Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo Cancels "Boo at the Zoo" for This Year

September 21, 2020

September 21, 2020 – The Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo regretfully announces that their annual family-friendly trick-or-treat event "Boo at the Zoo" has been canceled due to concerns over the current health crisis.

Each year Boo at the Zoo sees over 5,000 attendees in just a few hours. It would be exceptionally challenging to manage these crowds in the current climate. The college considered the health and safety of staff, zookeepers, the animals and visitors to the zoo while coming to this decision. Boo at the Zoo requires months of planning from student zookeepers in order to completely transform the zoo for Halloween. Zookeepers have adjusted to socially distanced and online learning, continued to care for the animals, and are currently updating the zoo in order to reopen safely to the public.

Boo at the Zoo has successfully collected over 5,000 canned goods for the community each year. This year we are planning a canned food drive to give back to the community and support local food banks during this time when resources are much needed. Details on this food drive will be released at a later date.

Throughout October, the SF Teaching Zoo will still be #BringingTheZooToYou on Facebook and Instagram. Join them on Facebook Live every Monday at 10 a.m. in October for #EnrichmentMonday, and follow along throughout the month to see tips for a more sustainable Halloween.
