Good Online Student Skills

Characteristics of a Good Online Student

SF Online courses allow you to be flexible with your study time. They are great for students who have transportation limitations, variable work schedules, child care issues, and other constraints which make attending a regular class session difficult. Online courses require a specific set of skills to be successful. This method of learning is not appropriate for all students at all times.

To determine if online learning may be a good option for you, read the following list of characteristics. Check each one that describes you.

  • I am very self-motivated. I do not need someone to remind me to study or work on assignments.
  • I have good time-management skills. I have learned how to balance family, work and social responsibilities to allow for sufficient study time.
  • I have good reading skills. I remember what I read and am able to integrate what I have learned with other sources of information.
  • I work well on my own. I do not need the stimulation of other students to get excited about the material I am studying.
  • I am very self-disciplined. I always have assignments prepared and handed in on time.
  • I have good study skills. I do well on both essay and objective type tests. This is reflected in my GPA, which is at least 2.5.
  • I work well with others. I contribute my share to group projects and perform my assigned tasks, meeting all deadlines.
  • I am a problem solver. When learning to use new technologies, I usually rely on help screens, books or online tutorials to figure out what I need to know.

If you cannot honestly check at least five descriptors, you should think carefully about your decision to take an online course. Think about how you might develop and improve any of the characteristics above that you may be lacking. Consider your motivation for taking online courses, then preview the myths on the next tab before you decide.