Virtual Reflection Wall: Supporting and Protecting our Asian/Asian American Students and Colleagues
March 30, 2021
This article is more than 3 years old and may contain outdated information.
Student Life celebrates diversity and embraces everyone's lived experience. We stand for social justice, and we condemn every act of racism, brutality, and oppression.
The horrific shooting in Atlanta that took the lives of eight people – six of whom were Asian/Asian-American women – is an alarming reminder that with over 3,800 reports, anti-Asian hate incidents have risen 1,900% in the last year. We often have message boards on campus to provide students a space to convey their thoughts or ideas during these times. Because we are all working remotely, we invite SF students to share their thoughts and feelings on the recent events and issues in the online form. Submissions will be posted on our virtual reflection wall. We will not be able to post any submissions that include profanity, abusive language, or exceed 300 words.