Degree Tracking

Degree Requirements

Your degree requirements are determined by the semester and year you begin your degree at Santa Fe College. Each set of degree requirements is identified by a program admission year or catalog year. Your program admission year will not change unless you stop attending SF for three consecutive semesters.

Academic Plans

Academic Plans are general suggestions for when to take your courses to fulfill both your A.A. and current university admission requirements. To explore all options, log in to Canvas.

Choosing Electives

The A.A. degree also requires successful completion of 24 hours of electives. Recommended electives are determined by your intended transfer major requirements, and include courses such as SLS1101 (College Success), SLS1301 (Life/Career Development), university admission requirements and foreign languages. It is important to choose your electives carefully, so please speak with an academic advisor if you have any questions about which electives to take.

Degree Audit

The Degree Audit outlines your A.A. and graduation requirements. The Audit is your main resource for course selection each semester when you register. If you use your degree audit you will always choose the right courses for your A.A. degree. You can access your degree audit online via your eSantaFe account.

Transfer Requirements

The Transfer Requirements link in your eSantaFe account gives detailed information about transfer requirements at State Universities in Florida and for SF Bachelor programs. Also learn about what you need to transfer to the University of Florida or one of our Guaranteed Transfer Programs that guarantees admissions to our graduates: the University of North Florida, University of South Florida, Florida A&M University, University of West Florida and the University of the Virgin Islands.

Each university has admission, application and transfer requirements. It is your responsibility to find out what they are. You need to know overall GPA, transfer GPA, courses required for admission, application deadlines, test score requirements, and other special admission criteria. If this seems overwhelming, don’t worry. SF advisors can help.

Changing your Degree

You can submit a request to change your degree via your eSantaFe account. You can also check out the Career Exploration Center to explore what program may be the right fit for you.

  1. Login to eSantaFe.
  2. Under the “Advisement” section, click on “Change Degree”
  3. Select your new Primary or Alternate degree from the drop down menu
  4. Under “Start Term”, if you would like the change to take effect immediately, regardless of whether you are currently enrolled in courses or not, please choose the term that corresponds to the current term. If you would like the change to take effect in the future, please choose the term that corresponds to a future term. In this case, your Degree/Advisement Track won’t update until that term starts.
  5. If you have submitted a request and chose the wrong term or changed your mind, you should cancel the request.

Note: If you have a registration hold that requires you to select a degree, you should request the change for the current term in order to quickly lift the registration hold.

Course Substitution

Learn about the petition process that’s required to request a course substitution and/or waiver of A.A. graduation requirements on the Course Substitution page.

Make an Appointment