Transient Students
What Is a Transient Student? A transient student is enrolled at one school (known as the home institution) and has decided to take classes at another school (known as the host institution). Students often decide to become transient because the host institution offers some of the classes they need online, at a more convenient time, closer to their home, or at a lower tuition rate. Transient student agreements can also be called "consortium agreements."
To learn more about the overall transient student process at SF, visit the Academic Advisement Center's Transient page. Transient students can still be eligible for financial aid. However, the process does work differently. There are some very important procedures and rules that can affect your financial aid as a transient student. These rules and procedures are presented below for different types of students.
Transient Student Process for Financial Aid
If you are currently enrolled at Santa Fe College (SF) and are considering taking classes at another institution there are procedures and rules regarding financial aid that you need to be aware of.
Transient Application
- Complete an online Transient Student Admission Application at Florida Shines(Opens in new window). Your selected host institution will certify your application and electronically send it to Santa Fe College.
- You must receive approval from the SF Registrar's Office, and individual coursework
must be approved by SF Advisors by the Last Day to Add Classes for the term.
- Classes added after the Last Day to Drop with a Refund will not be eligible for additional financial aid.
- For Pell Grants, all classes must be added by the Last Day to Drop w/ a Refund for the Parent/major semester. B/E term additions will not increase your funding.
- The Financial Aid Office will review your application and approve estimated aid, if funds may be available for the selected courses, and if SF Advisors have approved the selected coursework.
- Once you have received confirmation of all the appropriate approvals through Florida Shines, you may register for your courses at the host institution.
Paying for Transient Classes
- You cannot receive financial aid at both institutions. SF should process your financial aid.
- To receive funding for transient courses your financial aid file must be in Awarded status.
- You will need to pay tuition, fees, books, supplies, and any other fees directly the host school by their deadlines. SF cannot pay them on your behalf.
- If all eligibility requirements are met, financial aid from SF will pay out (disburse) to you according to the disbursement schedule, essentially reimbursing you for your transient classes.
- SF must receive electronic confirmation of your attendance from the host institution, through the appropriate automated systems, before you can receive your financial aid payment/disbursement.
- State of Florida funds such as Bright Futures and Florida Student Assistance Grant will not be applied to out-of-state tuition.
- Funds not disbursed one month prior to the end of the semester may be forfeit (per federal and state reconciliation timelines).
- Obligations and balances resulting from financial aid awards that did not disburse must be repaid to the College before subsequent enrollment/registration.
- SF must receive electronic confirmation of your attendance from the host institution, through the appropriate automated systems, before you can receive your financial aid payment/disbursement.
- Transmission of attendance by the host institution typically occurs at the end of the host school's add/drop period.
- If electronic attendance is not received through the official methods at least one month prior to the end of the semester, your estimated aid at SF may be reduced and/or cancelled. SF is not responsible for other schools' processing timeliness or capabilities.
- It is the student's responsibility to actively monitor their transient disbursement status. Typically, this means getting the host school to send SF the electronic attendance immediately after add/drop.
- SF will check attendance during the time of disbursement for the term, and at the
mid-point of the term (B term) to pay out eligible funds.
- After this time period, transient disbursements will be cancelled and will only be reviewed with timely inquiry by the student.
- Attendance cannot be assumed, per federal and state laws.
- Once you have completed the term, you must submit official transcripts from your host school to the SF Registrar's Office. Your ability to continue enrollment is contingent on receipt of transcripts.
If you are a degree-seeking student at another Florida public institution and are planning to enroll at Santa Fe College to take classes and wish to receive your financial aid from your home institution, you must follow the following steps for financial aid:
- You cannot receive financial aid at both institutions. Your home institution is responsible for providing your financial aid.
- Complete an online Transient Student Admission Application at FloridaShines(Opens in new window).
- The college will certify your Transient Student Admission Application and electronically send it to your home institution. This is an automated process that occurs at the end of the Last Day to drop with a refund.
- In order to take courses at Santa Fe College, you must follow your home school's transient process, which includes receiving approval from the Registrar's Office.
- Once you have completed the term, you must submit an official academic transcript from Santa Fe College to the Registrar's Office of your home school.
- You must pay SF tuition and fees for the transient courses by the fees due date.
- If you have financial aid at your home institution and need your fees due date delayed,
you may complete the Transient Student: Postpone Fee Due Date Request (Opens in new window). You must provide the financial aid offer from your home institution. The offer must
have your name, ID number and your financial aid/scholarship awards.
- You are financially and academically responsible for classes held past the last day to drop for the term, regardless of changes to your financial aid. Please actively drop any classes you do not plan to take by the last day to drop for the term.
- The Tuition Payment Plan(Opens in new window) is an option to assist.
- If you have financial aid at your home institution and need your fees due date delayed,
you may complete the Transient Student: Postpone Fee Due Date Request (Opens in new window). You must provide the financial aid offer from your home institution. The offer must
have your name, ID number and your financial aid/scholarship awards.
The Financial Aid Office at SF will not enter in to a Consortium Agreement as the home or host institution with any in-state private schools or out-of-state schools (public or private).
However, this restriction does not include study abroad. Study abroad programs are still fully eligible for financial aid, and we encourage you to learn about creative Ways to Pay for these exciting learning experiences. We also need for you to contact the Financial Aid Office to increase your Cost of Attendance to account for any approved study abroad programs you have committed to and made payments toward.