State Vocational Program Placement


Florida College System
2024 Accountability Outcome Measure 3 Part 2
State Vocational Program Placement Report
Reporting Period: 2021-2022
College: Santa Fe College

PERA 3544b, Division of Accountability, Research and Measurement

Notes: 2021-2022 Vocational Program Completers and Leavers from the Student Data Base were matched by College, Program CIP and Student ID to the 2021-2022 FETPIP AA2 - Follow-Up File.

  • Leavers = Defined as students who were enrolled in 2021-2022, but did not complete the program in which they were enrolled during 2021-22, and did not return to the institution in 2022-23.
  • Number In Pool = Defined as the number of records with useable match data. It excludes records with exceptionalities, without positive outcome data, non-resident aliens, undeterminable
    and unusable data, and those reported as incarcerated.
  • Number Placed = Defined as the number of records deemed training related by virtue of related work, continuing education, or military service.
CIP Code CIP Title Completers in Pool Completers Placed Percent Completers Placed Leavers in Pool Leavers Placed Percent Leavers Placed
351060112 Dental Assisting 10 10 100.00 0 0 0.00
351070712 Healthcare Informatics Specialist 3 3 100.00 5 3 60.00
351071404 Medical Information Coder/Biller 8 8 100.00 34 30 88.24
351090405 Paramedic 13 12 92.31 1 1 100.00
351090415 Emergency Medical Technician 51 47 92.16 3 2 66.67
351090905 Surgical Technology 13 12 92.31 1 1 100.00
351100901 Phlebotomy 23 21 91.30 7 5 71.43
351101202 Central Sterile Processing Technologist 3 3 100.00 3 3 100.00
351390101 Practical Nursing 20 18 90.00 7 7 100.00
351390203 Nursing Assistant (Articulated) 10 10 100.00 5 5 100.00
419070904 Early Childhood Development Specialization 0 0 0.00 10 6 60.00
511010311 Information Technology Support Specialist 20 20 100.00 3 3 100.00
511010313 Help Desk Support Technician 20 20 100.00 1 1 100.00
511020103 Computer Programming Specialist 29 28 96.55 9 9 100.00
511020200 Computer Programmer 9 9 100.00 6 6 100.00
511100112 Network Server Administration 6 6 100.00 1 1 100.00
511100114 Network Infrastructure 8 8 100.00 2 2 100.00
511100118 Network Security 1 1 100.00 2 2 100.00
552020105 Human Resources Administrator 1 1 100.00 0 0 0.00
552040704 Office Specialist 8 8 100.00 4 4 100.00
615050110 Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning/Refrigeration (HVAC/R) 13 12 92.31 3 3 100.00
615080300 Automotive Service Management Technology 4 4 100.00 7 6 85.71
641030101 Chemical Laboratory Specialist 0 0 0.00 1 1 100.00
646050312 Plumbing 7 7 100.00 6 5 83.33
647060405 Automotive Service Technology 11 10 90.91 2 1 50.00
648050805 Welding Technology 11 10 90.91 2 1 50.00
648050806 Welding Technology - Advanced 3 2 66.67 0 0 0.00
743010200 Correctional Officer (Traditional Correctional BRTP) 15 15 100.00 1 1 100.00
743010700 Florida Law Enforcement Academy 29 29 100.00 5 4 80.00
743010702 Crossover from Correctional Officer to Law Enforcement Officer 0 0 0.00 1 1 100.00
846020105 Carpentry - APPR 0 0 0.00 3 2 66.67
846030204 Electrician - APPR 13 13 100.00 41 41 100.00
846050302 Plumbing Technology - APPR 1 1 100.00 8 7 87.50
847020103 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology - APPR 2 2 100.00 12 12 100.00
1101099901 Zoo Animal Technology 33 32 96.97 21 18 85.71
1101101034 Information Technology and Security Management 10 10 100.00 32 32 100.00
1101312101 Early Childhood Education, Pre-K through Grade 3 11 9 81.82 6 6 100.00
1102612011 Industrial Biotechnology 2 2 100.00 4 4 100.00
1105006021 Film, Television, and Digital Production 5 5 100.00 8 7 87.50
1105107011 Healthcare Management 25 23 92.00 33 24 72.73
1105110051 Clinical Laboratory Science 19 19 100.00 14 13 92.86
1105138012 Nursing 30 30 100.00 44 44 100.00
1105202991 Organizational Management 49 48 97.96 78 77 98.72
1105203011 Accounting 18 18 100.00 17 17 100.00
1341010100 Biotechnology Laboratory Technology 1 1 100.00 6 6 100.00
1351060200 Dental Hygiene 13 13 100.00 0 0 0.00
1351070101 Health Services Management 0 0 0.00 23 18 78.26
1351070700 Health Information Technology 5 4 80.00 16 14 87.50
1351080601 Physical Therapist Assistant 6 5 83.33 2 2 100.00
1351090100 Cardiovascular Technology 11 11 100.00 1 1 100.00
1351090402 Emergency Medical Services 6 6 100.00 21 17 80.95
1351090502 Nuclear Medicine Technology 0 0 0.00 2 1 50.00
1351090800 Respiratory Care 17 17 100.00 6 6 100.00
1351091004 Diagnostic Medical Sonography Technology 10 8 80.00 3 3 100.00
1351091100 Radiography 12 12 100.00 1 1 100.00
1351380100 Nursing R.N. 126 125 99.21 31 30 96.77
1413121004 Early Childhood Education 4 4 100.00 14 7 50.00
1511010307 Computer Information Technology 31 31 100.00 45 45 100.00
1511020101 Computer Programming and Analysis 24 24 100.00 30 29 96.67
1511100112 Network Systems Technology 8 8 100.00 25 24 96.00
1511100307 IT Security 19 19 100.00 37 37 100.00
1552020102 Business Administration 7 7 100.00 71 71 100.00
1552020401 Office Administration 3 3 100.00 20 19 95.00
1552030201 Accounting Technology 4 4 100.00 32 32 100.00
1611080103 Digital Media/Multimedia Technology 2 1 50.00 12 8 66.67
1611080300 Graphics Technology 4 4 100.00 10 9 90.00
1615040102 Biomedical Equipment Technician 2 2 100.00 9 8 88.89
1641030100 Chemical Technology 3 3 100.00 7 5 71.43
1646041201 Construction Management Technology 16 16 100.00 19 19 100.00
1650050202 Theater and Entertainment Technology 0 0 0.00 3 2 66.67
1722030200 Paralegal Studies (Legal Assisting) 3 3 100.00 21 19 90.48
1743010302 Criminal Justice Technology 1 1 100.00 27 24 88.89
5551399990 Educator Preparation Institute 10 10 100.00 1 1 100.00