Petitions Form Help


All sections of the petition form must be completed, including required signatures from applicable departments. If you need further assistance filling out this form, please contact the SF Counseling and Wellness Center in Building R, Room 227.

Terms and year requested

Specify term and year. Submit a separate form for each major term petitioned. Mini terms can be included in the same form (example: Spring A and Spring B).

Course(s) requested

List all courses petitioned.

Please indicate if you currently receive supports from...

Check YES or NO for each question. All questions must be answered.

For every YES, contact the appropriate department for an official signature.

Do not sign on the line. This is for staff signatures only.

Forms with blank questions will be considered incomplete and will not be processed.

Limited Access

This question must be answered. Check YES if you are currently in a Nursing, Dental or Allied Health Sciences program of study AND your petition is for a course with one of the following prefixes: NUR, PRN, HCP, DEA, DES, DEH, RTE, NMT, SON, CVT, RET, STS, PSG, PHT or HSC.

Do not sign on the line. This is for program chair/director signatures only.

Forms with blank questions will be considered incomplete and will not be processed.

This is how the completed form looks like:
