Hyflex Classes
What is Hyflex?
You may have heard about Hyflex classes, but what does that mean for you? As a student you can decide to attend remotely or in-person for your classes. Classroom lectures are recorded and streamed synchronously (in real-time) using in-class cameras. This means you can view lectures while they happen in person or remotely, or afterward for review (if you were not a real-time participant).
Remote learners can communicate in real-time with classroom learners using videoconferencing software or other live communication technologies. They can also review what happened in the live class later.
Here are some best practices to get the most from your Hyflex course experience.
Best Technical Practices for Remote Students
Your instructor should provide you with policies for both remote and in-person attendance. Here are some things you can do to make sure you get the most from Hyflex technology.
- When joining a live session via videoconferencing software, keep your microphone muted until you are called on to speak. Zoom users can also mute/unmute by clicking the space bar on the keyboard.
- If your camera is on during class, reduce visual distractions in the background and try to have good lighting. You can use virtual backgrounds to block out the room behind you.
- Plan to log into the videoconferencing software from a laptop or desktop, instead of a tablet or smartphone device. This makes participating in activities, such as chats, a lot easier.
- Zoom users can use side-by-side view to see the speaker and what they are sharing at the same time. They can also pin a video to keep it on the main view.
- Be patient; the instructor may not be able to see your hand raised or your question in chat. If you have a question that does not get answered, follow up with the instructor after class.
- Make sure that you have all the necessary plug-ins for your computer to play videos or audio files that are recorded during the live class.
When participating in class:
- Stay on topic
- Gather your thoughts before you begin speaking
- Don't monopolize the session so everyone gets a chance to speak and share
Best Technical Practices for In-Person Students
- If asked, bring a fully charged device to class as well as headphones.
- If using a device in class to join a videoconference, mute your mic and turn off your audio.
- Try to speak up when responding in class so that remote learners can hear you.
Hyflex Student Success Tips
The Hyflex format offers a lot of flexibility in how you manage your courses and schedule. You will find your classmates participating in different ways, with some mostly online, others mostly in-person, and a few attending both formats evenly.
Below are some tips geared towards the different participation styles. Think about what approach might work best for you.
Mostly/Only Online
- Students who work well independently, manage their time, and communicate effectively thrive in the online environment. Strictly online learning isn't for everyone.
- Set a schedule and stick to it. When online, it can be easy to procrastinate and put off assignments until the last minute.
- Try being involved in the class in a timely manner. Set a realistic schedule of about 8 - 10 hours a week, and then meet your deadlines.
- At minimum, designate a day for reading/working on assignments, and one or more days for participating in discussions and replying to classmates.
Mix of Online and In-person
- If you attend alternate between attending class in-person and online, you will need to learn to change gears to meet the demands of each format.
- Get on a schedule that works for both formats. If you plan to go back and forth between online and in-class, you will probably find that the deadlines for each are a little different.
- Be strategic in deciding in-person attendance. If there will be a guest speaker or the class will be going over a challenging topic, those are good times to attend in-person.
Mostly/Only In-person
- Attending in-person classes can enhance the social experience for many students.
- Because most SF courses make use of Canvas, it is a good idea to think of yourself as an online student who participates in-person.
- Check out the online discussions. It is a good idea to skim them for valuable insights, even if you are not going to participate in them.
- Get familiar with the online format. Even if you plan to be in class every week, you will likely participate online at least once. Make sure you know how to use the various online tools and resources.
General Tips
- When participating in discussions, focus on writing quality posts even if it means you will post fewer times. Check your instructor's directions about the number of required posts to ensure you meet this expectation.
- If you are giving feedback to classmates on posted assignments, take the time to really review each posting and give constructive feedback rather than to tell five classmates "good job."
- Learn about your classmates' projects and interests to help make interactions with them easier and more enjoyable.
- Don't wait to seek help. Be proactive and reach out to classmates or the instructor if you have questions. If you are stuck on an assignment, email the instructor right away.
Some content adapted from: Beatty, B. J. (2019). Hybrid-Flexible Course Design: Implementing Student-Directed Hybrid Classes. EdTech Books. Available online edtechbooks.org/Hyflex/(Opens in new window).