Santa Fe College Releases New Brand Guide

November 25 at 8:27 a.m.

November 25, 2019  — This morning, Santa Fe College released a new Brand Guide website. This online version replaces the older printed Brand Book and provides brand support for staff at the college.

The purpose of the Brand Guide is to cultivate and develop a consistent look and feel for all public-facing materials that promote the college. The Brand Guide has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Sasser, the Office of General Counsel, the college vice presidents and cabinet members.

The Brand Guide includes a comprehensive Guidelines section that details the rules for representing the college using its visual identity, language and messaging, social media presence, advertising, website, promotional items and more. A Toolkit section gives you quick and easy access to everyday items like business cards, email signatures, logos, letterhead, flyer and Powerpoint templates, an A-Z style guide for writing about the college, and new widgets for website editors.

Think of the Guidelines as the instruction manual and the Toolkit as all the cool toys you get to play with (after reading the instruction manual, of course).

Communications & Creative Services (CCS) is available to help with any questions you may have. CCS has provided a Support section, where you will be able to ask questions, get clarifications and view new updates to the Brand Guide. Updates and changes will be posted after approval from the vice presidents.