Graduation Requirements

Earning an Honors Diploma

Honors Program students who meet the following requirements before completing their degree at SF can graduate "with Honors," "with High Honors," or "with Highest Honors." Students who earn these designations are awarded an Honors Certificate bearing the title, receive accolades at commencement, and have this accomplishment recorded on their transcript.

With Honors

  • Earn 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA
  • Complete 15 credits in Honors coursework (grade of B or higher) or equivalent Honors Academic work
  • Submit an Honors ePortfolio documenting Honors coursework and (optional) Honors Participation Points Earned

With High Honors

  • Earn 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA
  • Meet all criteria for graduation with Honors
  • Complete coursework or extracurricular activities to earn an additional 45 Honors Points

With Highest Honors

  • Earn 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA
  • Meet all criteria for graduation with Honors
  • Complete coursework or extracurricular activities to earn an additional 90 Honors Points

For more details about earning honors points and working toward the Honors Diploma, contact the Honors Office.

Santa Fe College Honors

Santa Fe College Honors designations Distinction, High Distinction, and Highest Distinction are awarded to students who have earned an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree and who have achieved at least a 3.5, 3.75, and 4.0 grade- point average, respectively, on all college work.

Phi Theta Kappa

Santa Fe College maintains a chapter of Phi Theta Kappa(Opens in new window), the international honors society for two-year colleges. Membership in PTK is by invitation and extended only to students earning a 3.5 or higher Santa Fe College cumulative grade point average over at least 12 credit hours.
