
The Emerging Leaders Program is a great way to meet new people, get connected to activities on campus, and to grow personally while enhancing your leadership potential! At the end of the program, students will be recognized with a certificate (attendance is mandatory, one absence will be excused).

Emerging Leaders Application

Topic Sessions and Dates

The Emerging Leaders workshops are held on Thursdays at 2 p.m. and will begin on Thursday, Sept. 19. Applications are due by Friday, Sept. 9.  

Topics Covered:

  • September 19 Introductions and What is Leadership?
  • September 26 Getting Involved
  • October 3 Leadership Styles
  • October 10 Time Management
  • October 17 Communicating Effectively
  • October 24 Ethical Leadership
  • October 31 Service Project at Boo at the Zoo
  • November 7 Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: Self
  • November 14 TBD
  • November 21 Wrap Up/Reflection