Legal Notice

September 20, 2010

Notice of Proposed Rules Amendment and Deletion. District Board of Trustees, Santa Fe College will consider the following rules 10/18/10, SF Perry Cntr, Alachua, FL.  Subject: Rule 7.11 Fees. Legal authority FS 1001.64. Notice of Rule Dev was published: The Record, Vol 46, #17, p 8, 4/29/10. Delete Rule 7.16 Refund of Fees. Legal authority FS 1001.64. Notice of Rule Dev was published: The Record, Vol 46, #24, p 5, 6/17/10.  To obtain copy of proposed rule contact Patti Locascio, 352-395-5169. Any person may request a public hearing by contacting Ms. Locascio, SF Admin Bldg in writing with specific request within 21 days after date of publication of this notice.

Board of Trustees