Sustainability In The Community
Alachua County Sustainability
On this site you will find resources to programs dedicated to, or having an important
role in promoting sustainability within Alachua County. Every resource on this site
might not meet the three-way sustainability test of having long term social, economic
and environmental benefits. However, they are still included for the community's consideration
and discussion. It is hoped that these ideas may be modified over time to better meet
the three-way test and as part of an Alachua County government's direction towards
sustainability. We encourage you to read Alachua County's Declaration for a resource-efficient
and resilient community. It represents a summation message of sustainability that
is being shared and discussed at an international level based on this community's
collective work.
Alachua County Cooperative Extension Service
The UF/IFAS Extension Alachua County Office is a partnership between the Alachua County
Board of County Commissioners, University of Florida/IFAs, and the United States Department
of Agriculture. Find out about classes, gardening advice, and more.
Florida Organic Growers
Florida Certified Organic Growers and Consumers, Inc. supports and promotes sustainable
organic agriculture and provides solutions to the issues facing farmers, families,
and everyone in between. Become a member today to stay current on the latest news
and best practices from Florida Organic Growers.
Cinema Verde
Cinema Verde's mission is to provide environmental education to the public through
film, arts, workshops, events, tours and any other forum or media; to increase public
awareness of environmental practices that enhance public health and improve quality
of life in urban, suburban and rural settings. We bring community organizations, businesses
and citizens together to help forge sustainable solutions for our future.
Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU)
Information on rebates and how to save energy (and money) at home
Hogtown HomeGrown
What is Hogtown HomeGrown? Well, obviously it is a newsletter and website full of
local and seasonal recipes, but it is more than that - I want you to get away from
the processed fast food mentality. I want you to get together with friends and family
to enjoy local fresh food, lovingly cooked and eaten with laughter. Gather around
the table every day – get to know each other – become a family!
Keep Alachua County Beautiful
As an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, Keep Alachua County Beautiful believes
that each of us holds an obligation to preserve and protect our environment. Through
our everyday choices and actions, we collectively have a huge impact on our world.
It's really a simple concept, but one with far reaching effects. As a 501(c)(3)non-profit
organization, Keep America Beautiful follows a practical approach that unites citizens,
businesses and the government to find solutions that advance our core issues of preventing
litter, reducing waste, and beautifying communities. Our mission is to beautify, conserve
resources, recycle, educate and preserve our community's environmental legacy.
RTS - Gainesville Bus Service(Opens in new window)
The Gainesville Regional Transit System website provides information on bus maps and
schedules, fares and passes, bus finder, rider information, other services and connections.
Swallowtail Farm(Opens in new window)
Swallowtail Farm is committed to creating and fostering a Biodynamic farm that reconciles
economic viability and ecologic sustainability; that nurtures its soil, plants, animals,
and workers; that facilitates the reconnection of people and the sources of their
food; that provides the freshest, most vibrant food possible to our community; and
that cultivates a cooperative network of local farms. Our farm endeavors to accomplish
all of this with the principles of sustainability and locality at its heart.
University of Florida Office of Sustainability(Opens in new window)
Orange and Blue Goes Green community sustainability newsletter, and lots of other resources
We Are Neutral(Opens in new window)
We Are Neutral is an environmental nonprofit that helps businesses and individuals
understand, reduce, and offset their carbon footprints. We accomplish this through
environmental education and hands-on carbon reduction/offset initiatives. Establishing
businesses and individuals as carbon neutral leaders allows us to weave sustainability
into existing frameworks while directly improving the communities around us.
Community Weatherization Coalition (CWC)(Opens in new window)
The Community Weatherization Coalition (CWC) is a local, grassroots nonprofit that
trains volunteer Energy Coaches to keep more money in the wallets of low-income residents
throughout Alachua County while conserving water and energy.
Sustainability At Home
Landscaping Yards for Wildlife: Top 10 Tips for Success
What people do in their own yards and neighborhoods affect local and nearby wildlife
populations. Take steps to create and save wildlife habitat in urban areas, minimizing
our adverse impact on local wildlife.
The Money-Saving Guide to Going Green at home(Opens in new window)
This site contains various links to ways to save and go green at home, including financial
tools, reducing water usage, sustainable landscaping and gardening, tips for kids
and teens, and more.
Sustainability In Higher Education
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)(Opens in new window)
Santa Fe is a member of this organization of colleges and universities working to
advance sustainability in higher education. We work in partnership with businesses,
nonprofit organizations and government agencies that support our mission.
Sustainability Tools
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)
Santa Fe is a member of this organization of colleges and universities working to
advance sustainability in higher education. We work in partnership with businesses,
nonprofit organizations and government agencies that support our mission.
Fostering Sustainable Behavior(Opens in new window)
This site consists of five resources for those working to foster sustainable behaviors,
such as those involved in conservation, energy efficiency, transportation, waste reduction,
and water efficiency. The site includes the complete contents of the book, Fostering
Sustainable Behavior, as well as searchable databases of articles, case studies, and
turnkey strategies.
Grist(Opens in new window)
Environmental news and commentary.
Meatless Mondays
A non-profit initiative of The Monday Campaigns, in association with the Johns Hopkins'
Bloomberg School of Public Health. Their goal is to help reduce meat consumption 15%
in order to improve personal health and the health of our planet.
Seafood Watch
Monterey Bay Aquarium's searchable database on making sustainable seafood choices.
What to buy (or NOT and why). Choose a fish and get recommendations ranging from Avoid
to Best Choice.
National Resources Defense Council(Opens in new window)
One of the nation's most effective environmental action groups.
Sierra Club(Opens in new window)
America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization.