Official Transcript Request


An official transcript is a document or electronic record issued by the Office of the Registrar that provides details of your academic history. It includes information about the courses attempted at SF, transfer course work, credit earned by exam, grades, GPA, degrees earned, test scores, and digital badges. All official transcripts have the Santa Fe College seal and the signature of the college registrar.

Delivery Options

Santa Fe College offers four delivery options for official transcripts:

The Records Office cannot fax transcripts.

Florida Automated System for Transferring Education Records (FASTER)

FASTER is an electronic data exchange system developed for students who need to send official transcripts to other Florida colleges and universities. This is the official means of education record (transcripts) transfer among Florida public institutions.

  • Cost
    No charge
  • Average Processing Time
    3 - 4 business days

Secure PDF

When you request a secure PDF transcript, a link to access the transcript will be emailed to the designated recipient. The secure PDF transcripts will be available for the recipient to download for 30 days. You will receive an email notification once the recipient has accessed the transcript.

  • Cost
    $3.25 per transcript. Payment must be made online.
  • Average Delivery Time
    Up to 24 hours* (Subject to a successful record match and not having any holds.)
  • Option to attach required forms with the transcript (NursingCAS, LSAC, Common App, etc.)
    You will be able upload the required forms when you submit the transcript request.


Official transcripts are mailed through the US postal service. Expedited mailing service is not available.

  • Cost
    No charge
  • Average Processing Time
    3 - 5 business days Refer to academic calendar for college holidays and closures.
  • Option to attach required forms with the transcript (NursingCAS, LSAC, Common App, etc.)
    Required forms can be included with mailed transcripts. Email before submitting your transcript request for assistance.

Pick Up

Official transcripts can be picked up at the Records Office in Northwest Campus, Building R, Room 112.

Be sure to have your SFID card, driver's license or government issued picture ID are required when picking up your transcript. A Student Authorization for Access to Education Records (FERPA form) and a driver's license or government issued picture ID are required to release transcripts to a third party.

  • Cost
    No charge
  • Average Processing Time
    3 business days. Refer to academic calendar for college holidays and breaks
  • Option to attach required forms with the transcript (NursingCAS, LSAC, Common App, etc.)
    This option is not available when picking up transcripts.

How to Request an Official Transcript

Official transcripts can only be requested by the student.

Secure PDF transcripts must be requested through Parchment(Opens in new window). You must create an account before submitting the transcript request. You will have the options to send now, hold for grades or hold for your degree to be posted to the transcript.

To request official transcripts to be mailed, picked up or electronically sent through FASTER, login to eSantaFe(Opens in new window) and select the Transcripts option under the Records menu tab. Select the appropriate check box for your preferred delivery option. The options to send now, hold for grades or hold for your degree to be posted to the transcript will also be available.

Your SF student ID number is required to request official transcripts. If you do not know your student ID, visit the Login Help webpage(Opens in new window) for information on how to retrieve it.

Transcript requests cannot be submitted over the phone or via fax.

Notary Stamp

Contact if you need your official transcript to be notarized. Processing may take longer than the usual 3-5 business days.

If you need your transcript to be processed for an Apostille stamp, you must submit the required documentation directly to the Florida Department of State.
