Student Conduct

Student Conduct Code update (2/21/2023)

The Santa Fe College Board of Trustees recently updated the Student Conduct Code (College Rule 7.23) to expand the definition of plagiarism to include content generated by artificial intelligence programs when not cited properly. Students must provide full and clear acknowledgement as to the author of the content to avoid an allegation of academic misconduct.


As outlined in the Student Conduct Code (College Rule 7.23), the College promotes civility, integrity, and harmony among its College community. Therefore, students are expected to respect the law and adhere to the highest ethical and moral standards of conduct. The Student Conduct Code sets forth the conduct prohibited for students and other members of the College community. These regulations are considered necessary to preserve and maintain an environment conducive to learning, to ensure the safety and welfare of the members of the College community, to encourage students in the development and practice of good citizenship and self-discipline, and to protect the property and equipment of the College. The Student Conduct officers, working out of the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs (Building R, room 211), are charged with administering the processes provided for in the Student Conduct Code.

Report Misconduct

All members of the Santa Fe College community are encouraged to report any observed behavior that might be a violation of the Student Conduct Code by completing and submitting the online form to report an alleged violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and note that supporting documentation (images, videos, emails, etc.) may be uploaded as part of the submission. Faculty reporting academic misconduct should use the separate Academic Misconduct report form.

Student Information

The information in this section is provided to help students understand their rights and responsibilities as related to the Student Conduct process at Santa Fe College.

Faculty Information

Faculty have a unique opportunity and responsibility to educate students when it comes to the content of their academic discipline and the college’s expectations for behavior. Faculty reporting Academic Misconduct should use the online Student Conduct Report Form: Academic Misconduct. Review the FAQ at this page to help better understand academic misconduct.

Staff Information

While proactive steps may be taken to prevent misconduct, they do not prevent all inappropriate behaviors. It is important to keep in mind the difference between "inappropriate" behavior and behavior that warrants a formal response from Santa Fe College.

Santa Fe College Community Information

Members of the community who are negatively affected by student behavior while on campus may also report a concern to be reviewed by Behavioral Intervention Team and/or Student Conduct Officer. This is especially encouraged for any indicators of possible violence or other threats.