SF's Vaccine Incentives – Important: When to Verify Your Vaccination Status

September 17, 2021

Earlier this week, Santa Fe College announced a voluntary COVID-19 vaccine incentive program. Different processes are in place for students and employees to verify status. See sfcollege.edu/covid19/incentive(Opens in new window) for updates. Free vaccines are available at local pharmacies, Publix, and the local Health Department(Opens in new window); vaccine events are also held periodically at the College.


Current SF students can get a one-time non-recurring $60 if they have had their full allotment of COVID-19 vaccine (two shots of Pfizer or Moderna or one shot of Johnson & Johnson) by October 31. During the week of November 1 – 5 only, eligible students who wish to participate can use a Zoom room or a location to be designated at any center or campus to have their vaccination status verified in person. Additional messaging will be forthcoming to let students know how to join the Zoom Room and where to go for in-person verification (bring your vaccination card/paper).

Once vaccination status is confirmed, students will receive the $60 through BankMobile via their payment method preference set up on eSantaFe. Payments will be viewable on students' My FA Status by November 30, 2021. In addition, all those who receive the financial incentive will be eligible to receive additional rewards through a random drawing. Participating students will be entered to have an opportunity to receive a $250 bookstore voucher as well as a designated parking spot for the Spring 2022 semester.


SF employees can get a one-time non-recurring $60 (less taxes) if they have had their full allotment of COVID-19 vaccine (two shots of Pfizer or Moderna or one shot of Johnson & Johnson) by October 31. Beginning today, SF employees who are vaccinated may contact Human Resources at human.resources@sfcollege.edu to arrange an in-person or virtual (Teams or Zoom) appointment to verify vaccination (you must present your vaccine card or paper for viewing). November 5 is the final deadline for verification.

Upon confirmation, employees will receive the $60 incentive, less any applicable taxes, in their November 30 payroll. As part of a random drawing, verified employees will also be eligible to receive a designated parking spot for the Spring 2022 semester at any of the college's locations, including Lot 1 and 1A on the Northwest Campus, or a spot closer to their assigned building if preferred.
