Credentialing Process


The college complies with SACSCOC requirements to employ an adequate number of full-time faculty members to support the mission and goals of the institution. Additionally, for each of its educational programs, the institution justifies and documents the qualifications of its faculty members. (Principles of Accreditation, CR 6). SACSCOC faculty credential guidelines, requirements of other accrediting agencies and applicable state statutes are used to identify appropriate credentials for courses as defined in this Faculty Credentialing Manual.

SF Credential Guidelines

  • Faculty teaching college preparatory courses: a baccalaureate degree in the teaching discipline, or related discipline.
  • Faculty teaching certificate/diploma courses: certification/licensure in the program area and documentation of demonstrated competencies that includes letters from employers in areas related to the teaching discipline, copies of licenses and/or certification.
  • Faculty teaching contact hour courses or career certificate courses must have relevant certificates and/or demonstrated work experience in the field.
  • Faculty teaching general education courses at the undergraduate level: Master's degree or higher in the teaching discipline or master's degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline)
  • Faculty teaching associate's degree courses designed for transfer to the baccalaureate degree: Master's degree or higher in the teaching discipline or master's degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).
  • Faculty teaching associate's degree courses not designed for transfer to the baccalaureate degree: Bachelor's degree in the teaching discipline or associate's degree and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline.
  • Faculty teaching baccalaureate courses: Doctorate or master's degree in the teaching discipline or master's degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline).

Additional Considerations

In several colleges and universities, a graduate student may pursue a doctorate directly in a discipline, without first attaining a master's degree. Upon admission to candidacy, these students have demonstrated an advanced depth and breadth of knowledge in the discipline, the same as those who proceed to attain the doctorate. Therefore, for purposes of credentialing, applicants in this category are recognized as having at least the minimal credentials for teaching transfer courses in the discipline, if the recommendation is also supported by 18 or more semester hours of graduate credit in the discipline.

As stated above, generally qualifications of SF faculty are determined primarily through consideration of the highest earned degree in the discipline. The institution also considers competence in the field, professional licensure and certificates, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes. A portfolio of evidence of qualifications may be presented for consideration by a candidate in lieu of a degree in field. For all cases, the institution documents the qualifications of its entire faculty.

Faculty Credentialing Oversight Committee

The Faculty Credentialing Oversight Committee (FCOC) members are appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

FCOC membership includes representatives from the following areas:

  • Office of Student Affairs (1)
  • Chairs and Directors from Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) and Career and Technical Education (CTE) (3)
  • Faculty (4)
  • Human Resources, Ex-Officio (1)

FCOC leadership is provided by committee co-chairs who are designated by the Provost from the three department chair members. The co-chairs organize meetings and provide evidence of FCOC recommendations regarding faculty credentialing requests on behalf of the committee.

Responsibilities of the FCOC include the following:

  • Review recommendations for credentialing submitted by the supervisors of full-time and part-time faculty.
  • Make recommendations to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or his or her designee.
  • Review each request on a case-by-case basis.
  • Become familiar with requirements in the manual for courses under discussion.
  • In cases where additional information is required, the FCOC will determine which person(s), who are not members of the committee, should be involved in the individual case.
    • Those invited to participate will only provide information requested and will not have any decision-making authority in the review process.
    • One of the co-chairs will coordinate scheduling of the meeting(s).
  • Maintain the highest level of confidentiality of discussions, credentialing recommendations, requests for information, and actions of the committee at all times.
  • Ensure that all faculty credentials are kept current within the context of requirements in this manual.
  • Review Faculty Credentialing Manual change requests submitted by chairs, directors or deans and provide a recommendation for action to the Provost.
  • Review the Faculty Credentialing Manual as needed and make recommendations for changes, if needed.
  • In credentialing by degree requests, the co-chairs may provide recommendations about the request without convening the entire committee. These recommendations are based on the credentialing requirements for each field as outlined in this manual. Portfolio requests always require the entire committee's review before a recommendation is forwarded to the Provost.

The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs makes final decisions about any proposed changes to the manual based on the committee's recommendations.

SF Process for Developing and Evaluating Faculty Credentials

Official Academic Transcript, International and Alternative Credentials Portfolio

An official academic transcript, results of evaluation of foreign credentials, or portfolio for alternative credentialing must be submitted with an application for employment for each new full-time and new part-time faculty position according to guidelines in this manual.

An academic transcript is official only if it is sent directly to the office of Human Resources or a college official from a nationally or regionally accredited college/university as recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Transcripts may be sent in sealed envelopes or electronically through a transcript transmittal service.  In all cases the transcript, envelope and other transmittal information (including the date of receipt) should be submitted to the office of Human Resources to be processed and included in the applicant's personnel file.

Foreign credentials (degrees earned through a regionally accredited institution) must be evaluated by a foreign credentials evaluation service in terms of U.S. equivalency. Results of evaluations must be sent directly from the evaluation service to an officer of the college or the office of Human Resources. SeeGuidelines for International Credentials.

Under special circumstances, the applicant may have experience that clearly contributes to student learning outcomes and that can be considered in lieu of customary academic preparation. In these cases, the applicant must present a portfolio that provides evidence that he/she is recognized as a highly regarded professional in the field with potential to effectively facilitate student learning. SeeGuidelines for Alternative Credentialing.

Employee Credentialing Details Form

The appropriate chair/director/dean will review the transcript, results of evaluation by a foreign credentials evaluation service, or portfolio and other required documentation and complete the electronic Employee Credentialing Request. This form establishes an initial review at the department/program level, including responses to specific credentialing questions, transcript analysis and serves as an application for curriculum credentialing status. The form is submitted by the chair/director/dean to the FCOC for review and recommendation to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs or his or her designee.

Multiple Credentialing: In some cases, individual credentials may be reviewed by more than one department, requiring more than one credential request. Since this data would be compiled by multiple departments or programs and possibly submitted at different times, consolidation of credentials records will be coordinated by the office of Human Resources and reflected in the electronic Employee Credentialing Request. Additionally, expansion of a faculty member's teaching assignment to a new academic discipline area would require completion of an additional credentialing application, including review by the FCOC. In some cases, a single credentials application will be sufficient, e.g., Credentialed for transfer curriculum status in English, reading or mathematics would also cover all college prep teaching assignments in the same academic area.

  • The Employee Credentialing Request will include the following information for the applicant teaching baccalaureate courses, general education courses at the undergraduate level, and associate degree courses designed for transfer to the baccalaureate degree, including dual-technical courses:
    • Reference to a copy of the official academic transcript scanned to the electronic document storage system showing a master's degree or higher in the teaching discipline or a master's degree with a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours of course work in the discipline completed for a faculty member's assigned discipline.
    • A minimum of 18 graduate semester hours of coursework for any other discipline the applicant is qualified to teach.
    • Verification that any necessary supporting documentation has been evaluated and included. Examples of supporting documentation should include the following:
      • In cases of alternative credentials, the applicant's portfolio and cover letter from the chair/director/dean to the FCOC. See Guidelines for Alternative Credentials.
      • In cases of foreign credentials, the results of evaluation by a foreign evaluation service. See Guidelines for International Credentials.
      • Letters from officials at other institutions of higher education, if required.
    • A transcript that indicates a course of study with no master's or higher degree in a discipline and includes specific dates for passing the qualifying examination for the doctoral degree in a discipline and admission to candidacy will be considered a step beyond a master's degree in the discipline.
  • The electronic Employee Credentialing Request will include the following information for faculty teaching associate degree courses not designed for transfer to the baccalaureate degree.
    • Reference a copy of the official academic transcript scanned to the electronic document storage system (unless a transcript is not required) showing a bachelor's degree in the teaching discipline or associate's degree and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline or any other discipline the faculty member is qualified to teach.
    • Verification that any necessary supporting documentation has been evaluated and is included. Examples of supporting documentation include the following:
      • In cases of alternative credentialing, the faculty portfolio and cover letter from the chair/director/dean to the FCOC. See Guidelines for Alternative Credentialing.
      • In cases of foreign credentials, the results of evaluation by a foreign evaluation service. See Guidelines for International Credentials.
      • Letters from officials at other institutions of higher education, if required.
      • Letters from a former employer on business stationery verifying that the candidate has credit-relevant, directly related non-teaching experience in technical occupational fields, in business or in the armed services. Relevant directly related non-teaching experience includes work experience as a Journeyman, technician engineer, or trained employee level in the occupational field for which a faculty member is hired.
      • Copies of licenses and/or certificates.
  • The electronic Employee Credentialing Request will include the following information for faculty teaching courses in college preparatory, certificate and diploma, and contact hour or career certificate programs:
    • Reference a copy of the official transcript scanned to the electronic document storage system showing a bachelor's degree in the teaching discipline or demonstrated competencies in related disciplines and teaching experience.
    • Verification that any necessary supporting documentation has been evaluated and is included. Examples of supporting documentation include the following:
      • In cases of alternative credentialing, the applicant portfolio and cover letter from the chair/director/dean to the FCOC. See Guidelines for Alternative Credentialing.
      • In cases of foreign credentials, the results of evaluation by a foreign evaluation service. See Guidelines for International Credentials.
      • Letters from officials at other institutions of higher education, if required.

Guidelines for International Credentials

To place an individual with transcripts from foreign countries in the appropriate classification requires their educational background abroad to be evaluated in terms of U.S. "equivalency." Santa Fe College requires that all international evaluations be conducted by one of the companies affiliated with the National Association of Credentials Evaluation Services, Inc. (NACES). Results of evaluations should be submitted directly to an officer of the college or to the office of Human Resources.

Supporting materials include the following:

  • Documented results of the evaluation.
  • If the experience concerns international professional experience, letters from officials of foreign institutions of higher education verifying the academic relevance of the applicant.

The U.S. degree designation determined by the evaluation is the basis for a credentialing request and must be in alignment with practices outlined in this manual. The "equivalency" document should accompany the credentialing request.

As with all requests, the FCOC will review the information submitted and make recommendations to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs for action.

For additional information see Appendix III.

Guidelines for Alternative Credentials

Under special circumstances, faculty members may have experience that clearly contributes to student learning outcomes and can be considered in lieu of formal academic preparation. In these cases, the applicant may present a portfolio that documents such experience. The institution also considers competence in the field, professional licensure and certificates, honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in teaching, or other demonstrated competencies and achievements that contribute to effective teaching and student learning outcomes. It is the candidate's responsibility to assemble the portfolio. It is the responsibility of the program or department to verify that documentation.

The Employee Credentialing Request (completed by the chair, director or dean for the area) should be completed by listing academic credentials and then referencing the portfolio on the Credentialing Request page.

Supporting materials to include the following in the order indicated:

If the experience concerns coursework, a letter from the chair, director or dean documenting the equivalency of this coursework to the required coursework should be referenced on the Employee Credentialing Details screen. In the case of a research degree, the candidate's major professor and graduate committee members or other program officials must describe and certify the applicability of the research to the teaching discipline

If the experience concerns professional experience, a résumé of professional experience and documentation detailing this experience should be presented. Documentation of professional experience may include items such as the following: (Note: original documents must be presented; official copies will be made of all documents requested back by the applicant.)
  • Recognition in journals, online sources, or textbooks in the discipline
  • Certification of participation in training
  • Certification in field
  • Professional presentations
  • Professional registry
  • Apprenticeships
  • Honors and Awards directly related to the discipline
  • Appearance on programs reflecting work in the discipline
  • Letters of support from past employers, colleagues, etc. on business stationery that speak directly to work in the discipline
  • Evidence of continuous excellence in teaching
  • Other discipline-related documentation that demonstrates third party recognition of the applicant's expertise in the field

The portfolio will be presented to appropriate chair, director, or dean.

The chair, director, or dean will review the portfolio and may request additional documentation.

Once the portfolio is complete, the chair/director/dean will review and complete the electronic Employee Credentialing Request that includes recommended teaching assignments. The chair/director/dean will submit the electronic Employee Credentialing Request and associated details screen, portfolio, and a cover letter explaining the rationale for credentialing request and synopsis of documentation of evidence in the portfolio.

The FCOC will review the information submitted from the chair/director/dean and make recommendations to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs for action.

Transmitting the Request to the FCOC

The chair/director/dean will submit the Employee Credentialing Request and supporting documentation to the FCOC using the electronic credential request form (see sample in Appendix II).

The FCOC will review and forward the form with supporting documentation to the Provost/Vice President or his or her designee for action.

If the credentials of a faculty/applicant are approved for an assigned position the Provost/Vice President or his or her designee will approve and forward to the office of Human Resources.

If credentials are not approved for an assignment, the Provost/Vice President or his or her designee will notify the chair/director and the office of Human Resources.

Full-time and part-time faculty members will update their files upon completion of additional courses or degrees by requesting the initiating institution to forward an official academic transcript to the chair/director/dean.

The chair/director/dean will complete a new Employee Credentialing Request for additional course work after the official transcript is received, and the process will be followed as described above.
