquing Event April 11
- Last Day to Vote for Viewer's Choice in Student Art Competition
- What's 'Wrong’ With Congress? Find Out April 10
- /news/2013/04/10/
- Central Florida Picks Up Big Win Over Santa Fe, 12-8
- Get Ready for the RUE Festival April 15-18
- Health Risk Assessments Continue Today and Tomorrow
- Important Info on Upcoming Civil Rights Compliance Review
- Santa Fe Alumna's Photography Featured in President’s Hall Gallery
- "Mentoring Students & Staff" Workshop Today
- SF Household Needed to Host German Exchange Student
- /news/2013/04/11/
- Are your documents EA/EO Compliant?
- Bobby Hunter Named NJCAA First Team All-American
- Congratulations to the winner of SF's "Eight Weeks to a Better You" Wellness Program
- Fifth Annual Jazz Up Spring April 18
- Fifth Annual Spring Winds and Classics Concert April 16
- Saints Sweep Past Seminole State, 2-1 and 16-2
- Schedule Your Annual Health Risk Assessment April 9-12
- /news/2013/04/12/
- /news/2013/04/13/
- /news/2013/04/15/
- 2013-2014 SF Student Ambassadors Chosen
- Denmark and the Saints Defeat Seminole, 7-5
- Gun Control: A Reasoned Debate April 25
- RUE Festival: Humanities & Social Sciences Poster Session Today
- Selma Alternative Spring Break Experience Presentation April 18
- Star Gazers - "Take the Seven Day Star Gazers Challenge!" - (April 15-21, 2013)
- /news/2013/04/16/
- Fastpitch Sweeps Central Florida 5-4 and 4-0, Clinch MFC Championship
- Freecycle Donation Day April 22
- Josh Stewart Named to the Santa Fe College Hall of Fame
- AFC PERCEPTION Issue 6 Now Available Online
- RUE Festival: Mathematics & Sciences Poster Session Today
- Senior Night 2013 Proves to Be a Success
- Thank you to employees who participated in last week's health screenings
- /news/2013/04/17/
- /news/2013/04/18/
- 2013 Annual Student Art Show
- All-American Bobby Hunter Signs with Illinois State University
- Claudio and the Saints Cruise Past Daytona, 7-2 and 12-4
- Global Culture Photography Competition Opening Mixer April 18
- Last Chance to Claim Furniture from Surplus
- RUE Festival: Oral Presentations Today
- House gets a New Home
- /news/2013/04/19/
- /news/2013/04/22/
- /news/2013/04/23/
- /news/2013/04/24/
- /news/2013/04/25/
- /news/2013/04/26/
- Former Student Credits Professor's Critical Thinking Exercise for Her Success Beyond SF
- In the News: Job fair is Saturday at SF College
- Saints Defeat Central Florida 7-2, End Season on High Note
- Star Gazers - There's Something Special About Saturn - April 22 - 28, 2013
- Free Telescopic Viewing of Saturn
- Temporary Change to Fitness Center Hours
- /news/2013/04/27/
- /news/2013/04/29/
- /news/2013/04/30/
- /news/2013/05/01/
- /news/2013/05/02/
- /news/2013/05/03/
- Hoeft Grand Slam Lifts Saints Past Daytona (FCSAA TOURNAMENT)
- Congrats to the Career Pathways/CTE Honorees
- Request for Assistance - Investigation Pursuant to college Rule 2.8 Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment
- Star Gazers - "Farewell To Orion, Look High For The Lion And Get Ready For The Scorpion"
- Summer Flex Program Begins May 6
- /news/2013/05/04/
- /news/2013/05/05/
- /news/2013/05/06/
- /news/2013/05/07/
- /news/2013/05/08/
- /news/2013/05/09/
- /news/2013/05/10/
- /news/2013/05/13/
- /news/2013/05/14/
- College Senate Meeting Today; 2013-2014 Dates Proposed
- "Cultivating Tomorrow's Students" Health Sciences Program May 30
- Entrepreneurship Academy Graduates 14 SF Students
- Guinness World Record Letter Opener Collection at Santa Fe College to be Exhibited May 21
- Little School Enrolling now
- Summer Zumba Class Schedule
- Two Free Toner Cartridges Available
- Volunteer Opportunity Tour at YMCA Camp McConnell May 22
- /news/2013/05/15/
- /news/2013/05/16/
- Career Service "Cruise Around the World" Event Was a Hit
- Legal Notice
- Message to All SF Part time employees and Adjunct Faculty
- Mike Brawer Speaks at AFC Member Meeting May 21
- Saints Defeat Pitt CC 4-0, Play Again Tonight at 7:30 MST (NJCAA Tournament)
- SF Digital Media Students Receive Scholarships
- SF Part time employees and Adjunct Faculty:
- /news/2013/05/17/
- /news/2013/05/20/
- /news/2013/05/21/
- /news/2013/05/22/
- /news/2013/05/23/
- AFC Mega Membership Madness Campaign
- "Room to Dance" Showcases Students' Artistic Visions May 31 and June 1
- Call It What You Like | Works By Santa Fe Students, Faculty, and Staff
- Dollar General Literacy Foundation Awards Grants to Gainesville Literacy Organization
- Four Students Graduate from BANCF Apprenticeship Program
- Thanks to All Involved in Counselor's Workshop
- /news/2013/05/24/
- /news/2013/05/28/
- /news/2013/05/29/
- /news/2013/05/30/
- Countdown to the End of ANGEL: ONE DAY!
- Florida Legislative Review Session June 5
- Health Risk Assessment Participants - Redeem Your Gift Card of Choice
- Building X Mural Depicts Development of Life on Earth
- Paramedic Students Win First Place at Statewide Critical Care Competition
- Employee Ice Cream Social June 12
- /news/2013/05/31/
- /news/2013/06/01/
- /news/2013/06/03/
- /news/2013/06/04/
- /news/2013/06/05/
- /news/2013/06/06/
- Santa Fe College is Monitoring Tropical Storm Andrea
- "Canvas Clues and Cues" Newsletter Installment 1
- College-Wide Budget Meeting June 17
- Healthcare Career Opportunities Tour June 12
- Job Opening in Alternative Transportation Appeals to SF Grads
- Notice from the National Weather Service and Alachua County Emergency Management
- /news/2013/06/10/
- /news/2013/06/11/
- /news/2013/06/13/
- /news/2013/06/14/
- /news/2013/06/18/
- /news/2013/06/19/
- /news/2013/06/20/
- 25 Student Athletes Earn Academic Accolades
- "Canvas Clues and Cues" Newsletter Installment 2
- Community Partner Volunteer Info Session - Alachua Conservation Trust 7/24
- SF to Add Intercollegiate Volleyball in 2014
- Stewart and Thompson Earn NJCAA Academic All-American Honors; 23 Other Saints Honored for Academic Success
- Volunteer to Help At-risk Youth at Interface
- /news/2013/06/21/
- /news/2013/06/25/
- /news/2013/06/26/
- /news/2013/06/27/
- /news/2013/07/01/
- /news/2013/07/02/
- /news/2013/07/03/
- /news/2013/07/09/
- Become a Partner for Strong Families July 22
- Cinema Verde Film Investigates Climate Change July 10
- Hemingway, Green and Villareal to Benefit Scholarships at Santa Fe College
- Maintenance to Parking Lot 13 and Service Road This Week
- Professional Development Scholarship Applications Due July 16
- View Your Individual Salary Increase
- /news/2013/07/11/
- /news/2013/07/12/
- /news/2013/07/15/
- /news/2013/07/16/
- /news/2013/07/18/
- /news/2013/07/22/
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- /news/2013/07/31/
- /news/2013/08/01/
- /news/2013/08/06/
- /news/2013/08/08/
- /news/2013/08/09/
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- /news/2013/08/13/
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- /news/2013/08/19/
- /news/2013/08/21/
- /news/2013/08/22/
- /news/2013/08/23/
- /news/2013/08/26/
- /news/2013/08/27/
- Affordable Care Act Workshop Sep. 24
- Alachua County Schools Hosts Volunteer Placement Day
- Civic Engagement Opportunities Abound
- Explore Potential Career Options with Career Coach
- Message from Human Resources
- SF EMT Program Proves to be a Good Investment
- SF Surgical Tech Program Scores Big
- Sustainability Committee Meeting Aug. 30
- /news/2013/08/28/
- /news/2013/08/29/
- /news/2013/08/30/
- /news/2013/09/01/
- /news/2013/09/03/
- /news/2013/09/04/
- "Better You from Blue" September Newsletter
- Let's Work Together :: Student Aide Needed
- Free Outpatient Ultrasound Clinic Oct. 26
- Microsoft Outlook/Office Issues 9/4
- SF Adults with Disabilities Program Raises Funds by UPcycling
- Shadows and Realities: Strategic Issues Between China and the United States
- /news/2013/09/05/
- /news/2013/09/06/
- /news/2013/09/07/
- /news/2013/09/08/
- /news/2013/09/09/
- Accudemia Expires Sept. 15
- AFC Meeting Agenda for Sept. 10
- Americorp Info Session Postponed
- ATEC Announces Two New Canvas Learning Opportunities
- SantaFEST Battle of the Bands Seeks Competitors
- Collegiate Veterans Hold 9/11 Memorial Ceremony
- Fall 2013 Leadership Seminar Series Begins Sept. 11
- NEW! - AFC Scholarships Available
- SF Student Awarded Oberndorf Scholarship
- Come See all the Cool Things at the "WE UPcycle" Craft Sale Sept. 12
- /news/2013/09/10/
- /news/2013/09/12/
- Bookstore Holds Flash Sale Sept 17 - 19
- Reps from More than 70 Colleges on Campus Sept. 25
- Community Day of Service Needs Your RSVP by Sept. 16
- Find out More About Progressive Social Change at Radical Rush
- Patients Needed for Dental Hygiene Exam Nov. 14-16
- Rick Yancey Talks about "The Fifth Wave" at SantaFEST Sept. 28
- Student Affairs Offers Professional Development Seminars This Fall
- Student Art Gallery Hosts SF Alumni Showcase
- Title III Math Redesign at Santa Fe Presents John Squires Sept. 20
- Win a Nook for Making Strides
- /news/2013/09/13/
- /news/2013/09/16/
- /news/2013/09/17/
- /news/2013/09/18/
- Sergeant Brainerd Retires form SF College Police Department
- Santa Fe College Designated Military Friendly
- Instructional Contracts for Nine-month Faculty Have Been Sent
- Meet Mindtree's Co-founder and Chairman Oct. 7
- SF Professor Included in mtvU's 2013 Highest-Rated
- The Democracy Commitment @SF Hosts Events This Fall
- VITA Volunteer Training Oct 14
- /news/2013/09/19/
- /news/2013/09/20/
- /news/2013/09/23/
- /news/2013/09/24/
- Baseball Splits Double Header with The Juice
- CAST Workshop Sept. 27
- DRC Fall Seminar Series Begins Sept. 26
- Educators From Around the World Convene in Orlando Oct. 2-5
- Fastpitch Battles the Florida Gators on Sunday, Sept. 29
- Naia Kete Mentors and Performs at SF Sept. 28
- Nook Sale at the Bookstore
- Perry Center Receives National Award
- Voter Registration Day Sept. 24
- /news/2013/09/26/
- /news/2013/09/27/
- /news/2013/09/30/
- /news/2013/10/01/
- /news/2013/10/02/
- /news/2013/10/03/
- CLERY Report Now Available
- Dan Rodkin Running for State AFC President-Elect
- Do You Know an Outstanding SF Graduate?
- Last Chance to Take the Professional Development Survey
- Legal Notice - Meeting
- Legal Notice - Meeting
- Scholarship Students Take Leading Roles in SF's Big Band-era Musical Oct. 9-12
- Star Gazers - "The Little King Meets The God Of War And Venus Meets The Rival Of Mars" (October 7-13, 2013)
- Technology and IT Talk Oct. 7 With Mindtree Co-founder
- /news/2013/10/04/
- /news/2013/10/05/
- /news/2013/10/07/
- /news/2013/10/08/
- Coffee 101 Fall Drinks Are Here
- Info on All UF Undergrad Programs at Gator Day Oct.16
- Happy Retirement Linda!
- New Courses for Community Education Fall B Term
- Dr. Kumar Talks About Education in India Oct. 14
- SF Clinical Lab Science and Industrial Biotechnology BAS Degrees Information Sessions
- Student Ambassadors Dodgeball Tournament Registration Due Oct. 15
- 'Trashy' Students Needed for Waste Audit Day on Oct.15
- /news/2013/10/09/
- /news/2013/10/10/
- /news/2013/10/11/
- /news/2013/10/14/
- /news/2013/10/15/
- /news/2013/10/16/
- /news/2013/10/17/
- /news/2013/10/18/
- /news/2013/10/21/
- /news/2013/10/22/
- International Diplomat Program Applications Due Oct. 25
- Cat Blankets on Sale Today
- AFC Community Service Project
- Education for All: The Dream Act and Higher Education in Florida
- Elizabeth Winder Reads, Signs Books Oct. 28
- Facilities Completes Energy Saving Lighting Upgrade
- Is PowerPoint Dead? Find out with Dr. Yonutas
- March of Dimes Spirit Station Coordinator Needed
- /news/2013/10/23/
- /news/2013/10/25/
- /news/2013/10/28/
- /news/2013/10/29/
- A Message from Your United Way Reps.
- Davis Center Fall Cram Jam a Success
- Listen Live to Coach Stebbins and Coach Mowry Tuesday and Wednesday on ESPN Radio
- Nursing Program Accreditation Visitors Nov. 4-6
- Professional Grant Development Workshop Nov. 4-6
- Proposed Changes to College Senate Constituencies
- SF Yoga Class Location Changed
- Surplus Property Has Available Furniture for all SF Departments
- AACTE Wreath Sale - Orders Due Nov. 1
- /news/2013/10/30/
- /news/2013/10/31/
- "Better You from Blue" November Newsletter
- Dental Hygiene Program Hosts 2nd Annual Clinic Presentations
- Halloween Safety Tips from the SF Police Department
- LegalShield Member Benefits
- Lynette A. Ametewee Discussion on Global Health Nov. 5
- Professional Development Workshop Friday, Nov. 1
- Saint Leo University Student Appreciation Day Nov. 5
- Collegiate Veterans Voted "Best Dressed" at Dodgeball Tournament
- /news/2013/11/01/
- /news/2013/11/02/
- /news/2013/11/04/
- /news/2013/11/05/
- /news/2013/11/06/
- /news/2013/11/07/
- DTSF attends Men's Basketball Game on Nov. 15
- Faculty and Staff Try Their Hand at Basketball
- Campus Food Pantry Open Tuesday Nov. 12
- Planetarium participating in Starry Night 2013, Fri. Nov. 15
- SF Zoo Honors Veterans with Free Admission
- Starry Night Space Exhibit Nov. 15
- Startup Weekend Gainesville: Let's Bounce!
- /news/2013/11/08/
- /news/2013/11/09/
- /news/2013/11/12/
- 2013 - 2014 Annual Visual Arts Faculty Exhibit
- Faculty Art Show Begins Nov. 15
- Legal Notice - Meeting
- Mid-Year Alternative Break Trip Applications Now Open
- Professional Development Workshops Open for Registration
- Santa Fe College Selected to Participate in Walmart's Brighter Futures Project
- Help prevent Crimes of Opportunity
- Tonight is Faculty/Staff Appreciation Night at SF Women's Basketball Game
- United Way Campaign Message From Dave and Cheryl
- Wish Upon a Star Holiday Gift Drive Kickoff Event Nov. 15
- Women's Basketball Hosts IMG Academy Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 6:00 p.m.
- Women's Basketball Overpowered by IMG, 78-57
- /news/2013/11/13/
- /news/2013/11/14/
- Christopher and Dana Reeves Foundation Awards Grant to SF for Rock and Rollers Club
- Enjoy "Jazz on the Grove" Today at Noon
- Legal Notice - Meeting
- Legal Notice - Meeting
- Men's Basketball Hosts Palm Beach Friday Night at 7pm; Game Available on NJCAA TV
- This Week's United Way Prize Winner is Diana Smith
- Women's Basketball Travels to Ocala this Weekend; Games Available on NJCAA TV
- /news/2013/11/15/
- /news/2013/11/16/
- /news/2013/11/17/
- /news/2013/11/18/
- /news/2013/11/19/
- 2014 Flex Plan Extension Closes Today
- AFC Holiday Social Dec. 3
- AFC Holiday Toy Drive
- SF Bookstore Now Hiring
- Bruce Tucker Releases Fourth Book
- Enjoy an Evening of Jazz Nov. 21
- Final Zumba Class of the Fall Semester Nov. 26
- International Education Week at UF
- SBAC Winter Break Food Basket Drive Needs Your Donations
- $25 Gator Football Tix for SF Faculty and Staff
- Upcoming SLA Activities Nov. 20 and 21
- /news/2013/11/20/
- Baggett Leads Saints Past Albany Tech, 60-49
- Catch the Spirit at Winds & The Holidays Nov. 26
- Holiday Food Drive Ends Friday Nov. 22
- Jonn Serrie returns for a Christmas Concert under the Stars Dec. 5
- Race of the Tortoise 5K registration due Mar. 14
- SF is first in the nation to train students with Daikin equipment
- South Sudan Comfort Kit Supply & Fundraiser
- Sustainability Curriculum Award Application Deadline Nov. 22
- The College Wants To Acknowledge Your Accomplishments
- /news/2013/11/21/
- An Evening with Evans Haile and Friends Nov. 22
- Dr. Singhal Presents "Finding 'Positive Deviants' in Asia" Nov. 21
- Farewell for Phyllis Small Dec. 2
- Student Ambassador Arepa Sale Pick Up/Delivery Dec. 3
- UPDATE: Thanksgiving Bus Service Schedule
- Three Baseball Players Sign with NCAA Schools
- Women's Basketball Hosts TCC on Friday, November 22 at 7:00 PM
- /news/2013/11/22/
- /news/2013/11/23/
- /news/2013/11/25/
- /news/2013/11/26/
- Senate Bill 1720
- Celebrate Alan Pappas' Retirement Dec. 5
- MUN@SF Wins Honorable Mention at Southern Regional Conference
- Saint's Sharewear Closed Nov. 27
- Santa Fe Singers Welcome Holiday Season in Concert Dec. 5
- SF Theatre Recognized at FTC
- Spring Welcome Stations Sign-Up Deadline Dec. 16
- Surplus sale Open to the Public Dec. 3 and 4
- Winds and the Holidays Concert Nov. 26
- /news/2013/11/27/
- /news/2013/12/02/
- /news/2013/12/03/
- /news/2013/12/04/
- Dental Clinic Cleanings now Available for Students
- Nominate an Outstanding Female Student Leader for "Woman of Promise"
- Last Call for United Way Donations
- Men's Florida College Shootout - December 14 and 15
- SF Plays a Part in Wish Upon a Star 2014 Success
- Women's Florida College Shootout - December 6 and 7
- /news/2013/12/05/
- /news/2013/12/06/
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- /news/2014/01/07/
- Career Service Council scholarship deadline is Jan. 13
- Convocation focused on safety and innovation
- SF adds arterial brachial index testing to CVT clinic offerings
- Star Gazers - "The Wimpy Moon Points The Way To The Biggest Planet And UFO Alert" (Jan. 6-12. 2014)
- VITA rally kicks off tax season Jan. 16
- Weekly Wellness Walks begin Jan. 11
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- /news/2014/01/09/
- /news/2014/01/10/
- /news/2014/01/11/
- /news/2014/01/13/
- /news/2014/01/14/
- /news/2014/01/15/
- $50 scholarships still available for AFC members
- Coach Cheronis to host Women's Volleyball tryouts on Jan. 22 at 6 p.m.
- Free yoga classes offered at SF
- Men's Basketball Cruises Past TAAG Academy, 85-56
- SF Athletics adds volleyball to its array of competitive sports
- Women's Basketball Knocks Off Hillsborough in Overtime, 72-69
- /news/2014/01/16/
- /news/2014/01/17/
- /news/2014/01/18/
- /news/2014/01/21/
- /news/2014/01/22/
- /news/2014/01/23/
- Exploring College information sessions Jan. 30
- Reduced cost dental cleanings available for students
- New photography exhibition opens at Santa Fe Gallery Feb. 7
- Second volleyball tryout scheduled for Jan. 29
- SF Artists Guild and SF Photography Club exhibition runs through Feb. 28
- Welcome SF's new safety coordinator
- /news/2014/01/24/
- /news/2014/01/27/
- Water infuses SF College Fine Arts Hall activities on Feb. 8, 2014
- BBQ chicken lunch benefits SF student Nicole Keys Feb. 2
- Central Florida Slips Past Saints, 62-55
- Coaches Wiggs and Ahern to appear on ESPN RADIO AM 850 Jan. 28
- Santa Fe College HVAC Program shows off Daikin equipment Jan. 30
- SF EMS students take first and second place in Life Support competition
- Star Gazers - "The Great Orion Nebula" (Jan. 27 - Feb. 2, 2014)
- Sustainability Newsletter for January 27, 2014
- Sustainability workshop explores mathematic applications Jan. 31
- Title VIA Guest Lecture Series presents Dr. Zongying Huang Jan. 29
- W-2 and W-4 information now available in eStaff
- Women's Basketball Completes Big Comeback with Overtime Win Over CF, 86-82
- /news/2014/01/28/
- /news/2014/01/29/
- /news/2014/01/30/
- 2014 Legislative Issues
- Ann Lorrayne Bzoch Becomes First Volleyball Signee
- Daytona State Picks Up Big MFC Win Over SF, 71-64
- Do you know an exceptional volunteer?
- Local author launches latest novel at Santa Fe College Jan. 30
- Lynn Sullivan retires after 33 years of service
- Parking on campus? Follow these stress-free tips
- Women's Basketball Soars Past Daytona State, 71-55
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- /news/2014/02/07/
- Baseball Falls to St. Pete 14-8; Battle South Florida State on Saturday, Feb. 8 at Noon
- February 8 Fastpitch Double Header Postponed Until April 5
- Sam's Club membership sign up/renewals on Northwest Campus Feb. 18
- SF Basketball Hosts FSC-J on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 2 and 4 p.m.
- Star Gazers - "The False Dusk And The Moon Finds Four Fabulous Planets" (Feb 10-16, 2014)
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- /news/2014/02/10/
- /news/2014/02/11/
- /news/2014/02/12/
- /news/2014/02/13/
- Celebrate Valentine's Day!
- Central Florida Takes Down Santa Fe, 82-67
- February 13 Fastpitch Double Header Postponed Until February 16
- Handmade Valentine's Day gifts for sale
- Marshall and the Saints Fly Past Central Florida, 67-51
- Learn about careers at the Respiratory Care open house March 18 and 19
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- /news/2014/02/17/
- /news/2014/02/18/
- /news/2014/02/19/
- /news/2014/02/20/
- Bruce Teague embodies the SF spirit
- CAT releases first issue of "Teachology"
- Eleven Run Inning Paces Saints Past #1 TCC, 14-10
- Fastpitch Drops Two to SPC, 6-3 and 2-1
- Leon Larson serves as a delegate to the International Olympic Committee
- Provost Ed Bonahue serves as chair for the Florida Council for Instructional Affairs
- Reggie Hart and the Saints Knock Off #1 Daytona State in Overtime, 81-74
- SF Police Department keeps campus safe
- Star Gazers - "You Ain't Nothing But A Hound Dog" - (Feb. 17-23, 2014)
- Women's Basketball Ends Regular Season with 88-71 Loss to Hillsborough
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- /news/2014/02/22/
- /news/2014/02/24/
- /news/2014/02/25/
- /news/2014/02/26/
- AFC Chili and Soup Cook-off moved to S-29
- Beatriz Gonzalez helps design summer workshops for teachers
- Have a safe spring break, SF!
- MUN@SF competes in International conference in Toronto, ON
- Saints Defeat Central Florida 56-53 to Earn Spot in FCSAA State Tournament
- Saints Season Ends at the Hands of Central Florida, 69-65
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- /news/2014/02/28/
- /news/2014/03/01/
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- /news/2014/03/07/
- /news/2014/03/10/
- Gainesville Sun: Fragile Springs Forum
- Martin Deals as Saints Roll Past Lake Sumter, 4-1
- Saints Split MFC Opener with St. John's State
- Santa Fe College recognizes 2014 Women of Distinction
- Select Baseball and Fastpitch Games to be Broadcast Online (Audio)
- Seminole State Takes Second Straight from SF, 8-5
- Stacie Greco - "America's Water Crisis"
- "Tapped" showing March 18
- Sustainability workshop highlights students' stories March 28
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- /news/2014/03/14/
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- /news/2014/03/17/
- /news/2014/03/18/
- Community Educations offer a class on America's water crisis April 17
- Congrats to the Health Risk Assessment door prize winners
- Santa Fe and Seminole State Rained Out Today
- "Something Magic Happened" When SF College Students Toured New York City
- Stephanie Ball headlines list of five Saints honored by MFC
- /news/2014/03/19/
- /news/2014/03/20/
- Great American Clean Up needs volunteers April 12
- Students discuss NYC culture tour today at noon
- Art of Leadership conference March 27
- Celebrate diversity on March 27
- Hands on Santa Fe registration now open
- Healthcare forum for African-American males April 17
- Just the Facts: No Guns on Campus
- March of Dimes walk THIS Saturday
- Saints Sweep NJCAA #6 Central Florida, 10-6 and 4-3
- Student Ambassador dodge ball tournament March 25
- Student Art Competition Deadline March 28
- Sustainability Workshop "Using Story-Telling to Teach Sustainability"
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- /news/2014/04/15/
- Blue Gold - World Water Wars, April 17 at 6pm
- Earth Day Celebrations at SF
- EcoCar2 and EcoEagles showcase at the CIED on April 17!
- Faculty sustainability workshop April 18 at 2 p.m.
- Fastpitch Rained Out at Lake Sumter; Rescheduled for Friday, April 18 at 2:30 PM
- SF and UF faculty partner in Prairie Project workshop May 5 and 6
- SF Energy Consumption Falls
- Surplus furniture now available to any SF department
- Sustainability Art Competition Winners!
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- /news/2014/05/01/
- /news/2014/05/02/
- 5 Graphic Design Tips for Social Media
- BASIC, the 50-Year-Old Computer Programming Language for Regular People
- Facebook rolls out Messenger 5.0 update, adds new multimedia features
- More female programmers sought in St. Louis area
- Multimedia content strategy: considering different formats & sizes
- Newton Aycliffe graphic designer overcomes setback to win national award
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- /news/2014/05/13/
- /news/2014/05/15/
- Chapman and Hoeft Sign with Thomas University
- Congrats to Jean Hutton, Nursing Award Winner
- Save the date: employee ice cream social June 11
- Flags at half-staff to honor law enforcement May 15
- Be sure to check out Glo's Kitchen food blog
- Free screening of "Hungry for Justice: Spotlight on the South" directed by SF faculty Shelley Rogers
- Retirement celebration for Lisa Auerbach May 15
- Sustainability Committee Meeting Schedule for Summer 2014
- Swallowtail CSA will resume in the fall, your input requested
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- /news/2014/05/17/
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- /news/2014/05/20/
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- /news/2014/06/02/
- /news/2014/06/05/
- Bright Horizon Scholarships opportunity
- Council on Undergraduate Research Conference June 28 - July 1
- Donations to SF employee displace by fire accepted a cashier's window
- Governor Scott approves budget funding for expansion of Kirkpatrick Center
- Remodeling on campus provides surplus furniture
- Summer internship opportunity with Cinema Verde Environmental Film & Arts Festival
- Volunteers needed for Howard Bishop Middle School gardening program
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- /news/2014/06/10/
- /news/2014/06/11/
- /news/2014/06/13/
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- /news/2014/07/01/
- /news/2014/07/02/
- /news/2014/07/07/
- /news/2014/07/09/
- Andrews Center hosted 4th annual Jr. CFK program
- CCS Web forms updated to make life easier for YOU
- New and Updated Information Technology Courses
- Professional Development Scholarship applications due July 21
- Santa Fe College Athletics introduces new website
- Santa Fe College featured in geography program guide
- Volunteers needed for fall welcome stations
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- /news/2014/08/26/
- Campus Sustainability Day! October 22
- Get 'em before they’re gone!
- Florida Water and Land Conservation discussion with Bob Graham, September 4
- Saints Volleyball opening game tonight!
- Get discount tickets to GATORS football home opener Aug. 30
- Tour Florida-Friendly Landscapes Sept. 20
- Years of Service milestones honored
- /news/2014/08/27/
- /news/2014/08/28/
- Community Ed offers Lego robotics class
- Fall Convocation make-up session today
- Discount tickets available for Sesame Street Live at the O'Connell Center
- Legal Notice - Meeting
- Saints win inaugural game in five sets over Pasco-Hernando
- SF Library offers sustainability films for viewing
- Thank you to all the Welcome Station volunteers
- /news/2014/09/02/
- Gainesville-area police chiefs participate in ALS challenge
- Hip-Hop Dance Icons Rennie Harris Puremovement at SF College Sept. 27, 2014
- John Moran of the Springs Eternal Project speaks about Amendment 1 on September 17
- John Mullins US Book Tour Sept. 18 at the CIED
- SF Alumnus begins entrepreneurial venture with "Gainesville Compost"
- Special announcement from President Sasser
- Sustainability Curriculum Awards applications due Sept. 5
- Swallowtail CSA returns in October
- Today is Education Day at Belk
- /news/2014/09/03/
- /news/2014/09/04/
- Annual Fall Festival coming up at the Blount Center Oct. 14
- Cardiovascular Technology Program Open House Sept. 22
- Health Sciences holds interactive tour Oct.1
- Help promote TurboVote at SF
- Santa Fe College again named among top 10 in the nation by prestigious Aspen Institute
- SF Volleyball: Saints travel to Polk State today
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- /news/2014/09/16/
- Be sure to thank a police officer on Sept. 20
- Director and featured actor of Clybourne Park to speak at SF Sept. 17
- Saints host Trinity Baptist Sept. 16 at 7 p.m.
- Sunday is SF Faculty and Staff Day at Florida Volleyball
- Free yoga for SF employees in honor of National Yoga Month
- Title VIA Guest Lecture Series welcomes Deepa Nair Sept. 18
- /news/2014/09/18/
- /news/2014/09/19/
- Are you "Writing Well?"
- Envision Alachua collaborates with educators and community leaders at SF Oct. 1
- Join us for AACTE Fall Kick-Off Oct. 21
- New time sheet training scheduled for Career Service employees and supervisors
- Saints Volleyball ranked #19 in latest NJCAA poll
- Santa Fe Winds perform "The Black Horse Troop" by Sousa at annual concert Oct. 2
- /news/2014/09/22/
- /news/2014/09/25/
- Boo at the Zoo is fun for the whole family
- Add some color to your garden this fall!
- Visit AFC at the Benefits Fair today
- AFC Membership Drive Going Strong
- Celebrate Nigerian Independence Day Oct. 1
- TDC presents candidate forum with Keith Perry and Jon Uman Sept. 30
- Do you know a student who would make a good peer mentor?
- Faculty: Get ready for Fall 2014 Action Research meetings
- Jason Kofke exhibits "World Book" at SF gallery
- Saints host FSC-J in MFC match tonight at 7 p.m.
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- /news/2014/10/01/
- /news/2014/10/02/
- /news/2014/10/03/
- /news/2014/10/06/
- SF Democracy Project holds forum on amendment 1 on Oct. 15
- Gainesville Compost Tour - November 7
- Help beautify SF "Hands ON" Oct. 9
- Student internship available with Alachua Conservation Trust
- Saints Sweep Broward and Webber to move to 20-3
- Santa Fe Celebrates Campus Sustainability Day on October 22
- SF Board Member Col. McRae honored by AFC
- U.S. House candidates participate in forum at SF
- /news/2014/10/07/
- /news/2014/10/09/
- AF adjunct professor publishes debut novel
- AFC seeking donations for 2014 service project
- Northwest Campus construction scheduled for completion Dec. 2014
- Jenny Adler featured in the President's Hall Gallery though Oct. 30
- Lights, camera, Action Research: learn how to document your innovation
- Get the new email sig before the old one goes bye-bye
- Strike Out Hunger food drive is in full swing
- Sustainable UF Newsletter
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- /news/2014/10/13/
- /news/2014/10/14/
- /news/2014/10/15/
- /news/2014/10/16/
- /news/2014/10/20/
- Learn Computer Basics Through Community Education
- Saints Roll past Eastern Florida in straight sets
- Santa Fe College receives $1.47 million for construction training
- Security Officer Alston McLeod retires Oct. 23
- SF professor publishes debut novel, Mosquito County
- Upcoming Title VI lecture: "An American Businessman in Asia" Oct. 22
- /news/2014/10/21/
- "Better You from Blue" October Newsletter
- Celebration of Life for Dan Brainerd Oct. 24
- Dental Hygiene Student Presentations Oct. 31
- Get rewarded for recycling at Santa Fe College Oct. 22
- Guest Lecturer: Professor Roberta Carew on Productive Persistence and Action Research Oct. 24
- Lean how to be a bee keeper with Community Education
- Tips on staying well when others are sick
- /news/2014/10/22/
- /news/2014/10/23/
- Musical Evening brings together SF vocalists and instrumentalists Nov. 20
- BACK TO WORK 50+ job training expo Nov. 13
- CVT Program Extends Free Heart Ultrasound test for evenings
- FTC returns to Santa Fe College Nov. 5-8
- Learn self defense and personal protection skills with Community Education
- Student Life Art Gallery and SF Artists Guild host Paint Out Oct. 24
- /news/2014/10/24/
- /news/2014/10/27/
- /news/2014/10/28/
- Anticipate Social Security and Your Retirement with Art Nagle Nov. 12
- Check out the Halloween Happenings this week!
- Impress Your family this holiday, learn to bake and make pasta at the Fat Tuscan
- Next Sustainable Santa Fe meeting is November 7
- Last day to order pies!
- UF offers BOGO volleyball admission to SF employees
- United Way campaign message from Dr. Sasser
- Wish Upon a Star Kicks off Nov. 5
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- /news/2014/10/30/
- /news/2014/10/31/
- /news/2014/11/02/
- /news/2014/11/03/
- /news/2014/11/04/
- /news/2014/11/06/
- Candidates Needed for AFC eBoard
- Local Historian Lectures on the History of Gainesville at Blount Center
- Please join us in honoring Billie Monroe as she retires Nov. 21
- Saints set for FCSAA State Tournament debut today
- SF donated more than 1000 pounds to Strike Out Hunger
- SF Black Student Union hosts meet and greet Nov. 13
- Zoorific time at the 20th Annual Boo at the Zoo
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- /news/2014/11/10/
- /news/2014/11/12/
- "Better You from Blue" November Newsletter
- Brandon Williams' buzzer beater leads Saints past TAAG, 75-73
- CCS receives multitude of awards from AFC and NCMPR
- Copier toner available to SF departments in need
- Office of Diversity presents Religious Diversity Global Roundtable Nov. 13
- SF Professional Development Scholarship Fund now accepting applications
- Veterans Tribute held at Davis Center Monday
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- /news/2014/11/17/
- /news/2014/11/18/
- /news/2014/11/19/
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- /news/2014/12/01/
- /news/2014/12/03/
- /news/2014/12/04/
- "A Children's Holiday at Santa Fe" Is Dec. 6, 2014, in the Fine Arts Hall
- ACPS Winter Break Food Drive continues until Dec. 12
- AFC 2014 Holiday Social
- AFC Elections take place Dec. 9
- Last minute Wish Upon a Star donations needed by Dec. 5 for two little boys
- Research Design Workshop Dec. 5
- Santa's Ornament Workshop Dec. 6
- SF Biology Professor uncovers the history of human alcohol consumption
- SF Men's Basketball rolls past Pasco Hernando, 86-44
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- /news/2015/01/13/
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- /news/2015/01/15/
- /news/2015/01/20/
- 2015 Sustainable Art Competition
- Cardiovascular Technology Program offers free heart and carotid arteries clinic
- Powering the Planet: Energy for Today and Tomorrow, February 12 – 14, 2015
- Saints defeat Hillsborough 72-45 to earn first MFC win
- Visiting professor discusses the environmental impact of rapid economic development in China Jan. 22
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- /news/2015/02/08/
- /news/2015/02/10/
- /news/2015/02/11/
- /news/2015/02/12/
- Adjunct Faculty Excellence Awards now accepting nominations
- Cade Museum's Phoebe Miles Is a Santa Fe College Woman of Distinction in 2015
- GFAA Juried Photography Exhibit
- Seahorse Key Trip for Faculty Saturday, March 28
- Treat Your Valentine to a Romantic Carriage Ride
- Watson dominates on the hill, Saints win 14-4 over Tallahassee
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- /news/2015/02/17/
- /news/2015/02/18/
- /news/2015/02/19/
- /news/2015/02/20/
- /news/2015/02/23/
- /news/2015/02/24/
- Acclaimed Jazz Musician Anat Cohen in Concert at SF Fine Arts Hall March 28
- Celebration of African Culture Feb. 24
- From Wewahitchka to Ph.D., Bessie Jackson Named SF College Woman of Distinction
- Saints advance to finals of MFC Tournament with 64-38 win
- SF Automotive and HVAC win Skills USA Regional Competition
- SF College Students Give Up Spring Break to Rehearse "West Side Story" March 2-6
- SF Student Life rolls out cutting-edge technology to help students have a safe spring break
- /news/2015/02/25/
- Health Sciences Student Organization hosts annual wheelchair basketball tournament April 8
- Road repairs scheduled for spring break
- RTS reduces bus service during spring break
- Santa Fe and Tallahassee game cancelled for Feb. 25
- The Evolution of Chinese Law: A Move to the West
- TSA Consulting Representative on Campus Tuesday, March 17
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- /news/2015/02/27/
- /news/2015/03/09/
- /news/2015/03/10/
- 64th Annual Conference for Latin American Studies - Envisioning a Sustainable Tropics
- "Better You from Blue" February 2015
- "Better You from Blue" March 2015 Newsletter
- Legislative Update by AFC President Dan Rodkin
- Saints open MFC play on the road in Daytona March 10
- Seahorse Key Trip for Faculty, March 28!
- Solar Car Race and Solar Cooking Contest April 11
- Sustainable Student Art Competition Submissions Due March 30
- /news/2015/03/11/
- /news/2015/03/12/
- Can you help identify the people?
- Don't forget to schedule your retirement consultation with TSA Consulting
- Global Society hosts Dr, Sharon Abramowitz March 20
- March of Dimes Spirit Station Superhero Volunteers Needed
- Santa Fe College student competed on Jeopardy
- SoTL Action Research Data Workshop March 13
- Spring Graduation Volunteers Needed!
- Students will get better service with Lineapple
- Trading Closets event is seeking your donations
- Unity through Diversity Showcase March 19
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- /news/2015/03/16/
- /news/2015/03/17/
- /news/2015/03/18/
- /news/2015/03/19/
- /news/2015/03/20/
- Allen and Parks hit Saints past Daytona, 11-1
- Financial Aid Awareness Week begins Monday
- In remembrance of Gyne Capuano
- International film continues with "Wadjda" March 26
- RUE 2015 begins April 13
- SF Welding program installs new VRTEX welding simulator
- Students needed for national civic engagement survey
- Summer, fall student internships available with U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho
- Wellness Events at SF this Week
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- /news/2015/03/22/
- /news/2015/03/23/
- /news/2015/03/24/
- /news/2015/03/25/
- /news/2015/03/26/
- /news/2015/03/27/
- Answers to Your Questions About the Cyber-Attack on Premera Blue Cross
- CFK Space Challenge Succesfully Launched Rockets
- Earth Day Luncheon in honor of Marjorie Carr April 22
- New FL Museum of Natural History Exhibit Highlights Panama's Tropical Ecosystem
- Next Sustainable Santa Fe Committee Meeting is April 17
- Student Ambassadors pre-selling Krispy Kreme donuts
- /news/2015/03/30/
- /news/2015/03/31/
- /news/2015/04/01/
- 2015 Legislative Update
- The zoo is having a Party for the Planet and you are invited
- Basic Bicycle Maintenance Workshop
- Crime Alert
- Fall 2015 - LIT 2195: Introduction to Literature of the African Peoples
- Get the new "Number One" email sig today!
- Malcolm and Ortiz lead Saints to 4-1, 2-1 sweep of Daytona State
- Professional Development Scholarship Fund now accepting applications
- Santa Fe College wins four more national awards
- Speech Competition
- Youth and Popular Culture in Indonesia
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- /news/2015/04/04/
- /news/2015/04/06/
- /news/2015/04/07/
- /news/2015/04/08/
- 2015 National Telecommunicators Week is April 13-17
- Aetna Resources For Living Employee Newsletter
- Cliff Bryant named FCSAA Player of the Week
- Furniture available to SF departments
- IPS hosts scenario testing and survey for area law enforcement April 20-23
- SF's first ever Space Challenge Camp a success
- "Spring Winds and Drums" in a Free Concert on April 14
- /news/2015/04/09/
- /news/2015/04/10/
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- /news/2015/04/14/
- /news/2015/04/15/
- /news/2015/04/16/
- /news/2015/04/20/
- A celebration you won't want to miss April 22
- Adults with Abilities program honors Earth Day selling up-cycled gifts
- All joggers welcome for Special Olympics Torch Run at SF April 25
- CIED company offers summer volunteer opportunity
- SF College for Kids summer program filling quickly
- Summer dates set for student orientation
- Wellness Wednesday Winners
- Zephyr student literary readings April 22
- /news/2015/04/21/
- /news/2015/04/23/
- /news/2015/04/24/
- /news/2015/04/27/
- Central Florida stops Saints, 10-4
- Julie Warmke Robitaille retires after 40 years at Santa Fe
- Results of the recent College Senate officers election
- Saints split final double header of the season with Hillsborough
- SF Teaching Zoo welcomes baby to the gibbon family
- Submit Nominations for Advisor of the Year and Excellence in Advisement
- /news/2015/04/28/
- /news/2015/04/29/
- /news/2015/04/30/
- /news/2015/05/01/
- /news/2015/05/05/
- /news/2015/05/06/
- /news/2015/05/07/
- Barbara Jessie retires after 32 years of service
- Maxwell and McPhee inducted into SF Student Hall of Fame
- College for Kids registration going strong with over 315 registered so far
- Heather Domin Announced as 2015 Career Service Council S.T.A.R.
- Registration is open for summer professional development workshops
- Saints set to open 2015 FCSAA/NJCAA Region 8 Tournament Friday against Gulf Coast
- /news/2015/05/11/
- Conference tables available to SF departments
- Faculty Professional Development Workshop on Africa
- FL Legislative Update featuring Sen. Bradley and Rep. Perry set for May 13
- Humanities and the Sunshine State: Exploring Florida's Past, Present, and Future
- Refrigerator for any SF department
- Registration for summer Community Ed classes begins May 13
- Saints Baseball season comes to an end with 8-7 loss to Palm Beach
- SF Retiree passes away
- /news/2015/05/13/
- /news/2015/05/14/
- /news/2015/05/18/
- /news/2015/05/19/
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- /news/2015/06/16/
- /news/2015/06/18/
- /news/2015/06/23/
- "A Misunderstanding"/"Un Malentendido" Cuban Art Exhibition on display through July 27
- Aetna Resources For Living Monthly Webinars - July 2015
- Former SF baseball player Mallex Smith Named "Double A" All-Star
- Meditation workshop June 25
- Santa Fe College #1 in the Nation Polos for sale at the Bookstore
- Volunteer opportunities with American Heart Association
- Wine glass painting workshop July 25
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- /news/2015/06/30/
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- /news/2015/08/25/
- Alachua County Schools visits SF Northwest Campus for Volunteer Placement Day Sept. 1
- EGI hosts annual Community Forum Sept. 24
- Improve your golf game with Community Ed
- IPS Provides First-Aid Training to Cub Scout Pack
- Music Department holds band auditions
- "Oedipus at Ichetuckneea" premieres at SF Oct. 14-17
- Retirement party for Dianne Wilkinson Aug. 28
- Saints open volleyball season at home on Aug. 26
- Welcome back from the friendly staff newSFeed
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- /news/2015/08/31/
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- /news/2015/10/01/
- /news/2015/10/05/
- /news/2015/10/06/
- /news/2015/10/07/
- Early and Powell power Saints past Central Florida in five sets
- Nuclear Medicine Technology Program Open House Oct. 8
- "One year later, he plays again"
- Registration Now Open for IPS-hosted Department of Homeland Security Campus Emergencies Prevention Course
- Santa Fe College offers veterans tools for success
- /news/2015/10/08/
- /news/2015/10/12/
- Join Times Talk Oct. 21
- Join your colleagues to discuss Ken Bain's "What the Best College Teachers Do" Oct. 16, 20 and 22
- Legal Notice - Rule
- Polk State clips Santa Fe, 3-0
- Reminder to use your Subway lunch voucher
- Run with the cops on Oct. 15
- SF Students seeks your support in the fight against breast cancer
- Don't forget to "Think Pink" Friday, Oct. 16!
- /news/2015/10/13/
- /news/2015/10/14/
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- /news/2015/10/28/
- /news/2015/10/29/
- Boo at the Zoo welcomes ghouls and boys on Oct. 31
- Geoscience (GEO) Program offers paid summer internship
- Radiography Program Open House to celebrate the discovery of X-rays Nov. 12 and 13
- Saints earn sweep of Webber International in state tournament tune-up match
- SF Alum wins walk-on Gator kicker spot
- /news/2015/10/30/
- /news/2015/11/03/
- /news/2015/11/04/
- /news/2015/11/05/
- /news/2015/11/09/
- Florida Theater Conference celebrates its 60th Anniversary at Santa Fe College Nov. 11-14
- Great American Smokeout set for November 19
- Legal Notice - Meeting
- Legal Notice - Meeting
- Professional Development Scholarship Fund now accepting applications
- SF Alum Takes his Love of Harleys on the Road
- Starry Night 2015 at the Florida Museum of Natural History Nov. 13
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- /news/2015/11/12/
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- /news/2015/12/01/
- Career Service Council holds annual holiday celebration Dec. 2
- Displaced Homemaker Program marks 30th anniversary
- Elio Piedra Quartet performs free concert at SF Dec. 10
- Join us for fall graduation today and tomorrow
- Saints host Northwest Florida this Friday at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 1 p.m.
- SF Alumni Profile: Joshua Johnson
- /news/2015/12/02/
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- /news/2015/12/08/
- /news/2015/12/09/
- /news/2015/12/10/
- /news/2016/01/06/
- AFC Toys 4 Tots program donated more than100 toys
- Healthcare Career Opportunities Tour takes place Jan. 21
- Help the Police Department help you - injunctions
- Registration for CFK Spring Break Space Challenge & Winter Community Ed starts Jan. 6
- SF Women's Basketball open MFC play on Jan. 6
- Testing Center (BOL) temporary closure
- United Way at SF - deadline to renew donations is Jan. 8
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- /news/2016/01/12/
- /news/2016/01/13/
- /news/2016/01/14/
- /news/2016/01/19/
- AFC carnation orders due Feb. 5
- Community Education is Looking for New Instructors
- Craig Fugate: From SF to DC
- Faculty, make your voice heard
- LaBrian Shiflet nails game-winning three with :07 to lift Saints over CF, 79-78
- SF2UF Bridge lecture series begins Jan. 19
- Dance the night away with your sweetheart on Valentine's Day
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- /news/2016/01/21/
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- /news/2016/01/31/
- /news/2016/02/01/
- /news/2016/02/02/
- /news/2016/02/03/
- Back to Work 50+ offers strategies for job seekers
- Fall in love with February clearance at the bookstore
- Leave No Trace Camping Skills Classes
- Legal Notice - Meeting 2/16/16
- Notice of Rule Amendment 5.12, 6.4
- Notice of Rule Amendment and Development 7.4, 7.9
- Retiree Jimmy Mercer passes away
- Saints Basketball host Central Florida at 6 and 8 p.m. on Feb. 3
- Santa Fe College hosts one-stop-shop for career and technical program info Feb. 11
- SF March for Babies needs your support
- SF Music Department fares well at Florida State College Winter Music Symposium
- Tickets at Work discounts for SF employees
- /news/2016/02/04/
- /news/2016/02/08/
- Archer Elementary students visit the Davis Center
- Community Ed offers iPhone Basics class beginning Feb. 10
- February's Newsletter for Aetna
- Pianist Sam Haywood to Perform and Record a CD at SF March 11-12
- Saints Fastpitch shuts out South Florida 2-0
- SF College Students Experience the Music Profession at Winter Symposium
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- /news/2016/02/10/
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- /news/2016/02/15/
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- /news/2016/02/23/
- /news/2016/02/24/
- /news/2016/02/25/
- /news/2016/03/07/
- Have you lost or found an item on campus?
- Pitching, timely hitting lead Saints to 4-3 win over CF Patriots and 13th win in a row
- SF MOD chapter needs your support to make silent auction a success
- SF speech competition seeking nominations from instructors
- UNF health transfer info sessions scheduled for students March 16
- /news/2016/03/08/
- Coalition for Immokalee Farmworkers, 2016 Workers' Voice Tour
- Displaced Homemaker Relay Team wins medals
- Register Now - Deadline For CFK Space Challenge Camp is March 9
- Saints proud to announce 2016 Hall of Fame class
- Santa Fe College Benefits from Local Entrepreneurship
- Susan Faulkner O'Neal: "It's Not All About Me"
- Women and the environment in 20th century Florida March 16
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- /news/2016/03/26/
- /news/2016/03/28/
- AFC Conference This Friday, April 1, 2016
- Guest Speaker Aaron Daye Mesmerizes Audience at AAF Event
- Health Information Professionals Week Promotes "Accurate Information, Quality Care"
- Jacobi Bedenfield Becomes New Student Body President
- March For Babies This Saturday, April 2, 2016
- /news/2016/03/29/
- /news/2016/03/30/
- Fast pitch Assistant Coach Karla Claudio Starts Pro Career This Week
- Find Your Way To The Santa Fe College Arts Festival This Weekend
- Healthcare Insurance Forum April 5, 2016 On Santa Fe College Campus
- Movie Viewing Today At Noon In The Library
- Santa Fe College Baseball Hits The Road Today
- /news/2016/03/31/
- /news/2016/04/01/
- Saints of Santa Fe College - Ben Boukari
- International Etiquette Poster Event April 6-7 In Santa Fe College Library
- Neuroscience Talk Today At 12:30
- Saints of Santa Fe College - Ruby Puckett
- Santa Fe Spring Arts Festival Sunday Only Due to Weather
- Tables Still Available At Santa Fe Library
- The Origins Of "April Fools' Day"
- /news/2016/04/04/
- /news/2016/04/05/
- Faculty Cap And Gown Orders For May, 2016 Graduation Ceremony
- Fight Back Against Cancer 2016 Relay For Life
- Healthcare Insurance Forum Today, April 5
- International Business Etiquette Poster Event, April 6, 2016
- Media Studio Open House, April 6, 2016
- /news/2016/04/06/
- 2016 Student Art Show
- Fight Back Against Cancer In The 2016 Relay For Life Of Gainesville Event
- Gainesville's Northeast Pool Re-opens
- International Business Etiquette Poster Event Today, April 6
- Media Studio Open House, Today, April 6, 2016
- Santa Fe College's Performance of "Sweet Charity" May 12 through the 14, and May 19 through May 21
- Supply Drive for Farm-Worker Families
- /news/2016/04/07/
- Car Show for Children with Disabilities, Sunday, April 10, 2016
- Jazz Up Spring Turns 10 This Year
- Lecture Invitation By Psychologist Dr. Lori Knackstedt, April 12, 2016
- "Parallel Lives" Read On April 14
- Show Us What #1 Looks Like
- Two of Santa Fe College's Own Awarded Prestigious Aspen Presidential Fellowship
- /news/2016/04/08/
- /news/2016/04/09/
- /news/2016/04/11/
- African Drumming Under the Stars at the Planetarium
- Registration for CFK Summer Camp Begins Wednesday April 13, 2016
- Santa Fe Baseball's Morton Tosses Gem To Lead Saints Past St. John’s River, 5-1
- Santa Fe College Club Hosted Car Show For Charity Sunday
- Santa Fe College Fast Pitch Split Double Header With State College Of Florida
- This Is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
- This Thursday, "Parallel Lives" In The E Auditorium At 7:00 P.M.
- This Week Only, First Ever Scholastic Book Fair at Santa Fe College Little School
- /news/2016/04/12/
- /news/2016/04/13/
- /news/2016/04/14/
- Charitable Canned Food Drive Conducted By Santa Fe Student Government
- Put The Spring 2016 Graduation Ceremonies On Your Calendars
- Sing Into Spring Tonight, April 14, In The Fine Arts Hall At Santa Fe Northwest Campus
- "Sweet Charity" Comes to the Fine Arts Hall May 12-14 and May 19-21, 2016
- Tonight, Santa Fe College Presents "Parallel Lives" At Santa Fe College's Northwest Campus
- /news/2016/04/15/
- AFC Chili Cook Off Tuesday, April 19, 2016
- African Drumming Under the Stars at the Planetarium This Weekend
- Student Creativity Contest Deadline Sunday, April 17, 2016
- Healthcare Forum Presentation Recordings Available for Viewing
- Santa Fe College Basketball Clinic a Success
- Santa Fe College Launches New Campaign
- /news/2016/04/18/
- Chili Cook Off Tomorrow On The Oak Grove
- Get Your Tickets Now For the Spring Graduation Ceremonies Next Thursday and Friday at Santa Fe College Northwest Campus
- Mid-Florida Conference Baseball Championship Is Back In Gainesville
- /news/2016/04/19/
- /news/2016/04/20/
- /news/2016/04/21/
- /news/2016/04/22/
- /news/2016/04/25/
- /news/2016/04/26/
- /news/2016/04/27/
- /news/2016/04/28/
- Deadline Approaching for Advisor of the Year and Excellence in Advising Nominations
- End of Semester and Carole Windsor Retirement Celebration
- Fat Tuscan Offers Community Education Class With Santa Fe College
- New Inter-cultural Faculty Workshop
- New Times Article Written By Santa Fe College's Professor Sean Trainor
- Spring Break Hours for Library, Food Court, and Coffee 101 at Santa Fe College
- /news/2016/04/29/
- 1 Million Cups Program Comes to Santa Fe College in Gainesville, FL
- Carol Windsor and End of Year Celebration Today at 11:00 a.m.
- Incredible Students to be Highlighted By Santa Fe College's Dr. Jackson Sasser Today
- Santa Fe College's Coach Wiggs Wins Sixth MFC Coach of the Year Award
- "Sweet Charity" Celebrates 50 Years of Growth in SF College Fine Arts Programs
- /news/2016/04/30/
- /news/2016/05/02/
- /news/2016/05/03/
- Mother and Son Graduate from Santa Fe College On The Same Day
- Ready, Set, Go To Sweet Charity, May 12-14 and May 19-21
- Saints Shareware Closed All Day Wednesday, May 5, 2016
- Santa Fe College Ranked Number 8 In Affordability in the State of Florida
- Star Awards Recipient Recognition, Tomorrow, May 4, In Gym
- /news/2016/05/04/
- /news/2016/05/05/
- Counselor In Training Program Extended to May 16, 2016 at Santa Fe College
- Deadline for Nominations for Advisor of the Year and Excellence in Advising Approaching
- Elementary School Student's STEM Project Exhibits at Santa Fe College
- Santa Fe College Community Outreach Enhances "Bring Your Daughter To Work Day"
- /news/2016/05/06/
- /news/2016/05/09/
- Celebrate Three Retirements on May 23, 2016 at Santa Fe College
- History This Week @ Santa Fe
- March For Babies Celebration May 14, 2016
- Rapper Dennis Lee Interviewed for "Speak Life" at Santa Fe College
- Santa Fe College Baseball Team Named Number One in the Nation
- "Sweet Charity" Starts This Week!
- View the Transit of Mercury at the Planetarium Today, May 9, 2016
- /news/2016/05/10/
- /news/2016/05/11/
- Come to Angie Siekers' Retirement Party Tomorrow, May 18, 2016
- Musical "Sweet Charity" Starts Tomorrow at Santa Fe College's Fine Arts Hall
- O'Brien and Edwards Sign with Lynn and Kent State Universities, Respectively
- Question and Answer Sessions for Santa Fe College's Chief Information Security Officer Held Starting May 16
- Save the Date for Employee Ice Cream Social
- Surplus Binders Available in Various Sizes
- /news/2016/05/12/
- /news/2016/05/13/
- /news/2016/05/16/
- /news/2016/05/17/
- /news/2016/05/18/
- Dream Your Dream and Come See "Sweet Charity" at Santa Fe College's Fine Arts Hall
- Interview Process for Assistant to the President for Innovation and Governmental Affairs Begins May 24
- Mark Your Calendars for Financial Aid Cross Training
- Santa Fe College and Builders Association of North Central Florida Roll Out New Habitat For Humanity Home Tomorrow
- Watch the Santa Fe Saints Chipola Baseball Game Here
- /news/2016/05/19/
- /news/2016/05/20/
- /news/2016/05/23/
- /news/2016/05/24/
- /news/2016/05/25/
- Fine Arts Performances Don't Stop at Musicals in the Fine Arts Hall
- Interviews for Assistant to the President for Innovation and Governmental Affairs Continue Today
- Keep the Spirit and Root on Santa Fe College's Baseball Team in the JUCO World Series
- Santa Fe College Welcomes Police Officer Sarah Smith
- /news/2016/05/26/
- /news/2016/05/27/
- Fun Kid-Friendly Classes Available for Parent and Child This Summer
- Applications for FREE STEM Camp Due Today!
- Blount Center Will Help To "Keep it Pleasant" During June 10 Event
- Saints Championship Game Viewing Party This Weekend at the Oaks Mall
- Santa Fe College's Kika Silva Pla Planetarium Line Up For Memorial Day Weekend
- What is Memorial Day?
- /news/2016/05/31/
- Writer Stephanie Elizondo Griest at SF College End of June
- Health Sciences Training Facility Tour Available Thursday, June 9, 2016
- History This Week @ Santa Fe
- Santa Fe College's President Dr. Sasser Receives Award from Governor Rick Scott
- /news/2016/06/01/
- /news/2016/06/02/
- Mark Your Calendars for Dr. Lois Ellis' Retirement Celebration
- Monthly Senate Meeting Scheduled for June 7
- "Peter and the Wolf" a Spectacular Ballet Performance at the Santa Fe Fine Arts Hall
- Santa Fe Zoo Opens TOMORROW at 9 a.m. for World Oceans Day Annual Event
- State-Of-The-Art Heath Sciences Training Facility Tour Available Next Week
- /news/2016/06/03/
- Legal Notice - Meeting 6/21/16
- Legal Notice - Meeting 7/19/16
- Legal Notice - Workshop 6/20/16
- Notice of Rule Amendment 6.7
- "Peter and the Wolf" Starts June 24 at Santa Fe Fine Arts Hall
- Register Early for Presentation Series on Autism and Asperger's
- Visit The Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo Tomorrow and Celebrate World Oceans Day
- Water Color Classes Begin Tuesday, June 7 at Senior Recreation Center
- /news/2016/06/05/
- /news/2016/06/06/
- /news/2016/06/07/
- Back To Work After 50
- Dance Theatre of Santa Fe Presents "Peter and the Wolf" Ballet June 24-25, 2016
- Executive Board Meeting Today, June 7, 2016
- Food Provided For Those In Need
- Free Ice Cream Provided By Student Life Tomorrow
- Life South Blood Drive Today June 7, 11a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Notice of Rule Development 1.3
- /news/2016/06/08/
- /news/2016/06/09/
- /news/2016/06/10/
- /news/2016/06/13/
- /news/2016/06/14/
- A Fond Send-Off to Santa Fe College Dental Program Director, Karen Autrey
- Brice Keith Retires from Santa Fe College's ITS Department After Over 30 Years
- Cool Off At The Annual Employee Ice Cream Social Today at 2:30 P.M.
- Counselors Offering Guidance to Staff and Students at Santa Fe College Concerning Orlando Tragedy
- Three Current and Three Former Saints Selected in MLB Draft
- Times Talk Meeting Topic: Orlando Massacre; What Does It Mean?
- /news/2016/06/15/
- Blood Always Needed at Lifesouth, Volunteer and Give Today!
- Law Enforcement Scenario Based Training
- RTS Summer Break Reduced Bus Service Schedule
- Santa Fe Teaching Zoo Says Goodbye to Cherished Tree Kangaroo, Katrina
- Times Talk Topic: "Orlando Massacre, What Does It Mean",Today in Santa Fe Library Lobby
- Tomorrow's Wellness Walks Moved Inside Due to Predicted Heat Index
- /news/2016/06/16/
- /news/2016/06/17/
- Financial Aid Office Open Monday, June 20 During Budget Meeting
- Next Wednesday: Retirement Celebration for Dental Program Director, Karen Autrey
- "Peter and the Wolf", Another Fantastic Performance Coming to You by Dance Theatre of Santa Fe
- Two More Weeks Until Stephanie Elizondo Griest Appearance on Santa Fe College Campus
- /news/2016/06/20/
- /news/2016/06/21/
- /news/2016/06/22/
- /news/2016/06/23/
- /news/2016/06/24/
- /news/2016/06/27/
- /news/2016/06/28/
- /news/2016/06/29/
- /news/2016/06/30/
- /news/2016/07/01/
- /news/2016/07/05/
- /news/2016/07/06/
- /news/2016/07/07/
- June STEM Camp Attendees Participate in Mock-Up Crime Scene
- NASA STEM BOOT CAMP for Middle School Teachers
- Requesting Agenda Items for Santa Fe College July Senate Meeting
- Santa Fe College EMS Students Prepare FHP Troopers for Cleveland
- Santa Fe College's Trent Johnson Makes Successful Transition to New York Mets
- /news/2016/07/08/
- /news/2016/07/11/
- /news/2016/07/12/
- /news/2016/07/13/
- Be a Star Gazer Tonight At Santa Fe College's Kika Silva Pla Planetarium
- Ben Lusk's "The Speculative Turn" on Display at the President's Hall
- College for Kids Session II Registration Deadline Approaching
- "Times Talks" Your Chance to Voice Your Opinion and Hear Others
- Visit Innovation Academy in the UF@SF Center
- /news/2016/07/14/
- /news/2016/07/15/
- /news/2016/07/18/
- /news/2016/07/19/
- /news/2016/07/20/
- /news/2016/07/21/
- /news/2016/07/22/
- /news/2016/07/25/
- /news/2016/07/26/
- /news/2016/07/27/
- /news/2016/07/28/
- /news/2016/07/29/
- /news/2016/08/01/
- /news/2016/08/02/
- /news/2016/08/03/
- /news/2016/08/04/
- /news/2016/08/05/
- /news/2016/08/08/
- /news/2016/08/09/
- Community Ed Class Registration Starts Tomorrow!
- "East Meets West" at Mitch McKay's Piano Concert Sept. 9, 2016
- Finish at the Top at Santa Fe College
- Four More Santa Fe Basketball Players Sign With Upper Division Schools
- HIT Program New Student Fall Orientation Tomorrow, August 10, 2016
- Plan for the New Student Convocation, August 29 and 30, 2016
- Santa Fe College Night 2016, August 31
- /news/2016/08/10/
- /news/2016/08/11/
- /news/2016/08/12/
- /news/2016/08/15/
- /news/2016/08/16/
- Available Furniture For Departments
- Call for Papers for the Journal of Applied Research for the Association of Florida Colleges
- Invite To 2016 Fall Convocation from Dr. Jackson Sasser
- Master Artist AverySunshine Headlines Soulful Concert on Sept. 16, 2016
- Lt. Ryan Woods Accepts Role as Chair of Campus Safety Commission
- "Straight Talk" Program For High School Football Players Acts as an Interactive Tool
- /news/2016/08/17/
- /news/2016/08/18/
- /news/2016/08/19/
- /news/2016/08/22/
- Come Get Your New College Calendars!
- History This Week @ Santa Fe
- Know How To Stay Safe At Santa Fe College
- Santa Fe College Safety Welcome Back
- SF Volleyball Coach Cheronis to Appear on ESPN Radio This Morning August 22, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.
- This is Santa Fe College
- UF @ SF Honors Program Welcomes Students Back
- /news/2016/08/23/
- /news/2016/08/24/
- George E. Huber, Retired Santa Fe College Registrar, Passes Away
- EXTRA Shuttle Available to Students in Rural Areas With Transportation Needs
- Requesting Agenda Faculty Senate Meeting August 30, 3:30 P.M.
- Saints Volleyball Opens Season Tonight at Home in SF Gym at 6 p.m.
- SF College Parking Regulations Reminder
- /news/2016/08/25/
- Pick Up Your New Santa Fe College Wall Calendar Today!
- Safe Santa Fe Week Starts This Wednesday, August 31, 2016
- SF Saints Drop Season Opener as Pasco Hernando Conquistadors Win First Game
- Testing Center - New Hours & Weekend Testing
- Simulated Emergency Team Response Utilized to Show Students How Its Done
- Your Santa Fe Police Department HELPFUL TIP
- /news/2016/08/26/
- /news/2016/08/29/
- /news/2016/08/30/
- Executive Council Meeting This Afternoon at 3:30 p.m.
- Friends of Susan B. Anthony Honors the Displaced Homemaker Program and Two of Santa Fe's Own
- Safe Santa Fe Week Starts This Week!
- Santa Fe Career and Technical Education Celebrates Citizenship
- Submit your Career Service Scholarship Forms by Next Friday, September 9, 2016
- Lecture and Conversation with Laura Alonso of the Pro Danza Cuban Today
- /news/2016/08/31/
- Cognitive Psychologist Stephen Chew to Lecture at Santa Fe College Sept. 29, 2016
- Commemorate 911 With The Collegiate Veterans Society of Santa Fe College
- Don't Miss the Gainesville Latino Film Festival
- Get your Tickets Now for the State of the College Luncheon, September 7, 2016
- Santa Fe Saints Fall to Hillsborough CC Hawks
- See You Tonight at College Night 2016!
- Think "Safety" in the Evening at Santa Fe College
- /news/2016/09/01/
- /news/2016/09/06/
- History This Week @ Santa Fe
- Invite from SoTL at SF Learning Community
- Join Us For Times Talks Tomorrow, September 7, 2016 at 1 P.M. In The Library
- Santa Fe College Loses Another Member of Its Family
- Santa Fe College Non- Emergency and Emergency Call Numbers
- Santa Fe College's State of The College Luncheon, Today, September 7, at Noon
- /news/2016/09/07/
- Don't Miss the HR Benefits Fair Friday, September 23, 2016
- Join the Santa Fe College Ambassador's Breast Cancer Awareness Team!
- Join "Times Talks" Today in Lobby of SF's Lawrence W. Tyree Library at 1:00 p.m.
- "Lock It Or Lose It" Campaign On Santa Fe College
- Planetarium Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary
- Stay Informed on Zika Virus
- /news/2016/09/08/
- /news/2016/09/09/
- EGI Annual College Outreach Report for the Community, September 29, 2016
- Films Discuss Issues of Race and Institutionalized Racism
- Productive Inquiry and Dialogue With Colleagues at the First SoTL Workshop Today at Noon
- Santa Fe College Annual Employee Benefit Fair, September 23, 2016
- Santa Fe College's Kika Silva Pla Planetarium Celebrates 10 Years
- SF College 4th Annual Health Information Technology Summit
- What's Happening This Weekend for the Latino Film Festival?
- /news/2016/09/12/
- 911 Memorial Service Held Sunday
- "Come One Come All" to Santa Fe College's Annual Benefit Fair
- Community Outreach and EGI Report, September 29, 2016
- Democracy Fair Thursday, September, 15, 2016
- Financial Aid 101 Training, Today at 10:00 a.m.
- ITT Institute Students Welcomed to Santa Fe College To Continue Their Education
- Welcome SF's New Safety Coordinator!
- /news/2016/09/13/
- "Bang Bang You're Dead" Dramatizes School Shootings Oct. 13-15, 2016, in SF Fine Arts Hall
- Constitution Week Celebration, Thursday, September 15, 2016
- Harlem Quartet To Perform at Santa Fe College September 24, 2016
- History This Week @ Santa Fe
- Legal Notice - Meeting 9/20/16
- Mark Your Calendars: Fall 2016 Graduation Information Day, October 5
- Notice of Rule Amendment 1.3
- Notice of Rule Development 4.3 and 7.28
- Notice of Rule Development 7.13
- "Winds & Classics" Is an International Musical Tour in Fine Arts Hall Sept. 29, 2016
- /news/2016/09/14/
- Employee Benefits Fair This Friday, Sept. 23, 2016
- Cardiovascular Technology Program Offers FREE Ultrasound Testing
- Club Rush Has Been Moved Today at Santa Fe's Main Campus, Now Being Held in R-01
- Constitution Week Celebration Starts Tomorrow Morning, Sept. 15, 2016
- Latino Film Festival at Santa Fe College E-Theatre
- /news/2016/09/15/
- /news/2016/09/16/
- Avery*Sunshine To Appear at Santa Fe College's Fine Arts Hall Tonight at 7:30 p.m.
- BAS Degree Program in HSA Hosts Networking & Orientation
- Kika Silva Pla Planetarium Celebrates 10 Stellar Years at Santa Fe Campus
- Last Two Nights of the Gainesville Latino Film Festival
- Read "The College Fear Factor" - then join the conversation on October 5
- /news/2016/09/19/
- Employee Benefits Fair This Friday, September 23, 2016
- Fitness Demonstration at Santa Fe Gym, Wednesday, September 21, 2016
- Heart Walk This Saturday!
- History This Week @ Santa Fe
- HSA Bachelor of Applied Science Program Hosting Networking Event
- Legal Notice - Meeting 10/18/16
- Notice of Rule Development 2.8
- RUE & Study Abroad Research Symposium
- /news/2016/09/20/
- Learn Origami Creations, For Parents and Kids
- Rue and Study Abroad Research Symposium
- Santa Fe Teaching Zoo Loses Two of Its Animal Family Members
- SF College 4th Annual Health Information Technology Summit
- Stools Available From Surplus Property
- Study Abroad Informational Panels
- /news/2016/09/21/
- Santa Fe College Benefits Fair, September 23, 2016
- Elio's Quartet Blazes a Jazz "Pathway" at FREE Concert Sept. 30, 2016
- Experience LaserFest at the Planetarium
- Get Involved in The Debate on the Debates TODAY at "Times Talks"
- Deadline to Order Graduation Regalia, October 28, 2016
- HSA Connect, Next Wednesday, September 28, 2016
- Join the Heart Walk, This Saturday, September 24, 2016
- Visit the Exhibit "People on the Move" This Friday
- /news/2016/09/22/
- /news/2016/09/23/
- Call for Agenda Items for September 27, 2016 Executive Council Meeting
- Employee Benefits Fair Today From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Exhibit "People on the Move", Last Day Today
- Interested in Improving Learning?
- Join the Heart Walk, Tomorrow Morning at 8:00 a.m. or If You Can't Join, Pledge!
- The Certificate for Online Design and Instruction Begins October 3, 2016
- The Harlem Quartet Performs Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016, at the Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall
- /news/2016/09/26/
- /news/2016/09/27/
- Attend Graduation Information Day, Wednesday, October 5, 2016!
- "Bang Bang You're Dead" Dramatizes School Shootings Oct. 13-15, 2016, in SF Fine Arts Hall
- EGI Report Presented, September 29, 2016 at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in Gainesville
- Elio's Quartet Gives FREE Afro-Cuban Latin Jazz Concert at Santa Fe College’s Northwest Campus This Friday
- Executive Council Meeting Today, September 27, 2016
- SF Wind Ensemble Concert, Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. Fine Arts Hall
- "Winds & Classics" International Musical Tour in SF Fine Arts Hall This Thursday, Sept. 29, 2016
- /news/2016/09/28/
- Diversity of Dance Master Artist Residency and Performance on Oct. 27, 2016
- Don't Miss Dr. Stephen Chew’s Lecture on Improving Student Performance, Tomorrow Sept. 29, 2016!
- EGI Annual Report, Tonight at 6 p.m. at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in Gainesville
- Ethics Bowl Team goes to Southwest Regional Competition
- Evacuation Drills Planned Between October 3 - 13 at All Santa Fe College Campuses and Centers
- Free "LaserFest" Sneak Peek for Santa Fe College Thursday
- Lecturer Dr. Christine Schmidt To Speak at Santa Fe College on Spinal Neuron Regeneration
- SF College Hosts a Growing Florida Theatre Conference Festival Nov. 2-5, 2016
- Two Performances of "Peter and the Wolf" on Nov. 9, 2016
- "Winds & Classics" Is an International Musical Tour in SF Fine Arts Hall Tonight, Sept. 29, 2016
- Young Dancer Workshop Features Two Showcase Performances Oct. 28-29, 2016
- /news/2016/09/29/
- Beautiful Rainbow Appears Above the Skies This Morning
- Become a Part of The Spirit of Democracy
- Dr. Stephen Chew, Lecture On Improving Student Performance, Today, September 29, 2016
- Free "LaserFest" Sneak Peek for Santa Fe College Yesterday at the Kika Silva Pla Planetarium
- Santa Fe College Police Department One of 33 Agencies Nationwide to Win Grant for Body-Cam Usage
- "Winds and Classics" Performance Tonight at Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall
- /news/2016/09/30/
- Free Jazz Fusion Concert Tonight, September 30, 2016 at Santa Fe College
- In The Right Place at the Right Time
- Indulge In a Course at Santa Fe College Northwest Campus
- Learn About UNF Programs and Get the Information Needed to Transfer.
- Surplus Vehicle Viewing at SF College, October 11 and 12 in Facilities Parking Lot
- /news/2016/10/01/
- /news/2016/10/03/
- A Message From Dr. Sasser, President of Santa Fe College
- Certificate for Online Design and Instruction
- Evacuation Drills Have Started
- Get Prepared on Graduation Information Day, Wednesday October 5, 2016
- History This Week at Santa Fe
- Learn How To Transfer from SF to UNF, October 4, 2016
- Santa Fe College Annual Security Report
- "The College Fear Factor: How Students and Professors Misunderstand One Another"
- /news/2016/10/04/
- /news/2016/10/05/
- A Message from President Sasser
- African American Male Healthcare Forum, October 27, 2016
- Check SF Homepage for Hurricane Matthew Updates
- College Con Gets People Involved in the Graphic Novel and Manga Market
- "College Fear Factor" Discussion Today, Wednesday, October 5 at 12:00 p.m.
- "Diversity of Dance" to Perform at Santa Fe College With DTSF, October 27, 2016
- Financial Aid Appreciation Day, October 19, 2016
- Graduation Information Day, Today From 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- POSTPONED: "Run With The Cops" Pushed Back To November 10, 2016
- Sidewalk Closings on Campus
- /news/2016/10/06/
- /news/2016/10/10/
- A United Way Message From President Jackson Sasser
- Emergency Drills Continue on Santa Fe Northwest Campus and Centers
- Graphic Novels and Manga Comic Books, Buy 2 Get 1 Free!
- History This Week @ Santa Fe College
- It's Going To Be An All Out War, Students vs. Staff!
- Sidewalk Closure Today Between Bldg. P and Bldg. R At Santa Fe College's Northwest Campus
- Powerpoint Presentation on Time and Attendance Updates
- /news/2016/10/11/
- /news/2016/10/12/
- Check Out "Bang Bang You're Dead" at the Santa Fe Fine Arts Hall, Tonight Oct. 13 thru Sat Oct. 15
- Check Out the CIED's Gardening Series of Classes!
- Community-Wide Clean Up and Cookout Planned for Porters Community Grounds
- Lecture "Race and Education in Florida: How Far Have We Come?", Oct. 24, 2016 on SF Northwest Campus
- TIMES TALK Today, October 12 at 1 p.m.
- /news/2016/10/13/
- /news/2016/10/17/
- 50 Years United!
- Gator Day @ Santa Fe Brings Advising for All UF Majors to SF Oct. 19
- History This Week @ Santa Fe College
- Join the Santa Fe College Ambassador's Breast Cancer Awareness Team!
- Penny Wars Update
- Physical Therapist Assistant Information Session
- Santa Fe College Acknowledges Breast Cancer Awareness Week
- /news/2016/10/18/
- /news/2016/10/19/
- Calling for Candy Donations for "Boo at the Zoo"
- Come out and support Career Service in their Halloween Fundraiser!
- Gator Day @ Santa Fe, Wednesday, Oct. 19 2016
- Planetarium Hosts "The Multiverse and You"
- Santa Fe College Police Department Awarded First Ever "Higher Education" Award at IACP Conference
- This Week's "Think Pink" Schedule at Santa Fe College
- Trashformations: Recycled Art Show & Competition
- /news/2016/10/20/
- /news/2016/10/21/
- /news/2016/10/24/
- Emerging Technologies STEM Fest November 16 and 17, 2016 at Santa Fe College's Perry Center
- History This Week @ Santa Fe College
- Movie Screening: "No Letting Go" presented by Meridian Behavioral Healthcare
- Never Too Late To Take a Class Through Community Ed!
- Penny Wars Getting Serious, Students Ahead by Over 3000 Points!
- Santa Fe College's 4th Annual Dental Hygiene Student Table Clinic Presentations
- /news/2016/10/25/
- Career Service Fundraiser Bake Sale on Halloween!
- College Con Trivia and More on October 26, 2016 at Santa Fe College Bookstore
- Halloween Costume Contest at Santa Fe College
- Pumpkin Carving Contest at Santa Fe Teaching Zoo
- Santa Fe College Rated Amongst the Top Radiology Technician Programs in the US for 2016
- /news/2016/10/26/
- College Con at Bookstore Breezeway Today, October 26, 2016
- Conference on Climate Change a Success with Santa Fe ESL Students
- "Diversity of Dance" Performance at Santa Fe College's Fine Arts Hall TOMORROW, Oct. 27, 2016
- Over 200 students Participate in the Model United Nations Conference at Santa Fe College
- Postcards From The Darklands - Closing Reception Friday, October 28, 2016
- Santa Fe College Will Participate in Civic Engagement at Porters Community Center
- SF Bookstore Sale Through October 27, 2016
- /news/2016/10/27/
- /news/2016/10/28/
- Chairs Available To SF Departments
- "Darklands" Today at Santa Fe College's President's Hall Gallery
- Join "Boo at the Zoo" on Monday for Halloween Festivities!
- Requests for Donations to the Santa Fe AFC, Monday October 31, 2016
- Start Reading Your November "Greedy Reader" Book Now
- Support the Santa Fe College AFC Chapter and Donate TODAY!
- Young Dancer Workshop Features Performances at SF College Oct. 28-29, 2016
- /news/2016/10/31/
- "Boo at the Zoo" is TONIGHT!!
- "Happyween" at Depot Park Station
- Lock it Or Loose It!
- Meet SF College's Police Department’s Officer Sarah Smith Tomorrow in the Food Court!
- Online Technical Education In ATE Programs
- Open Enrollment for 2017 Benefits Reminder
- Penny Wars Taking Off With a "Smack"!
- Santa Fe College Ethics Bowl Team Competes in Orlando
- Time and Attendance Updates Power Point Presentation
- Volunteer to Help Gainesville Harvest After "Boo at the Zoo"
- /news/2016/11/01/
- 6th Annual STEM Fest Coming Soon
- A Great Time Was Had By All!
- Continue to Donate to The United Way Campaign!
- Follow-Up Meeting on U.S. Department of Labor's Overtime Rule
- History This Week @ Santa Fe College
- Open Enrollment for Santa Fe College's Benefit Plan Ends This Friday, November 4, 2016
- Presiding Officer of Santa Fe College's Executive Committee Has a Few Requests
- Respiratory Care Open House, Wednesday, November 9, 2016
- /news/2016/11/02/
- /news/2016/11/03/
- SF 2 UF Bridge Program Hosts Lecture on November 15, 2016
- Collegiate Veterans Society To Hold a Veterans Day Observance, November 10, 2016 at Santa Fe College
- "Jazz On The Grove" Noon Today!
- Santa Fe College Men's Basketball Opening Game Tonight, November 3, 2016, In Pensacola
- Santa Fe College Police Department Needs Your Help
- SF College Communications and Creative Services Wins Awards at AFC Presentations
- /news/2016/11/04/
- Annual Florida Model United Nations Conference Held October 25-26
- Deadline for Open Enrollment TODAY, November 4, 2016
- International Business Etiquette Poster Session
- SF College Volleyball Pulls Out Win Over Palm Beach, Due to Play College of Central Florida Saturday at 10:00 A.M.
- "Starry Night 2016" at the Florida Museum of Natural History TONIGHT!
- Still Celebrating Halloween With Pictures!
- Students Still ahead in Santa Fe College's Penny Wars, Week Four
- Super Heroes Amongst Us
- /news/2016/11/06/
- /news/2016/11/07/
- "Education as a Weapon of Chance" Presented November 15, 2016
- Legal Notice - Meeting 11/15/16
- New Workshop Promotes Accessible Design
- November 8, 2016 Executive Council Meeting
- Picture Perfect Santa Fe Baseball Team
- Professional Development Scholarship Fund Now Accepting Applications
- Saying Goodbye to Chattie Wheeler as She Retires From Santa Fe College
- This Week In History @ Santa Fe College
- /news/2016/11/08/
- Career Academy Forum on November 17, 2016 at Buchholz High School
- Come "Run With The Cops" This Thursday!
- Come Say Farewell to Michelle Theus
- Come to the CTE Job Fair, November 15, 2016
- Executive Council Meeting Today at 3:30 p.m.
- Now accepting Nominations for 2017 Women of Distinction and Woman of Promise
- Santa Fe College's CCS Receives 10 Medallion Awards from NCMPR
- Times Talk, Tomorrow, November 9 at 1 p.m.
- /news/2016/11/09/
- Historic Walking Tours of Gainesville and Micanopy Florida
- Great Success With Fine Arts Hall Performances and Workshops!
- "Run With The Cops Tomorrow"!
- Santa Fe College Foundation Receives Funds to Establish New Scholarship
- STEM Fest 2016 at Santa Fe College Perry Center
- "Times Talks" Today at 1 P.M. in S-29
- Veterans Day Observance, November 10, 2016 in Santa Fe Library Lobby
- /news/2016/11/10/
- 2017 Principal Employee Disclosure Information (a Florida House of Representatives requirement)
- Celebrate our Veterans Today
- Come "Run With The Cops" TODAY!
- Now accepting Nominations for 2017 Women of Distinction and Woman of Promise
- Veterans Day Closings Schedule
- /news/2016/11/14/
- Bush Places 3rd in Brain Bowl Tournament
- Early Closings for Testing and Assessment Centers for the Thanksgiving Holiday, Plan Ahead!
- Human Rights Lecture at Santa Fe College This Thursday, November 17, 2016
- Last SF2UF Bridge Lecture of the Semester at Santa Fe College, Tomorrow
- "Penny Wars" Update
- "Run With The Cops" a Great Success Last Week
- This Week In History @ Santa Fe College
- Two Performances of "Holiday at Santa Fe" for Adults & Children on Dec. 3, 2016
- /news/2016/11/15/
- Come Say Goodbye to Michelle Theus!
- CTE Job Fair Today in Room R-01 From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- Deadline to Get your Nominations in for "Woman of Distinction" Awards is TODAY
- Deadline Today To Send In Nominations for "Woman of Distinction" Awards
- Human Rights Lecture Today, November 17, 2016 at Santa Fe College
- SF2UF Bridge Lecture Today!
- Testing and Assessment Centers To Close Early for Thanksgiving Holiday
- Three Bands and Vocalists Featured in "Evening of Jazz" at SF College, Thursday Nov. 17, 2016
- Two Performances of "Holiday at Santa Fe" for Adults & Children on Dec. 3, 2016
- /news/2016/11/16/
- /news/2016/11/17/
- Learn Fun Crafts and Healthy Creations With Community Education Class
- "Evening of Jazz at the Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall Tonight!
- FRS & Drop
- Santa Fe College's Lt. Ryan Woods Awarded "Board Member of the Year" By AFC
- /news/2016/11/18/
- /news/2016/11/21/
- /news/2016/11/22/
- /news/2016/11/23/
- /news/2016/11/28/
- /news/2016/11/29/
- /news/2016/11/30/
- /news/2016/12/01/
- /news/2016/12/02/
- /news/2016/12/05/
- /news/2016/12/06/
- /news/2016/12/07/
- /news/2016/12/09/
- /news/2016/12/12/
- /news/2016/12/13/
- /news/2016/12/14/
- /news/2016/12/15/
- /news/2016/12/28/
- /news/2017/01/01/
- /news/2017/01/03/
- /news/2017/01/04/
- /news/2017/01/05/
- /news/2017/01/06/
- /news/2017/01/09/
- /news/2017/01/10/
- /news/2017/01/11/
- /news/2017/01/12/
- /news/2017/01/13/
- /news/2017/01/17/
- /news/2017/01/18/
- /news/2017/01/19/
- /news/2017/01/20/
- /news/2017/01/23/
- /news/2017/01/24/
- /news/2017/01/25/
- /news/2017/01/26/
- /news/2017/01/27/
- /news/2017/01/30/
- AFC Legislative Days and Leadership Conference Recap
- JoAnn Wilkes Attends the Women's March in Washington, DC.
- SF2UF Bridge Lecture on Autoimmune Diseases by Dr. Morel, UF Researcher
- /news/2017/01/31/
- /news/2017/02/01/
- /news/2017/02/02/
- /news/2017/02/03/
- /news/2017/02/06/
- LAST CHANCE… For Love - AFC Carnation Sale
- SF Community Education wins Gainesville Sun Readers Choice Award!
- Dance & Romance with Your Sweetheart at SF's Valentine's Day Swing Dance
- Nuclear Medicine Technology Open House
- SF Art Students Explore Further Higher Education at National Portfolio Day 2017
- /news/2017/02/07/
- Author Book Signing With William Hatfield
- Changes to SF Senate Constitution on Representation of Part-time Employees
- Davis Center Art Class
- SF Music Students Make History at 2017 Winter Symposium in Jacksonville
- /news/2017/02/08/
- Sweet Cookie Deals at Coffee 101
- CBS 4 News Visits Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
- Executive Council Meeting 2/14/17
- Financial Aid 101!
- Marriage and Family in Chinese Society
- Opportunities and Challenges of Foreign Language Instruction in China
- Saints Take On Titans Tonight in the Doghouse
- SF Evacu-Trac Chair Demonstration
- /news/2017/02/09/
- /news/2017/02/10/
- /news/2017/02/13/
- SF Brain Bowl Team Qualifies For State Championships
- SF Wellness Kickoff Event Today: Small Steps, Big Results
- /news/2017/02/14/
- AFC Carnation Sale a Huge Success!
- Agenda for Executive Council Meeting 2-14-17
- Black History Month Events This Week at SF
- Santa Fe College Community Education Helps Senior Citizens Connect to Social Media
- Times Talk: "Executive Overreach or Judicial Tyranny: You be the Judge"
- "Winds Go Pops" Features Movie Themes in Bldg. E Auditorium Mar. 2, 2017
- /news/2017/02/15/
- /news/2017/02/16/
- /news/2017/02/17/
- AFC Basketball Tailgating Party Wed., Feb. 22
- Coffee 101 - Add a cookie for a $1 Tuesdays in February
- Florida Department of Education Recognizes Santa Fe College Student Jacobi I. Bedenfield
- Register for Winter Session with Santa Fe College's Community Education
- Register Now For Community Education's Fourth College for Kids Space Challenge Camp!
- Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey
- /news/2017/02/20/
- /news/2017/02/21/
- /news/2017/02/22/
- /news/2017/02/23/
- Don't Miss the Town Hall This Friday!
- Request for Executive Council Agenda Items
- Safety Update: Electrical Appliances on Campus
- Santa Fe College Professor Matthew Carrigan's Drunken Monkey Research Featured in BBC Story
- SF State of the Strategic Plan for March 27, 2017
- /news/2017/02/24/
- /news/2017/02/27/
- /news/2017/02/28/
- /news/2017/03/01/
- 2017 Relay for Life of Gainesville
- Finish at the Top 5K on March 25, 2017
- Register Now - Deadline For CFK Space Challenge Camp is March 15!
- Santa Fe College Baseball Ready for Conference Play
- Santa Fe College Takes Virtual Learning Global
- Santa Fe College Teams at Five Points of Life Relay
- SF Surplus - Wood Tables Available
- SF2UF Bridge Lecture Series: Stem Cell Research in the Era of Personal Genomics by Dr. Naohiro Terada
- Small Steps. Big Results! Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo Nature Walk
- /news/2017/03/02/
- /news/2017/03/03/
- /news/2017/03/13/
- SF Women's Basketball - Saints Defeat Broward and Advance to FCSAA Semifinals
- March Madness: Spring Laser Spectacular at the Planetarium
- Notice of Rule Amendment 2.8
- Request for Executive Council Agenda Items
- SF Baseball - #6 Saints defeated #5 St. Johns River in a 1-0 Game
- SF Baseball - FSC-J Outlasts SF in Jacksonville, 5-3
- SF Baseball - Saints Pick Up Sweep of Macomb CC, 14-2 and 8-0
- SF Baseball - Saints Run Past FSC-J, 12-4
- SF Baseball - Today's Game Postponed Due to Weather
- SF Fastpitch - Daytona Hands Saints Two Losses to Start MFC Play
- SF Fastpitch - Saints Drop a Pair of Games on Saturday, 3-1 and 9-0
- SF Fastpitch - Saints Pick Up Two One-Run Wins Over Lincoln Land
- SF Fastpitch - Saints Win Double Header against Palm Beach State College
- SF Women's Basketball - Saints Battle Broward College in First Round of FCSAA Tournament
- SF Women's Basketball - Saints Fall to Chipola College at FCSAA Tournament, 67-47
- SF Women's Basketball - Watch the Saints Live Today in FCSAA Semi-Finals at 1 p.m.
- Timesheet Policy Training
- /news/2017/03/14/
- /news/2017/03/15/
- Santa Fe College Police Department Recognized by the Bureau of Justice Assistance
- Celebrate Earth Day with SF at Party for the Planet April 1-2, 2017 at the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
- Enjoy our Cold Brew Coffee with a FREE Flavor Add-on at Coffee 101
- SF Baseball - March 15 Game at St. John's River Moved Up To 4:00 PM
- /news/2017/03/16/
- /news/2017/03/17/
- /news/2017/03/20/
- /news/2017/03/21/
- /news/2017/03/22/
- /news/2017/03/23/
- /news/2017/03/24/
- /news/2017/03/27/
- /news/2017/03/28/
- 2017 Space Challenge - Black Box Challenge
- 48th Annual SF Spring Arts Festival April 1-2, 2017
- Community Education: Budgeting Basics Seminar
- Five Saints Honored by Mid-Florida Conference
- Girgis Named FCSAA Pitcher of the Week
- Invitation to UF College of Veterinary Medicine Open House
- Open Education Update - Tuesday
- Open Education Week
- Rodriguez Knocks in Five to Lead Saints Past Seminole, 14-6
- RUE Call for Judges
- Santa Fe College hosts one-stop-shop for career and technical program info
- SF Executive Council Agenda - March 28, 2017
- Super Sealant Saturday
- /news/2017/03/29/
- /news/2017/03/30/
- /news/2017/03/31/
- /news/2017/04/03/
- Gabel and the Saints Blank Lake Sumter 9-0
- International Business Poster Session – Wednesday, April 5
- Lecture / SF2UF Bridge: Dr. Habibeh Khoshbouei – Tuesday, April 4, at 12:30 p.m.
- Lecture: Veterinarian Dr. Calvin LeClear - Tuesday, April 4, at noon
- Legal Notice - Meeting 4/18/17
- You Could Win $200 for Office Luncheon
- Notice of Rule Development 5.12
- Offense Backs Girgis as Saints Defeat Lake Sumter 8-3
- Saints Split Non-Conference Double Hitter with Hillsborough
- SF Baseball: Today's (April 3) Game Moved to 2:30 p.m.
- "Startup Santa Fe" Hosted by Student Government
- /news/2017/04/04/
- 10th Annual Jazz Up Spring at SF Fine Arts Hall April 7, 2017
- Little School Marches on SF Campus for Babies - April 5 From 9:15-10:15 a.m.
- Register Today for the 7 Smart Strategies Workshops for 50+ Jobseekers
- SF Baseball: Reed Named FCSAA Player of the Week
- SF Fastpitch: Make Up Date for April 4 Games TBD
- "Sing Into Spring" Concert Is April 20, 2017, at Fine Arts Hall
- /news/2017/04/05/
- /news/2017/04/06/
- /news/2017/04/07/
- /news/2017/04/10/
- "Spring Winds" Concert Is April 11, 2017, in Bldg. E Auditorium
- 2017 National Telecommunicators Week
- "African Drums under the Stars" returns to the SF Planetarium April 15, 2017
- Baseball: SF Saints 15, Daytona State 2
- Baseball: SF Saints Host FSC-J Today at 3 p.m.
- Claudia Connelly Announced As Winner Of 2017 Dr. Ken Marquard Professional Excellence Award
- Fastpitch: Saints Take One of Two from NJCAA #6 Seminole
- Fastpitch: SF Saints Win Two Over FSC-J, 4-2 and 7-2
- Join The Earth Day 2017 Nature Park Cleanup
- Santa Fe Moves Closer to FCSAA Tournament Berth with Two Wins Over FSC-J
- /news/2017/04/11/
- CCS Announces FY 2016-2017 Deadlines
- College for Kids Summer Camp Registration Begins Wednesday, April 12
- Executive Council Agenda, April 11, 2017
- FSC-J Outlasts Saints in Extra Innings, 9-5
- Notice of Rule Amendment 2.12
- Notice of Rule Amendment 2.8
- Outgoing Student Body President Jacobi Bedenfield Becomes New State President and Receives Award
- Small Steps, Big Results Wellness Program Prize Winners
- Small Steps, Big Results Wellness Program Prize Winners
- Student Reflections: Refugee Resettlement in Jacksonville
- /news/2017/04/12/
- /news/2017/04/13/
- /news/2017/04/14/
- /news/2017/04/18/
- Community Education's College for Kids Summer Camp Registration
- Davis Center Student in the News for Chess Skills
- Gabel and Bacon Combine to Shut Down CF Patriots, Saints Win 6-2
- Saints Honored 17 Sophomores at April 17 Home Finale
- Saints Run Rules Rivals St. John's River, 11-1, Clinch Spot at FCSAA Tournament
- SF Saints Sophomore Class Goes Out in Style with 10-4 Win Over Seminole State
- /news/2017/04/21/
- Arianna Emanuel-Wright Named Second Team All-American
- Changes in Fitness Center Hours
- Congratulations to the Winners of the 2017 Research & Creative Scholarly Projects Festival
- Morales Named FCSAA Softball Player of the Week
- Saints Mow Past Lake Sumter in Seven Innings, 16-5
- Santa Fe College Athletics to Honor 2017 Hall of Fame Class, April 22
- Sunday's Games Against SPC Moved to Friday at 2:30 p.m.
- Surplus Sale
- /news/2017/04/24/
- Saints Finished Regular Season Against St. Pete and State College of Florida
- Santa Fe College Police Sergeants Attend Prestigious Supervisory Training
- Santa Fe Defeats Daytona 10-1, Win Second Straight MFC Title
- SF College broadcasts CPTED webinar to campuses nationwide
- Student Police Dialogues a Success
- /news/2017/04/25/
- Buy Doughnuts, Support Students!
- Homeschool Robotics visited by WUFT News
- Jerry Herman: The Broadway Legacy Concert
- Pay Dates Will Change In December 2017
- SF Basketball Player, David-Lee Jones Signs with Georgia Southern
- SF Digital Media Technology's 2017 Student Exhibition April 27
- Surplus items - Blount Center
- Wiggs and Ahern Live on ESPN Radio April 25 and April 26
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- /news/2017/04/27/
- /news/2017/05/02/
- #9 Saints Fall to #6 Indian River 9-6 at First Round of FCSAA Tournament
- "A Chorus Line" is SF's Summer Musical May 18-20 and 24-26, 2017
- Career Service Spring Tribute
- Dell's Graduation and Back To School Offer For Santa Fe College
- Experience Gainesville's Downtown Food Tour
- Garcia, Green Lead Saints to 4-2 Win Over Gulf Coast at FCSAA Tourney
- Notice of Rule Development 7.11
- Saints Season Comes to an End With 5-2 Loss to NJCAA #3 Chipola College
- Santa Fe College Student Named Air National Guard 2016 Outstanding Airmen of the Year
- SF ALERT – Emergency Notification Testing – TEST ONLY
- Student Affairs Advising Awards
- /news/2017/05/03/
- /news/2017/05/05/
- /news/2017/05/09/
- Fine Arts Master Class - The Jerry Herman Legacy Concert
- Executive Council Agenda - May 9, 2017
- Executive Council Meeting May 9, 2017 - Request for Agenda Items
- Girgis Leads Saints Past NW Florida State at FCSAA Tournament, 7-2
- New Name, New Informational Workshop Series for SF Sponsored Projects Office
- Notice of Rule Amendment 5.12
- Notice of Rule Amendment 7.11
- Palm Beach Knocks off Saints in Extra Innings, 4-3
- Saints Stay Alive at FCSAA Tournament with 7-1 Win Over Northwest Florida
- Santa Fe College Police Department - Building T Expansion Groundbreaking
- Upward Bound Holds End of the Year Banquet
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- /news/2017/06/13/
- /news/2017/06/15/
- Haydee Britton of the ESL Lab presents "Children of the Congo"
- AFC Member Luncheon and Legislative Update
- CODI Summer 2017
- College-wide budget meeting June 19
- Congratulations to the A.A.S. Automotive Service Management Technology Program
- Farewell Reception for Aminah Harris
- High school students participate in Leadership Training
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- /news/2017/09/07/
- Cat 5 Irma Could Make Turn Toward Florida Friday
- Governor Scott orders all public K-12 schools, state colleges and universities and state offices to close Fri., Mon.
- Santa Fe College Closes at noon, Sept. 8
- Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall to Host Legislative Delegation
- Think "Safety" at Santa Fe College, Especially in the Evening
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- /news/2017/09/20/
- Benefits Fair Scheduled for September 22
- One Day Session to Help You Break Your Tobacco Addiction
- Santa Fe College Gets High Praise from Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce
- Santa Fe College Hosts Legislative Delegation
- Santa Fe College Police Officers Honored
- Winds and Classics Concert at SF Fine Arts Hall
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- /news/2017/10/13/
- /news/2017/10/16/
- /news/2017/10/17/
- A United Way Message From President Sasser
- Dental Hygiene Student Presentations Scheduled for October 27
- Noted Parapsychologist Dr. Andrew Nichols Presents His Two "Phenomenal" Lectures
- Santa Fe College Administration Provides Guidance Ahead of Spencer Speech
- Santa Fe College Students Send Love to Myrna Cabrera
- /news/2017/10/18/
- Black Label Movement Dancers Coming to Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall
- Financial Aid Appreciation Day
- Get Ready for Jazz on the Grove
- Learn About New Health Plan Option at Special Presentation
- Pumpkin Carving Contest for the SF Teaching Zoo
- Saints Volleyball Hosting "Dig Pink!" Night Breast Cancer Awareness
- Theatre Santa Fe Presents "War of the Worlds" Oct. 19-21, 2017
- /news/2017/10/19/
- Career Service Council's Strike Out Hunger Food Drive
- Changes for Fall B Progress Reporting
- Coffee 101 Specials for the End of October
- Executive Council of College Senate Releases Spencer Statement
- Saints Top St. John's River 3-0
- Santa Fe College Offers Guidance and Support
- SF2UF Bridge Lecture Series Presents Dr. Antonio Webb
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- /news/2017/10/23/
- /news/2017/10/24/
- /news/2017/10/25/
- /news/2017/10/26/
- Halloween Costume Contest at Tyree Library
- Living and Learning Workshop on Relationship Red Flags
- Notice of Rule Development 2.3, 3.9, 4.2, and 6.8
- Penny Wars 2017
- "Run With The Cops" Coming Thursday, November 9
- Saints Headed to FCSAA Volleyball Tournament
- Santa Fe College and Habitat for Humanity Help Family Achieve Dream
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- /news/2017/10/30/
- /news/2017/10/31/
- /news/2017/11/01/
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- /news/2017/11/17/
- /news/2017/11/20/
- Alachua County Public Schools Food Drive
- Broward Upends Saints, 79-66
- Evans Scores 18 as Saints Fly Past Knights, 78-59
- Living and Learning Workshop on Reducing Test Anxiety
- RTS Thanksgiving Bus Service Impacts Santa Fe College
- Santa Fe College Family Celebrates Myrna Cabrera's Service
- Santa Fe College Staff Top Students in Penny Wars 2017
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- /news/2017/12/01/
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- /news/2017/12/12/
- /news/2017/12/14/
- Brown's Double-Double Leads Saints Past Rising Stars Academy, 113-60
- Dual Enrollment students join heroes and helpers
- Payroll Changes for the End of the Year
- Reduced RTS Bus Service for Holiday Break
- Saints Basketball During Winter Break
- SF Bookstore Winter Rush Hours
- SPAM Email Alert
- Winter Break Preparations
- /news/2017/12/15/
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- /news/2018/01/29/
- Dr. Dan Rodkin, Fulbright Scholar
- Dr. Sasser Will Be "Student for a Day" March 21
- Saints Baseball Start Season 3-0
- Saints Basketball Split Against Daytona State
- Saints Fastpitch a Perfect 5-0 to Open Season
- SFPD Stresses Safety, Especially in the Evening
- The 2018 Santa Fe College Viewbook is Available Now
- /news/2018/01/30/
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- /news/2018/02/01/
- /news/2018/02/02/
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- /news/2018/02/07/
- /news/2018/02/08/
- /news/2018/02/09/
- /news/2018/02/12/
- Apply for the AFC Scholarship Today
- Michael M. Goldwire Named to SF Board of Trustees
- Santa Fe College Salary Equity Study Sessions Feb. 13
- Santa Fe College's Finish at the Top Named Summit Award Finalist
- SF BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL: Feb. 12 Baseball Game Cancelled, Tuesday Softball Games Moved to Wed. February 14 at 2:00 p.m.
- SF Baseball: Saints Win Thriller over SCF in 10 Innings, 6-3
- SF Baseball: Santa Fe College Splits Double Header with South Florida State
- SF Men's Basketball: Taylor-Hodge and the Saints Pull Away from FSC-J in the Second Half
- SF Fastpitch: Saints Defeat Eastern Florida 2-1, Second Game of Double Header a Tie Due to Darkness
- SF Softball: SCF Takes Two from Santa Fe
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Keep Pace in MFC Race with 62-51 Win Over FSC-J
- Sousa Concert Set for March 1 in E-Auditorium
- /news/2018/02/13/
- /news/2018/02/14/
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- /news/2018/02/23/
- /news/2018/02/26/
- /news/2018/02/27/
- Altrusa Gives Big to SF Adult Ed Program
- BACK TO WORK 50+ Holding Jobseeker Workshops March 13 - 15
- RUE Research Festival to Be Held April 16-17
- Santa Fe Winds Perform Sousa Marches in E-Auditorium
- Senate Agenda for Feb. 27, 2018
- SF Basketball: Saints Handle Daytona, Advance on to MFC Tournament Final Tonight
- SF Mathematics Department to Participate in Inaugural Plane Pull
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- /news/2018/03/01/
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- /news/2018/03/19/
- Career Service STAR Award Nominations Due April 13
- Heath Information Professionals Week Set for March 18–24, 2018
- NY Dance Project Joins and Dance Theatre Santa Fe Team Up for "Elements of Style," This Weekend
- Retirement Celebration for Nancy Williamson
- Severe Weather to Impact Region Through Tuesday
- /news/2018/03/20/
- More Severe Weather Expected Tuesday
- Santa Fe College Announces the 2018 Women of Distinction and Women of Promise
- SF Softball: Double Header Against Lake Sumter Moved to Thursday
- Support the SF Adult Ed Program at the Spring Plant Sale
- Tornado Watch Issued Until 7 p.m.
- "Winds Go Pops" Concert Is April 10, 2018, at the Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall
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- /news/2018/04/01/
- /news/2018/04/02/
- Celebrate the Spectrum on World Autism Day Today
- RUE Research Festival Submissions Due April 11
- Santa Fe College Foundation Offering Scholarships for Students
- SF Baseball: Saints Top Lake-Sumter – Stretch Win Streak to Six
- SF Health Sciences Programs Hold Open House April 3
- Sign Up Now for Your Annual Health Risk Assessment
- /news/2018/04/03/
- /news/2018/04/04/
- /news/2018/04/05/
- /news/2018/04/06/
- /news/2018/04/09/
- A Salute to SFPD Dispatchers During 2018 National Telecommunicators Week
- March for Babies with the March of Dimes Saturday, April 14
- SF Baseball UPDATE: Saints Win Twice Over Weekend - Monday Game Postponed
- SF Softball: Moll Homers Three Times, Saints Split with St. John's River State
- Staff Headshots Are Now Available
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- /news/2018/04/11/
- /news/2018/04/12/
- /news/2018/04/13/
- /news/2018/04/16/
- CCS Best Practices: Working With the Media
- Finish the Semester Strong with the SF Counseling Center
- Santa Fe College Surplus Sale Scheduled for May 3
- SF Baseball: Hemenway, Jones Combine to Shutout FSC-J 4-0
- SF Baseball: Sunday's Game Postponed Until Tuesday, April 17
- SF Softball: Central Florida Gets a Pair from Saints
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- /news/2018/04/18/
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- /news/2018/05/10/
- /news/2018/05/11/
- /news/2018/05/14/
- Join the SF Sponsored Projects Office for a Grants 101 Session May 15
- SF Baseball: Saints Elimination Game to be Wrapped Up Today
- SF Baseball: Saints Top Tallahassee, Stay Alive in FCSAA Tournament
- SF Basketball and Volleyball Teams Hosting Clinic at Bradford High School
- SF Financial Aid Campaign Wins Innovation of the Year Award
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- /news/2018/05/17/
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- /news/2018/05/25/
- Alberto Becomes First Named Storm of 2018
- Legal Notice - Meeting and Workshop 6/19/18
- Santa Fe College Healthcare Opportunities Tour Set for June 7
- Santa Fe College Will Be Closed Memorial Day
- Scholarship Opportunities for Women in Nontraditional Careers
- Turtles and tortoises missing from the SF Teaching Zoo
- /news/2018/05/29/
- /news/2018/05/30/
- /news/2018/05/31/
- /news/2018/06/04/
- Learn About Careers in Healthcare at SF's Healthcare Opportunities Tour June 7
- Santa Fe College Foundation Scholarship Priority Date Approaching
- Santa Fe College Police Recover Some Animals Missing From SF Teaching Zoo
- SF Payroll Reminder: Check Your IRS Withholding
- SF Teaching Zoo Welcomes Millionth Visitor
- SFPD Welcomes Two New Dispatchers
- /news/2018/06/05/
- /news/2018/06/06/
- /news/2018/06/07/
- Santa Fe College's New International Center Holding Open House June 19
- Save the Date: Employee Ice Cream Social June 21
- Second Arrest Made in Connection with Animals Stolen from Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
- SF Faculty and Staff Headshots for Summer Term
- Third Suspect Arrested in SF Teaching Zoo Burglary
- Toner and Ink Cartridges available to SF Departments for Free
- /news/2018/06/08/
- /news/2018/06/11/
- /news/2018/06/12/
- Proposed Changes to Santa Fe College's User Fees and Fines
- Reward of Up to $1000 Offered for Return of Missing Zoo Animals.
- Saints Sharewear Summer Bag Sale This Wednesday and Thursday
- Senate Agenda for June 12, 2018
- Travel Discounts for AFC Members
- Yvonne Amundson Retirement Celebration Wednesday, June 20
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- /news/2018/08/10/
- Alachua and Bradford County Schools Start Monday – Increased Traffic on the Roads
- BACK TO WORK 50+ Gets a Boost from Community Leaders
- Career Service Scholarship Forms Due September 7
- Neighborhood Workshop for Blount Center Expansion Project
- Notice of Rule Amendment 7.6
- State of the College Luncheon September 19
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- /news/2018/08/27/
- Saints of Santa Fe College – Leon
- Santa Fe College Hosting College Night This Wednesday
- SF Volleyball: Saints Remain Undefeated After Campus USA/Santa Fe College Classic
- The SF Counseling Center Starts Fall 2018 Living and Learning Workshop Series Thursday
- Tickets Available for State of the College Luncheon September 19
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- /news/2018/08/29/
- /news/2018/08/30/
- /news/2018/08/31/
- /news/2018/09/03/
- /news/2018/09/04/
- /news/2018/09/05/
- Application Deadline Approaching for President's Leadership Seminar
- Faculty and Staff Professional Headshots to Begin September 17
- Fall Semester Yoga and Intramural Sports
- Living and Learning Workshop – Reducing Test Anxiety
- President Sasser to Address Community at State of the College Luncheon September 19
- SoTL Workshops Scheduled for Fall 2018
- /news/2018/09/06/
- /news/2018/09/07/
- /news/2018/09/10/
- College Senate Agenda for September 11, 2018
- Dept. of Veterans Affairs to Bring Focus Group to SF Sept. 24
- Evening Safety Tips From the Santa Fe College Police Department
- Next Living and Learning Workshop Scheduled September 13
- Priority Deadline for SF Foundation Scholarships is October 15
- Saints of Santa Fe College – Joudi Ayroud
- SF Volleyball: Saints Win Twice Saturday, Improve to 10-0
- The Fall Bag Sale at Saints Sharewear is Sept. 12-13
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- /news/2018/09/13/
- /news/2018/09/14/
- /news/2018/09/17/
- Faculty Workshop This Friday
- Get Ready for Open Enrollment at the SF Employee Benefits Fair Sept. 28
- Informative Session: Unraveling the Financial Mysteries of eStaff
- Santa Fe College's ITE Programs Featured in Gainesville Sun
- Surplus Property Available to SF Departments
- Take an Outdoor Art Break with SF's Adult Education Programs
- /news/2018/09/18/
- /news/2018/09/19/
- /news/2018/09/20/
- /news/2018/09/21/
- /news/2018/09/22/
- /news/2018/09/24/
- Candy Donations Wanted for Boo at the Zoo
- College Senate Agenda for September 25, 2018
- Free Educational Ultrasound Testing
- Jobseeker Workshops for People 50 and Over at SF Oct. 8-10
- Outdoor Art Break Wednesday, Sept. 26
- Saints of Santa Fe College – Reese Domond
- SF's Mitch McKay Performs at the Fine Arts Hall Friday Evening
- /news/2018/09/25/
- Flash Sale at the SF Bookstore Thursday, Sept. 27
- Living and Learning Workshop on Math Anxiety Sept. 27
- Proposed Change to the Santa Fe College By-Laws
- SF Canvas Course - Resilience: Be Here Now
- SF Employee Benefits Fair is This Friday, Sept. 28
- Unravel the Financial Mysteries of eStaff Today in S 29/30
- Wish Lara Zwilling Well as She Leaves SF
- /news/2018/09/26/
- Dimensions Dance Theatre of Miami Will Perform at SF as Master Artists Oct. 18
- Don't be Square, Join a Teaching Square
- Jan Taylor Retiring from SF
- Legal Notice - Meeting and Workshop 10/16/18
- Notice of Rule Amendment 3.3
- Notice of Rule Development 3.23
- Strike Out Hunger with SF's Career Service Council
- /news/2018/09/27/
- /news/2018/09/28/
- Journalist Beth Reinhard to Discuss "Fake News" at SF Fine Arts Hall Oct. 2
- Nominate a Woman Today for Women of Distinction 2019
- Saints Volleyball Wins Conference Opener
- Saints Volleyball wins fifth straight!
- SF Employee Benefits Fair is Today
- Theatre Santa Fe Explores Sexual Assault on Campus in "Student Body," Oct. 11-13, 2018
- /news/2018/10/01/
- /news/2018/10/02/
- /news/2018/10/03/
- /news/2018/10/04/
- /news/2018/10/05/
- /news/2018/10/08/
- Dimensions Dance Theatre of Miami Perform Oct. 18 at the SF Fine Arts Hall
- Fourth Annual "Run With The Cops" Set for Nov. 8 at SF Track
- Saints of Santa Fe College – Jose Torres-Soldevila, Angelo Torres-Soldevila
- Saints Tied for First in Panhandle Conference
- Santa Fe College Monitoring Tropical Storm Michael
- SF Amateur Radio Society Simulated Emergency Test
- SF Monitoring the Track of Hurricane Michael
- Theatre Santa Fe's "Student Body" Explores Sexual Assault on Campus Oct. 11-13
- /news/2018/10/09/
- /news/2018/10/10/
- /news/2018/10/11/
- /news/2018/10/12/
- /news/2018/10/15/
- Boo at the Zoo" at the SF Teaching Zoo is Wednesday, Oct. 31
- International Pronouns Day is This Wednesday, Oct. 17
- Saints of Santa Fe College – Rhonda Morris
- Santa Fe College One of Three Florida Zoos Receiving National Award for Conservation
- SF to Host Young Dancers Workshop Oct. 19-20
- Strike Out Hunger with SF's Career Service Council Now Through Nov. 9
- /news/2018/10/16/
- /news/2018/10/17/
- /news/2018/10/18/
- /news/2018/10/19/
- /news/2018/10/22/
- Apply for the Job You Want at the Santa Fe College Job Fair Nov. 6 - 7
- Carve a Pumpkin for the SF Teaching Zoo's "Boo at the Zoo"
- College Senate Agenda for October 23
- Custom Benefits Service Appointments Scheduled for Oct. 31
- Living and Learning Workshop on Alcohol, Drugs and Healthy Coping Skills
- Saints of Santa Fe College – Jorge Ibáñez
- Santa Fe College Announces Plans for Expanded Blount Center Downtown Gainesville
- Santa Fe College Reopens Dental Clinic After $1.6M Renovation project
- SF Canvas Course - Resilience: Take Care of Yourself
- SF Volleyball: Saints win Panhandle Conference
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- /news/2018/10/24/
- /news/2018/10/25/
- /news/2018/10/26/
- /news/2018/10/29/
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- /news/2018/10/31/
- /news/2018/11/01/
- "An Evening of Jazz" Is Nov. 15, in the Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall
- Donation Deadline Approaching to Strike Out Hunger
- Rose Christy Wins SF Teaching Zoo Pumpkin Carving Contest
- Santa Fe College Surplus Sale Scheduled for Nov. 29
- Two-Day Job Fair at Santa Fe College Nov. 6 – 7
- Veterans Day Event Scheduled for November 8
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- /news/2018/11/05/
- /news/2018/11/06/
- /news/2018/11/07/
- /news/2018/11/08/
- /news/2018/11/09/
- Annual Faculty Reception Nov. 15 at the SF Bookstore
- Enjoy "An Evening of Jazz" Nov. 15, in the SF Fine Arts Hall
- Santa Fe College Home to Highest Numbers of Bright Futures Scholars
- SF Saints Will Play UF Baseball Friday and Softball Sunday
- Today is the Last Day for Open Enrollment
- Visual Arts Faculty Exhibit Opens at the Santa Fe College Gallery November 30
- /news/2018/11/12/
- /news/2018/11/13/
- /news/2018/11/14/
- Santa Fe College Announces Keyless Entry Card for Academic Units in Buildings A, B and K
- SF Model UN Brings Home Distinguished Delegation Award from Nationals
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Start Three-Game Home Stretch Wednesday
- STEM Fest at Perry Center November 14 and 15
- United Way Fundraising Update – the Final Push!!
- Volunteers Needed for Fall 2018 Graduation
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- /news/2018/11/16/
- /news/2018/11/19/
- /news/2018/11/20/
- /news/2018/11/21/
- /news/2018/11/26/
- Graduation Volunteers Needed
- Living and Learning Workshop on Reducing Test Anxiety November 29
- Saints of Santa Fe College – Andre R. Frattino
- SF Canvas Course for December - Resilience: Focus on the Bright Spots
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Beat Manatee-Sarasota, Win Streak at Five Games
- Viewing Dates for SF Surplus Sale Nov. 27 and 28
- Visual Artist Faculty Reception is Nov. 30
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- /news/2018/11/28/
- /news/2018/11/30/
- /news/2018/12/03/
- Career Service Employees Can Apply for the Career Service Scholarships
- College Senate Agenda for Tuesday, December 4, 2018
- Final Living and Learning Workshop of Fall Term on "Stress Busters"
- Final SoTL Workshop for Fall 2018 Will be December 7
- Harriet Stafford Recognized in Annual Rosa Parks Awards Ceremony in Gainesville
- Pie in the Face Scheduled for Today in S-Breezeway
- Puga Pied at SF Fundraiser for United Way
- Saints of Santa Fe College – Antoneik Evans
- Santa Fe College's AFC Holiday Social Scheduled for December 6
- SF Fitness Center Hours for Graduation and Winter Break
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- /news/2018/12/19/
- /news/2018/12/24/
- /news/2018/12/31/
- /news/2019/01/03/
- /news/2019/01/04/
- Career Service Scholarship Applications Due January 11
- Santa Fe College President Sasser Announces Retirement
- SF Fitness Center Resumes Normal Operating Hours Monday
- SF's Master Artist Series Presents Special EFX Featuring Chieli Minucci and SF Guitar Ensemble January 18
- Spring 2019 Convocation Is Going on Now
- /news/2019/01/07/
- /news/2019/01/08/
- /news/2019/01/09/
- /news/2019/01/10/
- /news/2019/01/11/
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- /news/2019/01/17/
- /news/2019/01/18/
- /news/2019/01/21/
- /news/2019/01/22/
- /news/2019/01/23/
- /news/2019/01/24/
- CCS Reminder: Make Sure You Are Using the Most Current Email Signatures
- Flash Sale at SF Bookstore This Friday
- Help the SF Teaching Zoo Protect Our Ecosystem
- SF Basketball: Saints Men and Women Beat FSCJ
- SF Student Takes Top Honor at Associations of American Geographers Conference
- Spring Term 2019 Parking Reminder for Students, Faculty and Staff
- /news/2019/01/25/
- /news/2019/01/27/
- /news/2019/01/28/
- /news/2019/01/29/
- Dr. Sasser's Will Be "Student for a Day" March 20
- Legal Notice - Workshop and Meeting 2/19/19
- Santa Fe College's Focus on the Future Program Hosts Computer Skills Workshop at CIED
- SF Baseball – Saints Blank TCC 2-0
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Get Road Victory Over Florida Gateway
- Surplus Vehicle Sale
- /news/2019/01/30/
- /news/2019/01/31/
- /news/2019/02/01/
- /news/2019/02/04/
- /news/2019/02/05/
- /news/2019/02/06/
- /news/2019/02/07/
- /news/2019/02/08/
- /news/2019/02/10/
- /news/2019/02/11/
- AFC Spring Scholarship Deadline is February 28
- College Senate Agenda for February 12, 2019
- Saints of Santa Fe College – Vivian Filer
- Santa Fe College's International Student Services Named Salesforce Summit Award Finalist
- SciArt Exhibit From the Florida Natural History Museum and Santa Fe College Open Through March 15
- SF Baseball: Saints Extend Streak With Doubleheader Sweep
- /news/2019/02/12/
- /news/2019/02/13/
- /news/2019/02/14/
- /news/2019/02/15/
- /news/2019/02/18/
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- /news/2019/03/27/
- /news/2019/03/28/
- /news/2019/03/29/
- /news/2019/04/01/
- Memorial Service for Dr. Ailene "Bliz" Feldherr Scheduled for May 12
- Message for SF Faculty and Staff from the Counseling Center
- Nominate a Career Service STAR
- Professional Development Scholarships Available from HR
- Saints of Santa Fe College – Eleanor Blair and Steve Howell
- Santa Fe College Fine Arts Students to Light Up Fine Arts Hall for Autism Awareness
- Santa Fe College Foundation Offers Priority Deadlines for Scholarships
- /news/2019/04/02/
- /news/2019/04/03/
- 2019 Health Risk Assessment Prize Winners
- First 200 SF Employees to Complete New Mandatory Training Will Receive a Free Gift
- Modern Language and Cultural Area Studies Scholarship Presentation for SF Students
- Spring Into Wellness With Zumba and Yoga at SF
- Three Athletes, Coach and 80-81 Basketball Team to be Inducted in SF Athletics Hall of Fame
- /news/2019/04/04/
- Annual Student Art Exhibition Opens at Santa Fe College Gallery April 12
- Career and Technical Showcase is April 11 at the Kirkpatrick Center
- Congratulations to Heather Domin, SF Brand Ambassador for March 2019
- Fine Arts Hall Goes Blue for Autism Awareness
- Jerry Johnston presents: "The Santa Fe River Turtle Project: A Case Study of Undergraduate Research."
- Presidential Search Consultant Named and Search Committee Members Selected
- SF Baseball: Churchill No-Hitter Leads Saints to 10-0 Win
- SF Students Win Three Awards at Model U.S. Senate
- /news/2019/04/05/
- /news/2019/04/08/
- /news/2019/04/09/
- /news/2019/04/10/
- /news/2019/04/11/
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- /news/2019/04/16/
- /news/2019/04/17/
- /news/2019/04/18/
- /news/2019/04/19/
- /news/2019/04/22/
- College Senate Agenda for April 23, 2019
- Santa Fe College Foundation Scholarship Priority Deadline for Fall is June 15
- Santa Fe College's LGBTQ Affinity Group Holding First Social May
- SF Baseball: Saints 10-2 Win over FSCJ Creates Three-way tie for Second Place
- Spring Graduation Volunteer Deadline is this Friday, April 26
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- /news/2019/04/24/
- /news/2019/04/25/
- /news/2019/04/26/
- /news/2019/04/29/
- /news/2019/04/30/
- /news/2019/05/01/
- Congratulations to Sarah Cervone, SF Brand Ambassador for April 2019
- "Grand Hotel" Is the Summer Musical at SF May 23-24 and May 30-June 1, 2019
- Nominate an Outstanding Advisor Today
- Remembering Dr. Ailene "Bliz" Feldherr, May 12 at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens
- Santa Fe College Spring 2019 Commencement May 2-3
- SF Baseball: Saints Advance to State Tournament with 7-4 Win
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- /news/2019/05/03/
- /news/2019/05/06/
- /news/2019/05/07/
- /news/2019/05/09/
- /news/2019/05/10/
- /news/2019/05/13/
- Celebrate Tree Kangaroo Awareness Day May 19 at the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
- College Senate Agenda for May 14, 2019
- GRU Offers "Brighter Tomorrow" Scholarships for SF Students
- Legal Notice - Workshop and Meeting 6/18/19
- SF Advising Award Nominations Due May 24
- SF Foundation Scholarship Deadlines Approaching
- SF Hosts Overview from Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Commission
- /news/2019/05/14/
- /news/2019/05/16/
- /news/2019/05/17/
- /news/2019/05/20/
- /news/2019/05/21/
- Friday is the Deadline for SF Advising Award Nominations
- Legal Notice – Proposed Changes to the User Fees and Fines Schedule for 2019-2020
- SFPD to Assist Bicyclists at Arc of Alachua County for Gear Up Florida/Ability Experience's 2019 Friendship Visit
- Summer 2019 Parking Reminder for Students, Faculty and Staff
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- /news/2019/08/13/
- /news/2019/08/14/
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- /news/2019/08/19/
- 2019 – 2020 Calendars Available Outside CCS Office
- Association of Black Faculty and Staff Holds Welcome Back Breakfast Thursday, Sept. 5
- Construction at Fine Arts Hall to Affect Staff Parking Spaces
- Fall 2019 Convocation is Live Now
- Santa Fe College Releases List of Presidential Semi-Finalists
- SFPD Hopes You Have a Safe Fall Term
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- /news/2019/09/12/
- /news/2019/09/13/
- /news/2019/09/14/
- /news/2019/09/16/
- Dr. Steve Bingham Directs Santa Fe Winds Reunion Concert in SF Fine Arts Hall Oct. 3, 2019
- Santa Fe College Food Pantry Running Critically Low on Supplies
- Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo Hosts "Quiet Time" for Children on Autism Spectrum
- SF Foundation Scholarships Priority Date For Spring 2020 is October 15
- SF Volleyball: Saints Split Pair of Matches
- The Career Service Council Will Meet Wednesday, Sept. 18
- /news/2019/09/17/
- /news/2019/09/18/
- /news/2019/09/19/
- /news/2019/09/20/
- /news/2019/09/23/
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- /news/2019/09/26/
- /news/2019/09/30/
- /news/2019/10/01/
- AFC Fall Meeting Scheduled for October 2
- FAFSA Open for 2020 – 2021 Academic Year
- Gator Day at Santa Fe Brings Advising for All UF Majors to SF Oct. 16
- Legal Notice - Workshop and Meeting 10/15/19
- Mental Health Training Session Offered By SF's Division of Student Affairs
- Wish Krystal Nelson Well as She Leaves SF
- /news/2019/10/02/
- /news/2019/10/03/
- /news/2019/10/04/
- /news/2019/10/07/
- /news/2019/10/08/
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- /news/2019/10/11/
- /news/2019/10/14/
- /news/2019/10/15/
- /news/2019/10/16/
- Dr. Sasser's United Way Message
- EXTRA Transportation Service Available to Students in Southwest and Northern Alachua County
- Saint of Santa Fe | Chantel Hover
- Saint of Santa Fe | Lois Jones
- Saint of Santa Fe | Troysha Floyd
- Santa Fe College Mourns the Loss of Azza Guertin
- SF Library Holds Halloween Costume Contest
- SF Teaching Zoo Holds Pumpkin Carving Contest
- SF Volleyball: Saints Win Fifth Game in a Row
- /news/2019/10/18/
- /news/2019/10/21/
- Alberto Alonso's "Carmen Suite" at Santa Fe College Nov. 8 – 9, 2019
- College Senate Agenda for October 22, 2019
- Eastside High School Hosts Cross Country Meet on Northwest Campus October 24
- Evacuation Drills Begin This Week on All SF Properties
- SF2UF Bridge Lecture on Changing the Practice of Medicine October 29
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- /news/2019/10/23/
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- /news/2019/11/01/
- /news/2019/11/04/
- /news/2019/11/05/
- /news/2019/11/06/
- Dr. Sasser's Invite to Potential SF Retirees
- Run With The Cops Celebrates Five Years Thursday, November 7
- Santa Fe College to honor President Jackson N. Sasser at a Reception December 6
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Secure Win Against Hawks 69 – 67
- Tips for Completing Your FERPA and Cybersecurity Training
- /news/2019/11/07/
- /news/2019/11/08/
- /news/2019/11/12/
- Annual Career Service Council Holiday Social Will Be December 4
- SF Hosts Recruiting Events for ITE Adjuncts
- SF to Host "Understanding Racial Inequity: A Groundwater Approach" in Bradford County
- SF's Ethics Bowl Team Finishes Eighth in Regional Tournament
- United Way Update – November 12 – Last Week of the Fundraising Drive
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- /news/2019/11/14/
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- /news/2019/11/18/
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- /news/2019/12/02/
- /news/2019/12/03/
- /news/2019/12/04/
- /news/2019/12/06/
- /news/2019/12/09/
- Fall 2019 Commencement Ceremonies Are Thursday and Friday
- Gainesville Black Professionals Will Hold Their Annual Leadership Conference January 11 at SF
- Get the Help You Need to Complete FERPA and Cybersecurity Training
- Illustrator and Storyboard Artist Brick Mason Speaking at SF Wednesday
- SF's Human Resources Invites You to Cocoa and Cookies
- The SF Teaching Zoo and FrogWatch USA! Help You Become a Citizen Scientist
- United Way Fundraising Update – iPad Winner Announced
- /news/2019/12/11/
- /news/2019/12/13/
- /news/2019/12/16/
- /news/2019/12/17/
- /news/2019/12/18/
- /news/2020/01/02/
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- /news/2020/01/14/
- /news/2020/01/15/
- /news/2020/01/16/
- /news/2020/01/17/
- Association of Black Faculty and Staff February Event Will Feature Dr. Broadie
- Evening Safety Tips from the Santa Fe College Police Department
- Santa Fe College Police Department Named Second in the Nation for Campus Safety Initiatives
- SF Adult Education's First Plant and Art Sale of the New Year
- UF@SF Center of Events Jan. 21 - 24
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- /news/2020/01/22/
- /news/2020/01/23/
- /news/2020/01/24/
- UF@SF Events Week of Jan. 27-31
- Developing Global Citizens Podcast on Deaf Culture Now Available
- Lecture on Biodiversity and Conservation of the Brazilian Savanna
- Retirement Celebration for Dave Kanzler
- Rosewood Foundation President to Speak at Fine Arts Hall
- Surplus Vehicle Sale Viewing Days are Feb. 4 and 5
- /news/2020/01/25/
- /news/2020/01/27/
- /news/2020/01/28/
- Association of Black Faculty and Staff February Event Will Feature Dr. Broadie
- Friends of Career Service
- Guest Lecturer on Teaching Botany and Ecology in the Brazilian Savannah
- SF's My Brother's Keeper Hosts Black Male Enrichment Conference February 10
- Tyree Library Offering Workshops on APA Handbook for SF Faculty
- /news/2020/01/29/
- /news/2020/01/30/
- /news/2020/01/31/
- Saints ShareWear Fill-A-Bag Sale is February 5 – 6
- Saints ShareWear's $5 Fill-A-Bag!
- Saints to Honor Retiring Faculty and Staff at Feb. 5 Basketball Games
- SF Monitoring Corona Virus – Currently No Cases at the College or in Alachua/Bradford Service District
- SF Monitoring Corona Virus – Currently No Cases at the College or in Alachua/Bradford Service District
- Spring 2020 Chat with the President
- The Santa Fe athletics department will honor retiring SF College faculty and staff
- UF@SF Center of Events Feb. 3-6
- /news/2020/02/03/
- /news/2020/02/04/
- /news/2020/02/05/
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- /news/2020/02/07/
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- /news/2020/02/13/
- /news/2020/02/14/
- /news/2020/02/17/
- /news/2020/02/18/
- 2020 Florida Student Leadership Forum on Faith & Values - March 6-8 in Tallahassee
- Join in the SF February Photo a Day Challenge
- Second Library Director Candidate Presentation Scheduled for Feb. 24
- SF's Office of Admissions Named Finalist for Prestigious Salesforce Summit Award for Fourth Year in a Row
- Students Build Guitars in Classes at SF Davis Center
- /news/2020/02/19/
- /news/2020/02/20/
- AFC Carnation Sale a Huge Success
- Help the SF Teaching Zoo Protect Gorilla Habitats
- Kenya (Robinson)'s Exhibit Opens at Santa Fe College Gallery March 13
- SF Business Programs Host Networking Event Feb. 20
- SF Holds Safe Spring Break Events Across All Centers and the Northwest Campus
- SF's Annual Open House Will Be March 21
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- /news/2020/02/24/
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- /news/2020/03/01/
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- /news/2020/03/04/
- /news/2020/03/06/
- /news/2020/03/07/
- /news/2020/03/09/
- Career Service STAR Nominations Due April 15, 2020
- Coronavirus Updates for SF Students, Faculty and Staff
- Counseling Center and Coronavirus Message
- Dental Cleanings for Students $10 at SF Dental Clinic
- SF Automotive Students Earn Honors From the SkillsUSA Automotive Service Training Competition
- Voting Open for College Senate President
- /news/2020/03/10/
- /news/2020/03/11/
- /news/2020/03/12/
- /news/2020/03/13/
- Celebrate European Cultures 2020
- COVID-19 Updates
- Learning Commons Update
- Santa Fe College Moving Toward Online Classes Beginning Monday, March 16
- Statement from Santa Fe College President Paul Broadie II Concerning COVID-19 and College Classes
- Student Government Debate 2020
- Vote for Her: Women Running for Office 2020
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- /news/2020/03/15/
- /news/2020/03/16/
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- /news/2020/04/13/
- /news/2020/04/14/
- /news/2020/04/16/
- Dr. Broadie's Weekly Message Addresses Opportunities for Workforce Development
- Santa Fe College Senate Executive Committee Releases Resolution of Appreciation
- Santa Fe College Sends Ventilators to South Florida to Combat COVID-19 Pandemic
- Santa Fe College Starts Laptop Loaner Program for Students in Need
- Santa Fe College Starts Laptop Loaner Program for Students in Need
- /news/2020/04/17/
- /news/2020/04/18/
- /news/2020/04/21/
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- /news/2020/04/30/
- /news/2020/05/01/
- /news/2020/05/02/
- /news/2020/05/03/
- /news/2020/05/04/
- Access Library eResources Through Your SFID
- Access Library eResources Through Your SFID
- SF Teaching Zoo Holding Zoom Birthday Parties
- SF to Host Online Training, Measuring Racial Inequity: A Groundwater Approach
- Vice President Dr. Naima Brown Chosen for National Presidential Fellowship for Community College Leaders
- /news/2020/05/05/
- /news/2020/05/06/
- /news/2020/05/07/
- /news/2020/05/08/
- /news/2020/05/09/
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- /news/2020/05/13/
- /news/2020/05/14/
- /news/2020/05/15/
- /news/2020/05/18/
- /news/2020/05/19/
- Careers in the Foreign Service
- College For Kids Goes Online for 2020 at Santa Fe College
- Fourth Week SF's Focus on Wellness Starts Wednesday, May 20
- Room To Dance ON CAMERA! Is June 12-13, 2020, on the SF Fine Arts Department Website
- Santa Fe College Proposing Changes to User Fees and Fines for 2020-2021
- SF Fitness Center Home Workout Sheet
- /news/2020/05/20/
- /news/2020/05/22/
- /news/2020/05/26/
- /news/2020/05/28/
- /news/2020/05/29/
- Anti-Racism Resources
- COVID-19 Testing Opportunity for SF Faculty and Staff
- Free to Play Games
- June Fitness Calendar
- Santa Fe College Joins Area Law Enforcement on Statement on Minneapolis
- SF Teaching Zoo Mourns Passing of Bald Eagle
- SF's Tenth Habitat for Humanity House Rolls Off Northwest Campus
- Take the Potential Return to Campus Student Survey!
- Week 1: June 1-5 Pride Month Kickoff
- /news/2020/05/30/
- /news/2020/06/02/
- /news/2020/06/04/
- /news/2020/06/05/
- /news/2020/06/08/
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- /news/2020/06/30/
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- /news/2020/07/06/
- /news/2020/07/07/
- /news/2020/07/09/
- /news/2020/07/10/
- /news/2020/07/13/
- AFC Workforce, Adult and Continuing Education Commission (WACE) Seeks Nominations for Best Practices Award
- Democracy Commitment Times Talk for 7/16: "Is Reopening Fl Being Handled Responsibly"
- Nominations Open for Career Service Council Officer Elections
- SF's Association of Black Faculty and Staff Will Meet July 15 on Zoom
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- /news/2020/07/27/
- Chamber and Gainesville Black Professionals Partner for Crossroads: Exploring Intersections of Race and Business
- Saint of Santa Fe | Isabel and Carlota Bonnet
- SF Bookstore Re-Opens August 3rd
- SF Faculty, Staff and Administrators Invited to Participate in Professional Development Series
- SF Leadership Provides Fall Semester Information at Wednesday's Town Hall Meeting
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- /news/2020/07/29/
- /news/2020/07/30/
- /news/2020/07/31/
- Fitness Center: August Calendar
- Hurricane Isaias Tracks Toward East, Rain and Wind Possible for SF Service District
- Learn About Origami!
- Library Curbside Pickup Begins August 3
- Recorded Version of Wednesday's Town Hall Now Available
- Recorded Version of Wednesday's Town Hall to Be Released in the Coming Days
- Santa Fe College Offers EXTRA Transportation Shuttle for Rural Students
- Santa Fe College to Offer EXTRA Transportation Shuttle for Rural Students
- The Foundation has completed the award process for Cycle 2
- /news/2020/08/02/
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- /news/2020/08/21/
- COVID-19 Emergency Aid Grants Will Be Available to SF Students This Fall
- Highlights From SF's Fall Convocation
- Lawrence W. Tyree Library Reopens Aug. 24
- SF Faculty and Staff Recognized During Fall Convocation
- Strong Thunderstorms Possible Through the Weekend
- Subway Re-Opens
- Take What You Need
- Watch the Live Stream of Fall Convocation Beginning at 9 a.m.
- 10 Steps to Thrive This Semester
- /news/2020/08/24/
- Fall 2020 Operation Reach Out Seeking Callers
- Saints ShareWear Will Remain Closed as Fall Term Begins
- SFPD Captain Ryan Woods to Moderate AFC Panel on Social Justice and Law Enforcement
- Student Health Care Center Gets Renovated Over the Summer
- Student Life Welcome Back Zoom Room
- Subway Reopens for Fall Term
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- /news/2020/09/07/
- /news/2020/09/08/
- Civics Fair - Fall 2020
- Message From the President on Climate Survey for Access and Inclusion
- New Street Sign Honoring Jackson and Layne Sasser Installed on the Northwest Campus
- President Broadie Encourages SF Community to Complete the Census
- September 30 is the Last Day to Complete the 2020 Census
- SF Not Planning on Participating in Payroll Tax Deferral
- SFPD Offers Evening Safety Tips to Students, Faculty and Staff
- Surplus Sale for iMAC Computers
- Volunteer Fair - Fall 2020
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- /news/2020/09/18/
- /news/2020/09/21/
- Career Service Council Seeks Nominees for Parliamentarian
- College Senate Agenda for September 22, 2020
- Grounds for Celebrating! Coffee 101 Reopens.
- Little Bundle $2,000 Scholarship
- Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo Cancels "Boo at the Zoo" for This Year
- SF Selects Dr. Dana Lindsey As Coordinator of the Disabilities Resource Center
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- /news/2020/09/23/
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- /news/2020/09/28/
- /news/2020/09/29/
- Another Round of Faculty and Staff Headshot Photographs Scheduled for Friday, Oct. 9
- Reminder: SF's Brand Guide Includes Official SF Email Signatures
- SF Counseling Center Meditation Group
- SF Honors Student Affairs Staff Award Winners
- SF Students COVID-19 Self-Report Form
- Student Support Services Information
- /news/2020/09/30/
- /news/2020/10/01/
- /news/2020/10/05/
- College Senate Agenda for October 6, 2020
- Global Photography Contest 2020
- October 2020: Fitness Center Calendar
- Remembering Louis Kalivoda
- Saint of Santa Fe | Carolina Currea
- SF Teaching Zoo Welcomes New Bald Eagle
- SF's Office Access and Inclusion Hosting Racial Equity Institute Training in October
- The African-American Entrepreneurs Grants
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- /news/2020/10/07/
- /news/2020/10/08/
- /news/2020/10/09/
- Celebrate National Coming Out Day on October 11
- Celebrate Spirit Day on October 15
- International Pronouns Day is October 21
- LGBTQIA+ History Month 2020
- Notice for Employees Getting Tested for COVID-19 Oct. 15
- October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- Help Students Succeed Through a Payroll Deduction to SF's Legacy Scholarship
- SF Faculty, Staff and Families Can Visit Zoo Beginning Oct. 13
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- /news/2020/10/30/
- Association of Black Faculty and Staff Will Meet Nov. 5
- Book Browsing at the Library is Back
- Local Family Receives the Keys to SF's Tenth Habitat for Humanity House
- November 2020 Fitness Calendar
- SF Once Again Tops the List for Bright Futures Scholars
- SF Students - Do You Need Money for Books?
- UF A special conversation on the history and fight against polio from a child's perspective
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- /news/2020/11/08/
- /news/2020/11/09/
- Student Life Activity Bags: Crafternoon
- Applications Are Being Accepted for SF's Professional Development Scholarship
- College Senate Agenda for November 10, 2020
- Ethics Bowl Team Takes Top Spot in Mid-Atlantic Regional
- Saint of Santa Fe | Alejandro Cabrera
- Santa Fe College is Monitoring Tropical Storm Eta
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- /news/2020/12/18/
- /news/2021/01/01/
- /news/2021/01/04/
- Campus Resources and Assistance
- COVID-19 Relief Package Extends CDC Eviction Moratorium Through January 31, 2021 As Increasing Numbers of Renters Face Eviction
- Dr. Broadie Welcomes Students, Faculty and Staff Back for Spring Term
- Gainesville Black Professionals Annual Leadership Conference hosted by SF
- Spring Term Classes Start Tuesday, January 5
- Spring Term Classes Start Tuesday, January 5 - Spring E Classes Begin January 19
- Start 2021 With Professional Development Opportunities from CATT
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- /news/2021/01/19/
- /news/2021/01/20/
- /news/2021/01/21/
- Association of Black Faculty and Staff Will Meet Jan. 28
- Black History and Social Justice
- Learning Commons 101: "Together, We Are Successful"
- New Sign Marks Jackson N. Sasser Fine Arts Hall at Santa Fe College
- SF Faculty Are Invited to Take Part in ACUE Training
- World Day for African and Afrodescendant Culture
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- /news/2021/03/05/
- /news/2021/03/09/
- /news/2021/03/15/
- Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Enrollment
- College Senate Agenda for March 16, 2021
- Emergency Rental Assistant Program (ERAP) – Alachua County
- Professional Development Opportunity for SF Faculty This Friday
- Saints Poetry Slam – Celebrate National Poetry Month, April 1, 2:00 & 7:00 PM
- SF Office for Finance Issues Budget and Year-End Instructions
- Spring Speaker Event Features Discussion on Music, Dance and the Enlightenment
- Welcome Back From Spring Break – Spring Into Wellness Week 3 Begins
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- /news/2021/03/17/
- /news/2021/03/18/
- /news/2021/03/19/
- Association of Black Faculty and Staff Will Meet March 25
- Association of Florida Colleges Presents Professional Development Series
- Celebrate European Cultures
- Party for the Planet Clean up and Art Contest
- SFPD and Regional First Responders Will Participate in Training Exercise on Northwest Campus
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Funds for Food
- The Writing Jam: Organization and Structure Workshops
- Weather Can Cause Emergency Situations, Is Your Emergency Contact Info Updated?
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- /news/2021/03/28/
- /news/2021/03/29/
- /news/2021/03/30/
- Crosswalks By North Road Will Be Repainted April 2
- Dr. Dan Rodkin Featured on an International Education Panel
- Earth Day Trivia
- Health Services Administration Info Session Wednesday Evening
- Saint of Santa Fe | Samantha Long
- Santa Fe College Opens LGBTQ+ Resource Center on Northwest Campus
- Virtual Reflection Wall: Supporting and Protecting our Asian/Asian American Students and Colleagues
- /news/2021/03/31/
- /news/2021/04/01/
- /news/2021/04/02/
- Community Partners Protecting Our Planet
- COVID-19 Vaccine: Available for 18 + on Monday, April 5
- Professional Development Scholarship Application Open Through April 26
- Teaching Students How to Navigate the College Experience: Metacognition is the Key
- Two Follow-up Sessions on Metacognition Professional Development Set for April 9
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- /news/2021/04/06/
- /news/2021/04/07/
- /news/2021/04/09/
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- /news/2021/05/12/
- Career Service Council Will Hold Their Next Meeting May 19
- Charly Gutierrez-Jimenez Becomes Santa Fe College's Second Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship Winner
- Dance Theatre of Santa Fe Presents Room to Dance Online June 11-12, 2021
- New Parenting Resource Subject Guide Available Now at Tyree Library
- Notice of Rule Amendment 2.17
- Notice of Rule Amendment 2.17
- Notice of Rule Repeal 6.3 & 6.11
- Notice of Rule Repeal 6.3 & 6.11
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- /news/2021/05/14/
- /news/2021/05/17/
- /news/2021/05/18/
- Applications are now being accepted for the 2021-2022 Role Models Foundation Bill Maxwell Scholarship
- Federal Pell Grant Recipients Now Eligible for Emergency Broadband Benefit
- Legal Notice – Proposed Changes to the User Fees and Fines Schedule for 2021-2022
- Legal Notice – Proposed Changes to the User Fees and Fines Schedule for 2021-2022
- May is Mental Health Awareness Month
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- /news/2021/05/29/
- /news/2021/06/01/
- /news/2021/06/02/
- /news/2021/06/03/
- Caribbean American Heritage Month 2021
- College-Wide Proposed Budget Presentation Scheduled for Thursday, June 10
- Ed Bonahue's Sendoff Celebration Wednesday, June 9
- National HIV Testing Day 5K hosted by WellFlorida Council's High Impact Prevention Program
- Nominate an Advisor for SF's 2020-2021 Student Affairs Advising Awards
- Pay for Print Services at Library Down Friday, June 4
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- /news/2021/07/22/
- Michael M. Goldwire Named Chair of SF District Board of Trustees, Robert L. Woody Named Vice Chair
- SF Little School Has Openings for SF Students Needing Child Care
- SF Little School Has Openings for SF Students Needing Child Care
- SF Participating in Cash for College FAFSA Event
- SF's Thomas Beckwith Wins "Best of State" Advising Award
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- /news/2021/07/26/
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- /news/2021/08/11/
- /news/2021/08/12/
- /news/2021/08/13/
- 10 Steps to Get Connected for Fall 2021
- Fall Convocation Will Feature Both Live and Remote Viewing Opportunities
- Office Preparations in Advance of Tropical Depression Fred
- Saint of Santa Fe | Clay Abraham
- Santa Fe College Offering Laptop Loaner Program for Students in Need This Fall
- Santa Fe College Offering Laptop Loaner Program for Students in Need This Fall
- Tropical Depression Fred Expected to Become Tropical Storm Over the Weekend
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- /news/2021/08/17/
- /news/2021/08/18/
- /news/2021/08/19/
- /news/2021/08/20/
- /news/2021/08/23/
- COVID-19 Exposure Protocol Reminder
- Intercollegiate Civil Disagreement Partnership
- SF Has COVID-19 Emergency Aid Grants III Funding Available to Students
- SF Has COVID-19 Emergency Aid Grants III Funding Available to Students
- SF to Host Vaccination Event Aug. 26
- SFPD Welcomes Students, Faculty and Staff Back for Fall 2021
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- /news/2021/08/25/
- /news/2021/08/26/
- /news/2021/08/27/
- /news/2021/08/30/
- /news/2021/08/31/
- Club Rush - Fall 2021
- College Senate Agenda for August 31, 2021
- Fall Fitness Center Information
- Information Session on Creating an Inclusive and Supporting Online Learning Environment From ACUE Set for Sept. 7
- Santa Fe College Will Hold a Virtual College Night September 28
- September 2021: Fitness Center Calendar
- The SFPD Reminds You to Stay Safe – and if You See Something, Say Something
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- /news/2021/09/02/
- /news/2021/09/03/
- /news/2021/09/07/
- /news/2021/09/08/
- Childcare Assistance Available for Eligible Student-Parents
- Demonstrations for a Possible New Video Tool Begin Sept. 10
- Fall 2021 Parking Reminder from SFPD
- National Weather Service Reporting Invest-91L Will Bring Rain to SF Service District
- "Winds & Classics" Concert Marks a Return of In-Person Band Performances Sept. 23
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- /news/2021/11/04/
- International Education Week Events Nov 15-19
- Local High School Students Get Broad Support for College With SF Achieve
- November 8 is "National First-Generation Day"
- SF's Vaccine Incentive Reporting Through This Week, Book Vouchers and Parking Spaces Announced Nov. 9
- SF's Vaccine Incentives Reporting Through This Week, Book Vouchers and Parking Spaces Announced Nov. 9
- Trinity's Day Spa is Hiring!
- Veterans: Dine for Free on Veterans Day
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- /news/2021/12/10/
- /news/2021/12/14/
- /news/2021/12/16/
- Cuba's Malpaso Dance Company to Honor Alberto Alonso in World Premiere at Santa Fe College Fine Arts Hall on Feb. 3, 2022
- Santa Fe College Enhancing Fine Arts and Entertainment Technology Department With New Virtual Production Studio
- SF CCAMPIS Program is Accepting Applications Spring 2022 Semester
- Spring 2022 Times Talks
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- /news/2021/12/30/
- /news/2022/01/03/
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- /news/2022/01/22/
- /news/2022/01/24/
- /news/2022/01/25/
- /news/2022/01/26/
- Black History Month 2022 Reflection Wall
- Black History Month 2022
- Eight SF Upward Bound Students Named 2022 Model Scholars
- SF Officials Stress Mask Wearing to Mitigate COVID Risk as Omicron Spreads
- Yolanda Thomas Honored by Bradford County Initiative for Service to the Community
- Yolanda Thomas Honored by Bradford County Initiative for Service to the Community
- Yolanda Thomas Honored by Bradford County Initiative for Service to the Community
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- /news/2022/01/28/
- /news/2022/01/31/
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- /news/2022/02/07/
- /news/2022/02/08/
- /news/2022/02/09/
- /news/2022/02/10/
- ABFS To Host Conversations with Black Faculty and Staff Feb. 16
- Career Service STAR Award Nominations Are Open Now Through April 8
- Federal Work Study Student Job in SF Career Exploration Center
- President Broadie and College Leadership Will Present a Mid-Year College Update Friday
- SF Adult Ed Plant Sale Feb. 16
- Student Government Applications 2022-2023
- /news/2022/02/13/
- /news/2022/02/14/
- /news/2022/02/15/
- /news/2022/02/17/
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- /news/2022/03/01/
- /news/2022/03/02/
- /news/2022/03/03/
- /news/2022/03/04/
- Dance Theatre of Santa Fe's "Elements of Style" Live Performances Return March 25-26, 2022
- Next Monthly SF Student Caregiver Meeting Scheduled for March 25
- SF eStaff Accounts Move to Single Sign On March 17
- SF Updated COVID Protocols
- Spring Break 2022 Preparation for All SF Employees
- Student Ambassador Summer 2022 Applications Open
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- /news/2022/03/07/
- /news/2022/03/09/
- /news/2022/03/12/
- /news/2022/03/13/
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- /news/2022/03/17/
- /news/2022/03/18/
- /news/2022/03/21/
- /news/2022/03/22/
- Andrea Evangelist Awarded Outstanding Doctoral Student from Old Dominion
- SF Office for Finance Issues Budget and Year-End Instructions
- SF's 2020 Women of Distinction and Woman of Promise To Be Honored March 30
- SF's Career and Job Placement Office Helps Students Search for Jobs
- Sun Country Sports Center Student Jobs
- Superhero Saturday with Author Michael Tomaino
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- Become a Volunteer with the Alachua County Crisis Center
- Conversation and Coffee with the President – Evening Employees Set for April 25
- Santa Fe College Partners with City of Gainesville on Renovated Public Safety Driving Pad
- SF's AFC Community Service Project Will Benefit GRACE Marketplace
- Tip-A-Cop Benefitting the Special Olympics is April 27
- Watch Your Email and Avoid Phishing Emails
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- ABFS Reminds College Community to Celebrate Florida Emancipation Day
- Cuba's Malpaso Dance Company to Honor Alberto Alonso in World Premiere at SF Fine Arts Hall June 14
- Pride Month 2022
- Priority Date for SF Foundation Scholarships for Fall 2022 is June 15
- Reminder About COVID-19 Protocols: Santa Fe College
- Water Meter Replacement Scheduled for Later This Week
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- Association of Black Faculty and Staff Hold First Meeting of Fall This Thursday
- Fall 2022 Parking Reminder From SFPD
- Friends of Career Service Needs Your Support
- GRACE Marketplace Orientation on September 16
- Growth Mindset Training Sessions Sept. 6, 8
- ICDP Fellowship Application Open Through Sept. 16
- Mental Health First Aid Training Session on Northwest Campus Sept. 23
- Multi-Factor Authentication for All SF Accounts Coming Sept. 23
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- College Senate Agenda for September 13, 2022
- Make Sure Your Emergency Contact Information is Updated in eStaff
- Pianist Mitch McKay Opens SF Performing Arts Series on Sept. 30
- Santa Fe Remembers, and We Will Never Forget 9-11-01
- SF's 2022 Student Affairs Symposium Will Feature Scott Van Pelt
- SF's Sustainability Committee Leads Clean-up Effort
- Sigue Soñando This Thursday
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- College Senate Agenda for October 25, 2022
- Legal Notice - Meeting 10/26/22
- Luminario Ballet of Los Angeles Caps Master Artist Residency in Performance Nov. 4
- Open Enrollment Begins October 24
- President Broadie's "Let's Talk" Event for Evening Employees Set for November 1
- Run with the Cops Returns to SF's Northwest Campus
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- Classes Resume at The Village
- 'It's On Us' Sexual Assault Information Virtual Training Webinars
- SF Community Education Begins Registration
- SF Hosts Black Professionals Expo in February
- SF's Career and Job Placement Fair Is January 26
- SF's New and Promoted Employees for January 2023
- Spring 2023 Parking Reminder From SFPD
- Visiting Artist and Former Faculty Norman Jensen Exhibits Work in SF's Gallery
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- /news/2023/01/23/
- 51st Spring Arts Festival Returns to Santa Fe College
- Career Service Council Scholarship Application Open Now
- Colleague Did Something Special? Why Not Nominate Them for a High Five!
- College Senate Agenda For January 24, 2023
- Holocaust Remembrance Reflection Wall
- SF Hosts Basketball and Volleyball Clinics for Bradford County Students on April 22
- Student Government Officer Positions – Applications Open for 2023-2024
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- Professional Development Day Survey Sent to SF Employee Emails
- Public Notice - Meeting 02/21/23
- SF Adult Ed Students Hold Plant Sale Feb. 15
- SF Foundation Notice Of Public Meeting – February 23, 2023
- SF Sponsored High School Ethics Bowl Team Competes at UNF
- SF Sustainable Student Art Competition Opens March 27
- Spring 2023 Advising Council Will Meet Feb. 17
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- College Seeks Advisory Board Members for QEP
- Meet the SF Spring Arts Festival Poster Artist, Stacey Breheny
- Notice of Rule Amendment 7.1
- Professional Development Day Door Prize Winners
- Public Notice - Meeting 04/18/23
- Santa Fe College partners with Florida Organic Growers and Consumers (FOG) to host the Roots and Herbs Festival
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- Celebrate Jazz Appreciation Month With "Jazz Up Spring" on April 20, 2023
- Changes in SF Student Affairs Staff
- Free to Learn: Education In and Out of Prison Events
- Public Notice - Provost Search Committee Meetings 4/10, 11, 14/2023
- Santa Fe College Hosts Annual CTE Showcase April 6 At Blount Hall
- SF Emergency Management Recruiting New Building Safety Ambassadors
- SF Teaching Zoo's Party for the Planet – April 15-16
- Student Piano Recital's Theme Is "The Four Elements" on April 18, 2023
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- /news/2023/04/06/
- Current SF Students Can Register for Summer and Fall Classes
- Meet the SF Students Who Launched The Saint Bernard
- Nominate a Career Service STAR Now Through April 30
- SF Students Excel Yet Again at Model U.S. Senate
- SF Photographer, Matt Stamey, Wins Gold and Silver Awards
- The SF Library is Hiring Student Staff for Summer!
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- 2023 Santa Fe College Hall of Fame
- Crisis Response Dogs and Handlers to Train at SF Institute of Public Safety
- Help Develop Santa Fe College's Zero Waste Strategic Plan
- Launch Party for the 2023 edition of Zephyr, April 12
- Saluting SFPD Dispatchers For 2023 National Telecommunicators Week
- SFPD Participating in National Drug Take Back Day
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- /news/2023/04/17/
- I Teach... | Alejandra Maruniak
- Open House at Santa Fe College Perry Center, April 20
- Reminder: Career Service Council Nominations close April 30
- Santa Fe College faculty and staff develop the new Latin/Hispanic Affinity Group
- SF Announces Finalists in Provost Search
- Student Police Dialogue, April 21
- Support the Santa Fe College Friends Team at Relay for Life
- /news/2023/04/19/
- Open Forums Scheduled for Fine Arts Chair Candidates
- Public Notice - Provost Search Committee Meetings 4/24, 5/1, 5/3, 2023
- Public Notice - Provost Search Committee Meetings 4/25, 5/2, 5/4, 2023
- Schedule Released for Provost Candidate Visits
- SF's New And Promoted Employees For April 2023
- Volunteers Needed for Spring 2023 Graduation Ceremonies
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- /news/2023/09/12/
- Apply for an AFC Scholarship Now Through Sept 22
- College Senate Agenda for September 12, 2023
- Constitution Week at Santa Fe College 2023
- Job Fair at Santa Fe College Thursday, Sep. 14
- Santa Fe College Hosts Scholarship Award Presentation for Veterans
- SF Holds Constitution Week Events, Sept. 18-20
- SF Resumes Provost Search Process
- SF Sponsors Event Sep. 21 to Support Staff in Learning to Care for Elderly Relatives
- Upcoming SF Employee Events
- Welcome Back Event Sep. 13 at SF Saints Share Wear
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- /news/2023/09/18/
- Brighter Tomorrow Scholarships Available Now
- Register for AFC's 2023 Annual Meeting and Conference in Orlando, Nov. 1-3
- September 28 AFC Fall Social at the Planetarium
- September is Campus Fire Safety Month!
- STEM Scholarship Opportunity Closing 9/28!
- "Winds and Classics" Concert Aims to Inspire the Audience October 5
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- Blount Center's Learning Commons Offers Additional Services to Students
- EGI Community Forum is October 5
- Master Artists Limón Dance Company to Perform in the Fine Arts Hall Oct. 26, 2023
- SF Community Encouraged to Gather for Monthly SF Connections Luncheon
- SF's New and Promoted Employees for September 2023
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- /news/2023/10/02/
- /news/2023/10/03/
- Blount Fall Festival 2023
- Free Recital by Piano and Vocal Students Nov. 7, 2023 in the Fine Arts Hall
- Legal Notice – Meeting 10/17/23
- Santa Fe on Parade at Blount Hall Oct. 6
- SFPD Hosting Coffee with a Cop October 4
- Start (or End) Your Day with SF Fitness Center Yoga
- Student Government's October Mental Health Calendar
- University of Florida AI Days Pitch Competition - $25K in Prizes!
- /news/2023/10/04/
- FEMA and FCC Hold Nationwide Emergency Alert Test Today
- Santa Fe College Now Offers Online Suicide Prevention Training to SF Students, Faculty and Staff
- SF Spring Arts Festival 2024 Call for Artists
- Stop, Collaborate and Grow: Fine Arts' New Initiative
- The Santa Fe College Annual Security Report is Available
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- CTLE Faculty Spotlight: Andy Sheppard – Exploring ChatGPT and AI Tools
- Local Flair is on the Menu at this Year's Floribbean Festival
- Santa Fe College Police Department Earns 2023 IACP Leadership in Victim Services Award
- SF Mourns the Loss of Norman Jensen
- SF's New and Promoted Employees for October 2023
- Yoga: New Locations and Times Offered at Santa Fe College Centers
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- /news/2024/01/01/
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- /news/2024/01/05/
- Join the Santa Fe College Friends Team in the Fight Against Cancer
- Meet With Academic An Coach
- Mental Health First Aid Training for Students – January 12
- MLK Day of Service with Civic Engagement and Service and the Little School
- Seeking A Mechanic's Assistant
- SF Saints Topple Titans
- SF Teaching Zoo Showcased in the Community College Journal
- Spring Service Projects with Civic Engagement and Service
- "Take 5" 10-Minute Play Festival Celebrates Relationships and Jazz on Jan. 26, 2024
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- /news/2024/01/07/
- /news/2024/01/08/
- College Senate Agenda For January 9, 2024
- Planning an Event at SF this Spring? Facilities Services is Ready for You!
- Potential for Severe Weather Monday Night and Tuesday
- Public Notice – Provost Search Committee Meetings Jan 19 and 25, 2024
- SF Learning Commons Hosts Two Special Student Workshops
- SFPD Welcomes Students, Faculty and Staff Back for Spring 2024
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- /news/2024/01/10/
- /news/2024/01/11/
- CTLE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Alpheus Mautjana – Uniting Students via the Chemistry Colloquium
- Food Trucks Return for Spring 2024
- Register Now for Mental Health First Aid Training
- REMINDER: Vilma Fuentes' Sendoff Celebration is Today
- Santa Fe Saints Struggle Against Daytona State Falcons
- SF Saints Fall to Undefeated Falcons
- Spring 2024 Parking Reminder From SFPD
- /news/2024/01/12/
- Federal Work Study – Student Jobs @ SF Library
- North Central Florida TRIO Talent Search Celebrates 30 Years and Over 4,000 Graduates
- QEP Student Success Fellow – Work Study Positions on Campus
- Run, Hide, Fight: Stay Safe at Santa Fe College
- Santa Fe College Business Degrees Lead the Way
- Study Abroad 2024
- We're Here to Help: The UF@SF Center
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- /news/2024/01/14/
- /news/2024/01/16/
- /news/2024/01/17/
- Calling for Volunteers for SF Waste Audit
- Club Rush Spring 2024
- Horticulture Agriculture and Artist Sale Today
- Instructors Webpage to Undergo Revamp
- Pizza With Professors
- Saints Social Spring 2024
- SF Saints Can't Stop Titans
- SF Saints Valiantly Battle EFSC Titans, Fall 75-52
- SF's New and Promoted Employees for January 2024
- We're Here to Help: Share Wear
- /news/2024/01/18/
- Become a Community Scientist through FrogWatch USA
- Black Professionals Expo Begins Feb. 22
- Heartbreaking Loss for SF Saints in Battle Against Hawks
- Register Today for Online Suicide Prevention Training
- SF Saints Struggle to Regain Momentum
- SFPD Beverage Tab Collection Drive Begins
- Spring 2024 Esports Tournaments
- We're Here to Help: SF Disabilities Resource Center
- /news/2024/01/19/
- Sign Up Today for Mental Health First Aid Training
- Strategic Planning Survey Due Jan. 29
- The Alexander Hanson Show Opens Jan. 19
- Today's Events for Provost Finalist Dr. Alice Murillo
- We're Here to Help: Safe Santa Fe App
- What is Vocational Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities? Learn more on Jan. 31
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- /news/2024/01/21/
- /news/2024/01/22/
- College Senate Agenda For January 23, 2024
- Evacuation Drills Planned at SF Northwest Campus and Centers
- Northwest Campus to Close Due to Water Main Break – Consider All Water to be Non-Potable
- SF Athletics This Week: Men's and Women's Basketball, Baseball Season Begins
- SF Fine Arts Events This Week: "Take 5" and Alexander Hanson Exhibit
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Lose a Nailbiter by 2 Points
- We're Here to Help: Student Life
- /news/2024/01/23/
- Black History Month Calendar 2024
- Help Us Improve the Tyree Library to Meet Your Needs
- SF Awaits Results of Water Sample Testing, College and Little School Open Wednesday
- Student Government Applications 2024-2025
- Suit-Up Event on Jan. 28
- The SF Achieve Journey Begins Here
- Twirl the Night Away at the Valentine's Swing Dance on Feb. 9, 2024
- Unlock Your Future at Santa Fe College's Open House
- Water Boil Notice Remains in Effect at SF's Northwest Campus
- Water Pressure Restored, Boil Water Notice Remains in Effect for Northwest Campus
- /news/2024/01/24/
- /news/2024/01/25/
- Alternative Spring Break 2024: Cumberland Island National Seashore
- Building Heroes: Santa Fe College's Institute of Public Safety
- Place Your Orders for the AFC Carnation Sale
- The SF Achieve Journey: Mentorships
- Today's Events for Provost Finalist Dr. J. Nathaniel Southerland
- "Winds Go Pop!" with the SF Concert Band is Free on Feb. 22, 2024, in the Lyceum
- /news/2024/01/26/
- /news/2024/01/27/
- /news/2024/01/28/
- /news/2024/01/29/
- /news/2024/01/30/
- /news/2024/01/31/
- /news/2024/02/01/
- Enroll Now: High School Dual Enrollment Applications Welcome
- SF Baseball: Saints Continue Undefeated Streak in Extra Innings
- SF Employees, Sign Up for Mental Health First Aid Training: Feb. 9 or March 14
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Still Searching for First Conference Win
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Fall to Miami Dade College
- /news/2024/02/02/
- Gator Day @ Santa Fe 2024 Brings Advising for Most UF Majors and SF Bachelor's Degree Programs Feb. 21
- Santa Fe College Spring Arts Festival Returns April 13 and 14
- SF Brain Bowl Going to National Championships!
- SF Phi Theta Kappa – Honors Club Earns back-to-back 5-Star Status!
- Spring 2024 Advising Workshop Series Begins
- /news/2024/02/03/
- /news/2024/02/04/
- /news/2024/02/05/
- /news/2024/02/06/
- /news/2024/02/07/
- /news/2024/02/08/
- /news/2024/02/09/
- /news/2024/02/10/
- /news/2024/02/11/
- /news/2024/02/12/
- College Senate Agenda for February 13, 2024
- Santa Fe College's 2024 Women of Distinction Awards Luncheon is March 26
- SF Baseball: Saints Pounce on Panthers in Doubleheader Rout
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Fall Behind Falcons
- SF Office for Finance Issues Budget and Year-End Instructions for FY 23-24
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Earn Conference Victory
- /news/2024/02/13/
- /news/2024/02/14/
- Dr. Tony Blalock, First SFPD Chief, Passes Away
- Public Notice – Meeting 2/21/24
- SF Baseball: Saints Grounded as Eagles Fly Away with Victory
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Can't Stop Titans
- SF Midweek Review: Budget and Year-End Instructions for FY 23-24 and More
- SF Women's Basketball: Titans Squash Saints Momentum
- /news/2024/02/15/
- /news/2024/02/16/
- /news/2024/02/17/
- /news/2024/02/18/
- /news/2024/02/19/
- Horticulture Agriculture and Artist Sale on Feb. 21
- Legal Notice – Meeting 02/19/24
- SF Baseball: Saints Fly High in Doubleheader
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Snap 10-Game Losing Streak, Win First Season Conference Game
- SF Softball: Saints Shut Out the BlueWave
- SF to UF: Xavier's Journey
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Fall to Hawks
- /news/2024/02/20/
- /news/2024/02/21/
- Order Regalia for the Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremonies
- Santa Fe College Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Displaced Homemaker Program
- SF Baseball: Saints Outhit – But Not Outscore – Vikings
- SF Midweek Review: "Winds Go Pop!" and More
- SF's New and Promoted Employees for February 2024
- Women's History Month 2024
- /news/2024/02/22/
- /news/2024/02/23/
- Get Ready for the Solar Eclipse with a Show at the Kika Silva Pla Planetarium
- Insurance and Risk Management Showcase on Feb. 27
- Latin American History, Culture and Arts Conversation Series Begins Feb. 29
- SF Baseball: Saints Lose Rough Battle
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Rebuild Momentum
- SF Softball: Saints Dominate Eagles
- Spring Arts Festival 2024 Call for Volunteers
- We're Here to Help: Student Resource Center
- /news/2024/02/24/
- /news/2024/02/25/
- /news/2024/02/26/
- College Senate Agenda for February 27, 2024
- Navigate Questions, Answers and Tips Session with EAB Onsite on Feb. 28
- Reminder: Santa Fe College Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Displaced Homemaker Program on March 12
- RTS Reduced Spring Break Service Schedule
- Santa Fe College Friends Relay for Life on March 14
- Santa Fe College's Spring Break Closings and Openings March 4-9
- SF Baseball: Saints Take First Game, Fall Short in Second Against Falcons
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Show Grit Despite Loss
- SF Softball: Saints Find Victory After Early Setback
- SF Women's Basketball: Saints Beat Buccaneers
- Spring 2024 Advising Open Lab Series Begins
- The Nurse's Journey: Chelsey McClellan Chose SF Before UF
- /news/2024/02/27/
- /news/2024/02/28/
- /news/2024/02/29/
- Dare to Hope with a Health Sciences Degree from Santa Fe College
- Professional Development Day: Registration, Schedule and More
- SF Intramural Sports 2024
- SF Men's Basketball: Saints Lose Nailbiter as Season Winds Down
- SF Teaching Zoo Welcomes Three Playful Otter Pups
- SF Women's Basketball: Titans Defeat Saints
- /news/2024/03/01/
- /news/2024/03/02/
- /news/2024/03/03/
- /news/2024/03/04/
- /news/2024/03/05/
- /news/2024/03/06/
- /news/2024/03/07/
- /news/2024/03/08/
- /news/2024/03/10/
- /news/2024/03/11/
- /news/2024/03/12/
- CSC S.T.A.R. Nominations Now Open
- Engineer Your Destiny with an Information Technology Degree from SF
- Meet the New Provost and VP of Academic Affairs March 13
- Reminder: Santa Fe College Friends Relay for Life on March 14
- Santa Fe College Honored by Purple Star Campus Designation
- The Sustainable Student Art Competition Begins April 3
- /news/2024/03/13/
- Business Club Pitch Competition
- First Strategic Plan Workshop is Friday, March 15; Survey Closes March 13
- Purchase SF's 2024 Women of Distinction Awards Luncheon Tickets Today
- Santa Fe College Welcomes CCAP Delegation from South Africa
- SF Baseball: Saints Lose Slugfest at Home
- SF Midweek Review: CSC S.T.A.R. Nominations, the CCAP Delegation from South Africa and More
- SF Softball: Saints Split Patriots Doubleheader
- The Library Hosts Escape Room March 20
- /news/2024/03/14/
- /news/2024/03/15/
- /news/2024/03/16/
- /news/2024/03/17/
- /news/2024/03/18/
- /news/2024/03/19/
- /news/2024/03/20/
- /news/2024/03/21/
- /news/2024/03/22/
- /news/2024/03/23/
- /news/2024/03/24/
- /news/2024/03/25/
- /news/2024/03/26/
- /news/2024/03/27/
- /news/2024/03/28/
- Advanced Registration for Summer and Fall Begins
- Elevating the Game: Check Out the Redesigned Athletics Website
- Elevator Service Restored
- Engineer Your Future with an Information Technology Degree from SF
- Epilepsy Alliance Florida Walk 2024
- Last Spring Strategy Session for New Strategic Plan: April 5
- Spring Into Wellness Kicks Off with Health Screenings April 2-4
- Student Journalists Wanted: Saint Bernard Newspaper Seeks New Team Members
- Youth Mental Health First Aid Training on Friday, April 5
- /news/2024/03/29/
- /news/2024/03/30/
- /news/2024/03/31/
- /news/2024/04/01/
- Bright Futures Student Stories - April 5
- DonutNV Brings Hot Mini Donuts to Northwest Campus April 2
- Internal Job Alert: New Postings Listed
- Santa Fe College Offers 2004 Ford Econoline E250 Van in Surplus Vehicle Sale
- Santa Fe College Students Guaranteed Admission to 16 UF Programs
- SF Athletics This Week: April 1-6
- SF Baseball: Saints Go 2-1 Against Raiders This Season
- Spring into Action with the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
- UF/SF Employee Exchange Program Applications Open Until April 29
- /news/2024/04/02/
- /news/2024/04/03/
- Apply for an AFC Scholarship for Spring/Summer 2024 Today
- Legal Notice – Meeting 04/16/24 4 p.m.
- Legal Notice - Meeting 4/16/24 3 p.m.
- SF Baseball: Saints Step Up Against Blue Wave
- SF Midweek Review: Strategy Session, Party for the Planet and More
- SF Softball: Santa Fe Saints, Daytona State Falcons Split Doubleheader Battles
- Zephyr Launch Party Thursday, April 11 @ 12:30 in the library, room Y-102
- /news/2024/04/04/
- /news/2024/04/05/
- Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2024
- Blount Center's Open House Tomorrow
- Call for Service: Draft Santa Fe College's 2025-2030 Strategic Plan
- Destress Fest For Finals 2024
- Internal Job Openings Updated
- New AVP for Academic Affairs (Career & Technical Education) Chosen
- SF Baseball: Saints Lose High-Scoring Battle
- Summer and Fall Registration for Current and New Students Now Open
- /news/2024/04/06/
- /news/2024/04/07/
- /news/2024/04/08/
- College Senate Agenda for April 9, 2024
- CTLE Faculty Spotlight: Brian Lee – Galvanizing Growth Mindset
- Davis Center's Open House Tomorrow
- Don't Miss Santa Fe College’s Annual CTE Showcase on April 18
- Don't Miss This Week's Surplus Vehicle Auction
- Part-Time Faculty Excellence Award Winners: Herman Ramos and Lee Starling
- SF Baseball: Saints Suffer Doubleheader Split Against Buccaneers
- SF Connections Luncheon: April 18
- SF Softball: Saints Enjoy Winning Weekend
- /news/2024/04/09/
- College Launches Dedicated Clubs Space April 15
- Enhancing Military Cultural Competency: A New Training Opportunity for Santa Fe College Employees
- Reception Today for Lucinda Dickens Hawksley, Descendant of Charles Dickens
- Santa Fe College Students Rock at Model U.S. Senate Yet Again
- SF Emergency Management Recruiting New Building Safety Ambassadors
- /news/2024/04/10/
- /news/2024/04/11/
- 2024 Santa Fe College Hall of Fame
- Health Information Professionals Week is April 15-19
- Neurodivergent Club is Recruiting Officers
- Santa Fe College Named Unreal Academic Partner
- Santa Fe College's Model UN Competes in Southern Regional Model UN Conference
- Spring Arts Festival and Mind, Body, Life Collaborate on Mural Project
- We're Here to Help: Career Placement Center
- /news/2024/04/12/
- /news/2024/04/13/
- /news/2024/04/14/
- /news/2024/04/15/
- 2024-2025 Student Government Leadership Team
- AFC Scholarship Applications Due This Friday
- African Cultures 2024 Event
- Celebrate World Tree Kangaroo Day at the SF Teaching Zoo on May 18
- PTK Awards Prestigious Paragon Award to SF President Dr. Paul Broadie II
- SF Athletics Recap: Baseball and Softball Action
- SF Athletics This Week: April 15-20
- /news/2024/04/16/
- /news/2024/04/17/
- /news/2024/04/18/
- /news/2024/04/19/
- /news/2024/04/20/
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- /news/2024/04/26/
- /news/2024/04/27/
- /news/2024/04/28/
- /news/2024/04/29/
- /news/2024/04/30/
- /news/2024/05/01/
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- /news/2024/05/09/
- /news/2024/05/10/
- /news/2024/05/11/
- /news/2024/05/12/
- /news/2024/05/13/
- /news/2024/05/14/
- /news/2024/05/15/
- Did You Lose Something? Check the SFPD!
- Legal Notice – Meeting 05/21/24
- MarCom is Transitioning Website to New Platform
- Notice of Amendment of Rule 3.23 and Deletion of Rule 3.24
- Pardon Our Dust: Northwest Campus Construction Update
- S, N, K and L Elevators Still Down
- SF Athletics Review: Jackson Named FSCAA Pitcher of the Year, 40+ Student-Athletes Graduate
- SF Midweek Review: Summer Begins, World Tree Kangaroo Day and More
- The CTLE Welcomes Andy Sheppard to the Team
- /news/2024/05/16/
- Amended Legal Notice – Meeting 05/21/24 - Updated Location
- Amended Legal Notice - Workshop and Meeting 5/21/24 - Updated Location
- Do You Know About the Career Exploration Center?
- SF Academy Marks First Year with Awards Ceremony
- This Summer, If You See Something, Say Something
- UF/SF Partnership Programs Celebrate Milestone Achievement: 1000th Student Graduates
- Update: S, N, K and L Elevators Still Down
- /news/2024/05/17/
- Building N Elevator Up; S, L, K Still Down
- Calling All SF Faculty and Staff: Secure Your Spot for a Professional Headshot
- Coping with College? Turn to the CWC for Support!
- SF Welcomes Educators Across Florida to Mind Body Life Event
- Stay Safe at Santa Fe College This Summer
- Summer 2024 Parking Reminder From SFPD
- /news/2024/05/18/
- /news/2024/05/19/
- /news/2024/05/20/
- /news/2024/05/21/
- /news/2024/05/22/
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- /news/2024/06/01/
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- /news/2024/08/25/
- /news/2024/08/26/
- College Senate Agenda for August 27, 2024
- New Food Truck Schedule at Oak Grove Begins August 27
- SF Needs Your One Stop Center Feedback
- SF Volleyball: Saints Surge to Victory with Back-to-Back Wins
- Sherry Houston Selected as Santa Fe College Vice President for Advancement and Chief Philanthropy Officer
- Unite in Blue and White on Aug. 29
- /news/2024/08/27/
- /news/2024/08/28/
- /news/2024/08/29/
- /news/2024/08/30/
- /news/2024/08/31/
- /news/2024/09/01/
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- /news/2024/09/27/
- /news/2024/09/28/
- /news/2024/09/29/
- /news/2024/09/30/
- Northwest Campus
- SF Online
- Police Department
- Perry Center for Emerging Technologies
- Placement and Assessment Center
- Kika Silva Pla Planetarium
- Prepare for College
- College Achievement Program - Prepare for College
- Educational Talent Search - Prepare for College
- National Achievers Society - Prepare for College
- Upward Bound - Prepare for College
- Upward Bound Math-Science
- SF Achieve - Prepare for College
- Adult Education - Prepare for College
- Office of the Registrar
- Appeals - Registrar
- Calendar and Critical Dates - Registrar
- Class Schedule - Registrar
- College Catalog - Registrar
- Contact Office of the Registrar
- Residency Reclassification - Registrar
- Official Transcript Request - Registrar
- Course Registration and Grades - Registrar
- Graduation - Registrar
- Petitions - Registrar
- Student Academic Record - Registrar
- Transcript Evaluation - Registrar
- Research in Undergraduate Education
- Research in Undergraduate Education Contacts
- Frequently Asked Questions - Research in Undergraduate Education
- Festival - Research in Undergraduate Education
- Poster Resources - Research in Undergraduate Education
- Research at SF - Research in Undergraduate Education
- Research Opportunities - Research in Undergraduate Education
- Awards - Research in Undergraduate Education
- SACSCOC at Santa Fe College
- Safety and Risk Management
- Authorization to Drive - Safety and Risk Management
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED) - Safety and Risk Management
- Building Ambassadors
- Contact Safety and Risk Management
- Emergency Procedures - Safety and Risk Management
- Forms - Safety and Risk Management
- Safety Committee - Safety and Risk Management
- Safety Manual - Safety and Risk Management
- Report an Accident - Safety and Risk Management
- Safety Topics - Safety and Risk Management
- Search
- College Senate
- College Senate Active Documents
- College Senate Agendas
- College Senate Archived Documents
- College Senate Awards
- Become a Friend of College Senate
- College Senate Constitution and Bylaws
- College Senate Meeting Dates
- College Senate Minutes
- College Senate Motions
- College Senate Officers, Representatives and Constituents
- College Senate Request Update
- The Carole Marquis Professional Development Scholarship Fund
- College Senate Committees
- Student Government
- Sciences for Health Programs
- Spring Arts Festival
- Strategy
- Student Affairs
- Advising Council - Student Affairs
- Animals on Campus
- Florida Developmental Education Exemption - Student Affairs
- Spanish Speaking Staff
- Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student Affairs
- Complaints - Student Affairs
- Contact - Student Affairs
- Emergency Aid / Resources - Student Affairs
- Student Conduct - Student Affairs
- Student Life
- About Student Life
- Contact Student Life
- Student Life Hall Of Fame
- Student Life
- Student Life
- Student Life
- Get Involved with Student Life
- Student Resources - Student Life
- Student Wellness - Student Life
- Sustainable Santa Fe
- Northwest Campus Testing Center
- Tobacco Free Campus
- Transfer
- Transportation
- TRIO Programs
- Tutoring Services
- Veterans and Military Success Services
- About Veterans and Military Success Services
- Contact Veterans and Military Success Services
- Veterans and Military Success Services FAQs
- Getting Benefits Started - Veterans and Military Success Services
- Newly Admitted Students - Veterans and Military Success Services
- Resources - Veterans and Military Success Services
- Veteran Scholarship Program - Veterans and Military Success Services
- Isakson and Roe Section 1018 - Veterans and Military Success Services
- Student Veterans Club - Veterans and Military Success Services
- Tuition and Fee Waivers - Veterans and Military Success Services
- Veteran Orientation - Veterans and Military Success Services
- Continuing SF Students - Veterans and Military Success Services
- Military Education Benefits - Veterans and Military Success Services
- Watson Center
- Women of Distinction
- Workday
- Workday Adding and Updating Emergency Contacts
- Common Time Sheet Errors
- Opting Into The Campus Emergency Notification System
- Workday Entering and Correcting Absences
- Frequently Asked Questions About Workday
- Viewing or Printing Payslips in Workday
- Workday Training and Resources
- Viewing Team Absence and Time
- Workday Tracking Time
- Workday Training Schedule
- Updating Your W-4
- Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo | Gainesville Florida
- Advisory Committees for Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
- Contact Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
- Wildlife Assistance - Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
- Become a Zookeeper
- Conservation - Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
- Support - Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
- Visit Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo
- Zoo Experiences - Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo