
Do you have a favorite website about teaching and learning? Send it to us at CAT@sfcollege.edu and we'll add it to the list.

Online Course Design Tools

Teaching - All Modalities

Flipped Learning

  • Six expert tips for flipping the classroom.

Interactive Learning

Online Teaching Using Badges

Polling/Tools for Formative Assessment

  • Poll Everywhere - An online polling tool that can also accepts text messages.
  • Socrative - Poll the whole class or let them ask you questions using any device. Get instant results to gauge the whole class’ current level of understanding.
  • Plickers - Similar to clickers, this tool only requires the instructor to use a mobile device. Great for classrooms where wireless access is spotty or not all students have smartphones.


  • MIT Teaching & Learning Lab sample grading rubrics for professional writing, oral presentations, and lab reports.

Articles Worth Reading