Get Empowered at the NEXT Generation Leadership Summit, Sept. 23
September 20, 2011
This article is more than old and may contain outdated information.
The Gainesville Chapter of the Pink Wish Foundation will host the NEXT Generation Leadership Summit, 6-8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 23 at the Santa Fe College Center for Innovation and Economic Development (CIED), 530 West University Ave.
Gainesville leaders of all ages, holding leadership positions in areas representing various career fields, civic organizations and business ventures are invited to attend. Girls ages 5-16 will engage in an eye-opening, thought-provoking forum with notable speakers, attend workshops and examine emerging trends in entrepreneurship and paths to success. Girls ages 17 and up are invited to attend as mentors.
The summit will offer learning and growth opportunities for community youth leaders. The camp will also provide for an opportunity to engage youth leaders in enlightening conversations about creating paths for success and making positive impressions in the lives of other youth so that they may follow that same path.
There is no cost for Pink Wish Academy Members to attend the event. Non-members pay $5.
The Pink Wish Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization that empowers young women and girls through etiquette instruction, academic excellence, economic empowerment and community outreach. Founded by Ardre A. Orie, a graduate of Eastside High School, the organization seeks to expose young women and girls to a variety of techniques to effectively communicate and interact in all professional and social settings. Pink Wish programs have been designed to meet the needs of young women and girls who seek excellence. The Pink Wish Foundation also conducts programs to provide support to young girls and women who face life's challenges in the absence of their fathers.
For more information about the NEXT Generation Leadership Summit, click here.
- Event flyer.