Accessibility @ SF


Santa Fe College welcomes students, faculty, staff and visitors with disabilities. Santa Fe College provides access to education, employment, services, programs, and activities to persons with disabilities. The SF community works together to remove any barriers preventing equal opportunities to community members who have physical or mental disabilities.

Accessibility @ SF serves as a central resource on disability-related information, procedures and services for the College community and provides expertise in the development, implementation, and acquisition of College practices, procedures and resources regarding accessibility. These pages have evolved from the initial efforts of the Accessibility Working Group (AWG).

Students who have a disability, and have an access or accommodation need, should contact the Disabilities Resource Center (DRC) at 352-395-4400 or The DRC is located in Building S, Room 229 at the Northwest Campus.

Employees who need a reasonable accommodation for a disability should contact Human Resources (HR) at 352-395-5185 or HR is located in Building R-Annex at the Northwest Campus.

Individuals concerned about access for people with disabilities at the College may contact the Disabilities Resource Center for guidance.

Electronic Accessibility

This link provides you with step-by-step guides for making particular types of content accessible. Consult the pages here that are most relevant for the technologies you're using.

Physical Accessibility

The campus Accessibility Map outlines the level of access on campus, including accessible curb cuts, door entrances and parking locations. 

Santa Fe College provides equal opportunity in all of its programs, activities and services, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other applicable laws.
