Santa Fe College Business Degrees Lead the Way

January 12, 2024

January 12, 2024 – What can you do with a business degree? Is a business degree worth it?

Short answers: Enrich your life, and yes!

Santa Fe College's (SF) Business Programs offer a wide range of educational opportunities for A.A. transfer students, dual enrollment students, both traditional and non-traditional students, and those who already hold a degree. Online programs and in-person day and evening classes accommodate the diverse needs of students. Accessibility can unlock numerous opportunities.

"The business knowledge gained in the courses, certificates and degrees," Marie Young-Trabbic, Academic Chair of Santa Fe College's Business Programs said, "is widely useful for students to continue their education or to obtain high-demand positions in a variety of industries and sectors."

Successful students can continue their education at Santa Fe College or at another college or university, including the University of Florida. SF maintains several direct articulation agreements with the University of North Florida, Florida A&M University, New College of Florida, University of South Florida, University of West Florida and the University of the Virgin Islands. These agreements guarantee SF students admission to these partner universities.

"Students," Young-Trabbic said, "have transferred to the University of Florida in programs such as Bachelors and Master of Accountancy, Master of Business Administration, Master of Health Administration, Master of Public Health and Master of Public Relations."

Building on the academic success of these students, Young-Trabbic emphasizes the broader impact of the educational journey.

"In fact," Young-Trabbic noted, "many Business Programs graduates are Santa Fe [College] advisory committee members, Santa Fe [College] professors and staff members, Gainesville area leaders, and influential community members."

From accounting to zoo management, Santa Fe College offers business degree and certificate programs for every schedule, budget and dream. Learn more:
