
All rules approved by The District Board of Trustees of Santa Fe College as well as related procedures can be viewed here.


Readers of this Rules and Procedures Manual are advised that as revisions or additions to the rules and procedures are approved, every effort will be made to update this copy as soon as possible.

Questions concerning the manual should be directed to the General Counsel's Office, 352-395-5170 or general.counsel@sfcollege.edu.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Board of Trustees

1.1 Board of Trustees: Name, Authority, Powers and Duties

1.3 Board of Trustees: Dismissal, Membership and Organization

1.4 Board Meetings

1.5 Academic Freedom

Chapter 2: General College Information

2.1 Public Information

2.1.1 Uniform Rules

2.2 College Organization

2.2P College Organization (Procedure)

2.3 Direct Support Organization Use of College Resources

2.4 College Senate Shared Governance

2.4P College Senate Shared Governance (Procedure)

2.5 Regional Accreditation and Substantive Changes

2.5P Substantive Change (Procedure)

2.6 Legal Services for Employees

2.7 HIV, AIDS, Other Bloodborne Pathogens and Tuberculosis Policy

2.7P HIV, AIDS, Other Bloodborne Pathogens and Tuberculosis (Procedure)

2.8 Prohibition Against Discrimination and Harassment

2.8P Prohibition Against Discrimination and Harassment (Procedure)

2.10 Dissemination of Information on College Premises

2.10P Dissemination of Information on College Premises (Procedure)

2.11 Student Loan Practices Code of Conduct

2.12 Prohibition Against Fraudulent, Dishonest or Improper Acts

2.13 Intellectual Property

2.14 Institutional Review Board

2.15 Behavioral Intervention Team

2.15P Behavioral Intervention Team (Procedure)

2.16 Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse, Abandonment and Neglect

2.16P Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse, Abandonment and Neglect (Procedure)

2.17 Designation of Emeritus

Chapter 3: Human Resources

3.1 Appointment/Dismissal of President

3.2 Qualifications for Instructional Personnel

3.3 Criteria for Selection and Evaluation of Full-Time Administrative, Faculty, and Technical and Professional Positions

3.4 Adoption of Salary Schedules

3.5 Criteria for Selection, Probation, and Evaluation of Career Service Positions

3.9 Employment Contracts

3.9P Employment Contracts

3.14 Grant Personnel

3.17 Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics

3.18 Outside Employment; Public Office

3.20 Leaves of Absence

3.20P Leaves of Absence (Procedure)

3.21 Travel Reimbursement

3.22 Criminal Background Checks

3.22P Criminal Background Checks (Procedure)

3.23 Informal and Formal Grievance Procedures for Members of the College Senate (effective through June 18, 2024)

3.23 Informal and Formal Grievance (effective June 18, 2024)

3.23P Informal and Formal Grievance Procedures (effective June 18, 2024) (Procedure)

3.25 Meritorious Service Awards

3.33 Personnel Records

3.36 Drug-Free Workplace

3.37 Santa Fe College Police Department

3.38 Prohibition of Firearms and Weapons on College Premises

Chapter 4: Degree/Education Requirements

4.1 College Catalog

4.2 Grading System

4.2P SF Fresh Start

4.3 Degree and Certificate Requirements

4.4 Transfer Credit

4.5 Credit by Examination

Chapter 5: Administration and Finance

5.1 Budget

5.2 Purchasing and Contract Authority

5.3 Funds from Auxiliary Enterprises and Gifts

5.4 Control of Funds

5.4P Receipt, Deposit, and Disbursement of Funds (Procedure)

5.5 Petty Cash

5.5P Petty Cash (Procedure)

5.7 Tangible Personal Property Control

5.7P Tangible Personal Property Control (Procedure)

5.8 Insurance

5.9 Investment of Surplus Funds

5.11 Reproduction and Destruction of Records

5.11P Records Retention and Destruction (Procedure)

5.12 Smoking and Tobacco Use

5.13 Contracts for Community Education Services

5.15 Facsimile Signatures

5.17 Bonds

5.18 Payroll Deductions

5.19 Admission Fees for College Events

Chapter 6: Facilities/Physical Plant

6.2 Facilities Services: Maintenance and Sanitation

6.2P Facilities Services: Maintenance and Sanitation

6.4 Use of College Facilities

6.4P Use of College Facilities (Procedure)

6.5 Animals on Campus

6.5P Animals on Campus (Procedure)

6.6 Use of College Vehicles, Gasoline

6.6P Use of College Vehicles (Procedure)

6.7 Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, Skates, and Other Transportation Devices

6.8 Motor Vehicle Traffic and Parking Control

6.8P Procedure to Contest Student Parking Violation Notices (Procedure)

6.9 Housing

6.10 Real Property and Facilities Acquisition

6.14 Facilities Construction Contracts

6.15 Selection and Evaluation of Professional Services Contractors for Fixed Capital Outlay Projects

Chapter 7: Student Information/Fees

7.1 Eligibility for Admission

7.1P Disciplinary Admissions

7.2 Admission/Graduation Requirements: Disabled Students

7.2P Admission/Graduation Requirements: Disabled Students (Procedure)

7.3 Admission and Readmission Procedures: Credit Programs

7.5 Admission of High School Seniors

7.6 International Student Admissions

7.6P Nonimmigrant International Student Admission and Registration

7.8 College Entry Assessment, Course Placement, and Remediation Options

7.9 Academic Progress

7.10 Recruitment of Students

7.11 Student Fees and Refunds

7.11P Exception to Student Fees for Repeated Attempts of College Preparatory Courses (Procedure)

7.12 Fee Deferments

7.13 Waiver of Fees

7.13P Waiver of Fees (Procedure)

7.14 Board of Trustees Scholarships

7.14P Board of Trustees Scholarships (Procedure)

7.19 Graduation With Honors

7.19P Graduation With Honors (Procedure)

7.20 Student Records and Reports: Right to Privacy

7.20P Request for Student Information (Procedure)

7.21 Academic Objectives and Attendance

7.22 Petitions Committee (Student Registration)

7.23 Student Conduct Code

7.24 Selection for Admission to Limited Access Programs

7.24P Selection for Admission to Limited Access Programs (Procedure)

7.27 Financial Aid

7.27P Financial Aid Appeals Committee (Procedure)

7.28 Student Financial Obligations

7.29 Student Obligations: Return of Property (ROTC Program)

7.30 Student Activities

7.30P Student Activities (Procedure)

7.34 Student Field Trips

7.34P Student Field Trips (Procedure)

7.36 Student Complaints

7.36P Student Complaints (Procedure)

7.37 Institutional Publications, Advertising, Student Advertising, Student Recruitment, and Representation of Accredited Status

7.38 Student Publications