Santa Fe Live

Getting the Best Start

Your college experience is exactly that: it's yours. It belongs to you. But what you'll learn from Santa Fe Live and our New Student Convocation is just how the college is ready to support your success.

Manage your time wisely. Take advantage of every opportunity. Connect to other students. Get involved.

More than 50 different student organizations are already thriving at the college, and you can always start your own. Connect with them!

Connect to Your Career

You may have had your career in mind since you were in first grade - most students don't. The Career Exploration Center offers guidance, insight and assessments to help you figure out what you want to do, and make sure you're following the right road to get there.

Digital tools like Career Coach give you a look at what a job opportunities (including salary) might be available for a chosen career, and the degree path you should take.

Connect to Financial Wellness

Budget, budget, budget! Make sure to use your financial aid to pay tuition, your rent, and all the essentials. But saving money and developing a plan for long-term financial health isn't always easy. Many students are balancing work with college, and sometimes meeting ends meet and still planning for the future seems impossible.

Connect to Keep Yourself Healthy and Safe

Everybody's different. Those differences are what makes the college great, and every single student matters. So keep yourself healthy. The resources mentioned during Santa Fe Live are available when you need them. The SF Counseling and Wellness Center is a big one. Dedicated and experienced counselors are ready to talk about whatever you need to talk about. More than talking, they're ready to listen.

The Santa Fe community also works to keep all students, faculty and staff safe. So if you see behavior that suggests violence or threat to anyone at SF, report it. The SF Police Department works 24/7 to keep everyone safe.

Connect with Santa Fe Live

Santa Fe Live, and this page are designed to help remind you about how the college can support you, and to encourage you to connect with that support. If you have questions that we haven't answered in Santa Fe Live or in the resources we've mentioned, please email us at