
How to Use Payroll Forms

If you have additional questions after reviewing these instructions, contact Payroll

Leave Request Form Instructions

Any time missed from the employee's scheduled work day must be approved by the supervisor subject to College rule 3.20. Vacation and compensatory leave require advance supervisory approval. Sick and personal leave do not require advance approval and leave forms should be submitted upon the employee's return to work or, when possible, in advance of the leave. Department protocol for requesting leave must be followed, including timely and daily notification of unscheduled absences. To ensure continuity of operations and to afford reasonable planning time for employees, departments should establish processes for the request and approval of leave and for the notification of unscheduled leave like sick leave. Procedures should be submitted to HR for review.

Step 1: Employee Information

  • Name
  • Date Completing the Form
  • SF Identification Number
  • Home Department Number

Step 2: Date and Time of Absence

  • From Time and Date: Enter the time your leave begins followed by the date your leave begins (Ex. 8:00 AM 11/24/2014)
  • To Time and Date: Enter the time your leave ends followed by the date your leave ends (Ex. 4:30 PM 11/25/2014)
  • Do not adjust begin and end times for meal breaks. The times entered should be actual times.
  • Total Hour(s) / Minute(s) Missed: Enter the total amount of leave time taken in Hrs / Mins format (Ex. 4:45 for 4 hours and 45 minutes). Leave must be taken in 15 minute increments. Subtract meal breaks that would normally occur during the time absent.

Step 3: Type of Leave

  • Indicate the number of hours of leave taken in the box next to the requesting leave type (Ex. 2:15 in box next to Sick Leave for taking 2 hours and 15 minutes of Sick Leave)
  • In the event that different leave types are approved during the same absence ensure that the number of Hrs:Mins for each leave type sums to the amount entered in the Total Hour(s) / Minute(s) Missed box. (Total Hours = 40.0 -- 10.00 Hr:Min, FMLA Sick Leave, 8:30 Hr:Min, FMLA Vacation Leave, 21:30 Hr:Min FMLA Unpaid)

Step 4: Comments, Print, Sign, Date

  • Type in the name of the employees who will be covering your work duties in your absence. You can add other comments if appropriate.
  • Print out the Leave Form, Sign under "Employee Signature" and Date. Submit to the designated authority per your Department's protocols.

Important Reminders

  • The Leave Request Form can be used by all employees, exempt and non-exempt, as part of their Department's approval protocol.
  • Non-exempt employees are still required to use the linked Leave Request tab in the Full Time Non-Exempt Timesheet and Leave Form Workbook and submit it with their timesheet each pay period.
  • The Leave Request Form can be used to pre-approve different leave types taken during the same absence.
  • A separate leave form should be used for each pay period.
  • The Leave Request Form is not formulated and does not calculate the amount of leave to be taken. For assistance in calculating how much leave to take, including the rounding to 15 minutes increments, use the Leave Form Calculation Tool.
  • Nine-month faculty must refer to the Figuring Partial Days Missed form on the HR website for their leave calculations.

Leave Calculation Tool Instructions

The Leave Form Calculation Tool has been formulated to calculate the total leave hours from the Actual Out/In times entered. It will round to the nearest quarter hour from the overall time taken. If you don't enter the information correctly, the form will not accurately calculate.

Step 1: General Data

  • Report Period Ending date (e.g. August 31, 2014)
  • Name
  • SF Identification Number
  • Home Department Number
  • Physical Work Location

Step 2: Pay Period Date Entries

Type in the beginning date for the pay period as M/D (e.g. 8/16) starting in the first week (in grey) on the appropriate day of the week and proceed typing each date across the row. Note: You cannot "drag" the dates to auto-fill due to hidden formulated columns.

Step 3: Record Out and In Times

  • For each day of the week that you take leave you will need to type in the OUT & IN times in an "hr:min" format (e.g. 10:16 AM for 16 minutes past 10:00 am).
  • When taking leave you will enter the time your leave begins as "Actual Start of Leave Time" (Row 7). Enter the exact time your work ends and you leave without adjustments for meal time.
  • The time your leave ends is entered as "Actual End of Leave Time" (Row 14). Enter the exact time you begin work again if returning the same day. Enter the time your work is scheduled to end if you are not returning the same day.
  • Additional rows are available if needed and these Out/In times should be entered without skipping lines or making adjustments for meal time.
  • If your leave time includes your meal break, you will enter the amount of time for your meal break on Row 15 "Meal Break" (e.g. for 30 minute meal break 0:30).
  • Row 16 "Actual Hours and Minutes" will indicate the amount of total leave time for each day. You will then indicate which leave type to be used by entering the total leave time in the appropriate row using the same format "hr:min" (e.g. 2:15 for 2 hours and 15 minutes). The Leave Form Calculation Tool will round all leave time to the nearest quarter hour.
  • All leave types shown below "Miscellaneous" will be totaled together.

Part-Time Hourly Timesheet Instructions

All part-time hourly employees (PT Professionals, PT Career Service, Certified Hourly Adjuncts, Ed Aides, and Work Study staff) are required to use the electronic timesheet (Excel version) to enter and track time worked. The timesheet has been formulated to calculate the total hours worked. The formulas also utilize 7 minute rounding to the quarter hour for start and end times of each work day. Any Out/In times taken during the day (e.g. meal breaks) will also be rounded to the nearest quarter hour from the overall break time taken. If you don't enter the information correctly the timesheet will not accurately calculate.

Step 1: Required Data

  • Report period ending date (e.g. August 31, 2014)
  • Your Name
  • Your SF Identification Number
  • Your Home Department Number
  • Your Physical Work Location

Step 2: Pay Period Date Entries

Type in the begin date for the pay period as M/D (e.g. 8/16) starting in the first week (in green) on the appropriate day of the week and proceed typing each date across the row. Note: You cannot "drag" the dates to auto-fill due to hidden formulated columns.

Step 3: Record In and Out Times

  • For each day of the week you will need to type in the IN & OUT times in an "hr:min" format (e.g. 10:16 AM for 16 minutes past 10:00 am).
    • Your first "IN" entry is the "Actual Start of Day In" and your last "OUT" entry is the "Actual End of Day Out".
    • Meal breaks are entered as "Actual Time Out" and "Actual Time In" without skipping rows between.
    • Depending on the work schedule the timesheet can reflect (2) two or (4) four entries. If the student is using their "15 minute break" this is not reflected on the timesheet.

Step 4

  • Carefully review all information entered on both the timesheet and leave forms for accuracy before printing out hard copies.
  • It is suggested to use the "Save As" option in Excel to save a copy of your electronic timesheet/leave forms on your computer each pay period. (e.g. File Name: 8-31-14)
  • All timesheets are required to be signed and dated by both the employee and the supervisor.
  • All back up documentation (e.g. time cards, paper timesheets, leave requests, etc.) must be signed and attached to the timesheet.