SF Employees to See Raises, Supplements in New Budget

June 22, 2022
This article is more than 2 years old and may contain outdated information.
June 22, 2022 – Tuesday afternoon, the Santa Fe College District Board of Trustees approved the college's 2022-2023 budget. The operating budget is primarily based on funding through tuition from students and funding allocated by the state legislature. Leading up to the final approval of the budget, departments across the college presented their proposed budgets for consideration. The budget process also considered recommendations from shared governance to address the needs of the college as a whole and alignment with the college's mission and strategic plan.
As a result of the approved budget, all employees across the college will see a pay increase in the form of percentage increases, supplements and more. College leadership announced the details to the college community Wednesday afternoon and followed up the presentation with a Q&A session. A recording of the presentation is available here(Opens in new window).
SF Faculty
Faculty and department chairs will see Phase 2 of the salary study implemented. They
will be accurately placed on their individual years of service step, and will also
receive an additional $500 dollars added to their base and another step increase.
The adjunct faculty rate is increasing from $788 to $800 dollars per credit hour. Adjunct faculty whose courses are cancelled within seven days of the course start date will receive $100 in compensation for their time and preparation.
SF Staff
Full-time administrative, A&P and Career Service employees will receive a 1 ½ % increase
plus $500 dollars added to their base salaries. Any employee whose current salary
is below $15 per hour will be raised to $15 per hour and the new minimum starting
salary for full-time positions will be $14 per hour.
Part-time staff will be re-appointed at the new minimum or with a 1 ½ % increase, whichever is higher.
One-Time Supplement
All full- and part-time faculty and staff hired by a specified date will qualify for
an additional one-time supplement paid in the Fall of 2022 and another in the Spring
of 2023. Each supplement payment is $1800 dollars and will be pro-rated for part-time
and adjunct faculty based on credit hours and hours worked.
Student Employees
Part-time student employee salaries will be raised to $11 per hour.
The steps the college is taking in the upcoming budget puts them on track to be at the $15 per hour mark before the state-mandated 2026 requirement.