

Purchasing 101

Need to make a purchase? This document will explain the process to obtain a purchase order (PO), or to make and seek reimbursement for a purchase.

Contract Services Payment Form

Once the service has been provided, this form may be signed by the contractor and submitted to the Student Life Business Office to facilitate payment. Alternatively, submit an invoice if provided by the vendor.

Contract for Personal Professional Services Form

When hiring an individual for a service, this two-page form is required. Complete both pages, obtain the contractor’s signature and submit to the Student Life Business Office.

Pepsi Beverage Exclusivity and Product Price List (Finance webpage)

Pepsi is the exclusive beverage provider for Santa Fe College. Any campus event serving beverages must serve Pepsi products.

Prize Policy and Procedures and Prize Form

The Prize Policy and Procedures, for prizes purchased with Activity and Service (A&S) Fees, and the Prize Form may be found here. The Prize Form must be completed for all prizes with a value of $25 or greater and for all gift cards, regardless of the value.