Instructor Handbook


Below is a handbook for familiarizing instructors with basic company policies and procedures, as well as the general expectations of Santa Fe College, including acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Should you have any questions or need further information, please contact us.

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Instructor Information

The staff of Continuing Education is proud to welcome you to our outstanding group of Continuing Education instructors. We hope that this handbook will acquaint you with how Continuing Education classes are managed and how we can provide our students with the best class experience possible. The staff at Continuing Education would like to assist you, so please call us with any questions.

Contact Continuing Education staff if you have any questions.

Policies and Procedures

Instructors are hired in three ways: a course is proposed by the instructor, the course coordinator/specialist creates a course and hires the instructor or a business requests a corporate training where the coordinator/specialist will hire the instructor. Many of our courses at Continuing Education require state certification/licensing. All courses curriculum and materials must be approved by the coordinator/specialist. You are not limited to the number of hours you may teach as a Continuing Education instructor.

Non-credit courses, those which provide Continuing Education Units (CEUs), do not generally transfer to credit for those students seeking a degree. Participants earn an "X" for each course they complete and pass, while credit classes are measured by an actual grade.

Continuing Education is always looking for new course ideas to add to our program. All course proposals must be submitted using the course proposal here. This form can be submitted online. To make an appointment for an interview and to review your course idea, contact Continuing Education staff. Please bring the completed course proposal form to your scheduled appointment.

The program will be reviewed and you will be notified regarding its status. New courses are selected according to the needs of the community and in consideration with courses currently offered.

Many of our instructors are professionals in the community who have a skill to offer and may want to share that skill through our classes. We ask that you keep in mind that you are not in the classroom to generate clients. If you are teaching for SF and Continuing Education, you are representing the college. You are welcome to give your credentials as an instructor, including where you work.

However, you may not offer any products, sell your services or call your students after the class is over to offer your services or products. Please do not hand out your business cards in class unless it is requested by a student. We appreciate your understanding of the intent of the policy to ensure that our classes are well-regarded.

Complete the SF Administrative and Professional application along with the personnel data form and return it to the Human Resources office. All paperwork must be completed prior to the beginning of the new term.

Along with the application please make an appointment with Shelly Varnedoe, 352-395-5189, to fill out the following:

  • I-9 Form
  • W4 Form (must be filled out with HR)
  • Loyalty Oath
  • Authorization of payment (mailing or direct deposit; if direct deposit must have a voided check)
  • Authorization to release previous employment information
  • FRS Status Form
  • Sexual Harassment signed release
  • Workers Compensation Managed Care Information, signed release
  • Drug Free Workplace Policy
  • VECHS Waiver (finger printing)

Required proof of American citizenship will be checked and photocopied (you must provide proof of citizenship as provided for on the form). If you are working under a resident alien card, please contact the human resource specialist.

NOTE: Regulations implementing the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 require this form to be completed within three (3) days of being hired. Failure to provide documentation will result in automatic termination.

Payroll is on the 15th and 30th or (31st) of each month and is two weeks behind. For example, if you teach a class that runs between the October 1 and 15, you will receive payment for that class on October 31. Hourly rates for contract for services vary depending on education, training, etc. If you have problems with your paycheck, contact Continuing Education staff. Please do not contact SF's Human Resource Department. In some cases with direct deposit, you may be required to pick up your first paycheck at the Cashiers office.

Registration is continuous at Continuing Education. Students may register by:

  • Phone with a MasterCard, Visa or American Express
  • Mail in the registration form with a check
  • Pay in person at Continuing Education

Pre-registration is required for all open enrollment classes and must be completed within 48-hours of the first class meeting. Walk-ins are not allowed in our Professional Development courses.

Students may drop a class at any time. However, to receive a refund, they must notify the Center staff at least 48-hours before the first class meeting that they wish to drop the class. After that, they are required to complete a Petition for Refund, which is sent to the Appeal Committee for a decision. This form can be found on the Continuing Education website. If the refund is granted, students will be mailed a refund check within 4-6 weeks. There are no credits to credit cards. If a business paid for a student and the student is granted a refund, the refund will be made out to the student and mailed to his/her address. It is the responsibility of the student to return the money to the business.

A course must have a minimum number of students enrolled or it may be canceled. The course coordinator/specialist will make the decision on whether or not the class will continue (generally within 48 hours of the first meeting). However, some classes require textbooks and other learning materials, which need to be ordered 2-3 weeks before the first meeting. If your class does not meet the minimum number of enrolled students, you will be contacted in advance. Continuing Education will contact enrolled students and inform them of the class cancelation. Continuing Education does not pay the instructor for canceled courses/seminars.

You will be responsible for picking up your Instructor's Packet from the Administrative Assistant no later than 48-hours before your first class meeting. Your packet contains a course roster, college evaluation forms (1 per registered student) and certificates. Remember that the roster contains confidential information and should NOT be passed around the room. Instead, please call out each student's name and check them off your roster. The college evaluation forms must be completed by the students at the end of your final class meeting.

Please put these in the provided envelope and return to the Continuing Education office within 48-hours. The course certificate needs to be signed by you and then given to each student at the end of the final class meeting. Remaining certificates need to be returned to the Administrative Assistant for mailing. If a student is in your class but is not on the roster, please call the Administrative Assistant immediately to verify late registration. No in-class registration will be permitted by the instructor.

Course evaluations are used as a tool to improve both the administrative aspects of our program and the quality of your class. It is an effective way to receive feedback from our students. Evaluation forms must be completed by the students at the end of your final class meeting.

You are required to take attendance at the beginning of each class.

Emergencies happen. We understand this and will work with you as much as possible to ensure your students continue to receive the information for which they have registered and paid. If you know you will be absent from a class meeting, you are required to notify the necessary Coordinator so that other arrangements can be made. Additionally, it is only professional courtesy that you also share this information with your students. As classroom space is limited on all campuses, please discuss makeup classes with the appropriate Coordinator. Regardless, please check your calendars as soon as you are requested to teach. Please stick with your agreement and refrain from having to change dates and times.

Certificates for the students will be included in your Instructor's Packet. The course certificates need to be signed by you and then given to each student at the end of the final class. Remaining certificates need to be returned to Continuing Education for mailing. (If the student's name is misspelled on the certificate, contact Continuing Education so that a new certificate may be mailed out.)

You are expected to arrive early enough to prepare yourself and your classroom. If you may be arriving late, contact Continuing Education so that we can inform your students. Excessive tardiness will not be tolerated. You are expected to teach during the hours of your course, leaving class 5 minutes early each night is not a problem, if your students are not opposed. Remember, your pay reflects the number of hours you actually taught.

If you must cancel a class or make any changes, please contact the course coordinator/specialist at least one week in advance. Additionally, it is only professional courtesy that you also share this information with your students. Any schedule changes must meet with the approval of both the course coordinator/specialist and your students. Please refrain from having to change the dates and times of your course.

In case of emergency, please contact the course coordinator/specialist as quickly as possible so that we can notify your students. If the emergency is after 4:30pm you should call the SF Police at 352-395-3120 for the downtown facility and 352-395-5519 for the Northwest Campus.

SF Northwest Campus

SF Blount Center

SF Kirkpatrick Center

SF Andrews Center

SF Davis Center

SF Watson Center

Our primary concern is that the students receive an entire term of instruction. If you miss a class, it must be added to the end of the term.

We are Continuing Education, so your clothing should represent professionalism. Please, no shorts, T-shirts, flip-flops and no jeans of any color.

Continuing Education will allow small amounts of copying to be done in our office. The instructor must have prior approval from the coordinator/specialist. Copies must be made during normal office hours. Large quantities of copies will be the responsibility of the instructor and should be done well in advance of your class.

You are responsible for ordering the required A/V equipment needed for your class(es). SF has an excellent A/V Department, ordered online at Information Technology Services. Orders need to be made 48-hours before your first class meeting. Continuing Education has an extensive list of tapes, videos and other A/V materials available for your use, which you are welcome to review in the Continuing Education office.

Please leave your computer lab as you found it. Leave all chairs, keyboards and mouse/pads in place. Please make sure your students delete any exercise files on the computer that they will no longer be using and empty the recycle bin. All computers will need to be shutdown and the projector turned off. You may ask each student to take care of his/her computer or you may do this yourself. NO EATING OR DRINKING in the computer lab.

Classroom upkeep is of the utmost importance. We try to select the most comfortable rooms for your classes. Please leave the room the way you found it. If you rearrange the furniture, please return it to its original position. Take a minute to pick up any paper or supplies that might have been left behind. Please turn off the lights and close the door when you leave. There is no smoking in the building.

Continuing Education markets all courses via our Enhance brochure on our website. There are three terms (Spring, Summer and Fall). Additional brochures are mailed directly to those students and business partners on our Continuing Education direct mailing list.

Professionalism is expected at all times. Be in your class 20 minutes before the class is to begin. This gives you time to make sure all of your materials are in ready and that you are comfortable with your room set up. Welcome your students. Learn the names of your students so that you can greet them personally at the beginning and ending of each class. Continuing Education provides name sleeves for each student. Remember that some cultures discourage the use of first names between students and teachers. Respect diversity.

Avoid inappropriate language! An inappropriate word or off-color joke may be too much for one of your students, and they will let this fact be known by communicating this to you or the coordinator. They also have a venue thru the evaluation form. Do not ever say to your students, "This is my first time teaching this class," instead show the students that you are confident about the course curriculum. Vary your instructional methods use PowerPoint, the A/V equipment and encourage class participation.

NOTE: We request that you address any complaints/concerns with your coordinator/specialist. Please refrain from expressing these complaints/concerns with your students. We try to handle everything in a professional manner and coordinate with all of the departments involved. If you have an issue arise please be sure to discuss it with your coordinator/specialist immediately.

Continuing Education instructors who need guidance on making their courses accessible can contact Santa Fe College's Center for Academic Technologies and Training (CATT).

Continuing Education students in need of special accommodations can contact Santa Fe College's Disabilities Resource Center (DRC).


You may teach a variety of courses with our department, keeping in mind that many of our classes require state certification licensing. You are not limited to the number of hours you may teach in our area.

Generally yes, but you will need to contact the credit department in which you're interested in teaching to find out their instructor requirements.

Instructor rates vary by course content, but those instructors with state certification, licenses or other organizational certifications are generally paid at a higher rate. Payroll is on the 15th and 30th (or 31st) of each month and is two weeks behind. For example, if you teach a class that runs between the 1-15 of October, you will receive payment for that class on October 31st. Hourly rates for contract for services also varies, depending on education, training, etc.

The majority of classes have set curriculum and instructors are furnished with the necessary materials to conduct the class. Corporate Training is always looking for new course ideas. Course curriculum must be approved by the coordinator. Materials to be copied need to be given to the Administrative Assistant no later than one week before the first class meeting.

Those classes with no set curriculum generally do not pay for development as it is in the instructor's best interest to write the curriculum. The better the course information the more often the class will be offered. Corporate Training sometimes pays for curriculum development but would need to be approved by Lisa Anderson prior to being used in class.

  • Obtain SFID in Student Services, S-139
  • Obtain SF parking Permit from Campus Police, T-002
  • Use of the SF library with SFID
  • Use of the SF Gym with SFID
  • Use of SF's Audio/Visual Department, ordered online at or through your coordinator or specialist. This is where you order your classroom equipment: TV, VCR, and overhead projector, etc. Equipment needs to be ordered no later than 48 hours before your class meets. The scheduling of service requests will be CLOSED at 2pm each workday for the following workday. No same day requests will be accepted.
  • Use of Continuing Education's copier and computer, when available.
  • Photo opportunity for Instructor Profile in Brochure.

We are always open to new course ideas. If you have an idea for a new course and are not a current instructor, you must fill out a draft of your proposed course online here.

Once you have completed this Application Packet (required of Continuing Education instructors only), then call the Continuing Education Coordinator to make an appointment to review your course idea and for an interview.

No. If you are teaching for SF Continuing Education, you are representing the college and in no way may market or sell the idea of your business or any materials associated with your business.

The name of our department is Continuing Education, so your clothing should represent the professionalism both the CIED and you represent. Please, no shorts, T-shirts or clothes that you would normally wear to the mall or be comfortable in at the beach. These are not representative of our professionalism. Jeans of any color are no longer acceptable.

Non-credit courses, those which provide Continuing Education Units (CEUs), are those that do not generally transfer to credit for those students seeking a degree. Participants earn a "X" for each Corporate Training course they take and pass, while credit classes are measured by an actual grade.

If your class runs for 12 hours, for example, then you are expected to teach those 12 hours. Leaving class 5 minutes early each night is not too much of a problem, if your students are not opposed. Just remember that your pay reflects the number of hours you actually taught.

Professionalism at all times! Be in your class at least 20 minutes before the class is set to begin. This gives you time to make sure all your materials are ready and that you are comfortable with the set up of the room.

Welcome your students. Learn their names so that you can greet them personally at the beginning and ending of each class. Remember that some cultures discourage the use of first names between students and teachers. Respect diversity.

Avoid swearing! One swear word or off-color joke may be too much for one of your students, and they will let this fact be known by communicating this to you or the coordinator. They also have the venue of the Evaluation Form.

Do not EVER say to your students, "Oh, this is my first time teaching this class," or "I was asked at the last minute to teach this class." If you show the participants that you're not too sure about the course curriculum, they will, rightly so, feel cheated by the college, Continuing Education, and you.

Vary your instructional methods. We are no longer in the age of the chalkboard as the sole instructional aid. Learn PowerPoint to aid your classroom discussions and/or use A/V equipment (see #7 about ordering equipment for your class). Let your students talk among themselves to obtain resources outside your classroom. Talk to your area coordinator about Professional Development workshops for you, the SF Adjunct Instructor.

Be sure to have your students delete any exercise files on the computer that they will no longer be using AND empty the RECYCLE BIN!

Please leave your classroom/computer lab in excellent condition! Leave all chairs, mouse and mouse pads in place. You may ask for each person to take care of this or you may take care of it yourself. Remember that SF regulates no eating or drinking in the classroom.

Additionally, we are a non-smoking campus.

NOTE: In every class there is always bound to be someone who knows a director or coordinator of our college and word gets around. We don't like receiving bad news through the grapevine. Therefore, we kindly request that you please refrain from making any unnecessary comments during class about the efficiency or lack thereof of our college or labs. There are protocols that must be followed and we do care and try to handle everything in a professional manner while at the same time coordinate as necessary with all of the departments involved. If you have an issue please be sure to discuss it with your department Coordinator immediately.
