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Next Monthly SF Student Caregiver Meeting Scheduled for March 25

March 4, 2022

March 4, 2022 – Once a month, Santa Fe College's CCAMPIS Program Coordinator Stephanie Norman holds a Zoom meeting to answer the questions and concerns of SF student-caregivers.

These meetings are an opportunity to explain your unique experience at the college to the program coordinator, and to build a community for students who are parents, caregivers or in a similar role. These meetings take place on the last Friday of the month between noon and 1 p.m.

Anyone interested in participating can register for the meetings online. You can also get additional information about SF's CCAMPIS grant by contacting

Spring 2022 Meeting Schedule:

  • March 25 - Playdates vs. "Me-time": time management tips so that everyone feels connected.
  • April 29 - Stress management tips and tricks to help you through the end of the semester.