
Executive Branch

Student Body President

Responsibilities & Powers of the President

  • Uphold the Student Body Constitution
  • Preside over the Student Government Leadership Team meetings
  • Present to the Student Senate each college term a State of the Campus message
  • Take care that this Constitution, its Bylaws, and the laws of the Student Body are faithfully executed
  • Represent the views of the Santa Fe College Student Body at pertinent college, community, and outside governmental meetings
  • Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor to discuss the effectiveness and concerns of the Student Body
  • Be available to all students by means of office hours
  • Attend Student Senate meetings.
  • Be the chief executive of the Student Body
  • Appoint and remove chairs and directors within the Executive Branch with the concurrent approval of the Student Body Vice President
  • Appoint and remove committees or commissions deemed necessary
  • Call special meetings of the Student Senate
  • Appoint Student Government staff members or aides deemed necessary not provided for in this constitution
  • Have veto power over Legislation
  • Perform any administrative power or duty not provided for in this Constitution.

Student Body Vice President

Responsibilities & Powers of the Vice President

  • Uphold the Student Body Constitution
  • Assume Presidential office upon vacancy
  • Ensure that each Executive department carries out their mission and duties
  • Meet with all compensated positions in the Executive Cabinet on a regular basis
  • Perform evaluations on all compensated positions in the Executive Cabinet
  • Coordinate meetings of the Executive Cabinet
  • Attend A&S Fees Budget Committee meetings
  • Meet weekly with Student Government Advisor to discuss responsibilities of office
  • Be available to all students by means of office hours
  • Attend Student Government Leadership Team and Student Senate meetings.
  • Exercise Presidential powers and responsibilities in the absence of the President
  • Provide concurrent approval to the appointment and removal of chairs and directors within the Executive Cabinet
  • Be the supervisor of the Executive Cabinet
  • Enforce the Executive Branch Employee Handbook
  • Appoint staff aides as deemed necessary

Student Body Treasurer

Responsibilities & Powers of the Treasurer

  • Uphold the Student Body Constitution
  • Keep complete and accurate accounts of all Student Body funds
  • Publish and maintain the Student Government Finance Manual
  • Report upon the State of the Budget as required by the Student Senate
  • Chair the Finance Committee
  • Attend Activity and Services Fees Budget Committee meetings
  • Ensure that all Activity and Services Fees monies are being used to the greatest benefit of the Students
  • Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor(s)
  • Represent the Executive Branch in Leadership Team meetings
  • Be available to students by means of office hours in accordance with the Student Government Procedural Handbook
  • Sign requisitions for Student Government funds
  • Refuse requisitions for unreasonable expenditures upon confirmation with SLA Business Manager
  • Meet with and perform evaluations on the Deputy Treasurer
  • Appoint necessary staff aides

Legislative Branch

Student Senate President

Responsibilities and Powers of the Senate President

  • Uphold the Student Body Constitution;
  • Be the chief administrative officer of the Student Senate;
  • Ensure that the Student Senate faithfully upholds the Student Body Constitution and its laws;
  • Ensure that individual Senators are able to contact their respective constituencies;
  • Ensure that facilities necessary for meetings of the Student Senate are reserved and available;
  • Unbiasedly preside over Student Senate meetings;
  • Represent the Student Senate in Leadership Team meetings;
  • Set the Student Senate agenda with the advisement of the Student Senate President Pro Tempore;
  • Enforce the Student Senate policy and procedure;
  • Supervise the officers of the Student Senate with the Student Senate President Pro Tempore;
  • Meet all responsibilities required of Student Senators with the exception from sending constituency email;
  • Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor(s);
  • Be available to students by means of office hours in accordance with the requirements of the Board of Trustees Scholarship;
  • Refrain from undue partisan statements during Senate meetings; and,
  • Refrain from casting a vote unless in the case of a tie.

Student Senate Pro-Tempore

Responsibilities and Powers of the Senate Pro-Tempore

  • Uphold the Student Body Constitution;
  • Advise the Student Senate President on relevant issues;
  • Preside in the event of the Student Senate President absence;
  • Keep a record of attendance at Student Senate meetings, maintain and compile Student Senate minutes, maintain voter eligibility, and conduct roll call;
  • Maintain current phone and email list of senators;
  • Coordinate student organization chartering process;
  • Be the supervisor for the Student Organization Coordinator;
  • Review event registration forms;
  • Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor to discuss responsibilities of office;
  • Be available to all students by means of office hours;
  • Represent the Student Senate during Leadership Team meetings.

Judicial Branch

Student Body Supreme Court Chief Justice

Responsibilities and Powers of the Chief Justice

  • Uphold the Student Body Constitution
  • Chair the Judicial Review Committee
  • Chair the Elections Committee
  • Compile accurate records of Student Government Leadership Team meetings
  • Compile accurate records of Student Senate meetings
  • Maintain Student Government Scrapbook
  • Coordinate the weekly disbursement of records
  • Meet weekly with Student Government Advisor to discuss responsibilities of office
  • Be available to all students by means of office hours
  • Attend Student Government Leadership Team and Student Senate meetings.
  • Interpret the Student Government Constitution

Programs Branch

Events Chair

Responsibilities and Powers of the Events Chair

  • Uphold the Student Body Constitution
  • Provide guidance, input, and support to the SGP Finance Chair, Directors, and Members.
  • Preside over the SGP Meetings
  • Attend and represent the SGP at Student Government Leadership Team meetings.
  • Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor to discuss the effectiveness and concerns of the SGP.
  • Be available to all Directors and Members of the SGP by means of office hours.
  • Ensure minutes are taken at each meeting.
  • Attend and represent SGP on the Judicial Review Committee.
  • Approve or cancel SGP activities and programs.
  • Approve disbursement of SGP funds in the absence of the SGP Finance Chair.
  • Appoint or expel SGP directors with the concurrence of the SGP Finance Chair and the Student Government Advisor.
  • Serve as the SGP Finance Chair in the absence of the presiding SGP Finance Chair.

Finance Chair

Responsibilities and Powers of the Finance Chair

  • Uphold the Student Body Constitution
  • Provide guidance, input, and support to the SGP Events Chair, Directors, and Members.
  • Serve as the treasurer of the SGP.
  • Keep a detailed account of all funds spent by the SGP.
  • Attend SG Leadership Team meetings.
  • Meet weekly with the Student Government Advisor to discuss the effectiveness and concerns of the SGP.
  • Be available to all Directors and Members of the SGP by means of office hours.
  • Approve SGP activities and or cancel SGP programs in the absence of the SGP Events Chair in meetings.
  • Approve disbursement of SGP Funds
  • Appoint or expel SGP directors with the concurrence of the SGP Events Chair and Student Government Advisor
  • Serve as the SGP Events Chair in the absence of the presiding SGP Events Chair.