Associate in Arts Degree


The Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree prepares students to transfer to a four-year college or university. Full-time students will typically complete the 60 credit hours that make up an A.A. over the course of about two years. Of those credit hours, 36 will be general education classes, and the remaining 24 will be electives taken in specific areas that fulfill the specific prerequisites of the program and school that you are applying to.

Planning to Transfer?

Florida Statute 1007.23 guarantees every A.A. graduate from the Florida College System will be granted admission to one of the 12 public universities in Florida.

Santa Fe College maintains several direct articulation agreements with the University of Florida, University of North Florida, Florida A&M University, University of South Florida, University of West Florida and the University of the Virgin Islands. All of these direct articulation agreements guarantee Santa Fe College students admission to these partner universities. For more information, see Guaranteed Transfer Programs.

What's a "Transfer Track"?

If you graduate from Santa Fe College with an A.A. degree, your diploma will say Associate in Arts. Even though you'll have picked a specialization, or "transfer track," so that you're prepared for your upper division coursework, SF doesn't identify this as an individual "major." There is just one A.A. degree.

The SF Academic Advisement Center can help select the right classes to take each semester, and learn how to follow your online degree audit, so that you have a smooth and successful transfer.

Transfer Plans(Opens in new window)

These online plans offer general suggestions for when to take your courses to fulfill both your A.A. and current university admission requirements. Consult with your academic advisor (listed in eSantaFe) for specific requirements.

Can't find the program you're interested in? That doesn't mean we don't have it! Contact the Academic Advisement Center and talk to your advisor about your educational goals.

Average Cost to Attend SF


The Cost of Attendance (COA) is not the bill that you will receive from Santa Fe College. It is an estimate of what it costs the typical student to attend Santa Fe College for one academic year including tuition, books, course materials, living expenses, transportation, and miscellaneous personal expenses.

Tuition and fees in the cost of attendance below are calculated for credit hour programs, assuming enrollment in 12 credit hours in the Fall and Spring semesters. Actual tuition and fees may vary by program. For a better understanding of your chosen program’s tuition and fees, see program costs above.

Undergraduate Lower Division Courses (A.A./A.S. Degree Courses)
  Off-Campus* Off-Campus with Parent**

Tuition and Fees

In-State: $106.77 per credit
Out-Of-State: $382.90 per credit

In-State: $2,563

Out-Of-State: $9,190

In-State: $2,563

Out-Of-State: $9,190

Books, Course Materials,
Supplies, and Equipment

$783 $783
Living Expenses
(Food & Housing)
$10,367 $3,654
Personal Expenses
$2,394 $2,394
Transportation $1,197 $3,942

In-State: $17,304

Out-Of-State: $23,931

In-State: $13,336

Out-Of-State: $19,963

Undergraduate Upper Division Courses (Bachelor's Degree Courses)
  Off-Campus* Off-Campus with Parent**

Tuition and Fees

In-State: $126.33 per credit
Out-Of-State: $428.83 per credit

In-State: $3,032

Out-Of-State: $10,292

In-State: $3,032

Out-Of-State: $10,292

Books, Course Materials,
Supplies, and Equipment
$783 $783
Living Expenses
(Food & Housing)
$10,367 $3,654
Personal Expenses
$2,394 $2,394
Transportation $1,197 $3,942

In-State: $17,773

Out-Of-State: $25,033

In-State: $13,805

Out-Of-State: $21,065

*Off-Campus: you intend to live off-campus but not with your parent(s).

**Off-Campus with Parent: you intend to live with your parent(s) or other relatives.

Note: All costs and rates are subject to change for the upcoming year.

For more detailed information, visit SF's Cost of Attendance page.
