Activity and Service Fees Budget Committee


The Activity and Service Fees Budget Committee shall be established to develop an annual budget for the use of student Activity and Service fees. The budget is to be based upon an estimate of total funds generated from this fee as well as an estimate of funds carried forward from the prior year. This budget shall be approved by the College President.


Meetings are held eight times a year on the second Monday of each month, at 12 p.m. in Building S-141 unless otherwise noted.

Online Forms

Agenda Item Request

Santa Fe College departments wishing to have an agenda item at an A&S Fees Committee meeting should submit this online request at least one week prior to the meeting.

Funded Entities - Event Registration Form

SF entities receiving A&S fees should use this online form to register their upcoming event and establish the event's learning outcomes and assessment plan. The form may also be used to request logistical support for the activity. This from should be submitted at least fifteen (15) business days prior to the event.

Department Reports Form

The Activities and Services Fees Committee requests a monthly report from each department that receives funding; please complete this form to share any information regarding how your department is utilizing A&S funding. Please ensure this information is submitted no later than the Friday prior to each meeting.

Committee Members

Name Position Voting / Non-Voting
  Student Representative, SG Voting
  Student Representative, Senator Voting
  Student Representative, Student at Large Voting
  Student Representative, Student at Large Voting
  Student Representative, Student at Large Voting
  Student Representative, Student at Large Voting
  Faculty/Staff Representative Voting
Marie Young-Trabbic Faculty/Staff Representative Voting
Dr. Naima Brown Vice President, Student Affairs Voting
Dr. Tracey Reeves Director, Student Life Voting
Dr. Doug Bagby Associate Director, Student Life Non-Voting
Chris Spence-Thomas Business Manager, Student Life Non-Voting
Dennis O'Hearn Manager of Restricted Funds Non-Voting
Christine Weeks Accountant Non-Voting