Last Week of #WhoCanYouCan Canned Food Drive – Donate Today

November 17, 2020

November 17, 2020 – The #WhoCanYouCan canned food drive wraps up this week. The Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo and Santa Fe College Police Department decided to team up last month to collect cans for to help food-insecure families in the community. Cans collected over the course of the event will be given to the Gainesville Harvest Food Bank and Catholic Charities.

The COVID-19 global pandemic has not only impacted families who were already food-insecure, but also families who have never needed to utilize the services of food banks who have lost jobs and are now in need of help. Even before the pandemic, as many as one out of every five people, and one of every four children in the community did not have reliable access to food.

There are donation boxes set up across SF's Northwest Campus, as well as SF's Andrews Center in Starke, Blount Center in Gainesville, Davis Center in Archer and Perry Center in Alachua. There are also donation boxes set up around the community at Cricket Wireless stores, Campus USA branches, Lifesouth, and Danscompany studios. For a complete list of locations visit SF's Facebook Events page(Opens in new window) and look for #WhoCanYouCan.

You still have a few more days to support this great cause and come together as a community. Drop off a non-perishable canned good, tag yourself on social media with #WhoCanYouCan and and support those in need here in the heart of Florida.
