Introducing SF's New Student Conduct Coordinator: Montgomery Mewers

January 8, 2025

The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs is pleased to introduce Montgomery Mewers to the Santa Fe College community. Montgomery joined SF in October 2024 and is serving as the Student Conduct Coordinator – our first employee whose sole job is managing the Student Conduct process.

SF's New Student Conduct Coordinator Montgomery Mewers

Montgomery has close to 30 years of experience working in higher education, including stints at Providence College (Rhode Island), University of Maryland – Baltimore County, University of California – Berkeley, University of California – Irvine, Centenary College (Louisiana), and Washington State University. His previous work has included responsibility for student housing, student conduct, Title IX, diversity/equity/inclusion, and student organizations. Montgomery has served as a senior housing officer, senior student conduct officer, and interim student affairs division diversity officer. He also worked for a year in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, teaching English at King AbdulAziz University and Northern Borders University. Montgomery has also served as an adjunct instructor at several institutions and taught classes inside San Quentin Prison in Oakland, California.

Montgomery reports to Dr. Dan Rodkin, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs. Rodkin commented that, “SF is very fortunate to be able to hire such an accomplished professional to work in Student Conduct. In his first two months, Montgomery has proven to be a compassionate and respectful educator who is invested in providing due process and to helping students learn from their mistakes.”

As the Student Conduct Coordinator, Montgomery is the initial point of contact for academic misconduct and general conduct cases. He conducts investigations of alleged misconduct, meets with students to resolve cases informally, and serves as the college’s representative at formal Student Conduct Board hearings. Montgomery summarizes his responsibilities as working to hold students accountable and to help students succeed.

Members of the SF community are invited to reach out to Montgomery with any questions about the Student Conduct Code and the Student Conduct process. He can be reached via Teams, at x5277, via email at, or in person at the Northwest Campus, Building R, Room 211.
