Public Records Request

How do I request public records?

As a public entity, Santa Fe College is subject to Florida’s Public Records Law, which allows the public to have access to certain records. Because some records are exempt and/or confidential under this law, however, please forward all public records requests immediately to the Office of the General Counsel or the appropriate custodian of records, as set forth below:

Student Records

Michael Hutley

College Registrar

Michael Hutley

Employment Records

Lela Frye

Director of Human Resources

Lela Frye

Purchasing Records

David Shlafer

Director of Purchasing

Facilities Records

Helen Hutley

Facilities Business Manager

Board of Trustees Records

Patti Locascio

Senior Vice President, Chief of Staff, and General Counsel

Other Records

Patti Locascio

General Counsel

What do I do if I receive a public records request?

If you are an employee of Santa Fe College and you receive a request for public records, please forward the request immediately to the Office of the General Counsel or the appropriate custodian of records, as set forth above.

What do I do if I'm not satisfied with the response to my public records request?

Pursuant to Section 119.12, F.S., prior to filing any civil action to enforce Florida’s public records laws, a public records requestor must provide written notice identifying the public records request at issue, at least five (5) business days before filing the civil action, to:

Santa Fe College
Office of the President
3000 NW 83rd Street Gainesville, FL 32606
Attn: Public Records Request
Telephone: 352-395-5168

The President of Santa Fe College is charged with responsibility for the operation and administration of the College, including the management of public records. To effectively administer those records, the President has designated multiple personnel in various areas of College operations to serve as the “custodian of public records” as that term is defined in Section 119.011(5), F.S.

For the convenience of the public, and for purposes of compliance with the requirements of Section 119.12, F.S., the Office of the President is designated as the general Custodian of Public Records, specifically to receive written notices provided at the contact information above by public records requestors prior to their filing of civil actions to enforce the provisions of Florida’s public records laws.