Recharter Application

Application Instructions

All SF student organizations and clubs must re-charter every academic year in the fall semester to maintain their status as a chartered student organization or club at Santa Fe College through Student Life. Re-Chartering should be completed during each fall semester, and the deadline is usually during September, or the same week as Club Rush. The Student Senate Pro Tempore will announce the Re-Chartering deadline for each fall in the Senate meetings. Clubs and organizations that do not re-charter by the fall deadline risk losing their SG budget for the same academic year.

Thanks for your submission!

We are glad you have shown interest in our Student Clubs. We will be in touch shortly. Please keep an eye out, as we will follow up with you with the contact information you have provided.

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Recharter Application


Organization Information

Organization Category

Please check one of the following that best suits your organization's genre.

Officer Information


Vice President




Alt. Senator

Advisor Information

Advisor 1 Name

Advisor 2 Name