Hunger Action Month Food Drive

September 2, 2021

September is Hunger Action Month, a time when people across the country will be taking a stand against hunger. Saints Foodshare is fighting hunger and fueling student success by offering SF students and employees free non-perishable food, as well as referrals to campus and community resources. The Division of Student Affairs is hosting a food drive for Saints Foodshare from Monday, September 13 to Friday, September 17, which is Hunger Action Day.
Donation bins are located in the Student Life Lobby (S-127), Student Affairs Lobby (R-211), Athletics Lobby (V-01), and TRIO Hub (L-51). Donations can also be dropped off at SF's Centers to stock their pantries. All unexpired, unopened, non-perishable food is accepted. We're requesting the following items that are in high demand and low supply:

  • Pasta + Sauce
  • Soup
  • Canned protein
  • Canned fruit
  • Individual snacks

Here are some statistics to illustrate how food insecurity impacts our community:

  • A 2019 survey of nearly 86,000 college students at 123 two- and four-year institutions reported that 45% of respondents were food insecure in the prior 30 days.1
  • Among students earning low grades in two-year colleges, more than half are food and/or housing insecure.
  • Feeding America estimates that 15.4% of Alachua County residents and 18.3% of Bradford County residents experienced food insecurity in 2020.2
  • In 2019, SF's pantry distributed over 14,500 pounds of food.

Please consider donating to our Hunger Action Month food drive to support Saints Foodshare and fight food insecurity throughout our campus community. For more information, contact

1 Goldrick-Rab, Baker-Smith, Coca, Looker, and Williams (2019). College and university basic needs insecurity: A national #RealCollege survey report. The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice.
2 Feeding America (2021). State-by-state resource: The impact of Coronavirus on food insecurity.
