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Human Resources

Discover your comprehensive health benefits, including healthcare coverage, retirement plans, leave options, FMLA, telework, career opportunities and more.

 Careers  Employee Handbook  Employee Benefits  Salary Schedule  Employee Discounts  Employee Accommodations  Educational Opportunities

Experience and Growth Opportunities

Whether it's attending a fine arts performance or getting involved in shared governance, build your experience at SF.

 Professional Development  Join College Senate  Join Career Service Council  Join Association of Florida Colleges  Performing Arts Schedule  College News College Calendar

Emergency Contact

The SF website serves as the official source of emergency information and will be updated as necessary during an incident requiring emergency notification.

On-campus emergency:
Dial 5555 (campus phone)
Dial 352-395-5555 (non-campus phone)

Dial 352-395-5519
Report a concern.
Visit Safe Santa Fe page for more details.

Employee Support
