
Time and Attendance

Online Guide

Certifier Training

Online Guide

On This Page

Payroll Forms

Direct Deposit

Tax Withholding

SF AmEx Card


Payroll Forms

Direct Deposit

To start or update your direct deposit information:

  1. Complete the Direct Deposit Authorization Form (pdf). 
  2. Attach verification from your banking institution, including routing and account numbers.
    • Handwritten verification is not accepted.
  3. Submit original documents to the Payroll Office via postal mail or in person (Room F-41).
    • Scanned, emailed, or faxed copies are not accepted.

Please bring photo identification with you. Protecting your privacy and identity is our priority.

Tax Withholding

Major tax reform legislation in 2018 brought about significant changes in income tax withholding and tax return filing. For more information, please review these notices and videos hosted on the IRS website.

To update your tax withholding, complete a new Form W-4 and submit it to Human Resources. For additional help, see the IRS website.

PLEASE NOTE: Payroll personnel are prohibited by law from giving tax advice to employees.

 SF AmEx Card

To apply for a Santa Fe College American Express Corporate Card, complete the application below in full and submit it to Payroll in Room F-40. You will be contacted by Payroll if approved.

SF AmEx cards are the responsibility of the cardholder and are NOT paid by the College.


352-395-5330 (F-40)