Select Committees

Student Survey Committee

The Student Survey Ad Hoc Committee was approved via motion on November 28, 2023 and the charge was approved on January 23, 2024.


  1. To review best practices in student evaluations and survey response rates, adopting those appropriate for Santa Fe College and its students' evaluation of faculty effectiveness.
  2. To review the student opinion survey questions to address the faculty instructor practices, learning conditions, and the course under evaluation.
  3. To review the current student opinion survey questions for actionable feedback to faculty to help inform improvement of specific areas of practice, learning conditions, and/or course.
  4. To determine the best practice survey mechanism to increase student participation rates and open/close dates for the student opinion survey.


Spring semester, to begin in January 2024 and complete draft recommendations to present for first reading at the April 9, 2024 EC meeting. The Ad-hoc committee charge will expire after the second reading and vote of the EC. The Ad-hoc committee will sunset with a recommendation to the Senate Executive Committee after the second reading at the April 23, 2024 meeting.


Bobby Hom, Page Jerzak, Gary Hartge, Melanie Roberti, one person who supervises faculty, and at least two faculty member(s). A student member to offer their perspective to the committee on the student opinion survey would be desirable and is the responsibility of the Membership to apply.


Bi-weekly during weeks Senate is not scheduled to meet and as needed via Zoom or Teams. Dates and times TBD based on membership schedules and availability to fulfill the charge.

Required Information

Ad Hoc Committee on Civility and Decorum

The Ad Hoc Committee on Civility and Decorum was approved via motion on April 9, 2024, and the charge was delivered on May 7, 2024.


The committee will thoroughly examine the existing College Senate Constitution, By-Laws, and Robert's Rules of Order to identify areas to add or clarify to promote decorum and civility in all interactions associated with College Senate.

Based on the findings from the review, the committee will propose recommendations for additions or amendments to the Senate Constitution or By-Laws to address decorum and civility, as well as framework for enforcing consequences in a fair and effective manner.

The committee will be expected to present their recommendations and first reading to the College Senate for review and consideration in the Fall 2024 semester at the first meeting of College Senate.


Peter Concannon (co-chair), Dave Price (co-chair), Helda Montero, Kimberley Smith, Stefanie Waschull, Laurel Severino Woolsey