SFPD and Regional First Responders Will Participate in Training Exercise on Northwest Campus
March 19, 2021
This article is more than 4 years old and may contain outdated information.
March 19, 2021 – Police from a number of North Central Florida agencies will be in several classrooms in and around L building, following all college health and safety protocols, March 22-26. The intensive professional development provides best practices in recognition and interaction with individuals with mental illnesses, those with substance abuse problems and other vulnerable populations.
The Alachua County Crisis Center coordinates the class involving safe role play scenarios and site visits to facilities. Instead of confronting and arresting a person who shows signs of emotional distress, Crisis Intervention Team trained members have more "tools" and options to help with the situation and direct the person into treatment instead of jail. The Santa Fe College Police Department was the first agency in the region to have all their sworn members complete this training and new staff attend as soon as the class is offered.