African Celebration 2021
April 12, 2021
This article is more than 3 years old and may contain outdated information.
Welcome to the continent of Africa
- 5 regions
- 54 countries
- 2,000 languages
- 1.26 billion people
Each country and people group has its own complex history, unique culture, and beautiful language.
The History of Africa
More Information on African Culture Africa's Ancient Name History of the African Migration
- First homo sapiens born 200,000 years ago
- First ice age 70,000 years ago
- First humans leave Africa 60,000
- First humans reach Australia 50,000
- First humans enter Europe 40,000
- Last ice age 25,000
- First humans in the Americas 15,000
Top 10 African Contributions to World Civilization:
- Burial
- Agriculture
- Architecture
- Astronomy
- Metallurgy
- The birth of the Iron age
- Mathematics
- Surgery
- Writing
- Transcontinental exploration