Common Time Sheet Errors

Common Time Sheet Errors

Unmatched Check-In/Out

An unmatched check-in/out box will remain on an employee's time sheet if they forget to clock-out or clock-in and will prevent an employee from submitting their time sheet. To avoid an unmatched check-in, each time entry should have a clock-in and clock-out time.

Correcting an Unmatched Check-In/Out:

  1. To remove the unmatched check-in event, first select into the "Unmatched Check-in" box on your timesheet.
  2. Enter the correct clock-in and clock-out times and then indicate either "Meal" or "Out".
  3. Enter a comment into the comment box and then select "Submit".

Please note: If you receive a "Time Overlap" error you will need to delete any existing time blocks before you correct the unmatched check-in/out. You will be required to enter a comment to successfully delete the time block.

Unexpected System Generated Hours

If you see a 0.5 block of time on your timesheet, this may likely be due to taking less than 30 minutes of a meal break. For example, if you took 29 minutes for lunch, the system will recognize that you did not take the full 30 minutes and will add that back to your time sheet as time you worked. To avoid this issue, please ensure you are taking at least a 30-minute meal break.

Please note: If this time block will result in you exceeding your scheduled weekly hours, please speak with your supervisor about what options are available. If this is identified before the end of the week, many times an alternate schedule can be utilized.

Support: Still have questions?

For any additional issues or questions, please contact us at or at 352-395-5185. An on-demand training course can also be found in the Workday Learning app.