RSVP for Professional Development Day

February 13, 2023

February 13, 2023 – Santa Fe College will invest in its employees Friday, March 3, during Professional Development Day. The college will cancel all classes and close all student service offices to give employees time to participate. Professional Development Day is designed to be a day of celebration, collaboration and connection.

Last week, all SF employees received an email from Leslie Rios. The email included a form to complete for lunch, as well as an overview of the day's events. Please complete the RSVP form by Tuesday, Feb. 14. If you do not see the email, please check your junk mail folder. For employees with specific dietary restrictions, please email Leslie Rios at in new window) with that information.

Because most offices across the college will be closed, employees can print out this sign(Opens in new window) to indicate their office is closed for the day. The college is aware that there will also be employees who will need to work that day (SFPD and other areas across the college) and we thank them for continuing to serve the needs of the college.
