Testing Policies


Rule 6A-10.315 College Preparatory Testing, Placement, and Instruction (based on FS 1008.30) states that first-time-in-college applicants for admission to community colleges or universities who apply to enter degree programs shall be tested for reading, writing and math proficiency prior to completion of registration. These students shall enroll in college-preparatory studies to develop needed college-entry skills.

First-Time-in-College Students (Non-transfer)

Degree seeking students who apply for admission to Santa Fe College and who have no entry test scores will take a computerized placement test (CPTs). These include the PERT and the Accuplacer Next Generation tests. Scores will be entered on the student's record. Initial course placement will be based on these test scores. Applicants whose native language is not English may be required to take additional placement exams.

Degree seeking students may submit test scores from one of the state-approved assessment tests (CPT, SAT, or ACT) for placement:

  1. If these scores are no more than two years old and if reading, writing, and/or mathematics are below college-level (see definition below), the student will take the CPTs in the area that is below college-level. If the SAT/ACT score is college-level or above, the student may use that score for placement into college-level courses. For example, if the SAT Verbal score is met but SAT math score is not, the student would take the math portion of the CPTs for math placement but register for ENC1101. If the SAT/ACT math scores are college-level and the student wishes to take a course higher than MAT1033, the student will take the ALEKS test or the AAF portion of the Accuplacer Next Gen for college math placement.
  2. Students who submit SAT or ACT test scores that do not meet or exceed the minimum college-level placement scores in reading, writing, and mathematics (see definition below) will take the entire CPTs. The CPTs scores will be entered on the student's record and placement will be based on the CPTs scores. Placement test scores shall not be older than two years. (The only exception to this rule is prep students who have at least one attempt at a prep course. These students should see a prep advisor to determine if they need to retake the CPTs or register for and complete their prep courses.)
  3. Applicants that have indicated on their application to the college that English is not the language spoken in their homes will be given an "L" flag and may be required to write an essay or take additional placement exams.

Note: All incoming students, including vocational certificate students, should have appropriate test scores. Scores for vocational certificate program students may be viewed on the SRTS screen. If the student changes to a degree program, these scores will be selected and placed on the history screen which will generate any appropriate prep course flags.

Transfer students

Transfer students from other institutions who do NOT have current placement test scores or official transcripts on file showing appropriate course work:

  1. Will be flagged with a "Y" flag and will take the part of the CPTs for which they do not have official transcripts showing college-level courses (see definition for college-level courses below).
  2. Flags generated by the CPTs will be retained for students who do not meet minimum college-level scores (see definition below) on any part (reading, English, or mathematics) of the CPTs and who do not have official transcripts which show a grade of C or better in the college-level courses as defined below.
  3. Transfer students who have not successfully completed MAC1105 but who wish to take a higher-level math course may be eligible to take the ALEKS or the AAF if their initial course placement was not MAT0028. Students who are required to register for MAT1033 may attempt to test out prior to the first day of classes. Check with math lab on the first floor of the library for the dates and times.

Note: The transfer advisor will evaluate official transcripts received after a student sits for the CPTs to determine if the student has completed the appropriate coursework.

  1. Transfer students with CPTs scores that are less than two (2) years old will NOT be retested. They will only be tested in an area in which they have not taken the CPTs. i.e. the arithmetic section of the CPTs¯. Students will take the ALEKS or the AAF for college math placement if they have SAT or ACT scores that are all college level and they have not completed a college-level math course at their previous institution.

Readmit students

Readmit students who have no test scores or whose scores are older than two years and who have not attempted prep courses will take the CPTs and will be placed according to their test scores. Readmit students who attempted a prep course and either dropped it or did not pass the course will not be retested. Students who have exceeded their prep attempts must see the prep advisor for further information. Readmit students who attended another institution may present academic transcripts for evaluation of college-level coursework (see description below).

Note: Test scores that are more than two (2) years old are not acceptable for initial course placement.


  1. Students who have exhausted their third attempt in preparatory coursework must remediate with the Adult Basic Education (ABE) program at SF or a private vendor prior to retesting. The student must present a referral form from ABE or a prep advisor in order to retake the CPTs.

Vocational Certificate Students

Vocational certificate program students take the CPTs. In most cases their scores will not be selected or "put" which means that the prep flags will not be generated for those students (except in select programs). Their scores will, however, be available to their program advisors on the test score information screen.

Minimum College-Level Placement Scores


  • Reading: 24
  • Writing: 25
  • Math: 24*


  • Reading: 19
  • Writing: 17
  • Math: 19*

Accuplacer Next Gen / AAF

  • Reading: 245-300
  • Writing: 245-300
  • QAS: 242


  • Reading: 106
  • Writing: 103
  • Math: 123*


  • Reading: 72-120
  • Writing: 72-120
  • Elementary Algebra: 83

*College-level math scores require the ALEKS or the AAF (Advanced Algebra Functions) test.

Minimum Course Requirements for Removal of Prep Flags

Students must have a grade of "C" or better in the following college-level courses to satisfy college prep requirements:

  1. English - College prep English course at the highest level (ENC0020), or ENC1101 or equivalent or a higher college-level English course
  2. Reading - college prep reading course at the highest level (REA0002), OR ENC1101 or any college-level reading course (REA2205 or equivalent or higher).

Note: College Prep English cannot substitute for reading.

  1. Mathematics - College Prep Elementary Algebra (MAT0020/MAT0028 4) or MAT1033 or a higher college credit math course.

Questions related to test

  • Front desk: 352-395-5791
  • Assessment Manager: 352-395-5509