Developing Global Citizens: Celebrate Ireland

December 25, 2023

December 25, 2023 – Learn how two SF faculty members connect their students to Ireland in this special episode of the Developing Global Citizens podcast. Dr. Vilma Fuentes interviewed Rebecca Johnston, Assistant Professor of English, and Breanne Hooks, Assistant Professor of Mathematics to get their unique perspectives.

"I've been integrating the Institute of Study Abroad Ireland's Global Perspectives online course," Johnston said. "It's like a virtual course we can bring in, and it serves as an example for my students of very well-done research that dives into a culture's history, into their folklore, their mythology."

"There is a whole field of ethnomathematics," Hooks said, "that's this blend of culture and mathematics. And that mathematics isn't devoid of culture. And that really based on where it was being used, that influenced the mathematics that developed. When we look at different groups, we can see that more clearly. In Ireland, there are specific influences, whether it's the Celtic or the Catholic Church, and we can see how those differences and similarities played out."

Check out this episode (and the rest of the series):
