Quarters for Conservation

Zookeeper at Quarters for Conservation kiosk


Since 2007, zoos accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums have implemented Quarters for Conservation nationwide, raising millions of dollars for wildlife conservation.

The Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo implemented this amazing program in 2015 in hopes of increasing our contribution to wildlife.

When you visit the zoo and purchase your ticket, you will receive a blue token that represents 50 cents of your admission cost. After giving your ticket to one of our welcoming student keepers, you will be directed to our Quarters for Conservation kiosk. Read about our three projects devoted to field conservation locally and internationally and use the token to vote for the project that speaks to you. You can vote over and over with your own quarters as well. We strive to conserve animals and wild places and your vote will contribute to our goal.

Over the last nine years, you, our guests, helped us raise nearly $98,000 for 22 organizations worldwide through this program to save wild animals and their habitats! Starting in Fall 2023, we increased the contribution per paid admission from 25 cents to 50 cents, potentially doubling our impact!

Current Projects

Learn more about the conservation programs you can vote for next time you visit the zoo. Projects change every year on July 1st!

Antongil Conservation

Antongil Conservation works for the protection of the forest and biodiversity in Madagascar, by sustainably managing the Farankaraina forest and the red ruffed lemurs that live there, while raising awareness among residents about the importance of nature and implementing local development actions. Funds raised will help cover the costs of environmental education for Malagasy children and reduce pressures on harvesting trees.

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Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program

The Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program fosters wildlife and habitat conservation and supports local community livelihoods in Papua New Guinea through global partnerships, land protection, and scientific research. Funds raised will support the work of the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program in Papua New Guinea, implemented by local staff for the benefit of the wildlife and people of the YUS Conservation Area.

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Turtle conservancy

Turtle Conservancy: Santa Fe River Turtle Project

Turtle Conservancy's mission: Save Turtles. Save the Planet.

They've partnered with the Santa Fe River Turtle Project, a collaborative effort by scientists, students, and citizens to learn about the turtles inhabiting the Santa Fe River and to promote conservation of the entire Santa Fe River ecosystem. Funds will go towards the supplies necessary to sustain their long-term research and conservation work.

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Previous Projects

Learn more about the conservation projects we have supported in the past.

Hornbill Research Foundation - The Hornbill Research Foundation supports the work of the Thailand Hornbill Project, which studies the biology and ecology of Thai hornbills, and runs community-based conservation programs in the forests of western and southern Thailand. Funds raised will go towards the installation of artificial nests and hiring villagers to monitor and collect data on hornbills and their habitats.

Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida: Marine Mammal Fund(Opens in new window) - The Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida seeks to protect our outstanding animals and plants and the lands and waters they need to survive. The waterways of the Indian River Lagoon are a popular winter haven for Florida manatees, but the lagoon is currently in an ecological crisis. Funds raised will go towards habitat restoration, rescue, and rehabilitation of manatees to respond to the crisis in the Indian River Lagoon.

Amphibian Ark(Opens in new window) - The mission of the Amphibian Ark is ensuring the survival and diversity of amphibian species focusing on those that cannot currently be safe-guarded in their natural environments. Funds will go towards their Conservation Grants program, which supports projects around the world that focus on amphibian species that cannot currently be saved in the wild and need conservation action outside of their natural habitat.

The Florida Grasshopper Sparrow Fund(Opens in new window) - The Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida is working with government agencies and conservation organizations to prevent the extinction of the Florida grasshopper sparrow, North America's most imperiled bird. The funds raised through Quarters for Conservation will go towards supporting monitoring equipment, medical treatment for birds, habitat restoration and captive breeding and release efforts.

Turtle Survival Alliance(Opens in new window) - Turtle Survival Alliance is an action-oriented global partnership, focusing on species that are at high risk of extinction, and working in turtle diversity hotspots around the world. The TSA is a recognized force for turtle conservation globally. Funds raised will go towards resources and training needed to expand captive breeding colonies of critically endangered Asian brown tortoises in Myanmar, India & Bangladesh to replenish depleted wild populations.

Florida Springs Institute - The Howard T. Odum Florida Springs Institute is a science and education based nonprofit organization working to protect and preserve Florida's springs through monitoring and public education. FSI seeks to conserve Florida's freshwater ecosystems and main drinking water source. Funds will go towards resources needed to facilitate SpringsWatch, a monthly citizen science monitoring program.

AZA Florida Reef Tract Rescue Program (AZA-FRTRP)(Opens in new window) - AZA-FRTRP is a member driven rescue effort to turn the tide on an environmental crisis that is causing critical habitat loss along the Florida Reef Tract (FRT) – North America's largest bank reef. Funds raised through Quarters for Conservation will go towards resources and training needed to house and maintain thousands of corals for propagation and gene banking and potential future restoration activities.

Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation(Opens in new window) - The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is an international nonprofit organization that protects the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. Funds raised through Quarters for Conservation will contribute to Xerces' main programs: pollinator conservation, endangered species protection, pesticides reduction, and community engagement.

The Florida Grasshopper Sparrow Fund(Opens in new window) - The Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida is working with government agencies and conservation organizations to prevent the extinction of the Florida grasshopper sparrow, North America's most imperiled bird. The funds raised through Quarters for Conservation will go towards supporting monitoring equipment, medical treatment for birds, habitat restoration and captive breeding and release efforts.

Avian Research and Conservation Institute (ARCI)(Opens in new window) - ARCI is a non-profit whose mission is to conduct rigorous research that stimulates and informs effective conservation action for vulnerable species of birds. They provide reliable, difficult to obtain data to wildlife managers in federal, state, and county agencies so that they can save our wildlife treasures in the most cost-effective and enduring ways. Funds raised through Quarters for Conservation will go towards studies of two fascinating water birds of great conservation concern in Florida: the Reddish Egret, and the Limpkin.

IUCN-SSC Otter Specialist Group (OSG)(Opens in new window) - The IUCN-SSC Otter Specialist Group (OSG) is one of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission's (SSC) specialist groups. OSG promotes the wise management of otters in the wild and in captivity through ongoing collaboration with zoos, and promotes new research, conservation and management programs for all 13 species of otters. Funds raised through Quarters for Conservation will go towards efforts supporting Asian-small clawed otters.

Orianne Center for Indigo Conservation (OCIC)(Opens in new window) - The mission of OCIC is protecting and conserving wildlife through land conservation, research, species monitoring, captive breeding, and reintroduction programs for the eastern indigo snake and striped newt. Funds raised through Quarters for Conservation will go towards general operating support to aid in on-site animal care and costs for release of snakes into the wild.

Belize Foundation for Research and Environmental Education (BFREE)(Opens in new window) - The mission of BFREE is to conserve the biodiversity and cultural heritage of Belize. In an effort to raise community awareness for the critically endangered Hicatee turtle, BFREE and conservation partners created Hicatee Awareness Month. Money raised through Quarters for Conservation will help to fund educational materials and staff that will reach the locals living near critical turtle habitats.

The Rattlesnake Conservancy(Opens in new window) - The Rattlesnake Conservancy is a non-profit corporation committed to conserving rattlesnakes and other imperiled species through education and outreach, and conducts research to better understand rattlesnake distribution and habitats. Funds raised through Quarters for Conservation will go towards laboratory equipment necessary to conduct tests on genetics and possible diseases within wild rattlesnake populations.

Kalaweit(Opens in new window) - More than 6,000 gibbons are thought to be illegally kept in captivity on the islands of Borneo, Sumatra and Java alone. Kalaweit cannot rescue them all, nevertheless, through its tireless efforts in the field, the association can succeed in giving at least some of these gibbons a much better life and in certain cases even offer them a future within protected forest zones. Funds raised through Quarters for Conservation will go to the cost of food for siamangs awaiting release back into the forest.

Earthwatch Institute(Opens in new window) - Earthwatch Institute engages people worldwide in scientific field research and education. Their Trinidad Ocelot Project is the first-ever study of the health and ecology of these unique cats.

Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT)(Opens in new window) – ACT's mission is to protect the natural, historic, scenic and recreational resources in north central Florida. The North Florida Wetlands Conservation Project (NFWCP) is a collaborative effort between multiple agencies and nonprofit organizations to protect an extensive network of freshwater wetlands in north central Florida that provide important habitat for migratory birds along the Atlantic Flyway.

IUCN-SSC Crocodile Specialist Group (CSG)(Opens in new window) – The CSG's mission is to assist the International Union of Nature (IUCN) and the Species Survival Commissions (SSC) to meet their missions with regard to the conservation, management and sustainable use of world crocodilians.

Ashton Biological Preserve(Opens in new window) – Located in North-Central Florida, this nonprofit conservation area and research facility contributes to knowledge in conservation biology on rare and endangered species and in sustainable use of natural resources locally and worldwide.

Operation Migration(Opens in new window) – Operation Migration's mission is to promote the conservation of migratory species through innovative research, education and partnership.

Conservation through Poverty Alleviation, International(Opens in new window) - Conservation through Poverty Alleviation, International's (CPALI) sustainable livelihoods program seeks to connect people and resources in a mutually beneficial way.

Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program(Opens in new window) - The Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program fosters wildlife and habitat conservation and supports local community livelihoods in Papua New Guinea through global partnerships, land protection and scientific research.

North American Freshwater Turtle Research Group (NAFTRG)(Opens in new window) – NAFTRG works in partnership with the Turtle Survival Alliance to monitor turtles in important protected freshwater habitats.

The Guam Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources (DAWR) – DAWR strives to prevent the extinction of Guam's native forest birds through captive breeding and reintroduction.
