Non-Traditional Students

Male Surgical Tech


A nontraditional student is one who is studying in a program which leads to an occupation in which women or men comprise 25% or less of total employment.

Why choose a nontraditional career?

  • Your job choice should be based on your abilities and interests, not on stereotypical expectations for your gender.
  • You will likely spend more than 30 years working, so you'll want to enjoy your job.
  • Your pay can be 20 percent -30 percent higher than in traditional occupations.
  • Your training and education will lay a solid foundation for your future, and you will learn new ways of thinking and dealing with people.

Some Facts About Non-traditional Careers for Women:

  • According to U.S. Department of Labor statistics, in 2017 the median weekly earnings of women who worked full-time were only 82% of men's full-time weekly earnings (Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, "Highlights of Women's Earnings in 2017," BLS Reports)
  • Women are underrepresented in occupations across many occupational groups including those in the construction trades and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields.
  • Many non-traditional occupations offer a woman higher entry-level wages and higher pay as she advances in her career.
  • Statistics show that women employed in these types of non-traditional jobs earn higher wages than women employed in traditionally female occupations.

Some Facts About Non-traditional Careers for Men:

  • Historically, women have dominated careers that require a significant amount of empathy (for example, nursing and teaching). However, men are also capable of enjoying and succeeding in these "care giving" fields. Non-traditional careers for men can come with a wide range of benefits, such as working in a more diverse workplace and finding satisfaction in a more people-centered career.
  • According to the 2018 Bureau of Labor Statistics, men currently make up 10% of Registered Nurses. The average median salary for a Registered Nurse is $70,000 a year, and the employment outlook for Nursing is outstanding. It is projected that there will be a 15% growth for Nurses between 2012-2026 (much faster than average).

Nontraditional Programs for Females

Associate in Science Degree Programs:

  • Biomedical Equipment Technician
  • Computer Information Technology
  • Construction Management Technology
  • Criminal Justice Technology
  • Networking Systems Technology
  • Programming and Analysis
  • Zoo Animal Technology

Associate in Applied Science Degree Programs:

  • Automotive Service Management Technology

Certificate Programs:

  • Advanced Welding Technology
  • Allied Healthcare Business Specialist
  • Automotive Service Technology
  • Building Maintenance and Management
  • Computer Programming Specialist
  • Crossover From Correctional Officer to Law Enforcement Officer
  • Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Technology
  • Help Desk Support Technician
  • Information Technology Support Specialist
  • Law Enforcement Officer
  • Network Infrastructure
  • Network Security
  • Welding Technology

Nontraditional Programs for Males

Associate in Science Degree Programs:

  • Dental Hygiene
  • Dental Hygiene Bridge
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Health Information Technology
  • Nursing, A.S.N.
  • Nursing Bridge LPN
  • Paralegal Studies
  • Surgical Services

Certificate Programs:

  • Data Management Analytics Specialist
  • Dental Assisting
  • Nursing Assistant (CNA)
  • Phlebotomy
  • Practical Nursing
  • Revenue Cycle Management Medical Coder Biller