Santa Fe College's Boo at the Zoo Scared Up a Crowd and Nearly 6,000 Canned Goods

November 3, 2023
This article is more than 1 year old and may contain outdated information.
November 3, 2023 – Santa Fe College's (SF) Boo at the Zoo occurred this past Halloween at the SF Teaching Zoo in Gainesville. 6,400 people came out to trick or treat through the zoo. The event also collected almost 6,000 canned goods to support Santa Fe College Saints Food Share and Catholic Charities of Gainesville. Donations will be made available to students and families in need this holiday season.
"We had such an amazing time at our 27th annual Boo at the Zoo," Christina Arnold,
Office Supervisor at SF Zoo Animal Technology said. "We cannot thank the Zooies enough
for all of their hard work, creativity and repurposing over the past two months to
completely transform the zoo, allowing guests to travel to the lands of Mario Kart,
100 Acre Woods, Medieval Kingdom, Pixie Hollow, Jurassic Park, Bug's Life, Hercules
and Pirate Treasure Hunt. We are always astonished by their creations, and this year
did not disappoint!"
Arnold also thanked event sponsors: Fun4GatorKids, Cricket Wireless (13th St., GNV), Natalie's Orchid Island Juice Company, Campus USA Credit Union, Gator Domino's, The Repurpose Project and Saints Share Wear. Thanks also went out to the Santa Fe Saints Athletics teams for running games and the Santa Fe College Improv Club for providing line entertainment along with UF's Tone Def A Cappella Group and Danscompany of Gainesville.
"Finally," Arnold said, "thank you to the entire Santa Fe College community for supporting this event. From the facilities staff, to the SFPD, to the marketing department, and all who donated money or candy to support this effort (listed below) – we truly couldn't host this event with you. Congratulations to the Math department for donating the most candy, and to Angela Gregory in MarCom who won the pumpkin carving contest with an incredible rendition of a tortoise!"
Arnold hopes to see you next Halloween for the event's 28th year!
Special Thanks:
Marcia Swope
Pam Harrison
Deloris Jernigan
Suzanne Fisher
Deanne Caldwell
John Caldwell
Rebecca Rogers
Vertigo Moody
Heather Domin
Mikayla Robinson
Phil Carver
David Shlafer
Angela Gregory
Matt Stamey
Kayla Barrera
Rose Christy
Cheetara Ritz
Yumina Myers
Destiny Scott
Shannon Forgue
Luis Sandoval
Solana Ortiz
Aaron Hall
Linda Isaacs
Jason Lee
Michelle Clark
Academic Affairs
Math Department
Marketing & Communications
Office of Advancement
Perry Center
Little School
Nursing Student Association