Volunteers in Police Service

Program Description

VIPSThe Volunteers in Police Service program has been developed to meet the changing needs of the College community and further promote the philosophy of CampusWatch and Community Oriented Policing. This program is one of many which are designed to increase safety and security of Santa Fe College under the banner "Safe Santa Fe."

The Volunteers in Police Service program consists of committed volunteers, such as veterans, student government, and student senate members. Volunteers work in conjunction with and at the direction of the Santa Fe College Police Department (SFPD). Observation, reporting, and customer service are the primary activities of the Volunteers in Police Service program.

Volunteers in Police Service ("Volunteers" or "VIPS") will provide additional eyes and ears and assistance to the college and the SFPD.

Police Officer standing with Volunteers in Police Service

Mission Statement

The mission is to support and assist Santa Fe College and the Santa Fe College Police Department in the reduction of crime and improving the overall quality of life for its students, staff, faculty, and visitors.


  1. To improve safety throughout the Santa Fe College community
  2. To aid in the reduction of crime at SF
  3. To strengthen the relationship between the college community and the SFPD
  4. To promote effective lines of communication throughout the college community to achieve safety and security
  5. To provide information and facilitate requests for service to those frequenting the College, e.g. directions, special events, persons to contact, etc.

Interested or want more information?

Contact volunteer coordinator Sergeant Mark Barley via mark.barley@sfcollege.edu or at 352-395-5289, or visit us at the Police Department in Building T.